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Chemtrailers are People, Too.

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posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by Deuteronomy 23:13
I don't get you debunker types. You paint the true believers of the opposition as a lot of fools. Then why pay attention to them? Do you enjoy making fun of people with mental infirmaties? If that is true then you are amongst the lowest of the lowlife?

Oh the irony! You yourself make the presumption above that chemtrailers have mental infirmities! And you also make the assumption that skeptics feel the same as you do.



I made no such presumptions at all. I was defining context. Context being the skeptics low opinion of those who disagree with them. I shouldn't have to eplain this to you. Are you being purposefully ignorant?

I don't know what skeptics feel. I am not a skeptic. I have and open mind. I am only making observations from what I am reading in this thread. Your post is wrong on may levels. But still I would like to know why any self professed critical thinker would debate with someone whom they thought was a fool? I know you and your little friends are going to dodge this question. Because you are embaressed by the answer would be my guess.

(But, since we are on the subject everybody suffers mental infirmity to varying degrees.)

Your attempt to make me feel humiliated failed miserably. Irony indeed!

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Chemtrailers people doing a job and getting paid by the hour to support their family just like every one else. Most likely they are being lied to about what infact their actual job is or perhaps they feel as though they will be black bombed if they intend to inform the public.
But this is nothing new chemtrailers, nazi terrorists, our own troops, even breaking it down to your own house hold items....I hate to say it but we are all supporting bio-logical weapons in the dumbing down of socitey your just as guilty as the next guy.
Beg to differ????? Please I would love to assualt you with information about your contributes lol
using the internet expnds the high frequency weapons that are being unknowingly sujected onto society along with anything else containing small amounts of radiation: cellphones, microwaves, toasters, computers, ect. all give off frequencies that can be tapped into by government authorities in order to brain wash you. There are studies that proves this.

Then how about the bio-logical weapons that you have purchased in your homes, they are just as dangerous as chemtrails: anything containing high frutose corn syrup becasue of the amounts of mercury that you are ingesting, floride which is found in bottled water and tap water but not only that but also found in RAT POISON and your are drinking it. This goes on and on.

Chemtrails are bio-logical weapons that are being subjected onto the people, but why are you concerned with it now? It has happened before and we were well aware that history repaets it's self, so obviously what the link that I demonstrate is happening again.

These are just minor offences of bio-logical weapon testing on you without your knowledge, yet some how I'm sure there was a law that we all passed that it's under somewhere. And with that being said lets take a look at some other more note-able bio weapons, such as diseases "Man Made diseases" I might add. Aids was infact injected into half a million people in 1977 as a vaccine, made by robert gallo if they are able to infect us w/ disease How easy would it be for someone of authority power to spread it in our air? Not convinced? how about anthrax? do you know the effects of urainium, such as the urainium bullets we allow our troops to come in contact w/ over seas. "Tuskegee Experiment" sound familiar? did we agree to it?

Chemtrails are the least of our worries!

Bio-logical warfare is among us and has been since before you were born. What's worse is that the government "HAS THE RIGHT" to quarentine us.....research this! Because they can and will quarentine you, in a concentration camp.....if you refuse they can and will acuse you of being a terrorist and will be subjected to worse!

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Mind control is far stranger than dispersal of agents in the atmosphere.

They've admitted to large scale mind control experiments.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:05 PM
I am just letting people know (in case of being mislead by the OP's links) that chemtrails are NOT simply defined as persistent contrails. Any real chemtrail expert will tell you that in most cases you can not identify a chemtrail with your naked eye, you need binoculars to see if something is being sprayed or if it's just a contrail. I agree that contrails are often misidentified as chemtrails but that does not somehow dismiss the reality of real chemtrails. There is a strong effort to spread disinformation concerning chemtrails, if you want to find the truth about this topic it will require a lot of independent research.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Just as the CIA were doing testing on U.S citizens, it can still go on today. In NYC a test was doing by having a chemical go through the car exhaust. This is documented fact. It is no longer legal for tests to be done on U.S citizens but do you think that stops them? The CIA is a corrupt organization that should be shutdown.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Ok I see what we have here.

Decided to get your own thread huh?

But you don't exactly have anything new to say, have you?

I made some comments, in the other thread about you posting that list of Chemtrail threads, 4 times in 5 pages.

But you took it even further,

"This is my thread"

*insert List of other people's threads*

"Therefore, chemtrails don't exist."

"Chemtrailers suck! They all stink of poo, and are products of generations and generations of inbreeding"

"Common, gang, form the circle!"


"This was my thread, I hope I get a lot of replies and star and flags."

A new low as far as I am concerned.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

This is good, I agree

I wish some people on this thread had a sense of humour though. I guess they've never watched a comedian on tv? Never laughed at observational humour aimed at particular people/groups?

It's a sad day if you can't laugh at yourself, either

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8

Imagine my life is absolute proof that electronic mind control exists, and we still have to put up with this garbage on ats.

Who is delusional, not me, but the people who try and deny this mind control exists.

