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Computer = 666 = mark of the beast

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posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:29 AM
you are correct.

I did the computations::


COMPUTER = 18+90+78+96+126+120+30+108=666

KISSINGER = 666 also
VACCINATION = 666 also

coincidence? doesnt=666 heh

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 06:01 PM
Yes, but like you say that's only if you do the alphabet as multiples of six, doesn't it? Coincidence. There's bound to be loads of words that it applies to if you're working on that basis. Does that mean that they all stand for some hallucinated religious prophecy as well? As I said before, life would be weirder if with all the possibilities in the world we didn't have coincidences like this. Scepticism is one thing; this is misplaced paranoia.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 06:26 AM
From what I can make out there seems to be several people and institutions that can be given the number 666. Apparently the name ELIZABETH II in asci code is 666 (and us Brits have her head in our right hands whenever we buy or sell)

George Walker Bush is also 666 using the ancient Chaldean numerology pattern and I am sure that I read somewhere that Henry Kissinger could be attributed this number.

Seems like there is no end of 666 candidates out there.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 12:50 AM
Realizing these are old posts and there probably is a
newer topic somewhere, I throw in a bit of history.
In the days of the Bible, as I understand it, there was
a popular game with the Greeks. It was called the
number of your name.
It was a game to find others with the same number as your name.
In Greek, the alphabet doubles for a numbering system,
so names can be read as numbers.
In English, we have a number system
separate from the alphabet, so a translation from the
Greek of around AD100 to the KJV Bible with "the number of his name" ,
while accurately translated, does
not carry the same meaning. The same is true of
Hebrew, as pointed out in an earlier post. Very simple
intrepretation shows that no tricks will be needed to
read the number of a name in Hebrew or Greek. It is in-
herent in the language. As I understand it, this is also the basis of
"the Bible code".


posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 01:09 AM
I was born, November 8th 1982. hmmmmmmmm

1982, 8-2 eqauls 6,

11 months 8th day, 8-1-1 equals 6

19 from 1982, 1-9 equals 8, 8-2 ( this two comes from the first number of my age 21) equals 6.

Im the beast.........noooooooooooo

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 02:21 AM


lol, that supports rogue chris's arguement, because the world wide web is a computer supported system,a system people depend on.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 02:28 AM
I'm unsure of if it's an Actuall "Mark"

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 06:43 AM
I remember reading that when John wrote Revelations, Nero was Caesar of Rome, and that 666 pertained to him.

Wait, I found a link:

This looks like a Christian website.

Not everything in the world revolves around Christianity. 666 is purely a Christian belief. If the Hindus said "76" is the number of evil, would you say that America was founded on evil (1776)? Would you stop getting gas at Union 76?

Another reach on the part of religion

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Rogue Chris
If you take the multiples of 6 down the alphabet, A=6, B=12, C=18 etc... add up the multiples from the word computer. It equals 666. This is no coincidence.

Why multiples of 6? It seems a stretch to go that far. Even in cryptography, that's a strange code.
If you use the A=1, B=2, C=3 code, you come out with 111.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I was born, November 8th 1982.

Zero !! We have the same birthday, different birth year though (1970)

Happy belated b-day man !!!

12 years different = multiples of 6.......does this mean I'm evil too !?!?!

[Edited on 12-24-2003 by darklanser]

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by N0_hope_in_sight
You will be albe to have the processing power of 100 PC in the area of a pin tip. This limit is said to be reached in about 10 to 15 years.

