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MSM reports "DOOMSDAY scenario" about new Oil Spill

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:07 AM

The process, known as bioremediation, uses microorganisms to break down some toxic hydrocarbons present in crude oil into less harmful compounds. It was used to help mitigate the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

BEIJING (AFP) – Authorities in China are using over 23 tonnes of oil-eating bacteria to help clean up an oil spill in the Yellow Sea caused by a pipeline explosion and fire at the weekend, state media said Tuesday.

"The use of the oil-eating bacteria at the Dalian spill is the first time China has made major use of biotechnology to solve an environmental pollution problem," the report said.

Oh great, so they use this biotechnology to clean up their spill??? KITs COREEXIT!!

The process, known as bioremediation, uses microorganisms to break down some toxic hydrocarbons present in crude oil into less harmful compounds. It was used to help mitigate the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

And we all know what the outcome has been for all of the workers from the Exxon Valdez spill.

So we now have China using one of the most toxic substances known to man to create dead zones in the sea where 90% of their food sources come from but also the deadly toxic gas's which will be carried on the winds and in the rain to wipe out millions.

I had the thought today that they may be helping terraform our planet for some distant and methane loving alien overlords.

You know China has the main offices of BP? They are some of the largest investors and imho are the root cause of the gulf disaster, the dead zones and the toxic fallout which has already begun to destroy crops and damage peoples health and well being.

Just wait until this winter when all of the chemicals in our environment mix with the common flu...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Does anyone know how much of this coreexit they tried to use in the Gulf?

How much did they use on the Exxon Valdex insident?

And just how dangerous will this be to the people of China? The world?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Corexit 9527, considered by the EPA to be an acute health hazard, is stated by its manufacturer to be potentially harmful to red blood cells, the kidneys and the liver, and may irritate eyes and skin.[23][14] The chemical 2-butoxyethanol, found in Corexit 9527, was identified as having caused lasting health problems in workers involved in the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.[24] According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused people "respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders".[16] Like 9527, 9500 can cause hemolysis (rupture of blood cells) and may also cause internal bleeding.[4]

According to the EPA, Corexit is more toxic than dispersants made by several competitors and less effective in handling southern Louisiana crude.[25] On May 20, 2010, the EPA ordered BP to look for less toxic alternatives to Corexit, and later ordered BP to stop spraying dispersants, but BP responded that it thought that Corexit was the best alternative and continued to spray it.[3]

Corexit 9527, considered by the EPA to be an acute health hazard, is stated by its manufacturer to be potentially harmful to red blood cells, the kidneys and the liver, and may irritate eyes and skin.[23][14] The chemical 2-butoxyethanol, found in Corexit 9527, was identified as having caused lasting health problems in workers involved in the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.[24] According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused people "respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders".[16] Like 9527, 9500 can cause hemolysis (rupture of blood cells) and may also cause internal bleeding.[4]

I am very very concerned. How can our Government and President tell BP to stop using coreexit and then BP tells them NO we will continue to use the dispersant! There are other less toxic dispursants and yet BP states that they will continue to use the most deadly mixture? It was reported that the other less deadly and toxic ones were sold by different companies, SO again it is about money and the powerful few destroying our planet with a blatent disreguard for all life.

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