posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic
I've had my geese be extremely aggressive - but never to me or mine.
People will not even get out of their cars or walk on the property if the geese are out. This is good.
I mean mostly it's all 'honk and hiss'
and no bite, but they can give a good tweak with their beak and the wings on the adults can really hurt when you get whacked by them.
But again - they know who the good guys and the bad guys are and very rarely will there be a problem in between. Though, they will remember if they
are abused and often get in a peck or two on the back of the legs to someone who's been unpleasant or abusive to them. They can also be touchy about
egg collecting, but, that's natural and it's possible to collect without getting into a situation with a laying goose.
My geese don't touch the veggies or ripening fruit. They may pick at a tender young shoot on a newly planted sprouting vegetable, but, for the most
part stick to grassy weeds. Chickens on the other hand - they'll eat just about anything and their scratching and digging can really mess up a
garden fast.
Yeah, I keep my chickens way away from the gardens. Their 'waste' will burn plants and though their poo is great manure but it needs to be aged.
Goose drops are fine to use as fertilizer right out of...the goose, lol.
As for when my geese are in the gardens and not? They're out doing my weeding with me in the morning and evening - not midday. They do love their
Chickens lay all year round, geese only part of the year (about 25-30 eggs) so that's a huge consideration and probably the only reason, but a good
one, to have more chickens.
For meat production you get far more meat for the grain input from geese. I don't eat my geese, but, they do grow faster on less grain and get
larger overall than chickens and better growth per grain input than turkeys too. Also there's the down to consider when butchering - something
wonderful you don't get from chickens and turkeys.