This is very true and will happen one day. Though I wouldnt have never thought that the NWO is going to use computers to help their takeover.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Tier Enrie
Okay....a lil' side note....Revelation has nothing to do with what is happening now...hate to burst yer bubble, but after several years of studying it (as I have) One can clearly see that Revelation is encouraging people to not give in to the leaders at the time of Jesus. The beast with the horns and all is ALL symbolic...just an experts opinion...

hahaha another expert poster. # off. i get so tired of your idiotic I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT speaches.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer

Originally posted by Tier Enrie
Okay....a lil' side note....Revelation has nothing to do with what is happening now...hate to burst yer bubble, but after several years of studying it (as I have) One can clearly see that Revelation is encouraging people to not give in to the leaders at the time of Jesus. The beast with the horns and all is ALL symbolic...just an experts opinion...

hahaha another expert poster. # off. i get so tired of your idiotic I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT speaches.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 07:59 PM
the correct spelling is speeches.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 08:08 PM
Huurrahh another 666 person, I wish I had a dollar for everytime I saw someone who found 666 in something and developed a formula for finding it everywhere that coincidentally contains something they don't particularly like. I think they live in the same basket as those who see the internet as the root of al evil, and them who really know that guns can move on their own and kill people.
I just wish we had more of these, they keep my days humourous.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 08:26 PM
A computer isn't called a computer everywhere in the world, and if you use multiples of 2, 3, or 4 for example you get different sums. So in other words, it's a coincidence.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Niclas]

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Niclas]

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:06 PM
Ok guys let my put my 2 cents here I will give my arguments why each 666 word is not possible to be associated with what you suggested.

1) internet ? Internet will never replace actual stores and will NEVER be able to completely replace anything throughout the WHOLE world. (May be in Africa most people will go to Heaven since they dont have computers and internet ??!!?)

There always will be VERY poor economicly countries and they will make no CHOICE at all ! which if you read to the end of my post you will see I think is the whole point of the Christ religion.
Also have in mind that your suggestions totally remove the idea or non-monopoly economy which as far as I know is all over the world present except USA (Windows).

2) Computer ? It makes some sense to say it can be the computer due to the fact that our beloved Bill Gate$ controls much more then half of the world PC users! BUT again it does not make sense since the countries with much lower economic standard in your suggestions suddenly will become more suitable for heaven!

3) Bar Code: the 2 longer lines Is 100% fallacy I just got 2 mineral bottles of water and each of them had different 1st , middle and last long lines not to mention then the second bottle had 4 not 3 long lines.

You have to have in mind that whatever that will be it should ASK you in a way to make a CHOICE ! so that you are actually removing yourself from the true Faith. REMEMBER the whole point of Christianity is that we have FREE will ! There will be a choice to be made one way or another which will be significant and I do not think it has been done by most of us already just by going hand to hand with technology. Although its VERY obvious that technology will go hand to hand with 666 some day !

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Akrion]

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Akrion]

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Akrion]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:34 AM
my belief is that the mark of the beast will be the chip placed in your hand. first it started with animals, get this chip injected into old roy and you will be able to find him when he is lost etc,etc. that was the start of making the thought of people getting the chip normal, then it went to missing children, get this chip injected into your child and if they come up missing you again will be able to find them. not that that went over too well as i don't know of too many children with chips in their hands. then we have the cashless society, identify protection, visa cards with chips in them, walmart rfid tags,onstar etc,etc all of this is just getting people ready to take the chip into their forehand and not put up too much of a struggle. but the thing that will get a chip into your hand will be the homeland security issue and or the illegal immigrant issue, they (the government) will need someway of identifying who is ok and who may be a terrorist, what better way than having a chip in your hand to identify yourself as a good guy, and for the ones who refuse...they will simply starve to death because without this chip your not going to eat because you will not be able to do business without your mark. sounds rather cruel doesn't it

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:54 AM
But having in mind how many people in USA are in fact related to various religions do you really think they will accept these "innovation" of security and trade? Do you really think that with so many people who claim to be Christians the government will be able to get this thing running ? I have to agree that connected with the Terrorist threat this thing sound very possible ! I guess I will know when to go back to my Bulgaria then !

[Edited on 27-12-2003 by Akrion]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 02:38 AM
i have heard preachers say that a chip in your forehand is not the mark of the beast and that it would be ok as christians to accept it, but i don't remember the names of the preachers that said this so it will just be called rumor. i am a christian, but i don't fit into the christianity of today as it were. my belief is that the christians have been sold out and the followers have no idea what is even happening, they have become weak and afraid to be thorns, so to answer your question most christains will follow just like everyone else if it comes to the choice of eating and surviving.

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