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Current Status of Israeli Propaganda

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 08:46 AM
I think Israel's propaganda machine failed this time because of the blogosphere and the internet:

- Israel's lies about the blockade have been exposed too. Millions now know that the things it blocks from entering Gaza include children's toys, coriander and jam. And that it is trying to starve the people of Gaza into submission.

- And the activists were eventually released and some have managed to smuggle out videos and photos even though Israel stole their cameras, phones and memory cards.

- The supposed photos of weaponry on the boats put out by the Israeli Govt was rapidly exposed as fake (some were taken in 2003)

- The lie that there was no violence on any other boat was quickly exposed when the people on those boats reported beatings, taser attacks and pre-meditated violence.

Fact to remember is all this is on the web not in where it counts. The mainstream.

Even if slowly more and more evidence contradicts the Israeli version, bull# like the edited radio communication has been debunked and the illegal matter becomes more apparent only to be denied, its all a matter of what you make people believe on the first days and how many.

Just keep on outright lying if necessary. Even make up "evidence". It doesn't matter even if it becomes questionable just a week or a day later. No one is "questioning" in the mainstream. It all a show to propagate a desired perspective.

Today no one except for some individuals care about the lack of WMDs in Iraq.
No one cares about the beaten children's, forced marriages and civil rights in Afghanistan anymore. In three months no one will care about the lack of legal and moral justification for the Israeli approach in this and other related cases like the still existing blockade and inspections aimed to hurt the Gazan population.

It is about time someone in the mainstream media bring up the fact that Israel targeted journalists in an attempt to control what was seen. Fortunately, the world doesn't have to depend on corporate media for it's information. Citizen journalism will bring the truth out and it scares oppressive regimes to death. One day Americans are going to stand up and demand that our government stop bowing down to Israel. It won't be so easy considering the how much Israel has entrenched itself into US political stage to the highest level. Unless the MSM starts reporting unbiased versions with facts things are going to remain same for a long time but it does not mean forever.

Current scenario of MSM (best to open image in new window to see it properly)

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 09:16 AM
Unlike 9/11 or other terrorist attacks, this IDF disaster has been exposed from the very beginning and all of this information is freely and widely available online; if Israel or anyone else brings this issue up in the news, many thousands of people will go online to investigate, and they will use Google to find information. They are going to find a lot of this very same information, even if Jewish internet defenders buy preferred search terms on the site. People are not as stupid as we often think they are; they can see through a shallow PR scam when they see it, and this flotilla issue is impossible for Israel to gloss over.

If you want to get the issue in the mainstream media, do what Israel's defenders do: Get organized; get a lot of money together, raise a lot of noise online, and make sure that your funding is sustainable. The 'Jewish media' is just a preponderance of 'experts' from Jewish lobby groups, and the only reason they appear on TV so often is that they pay for the privilege. If you want to fight at their level, you need to be organized and media-savvy.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
If you want to get the issue in the mainstream media, do what Israel's defenders do: Get organized; get a lot of money together, raise a lot of noise online, and make sure that your funding is sustainable. The 'Jewish media' is just a preponderance of 'experts' from Jewish lobby groups, and the only reason they appear on TV so often is that they pay for the privilege. If you want to fight at their level, you need to be organized and media-savvy.

Very practical and down to earth suggestions. I will also accept the point of being media savy and pay for privilege but money is not everything. When the news institutions are themselves afraid of airing a opinion nothing much can be done about it. Why are they afraid? You see what just happened to a long time famous journalist, holocaust survivor Helen Thomas. One can imagine what will happen to other non-influential members of press or even organizations.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by YJLTG

If you attach yourself to a group that already exists and gets media airtime, all the better; they are politically correct and the media will not be afraid to share their opinions, no matter how radical they are. Remember that the Israel lobby is extremely radical; it calls for America to basically drop everything to support an alien sovereign nation, on religious grounds, with no expectations of anything in return. If you attach yourself to the Palestinian cause in the media, then it will be easier to say what you wish to say, although it will still be an uphill battle.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 09:09 PM
I think you guys have described it well
its he who has the gold calls the tune

they are talking about stepping on the blogoshere
in America and probably around the world in the zionist controlled countries
the damage to balanced truth directed discussion
will be disasterous
for every one.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Sheol

It's going to take a lot more than that to derail the Israeli propaganda machine. They truly are masters of deception. Perhaps the best there has ever been. And I respect their abilities in this regard.

But the worst part of their propaganda can't be stopped. You'd have to burn every Bible, Koran and Hebrew Bible. And shut down all the churches and mosques and synagogues.

Ban ADL and SPLC. Force our governments to get their own intelligence instead of relying on Mossad to do the heavy lifting.

And until such things occur we shall never be free of this brainwashing.

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