reply to post by Wolf321
I actually have done something like this for many years. After college I only had one job where I was an employee. While in college I was recruited by
one of the alphabet soup agencies. After 18 years I left full time status to start my own company that provides consulting and experimental process
analysis that look for any technology implications. In most cases I design adaptive and robust protocols for private firms, and some government
agencies. While I offer fee's on standard time based and project completion models, thats not the kind of contract I usually operate under. If you
ask what does time represent as mentioned in the post, one could say it's a used as payment in exchange for cash. But by itself it,s less then
worthless. Of course it represents a thing of value, like accounting. It requires certification of the tax code (sometimes called the bastardized
secret hand shake) One can adopt almost any service people need, but require a skill to do to as a form of payment. The important part is being more
specific packaging your skills in a much more descriptive why.That means events, causes, and solutions.Take plumbing. Parts and time alone won't be
effective in their understanding why you know this task is more important then that one.They only see the parts cost the same and it took you the same
time. But you know one part requires more precise placement, and if that fails your sinks out of action for hours. That other part goes and your dry
for days. The key to making your services more attractive and trustworthy is, you defrock them.Take away the ancient guilds use of secrets as economic
bludgeon, instead turn them around and show the process you use as plainly as possible. And don't forget they know why, knowing the reason you did
something a certain way conveys's respect, and that the tradesman takes as a sales call. When people spend their money, their giving up some of the
control the perceived over them selves. I know this sounds weird, but the more involved in a process someones feels a part of, even having sink fixed,
it contains identifiers of a ritual. A ritual where one feels like a participant is a sacrament, and not a sacrifice Organizations like guilds or
religions, or governments are secrecy machines almost by definition. It's natural for people to be wary of institutional secrecy. They feel looked
down on and usually a bit intimidated. The second is by design, the fist one is because most don't care. There are organizations where secrecy is a
martial art. But the biggest secret of them all is not cosmic but from the point of having a appearance of an advantage. Be it the local cops or the
CIA they make sure your aware that "they know something you don't know"sometimes its useful for you to have the impression its about you. It may be
the equivalent your front tire is flat. It usually is. But its usually the impression real powers behind the monetary system or pattern baldness have
one thing in common, and want you to be sure you know. Us little people can't do a damn thing about it.
In my case I do a great deal of bartering at in least some areas, but it's for a different reason. In our case a barter relationship has what has
always made it appealing. The first is really knowing what people are made of. Trust must be understood beyond any security clearance. Since we have
some restricted contracts, the companies we work with must be cleared at least to the level of the other one. Some of the people at our companies can
trade skills so esoteric, as far as I know exist no where else. But the best reason is we have no word for red tape, I've have no other ideas.A guy
once said that and I told that will be true, when your no longer breathing. A barter relationship is one that even when applied to a highly technical
area, like adaptive programing, design a adaptive protocol or business plan for a company, the people who perform certain tasks like all us have a
multitude of personal traits. I'm not a programmer, but I can visualize a process as an topographical landscape in 3D. A result is the answers we
often get are different, depending on who asked the question. The image we see has an artistic appearance, and sometimes an emotional impact. To get
significant meaning like the answer to a problem we din't know we had yet, which has happened, it must be taken in as a gestalt. The fact that this
approach creates an answer of amazing complexity, but I think that because it gives us the impression of elegance.
Regarding other services like business plans, et. our our big winner for a while has been our corporate security protocol. Some firms use executive
protection or body guards, thats not something we do. We do have a close relationship with a firm, ours is one of the very professional ones. One
thing about building a network. Be totally anal about collecting names, business cards etc. The critical part of any of our protocols is none exist in
a vacuum. I have taken methods developed for the Secret Service and adapted them for the corporate world."If someone kidnaps you I guarantee you'll
know it. But if a company, usually via a "temp",( free lance who picks secrets to order) gets hold of your proprietary transparent solar cell (this
is a real incident, I got called after the event, and no it was salvaged but by the time the owner discovered it he was so deep in the s*** hole he
might as well sign a lease. Sorry for spacing, gota run.