posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by minkey53
Unemployment here is similar; that figure is because I did pay quite a bit in when I was driving a truck. Most people who made less receive less.
It's based on how much you made (and thus paid in) during the last time period (year and a half? I think?).
The limit here is one year, subject to your monetary allotment running out. The government has made possible up to 4 extensions one can apply for,
primarily due to the recession. So in many ways it is similar. There is also a provision I have found that allows one to go back to school for
re-training, receiving an AAS degree at the government's expense... and yes, I plan to take full advantage of it!
The $300 per week on Gas out of the $700 per week earnings is nearly, what, 45% of you salary, just on Gas. That's a big percentage and from
what is said, we pay the highest Gas prices in the World (and other taxes).
Two things here: first, if you look at it as a percentage it is indeed high. But if you look at the monetary remains, it's still better than most
here have it. I would
LOVE to make $1 million a year, so much that I would happily pay out 90% of that if it was required. That's still $100K
per year in my pocket!
Secondly, you mention you also pay other taxes... there is the reason for your high prices. You have subsidized health care and a ton of other
services that we in the USA have chosen to do without. These services are not free, despite what others would have people believe, and must be paid
for. Now, if you are happy paying for those services in the form of higher fuel taxes, great! Just understand why those prices are so high.
I still want to be in the US rather than the UK!
If I won the lottery, I definately would be on the first plane there, but would the US government simply let me buy a house, new car etc. and stay
there for good?
might have to become a citizen (not sure, to be honest), but that really should be no problem. We allow millions of immigrants from all
over the world into this country happily every year, each of them obtaining with that citizenship all of the rights and privileges of anyone else
(with the one exception of becoming President
I will say this: be ready for a culture shock! You'd be amazed at how many things you thought were different are not, and how many things you thought
were the same, are not.