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Marijuana Party a Toke over the Line

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posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 06:54 PM
We send the guns north because we are trying to keep all the SAMSQUACTHES!!!! up give me some smokes....TPB rule man.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:46 AM

[edit on C:Satocu06e6 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 07:12 AM
Opinions vary, Choosing either the Grits or the Tories will have you sleeping with those "Intercerters" over your head. If that's what you want I wonder about your sanity. Just to confirm the NDP support on legalization I got Jack Layton to sign this card.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 07:40 AM
I don't know if our American and European friends are going to care or bother much with listening to boring Canadian politics. But oh what the hell...

It�s really scary now days it seems through out the west voters are losing faith in our leaders. It seems that voting is becoming nothing more than an illusion to keep the people thinking that they have some say in they their country is administered, but in reality their say is little if any. Perhaps it�s been this way for a while. This is going to be an interesting election, as for Canadian elections go. I'm still going to vote though, even though I think their all liars and idiots with their heads up their collective asses. At lease we have 5 choices, one of which...he he, I aint saying doesn't get a fair shake. And its not the Marijuana party.

Actually I shouldn�t just mention Americans and Europeans there's people from all over the world who post here.

[edit on C:Tueocu06e6 by Opus]

[edit on C:Tueocu06e6 by Opus]

[edit on C:Tueocu06e6 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:43 AM
Well obviously this story is one of interest but no real validity seeing as we're on our to electing and proudly I might add, a new conservative government. As a conservative and an anti drug crusader I believe that yes there are some benefits to Marijuana on a medical level because it supposedly eases pain and allows useres to escape for 3 hours or so.( I say supposedly because I have never used myself, however I've done research into all drugs out there) However it has also been proven the Marijuana being the drug we're talking about does have seven times the carcinogens as cigarettes, not to mention most people smoke it unfiltered. However easing a dying patients suffering is really the only use I see for this crap on the planet I mean come on people this is a conspiracy website denying ignorance is the motto it's painfully obvious that government(s) are in complete control of trafficking this stuff because it keeps people passive. No one's gonna get there panties in a knot while high my friend smokes up once a week and can barely remember things he does the day before. All in all drugs are no matter what a crutch for the weak. The need to escape reality is to promote ignorance.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by CanadianConspirator
The need to escape reality is to promote ignorance.

That is a pretty powerful statement, and I would have to agree- regardless of your drug/alcohol of choice.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:21 AM
Canadian Pot.....

Well obviously this story is one of interest but no real validity seeing as we're on our to electing and proudly I might add, a new conservative government. As a conservative and an anti drug crusader I believe that yes there are some benefits to Marijuana on a medical level because it supposedly eases pain and allows useres to escape for 3 hours or so.( I say supposedly because I have never used myself, however I've done research into all drugs out there) However it has also been proven the Marijuana being the drug we're talking about does have seven times the carcinogens as cigarettes, not to mention most people smoke it unfiltered. However easing a dying patients suffering is really the only use I see for this crap on the planet I mean come on people this is a conspiracy website denying ignorance is the motto it's painfully obvious that government(s) are in complete control of trafficking this stuff because it keeps people passive. No one's gonna get there panties in a knot while high my friend smokes up once a week and can barely remember things he does the day before. All in all drugs are no matter what a crutch for the weak. The need to escape reality is to promote ignorance.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:35 AM
Canadian Pot?

1. There ARE medical benefits to marijuana. Would you rather be a guinea pig and ingest the # the pharmacutical companies want to pump in you when you are sick. Here try this, take this, have this, till you are a Stepford wife?

2. Speaking of that, I would also venture to guess that you feel it is OK for people to take mind altering drugs such as Prozac,Effexor, Celexa, etc. You are playing with the chemical balance of your 'brain' there buddy, but everyone thinks to seem it is OK. People develop dependcies to that to.

3. Pot does not make every user a 'short-term memory',non functioning member of society. Next time you are in line at the grocery store, look at the 10 people around you. At least 4 have gotten high in the last month. Do they ALL look homeless and mindless? I think not.

4. There are over 150 checmicals in cigarettes, as compared to 40 or so in marijuana. Marijuana is natural, Cigs are chemically enhanced to a point where some studies revealed the effects of withdrawls from cigs border on herion recovery. The addictive checmicals are added to the cigs themselves them then delivered to your local store. Why not become a "ANTI-MARLBORO" crusader, and tell people when you see them buying a pack to put them back.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:43 AM
Am I seeing double here or are Canadian Conspirator & his/her echo both stoned? Someone's definitely showing signs of short-term memory loss here.

Hell, I hate to see the holier-than-thou's who just have to butt into what was meant to be a humorous post. And BTW, at least one of your "facts" is based on spurious research. Now that you've had your little bit of spoilsport fun, perhaps you'll leave us now to ours.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:54 AM
Stop sniping at each other.

Now stay on topic and quit with the underhanded insults or warnings come next.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:36 PM
Yeah I'm not sure what the deal was with that echo but anyway, sorry I've never been stoned. As for some of the other points No I don't believe that any addictions are good, whether they be to legal or illegal substances. I belive that people need to make their own decisions and be strong enough to stand behind them. Yes I have met many people who smoke up quite often/take even harder stubstances who are fine fully functioning members of society however their time, money body are all being paid in order to enjoy a high for a few hours seems like a huge waste to me. It's not a personal thing if people want to get high that's their own choice no one can say or do anything to stop them.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Valid points, Canadian Conspirator. And they're as valid in regard to consumption of alcohol. All things in moderation.

I guess what appealed to me most about this topic was how it struck me as being a refreshing change to see some humour in a political campaign.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:20 PM
Here's a link to the complete platform adopted in April 2002 by the Marijuana Party.

Party Platform

Party Website

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:50 PM
Free Tommy Chong!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 08:35 PM
Their policies look to be well-thought out & reasonable, KillerD. Or at least as far as I can tell, since I'm neither a Canadian citizen nor resident there.

There was once a National Marijuana Party in Australia that stood for the Senate several decades ago. They totally damaged themselves right from the start due to the name of their leader [I think he changed it by deed poll] - J.J. McRoach. Serious, folks!

Am I right in assuming that this Canadian party doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning anything?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:02 PM
No they're no where near close to winning a damn thing.

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