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Hate the President not our country

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 10:39 AM
I was listening to the news on TV the other day and I noticed how few times that President Obama was called “President” Obama. He wasn’t even addressed as Mr. President or even Mr. Obama.

I thought even if you hated the President that out of respect to the office, he (or she) deserved to be called by the title of the office. This does not appear to be true because everywhere I turned I heard him called Obama , Barack Obama, or by some other play on his name in an attempt at humor or disdain.

President Obama is not the first President that the media or some Americans have disliked, but I cannot remember any other President being called out as frequently without the title of President.

I know that many Americans have become disillusioned with our government and there is much anger and discord rippling throughout our country. I also believe that a lot of the ideas, feelings and beliefs that are fueling this stance among us are from the media. I think that we are being hoodwinked and manipulated.

What is the point? Do they want us to hate our country? One way to bring down a house is to destroy the foundation. If we have no respect for the Presidency then the Presidency no longer has any meaning. There goes the foundation and our country will be soon to follow.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 10:55 AM
You must be watching Fox news. Those poor little things cannot bring themselves to say the words. They call him Mr. Obama.

Kinda pathetic. But not surprising considering the brain-washing machine for whom they work.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Did you not pay attention to MSNBC during the Bush years? I think I even heard Olberman refer to him as the devil.... SO yeah... They have.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Bush was NOT the devil.
the Devil at least gives you something you want in return...

The down- to -earth -people around the world
are no different from each other, and would all get along just fine
if we could just mail a few thousand instigators
to a little lump of dirt just south of the galactic core.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Did you not pay attention to MSNBC during the Bush years? I think I even heard Olberman refer to him as the devil.... SO yeah... They have.

Never watched Olberman. Did he say "President Bush was the devil?

Or did he call him Devil Bush?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:32 AM
why the obama hate?

I don't understand.

Obama never outed a cia agent.

what's the big deal?

he didn't start a war based on lies?

why all the hate?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I don't use the word 'hate'. It is reserved for those that I can actually approach and talk to.
It's not just the president.
It's EVERYONE in Congress. (with maybe the exception of a few...)

I don't 'hate' anyone, but I most certainly don't agree with anything this guy is doing.
I don't agree with anything in Congress right now either.
I don't believe we have any power left as the citizens.

Then again, I don't agree with how the American public is failing to handle the situation properly either.

SO in a way, I don't like everyone, equally.

If we (the citizens) we're responding the way we should be right now (uprooting those in power) then I might be happier with the public.
But, I still see the citizens sitting back and enjoying the 'American Dream'...
When in reality it will be called the 'American Nightmare' after we get the inevitable tax hike for all this spending.

We, the people, could have stopped this a long time ago....
....but we want money, fame and fortune first.
Not a true Republic.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Why hate at all, try disliking???

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:19 PM
I love my country and fellow countrymen.

I support my fellow countryman's right to pass their own state laws, no matter to what degree I disagree with them.

No matter our differences, if a fellow countryman is in need, I will help him to the best of my ability.


I DO NOT love my government.

I will, to the best of my ability, try to hinder my government from passing laws that are intended to further enslave and punish the general population and working class and that try to create new droves of criminals.

No matter the need, if my government shows up at my door and asks for help, I'll show my government my W-2's (rape statement), tell them to kiss off, then slam the door in their face.

I will never trust two sides of the same coin fighting for a single outcome all the while giving us the illusion that there are two major parties.


posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 12:32 PM
respect must be earned.......

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:29 PM
I have the same respect for the office of the president as I have for any other CEO of a corrupt corporation.
Im sure the political class wants you to "respect the office" because they think of themselves a royalty.
And Ill say it, "I HATE the president", just like the one before him and the ones before that.
Hate is a valid emotion.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by grey580
why the obama hate?

I don't understand.

Obama never outed a cia agent.

what's the big deal?

he didn't start a war based on lies?

why all the hate?

I am not suggesting that anyone hate President Obama. I am just wondering why if they do hate him do they not at least have enough respect for our country to call him by his official title.

IMHO to disagree with the President is one thing but disrespecting the office is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I was in the military and had a many disputes with superior officers. It is nonpunishable to disagree with a superior as long as you show the proper respect for the rank and position.

I think that the media is not only showing disrespect, it is encouraging others to do so as well.

I know it is too much to expect people that have grown used to being told what to think and what to believe to suddenly wake up and see the world as it really is and to take back control of their own minds and lives.

Forgive me. I don't know what I was thinking.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by DucTape
I have the same respect for the office of the president as I have for any other CEO of a corrupt corporation.
Im sure the political class wants you to "respect the office" because they think of themselves a royalty.
And Ill say it, "I HATE the president", just like the one before him and the ones before that.
Hate is a valid emotion.

We don’t have to love the man that ends up in the office of the Presidency even if we don’t believe that he got there legitimately or if we don’t like the job that he is doing. It is our duty and responsibility to correct the ills of the past. We have forgotten that the government is supposed to serve us, and that we have the power to choose the right people to serve.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:59 PM
People have short memories, every single president has been disrespected by the other party. Clinton was called Clinton, or "Slick Willy" Bush was Called Worst.
Reagan Was the Anti-Christ... Obama has been the most babied out of any president since maybe, Kennedy. and Obama is the least deserving, to be protected.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
People have short memories, every single president has been disrespected by the other party. Clinton was called Clinton, or "Slick Willy" Bush was Called Worst.
Reagan Was the Anti-Christ... Obama has been the most babied out of any president since maybe, Kennedy. and Obama is the least deserving, to be protected.

I agree that all Presidents have been called nasty names, but the media "consistently" drops the title of President when referring to President Obama. Not occasionally but consistently, that is why it came to my attention.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by NightSkyeB4Dawn
Hate the President not our country

i read your op and can agree with the sentiment.
there seems to be a widespread (but contained?) sense of lack of fealty, loyalty, or in some cases lack of community.

i suggest hating neither, but rather hating the actions and behaviors that are ... not healthy. when hate helps you relate, then focus that hate one those aspects you can influence to help people move in a positive manner. problems these days are the social engineering mechanisms which are firmly in place that prevent us from knowing our own skills and potentials.
and i think you covered some aspects of this well in your post.

I think that we are being hoodwinked and manipulated.

wish i could offer you proof to the contrary, but since i can't ... then there are elements in play determining things for us or trying to.

what would have to be going on in their reality to justify what it is they are doing?

one of life's little mysteries?

maybe, but not so mysterious to some.

there is no such thing as "A PERFECT LIE", is there?
The ultimate question:
"What is the meaning of this sentence?"

thanks for sharing your thoughts with other ATSers,

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:26 AM
Well obama has screwed all of us

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