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Afghanistan: Now the Longest U.S. War

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Make no mistake, I am a college student after all and am subjected to the rhetorical mind bending of tenured professors that make some of the debates here seem like a a elementary school PTA meeting by comparison(although less so since I am in "Hard" science thankfully)

To use a George Carlin term (who I am quite fond of) Americans suffer from a terminal case of "pussifacation". We become far too caught up on one causality or another and lose sight of who we are and what we even stand for.

This is particularly true in the case of modern "warfare" when you are far more likely to encounter a post regarding empathy for belligerents we are engaging, or the musings of some 1960's burnout, than you are our own troops on the battle field.

Politically speaking, I am a libertarian, so I am not fond of overseas imperialism or entering into military engagements against countries that do not pose us a direct threat, but on the same token, I grow tired of the endless political posturing associated with items that have nothing to do with the engagement itself and everything to do with promoting a political agenda.

Long gone are the days of Generals like Mac Arthur and Patton who were not subjected to this level of "pussifacation" and I suppose that is a good thing, and a sign our society is evolving, but there are times I am not so sure.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Misoir

The Bush–Blair 2003 Iraq memo or Manning memo was a secret memo of a meeting between American President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair that took place on January 31, 2003 in the White House. It purportedly showed that the Bush administration had already decided on the US invasion of Iraq at that point. The memo was written by Blair's chief foreign adviser at the time, David Manning, who participated at the meeting.

Its pretty well known Blair was in it up to his scrawny neck, and I was born in England...

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Maybe sitting back home on your couch and watching the news you don't see the enemy and thus view this war as an occupation, but perhaps if you walked in a deployed service members shoes for a day or watched the Talibans propoganda videos where they kill Afghan police and cut peoples heads off you'd understand the threat and realize that the enemy we're fighting kills far more of their own civilians than the military does and that is why the number is so high.
America isn't the only country that they're attacking and while this war seems pointless, or seems its more for profit than improving their broken system these extremists aren't going to stop trying to take down what they deem unholy, what we know as western culture.
9/11 there were 2,977 americans killed on the planes, in the twin towers and in the pentagon.

Non State Terrorist attacks

Why don't you take a look at all the blood that's been spilled and see if you still feel the same way.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by RipIt

Talibans propoganda videos where they kill Afghan police and cut peoples heads off you'd understand the threat and realize that the enemy we're fighting kills far more of their own civilians than the military does and that is why the number is so high.

I understand the threat: dont side with occupiers.

Afghans who side with occupiers become enemy assets, they're not killing "their own".. they're killing traitors.

Would Americans who joined a Chinese occupation army/police be considered "Americans" or traitor scum marked for death? if you were a "patriot" battling for every inch of US soil you'd be taking out "your own" too.. traitors would be a nuisance.. like speed bumps that would kill you...

Afghanistan is a lie.. an epic fail to humanity and blatant war crime.. yet profitable and resource rich to the elite GOP/DNC party leaders!! hip hip hoooray!! for 2 party war mongers and the 1930s German reincarnates who vote for them!!

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