Originally posted by LieBuster
"Possibility of Underwater Landslide + tsunami? .. in the Gulf?"
No chance mate.
Since everyone now flies a theory on whats going to happen in the Gulf, I think it's about my turn and I think the dolphin, whales and sharks are
going to fight back and attack all man made objects in the sea and all the sea life will be helped by ET.
We need an estimate of climate impact if we get a tsunami event with the Crude and Corexit in the mix.
It's an oil leak folks, a big oil leak that will be stopped after Obama gets a carbon tax and golden-ball-sacks has made a killing
[edit on 20-6-2010 by LieBuster]
You know .. I sincerely hope you are correct .. I really do. I see you liked AVATAR. Lets let the ETs do the sea items too. Safer all 'round!!
The Gulf "and surrounds" do not need to be bathed in oiled water perfumed with the most toxic and dangerous dispersant ever known to mankind! (that
is a quote in another post and I would have to go get the link .. but I can if you'd like).
It is $$SOROS who is deep in the money with the next drilling op off the coast of Brazil -- which already has a 2M pledge by Obama to Brazil for said
op. And BP has the Atlantis working, and all others are stopped from deep exploration .. a 'neat' turn of the day.
See I don't ignore every thing else ... I just spent 13 extra hours on this topic. Reading and posting take time, but posting takes more.
I am liking the carbon tax. I would love to get off fossil fuels .. did you know we "motor car age" people have 400 times as much lead in our bones
as people from before the invention of the motor car? ... wow! ... I want a solar car!!
Henry the VIII and all his wives had lead poisoning .. his fav desert was made with wine in a lead chaffing dish.
Sometimes I wonder if Oil Guys are Bully ETs .. but that is off topic.
The idea of bringing in additional facets .. because that is the idea here ... is to give the Pres more leverage to force the brass knuckled hands of
BP execs ..
Congress is softening them up, but Obama ... he likes to be the civil diplomat I think ... so we need to get the ammunition to him! .. .. He is
accepting their say ... but they are dirty rotten liers (and that is part of Oil Men Subculture .. worse than you can even guess) .. so we are doing
the "news-esque reporter-esque thing and providing input --- which is a good thing for loyal citizens to do.
Its the Loyal Citizens who are going to suffer ... so .. here we are standing together, huddled at our keyboards looking for answers ...
One Answer is get facts out which cannot be disputed ... and demand some response!!
Climate data, tsunami data ... REAL data on well flow, REAL data on other leaking wells and floor vents and etc ... the floating sensors which can
warn the ships away if the bubble looks immanent!! ..
They cannot survive it, not even life jackets or inflated boats have enough buoyancy .. this would be like Quick Seawater .. instead of quick sand.
It is not just the people on the shore but the workers too, and most live in the Gulf ... all BP loses is investment. That is the nature of a
The Hoagland Videos:
Richard Hoagland on Coast to Coast
The second one:
Hoagland videos from Coast to Coast part 2
The interactive map: .. it is awesome, great map!!
Interactive map of the Gulf Coast .. (check the features)
Excellent blog of person working on the research boat that BP allowed in and then barred from coming back!
Research boat
blog .. lots of nice photos!