I could use a word for the skeptics who must be just like cardboard boxes and as useful.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Ahhh i love this one. The classic "I am a victim of mind controll".
Please explain to me in this horrible world of dis-info and dis-info agents why in the world should we listen to anyone that admits to being under the influence of mind control? Since your mind is under control by people other than you why should anyone even listen to you?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by zaiger

My whole family and everyone who knows me, knows i found out about it in school in 1992.

So who cares if you do not believe. I do not have one moment of privacy at all in my life and people always knowing what i am doing fact.

So who cares if you do not believe. Uk schools i found have these things being used on them fact, in 1992.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033

Imagine my life is absolute proof that electronic mind control exists,

No, no it isn't. Proof would be if you actually told your story, in depth, and provided evidence to back it up.

What you do is use every opportunity to mention your 'horrible mind control experience' on ATS, without ever backing up the outlandish claims you make with actual evidence. If not evidence just some substance would suffice, instead of the vague three lined response you usually give.

What say you?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Point of No Return
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Ok I see what we have here.

Decided to get your own thread huh?

But you don't exactly have anything new to say, have you?

I made some comments, in the other thread about you posting that list of Chemtrail threads, 4 times in 5 pages.

But you took it even further,

"This is my thread"

*insert List of other people's threads*

"Therefore, chemtrails don't exist."

"Chemtrailers suck! They all stink of poo, and are products of generations and generations of inbreeding"

"Common, gang, form the circle!"


"This was my thread, I hope I get a lot of replies and star and flags."

A new low as far as I am concerned.

You absolutely hit the nail on the head with this post!!!! Kudos to you, sir!

"Maybe...Maybe Not" is certainly not abiding by the ATS mantra to "deny ignorance".

This thread is what you call fishing....and it is shameful and quite disrespectful. What the OP doesn't realize is that more people than not will realize this and wonder even more why there is such a blatant campaign against people who are interested in the possibility of chemtrails.

Either that, and this is also a very strong possibility, or the OP just wanted to brown nose his disinfo heroes on here.

May I suggest the OP find a level of maturity greater than 12 years old.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
No, no it isn't. Proof would be if you actually told your story, in depth, and provided evidence to back it up.

You cannot speak me down, you know i cannot come on here saying here ring the gov and they will tell you.

Who cares if you do not believe, i do not. I know it for a fact and i talk openly on net and in life about it and everyone who knows me, knows its real fact and that i cannot live one sec of my life in privacy.

Electronic remote mind control is fact, and they can take every single memory you have. If the police and gov suspect you of a serious crime they will be able to target you, and remember they can just make it up.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Dont even bother repeating yourself again. You have been jumping from thread to thread going on and on about "mind controll in school in 1992" never making any attempt to go into it or back up your claim at all.
I could go on but i think everyone gets the point. You were mind controlled in 1992 and apparently they make you spam every thread on ATS telling people about it. I really do not care if you were mind controlled or not.

[edit on 14-6-2010 by zaiger]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by tappy

I wish some people on this thread had a sense of humour though. I guess they've never watched a comedian on tv? Never laughed at observational humour aimed at particular people/groups?

This is a discussion forum bub.

It's not Comedy Central.

Joking is fun, ridiculing entire groups of people because they are on the opposite site of the discussion, is not ATS worthy.

The OP, wich is a wrong description by definition: no originality in his posts at all, should be ashamed.

If you don't see the problem, maybe you should be to.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by zaiger

Ehm, mind control by CIA is a proven fact, they even ran some freakin' documentaries on Discovery with former CIA agents and victims and all.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by andy1033

You come onto this thread about chemtrails, see my post (which I admit isn't a great post, but it wasn't meant to be) in which someone is wearing a tin-foil hat, and you think 'Oh, that looks remotely like some kind of mind control device, here is another opportunity for me to mention my terrible, terrible life' and you post the usual vague drivel about the police controlling you.

You must get a hard on when you see someone post a thread about mind control.

Originally posted by andy1033
Who cares if you do not believe, i do not.

Then please stop banging on about it. You obviously care enough to keep mentioning it every opportunity you get. If you don't care what people think, stop mentioning it

Originally posted by andy1033
I know it for a fact and i talk openly on net

Then start a thread on here explaining your story. I've never heard you explain it other than mention how it has and is ruining your life. So...?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Most chemtrail believers do not know what a contrail is. They think every line in the sky is a chemical to make them fight each other. Believers in chemtrails are easy to spot by their lack of intelligence, somewhere below that of Prince.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

I was once a chemtrailer, nothing that a little education could not cure. I remember one time i stepped out and saw this.

I noticed they were all Masonic letters, i was so fear stricken i did not leave my chicken coop for weeks. when i did i had to give my cat to the pound because the second "p" in apple was a secret chemical message that my cat was in on it. The masonic letter "e" told me that "a" was masonic for "there are UFOs in your teeth". So i removed all my teeth and devorced my wife because she was covered in chemicals.

[edit on 14-6-2010 by zaiger]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:18 PM
eh, I thought from the thread title you were offering some support for my buds that are up there flying the jets.

here's a link

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