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Extraterrestrials – Aliens - The Creators/Designers - Technology 1111

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Welcome Everyone-1

This thread will be discussing the following.

1.) Human & ET Creation/Technology

2.) Evolution - Intelligent Design

3.) Futuristic Civilizations and Cities

4.) Why are you-1 here on Earth and what is your-1 reason/purpose for being here?

5.) Where does one-1 go when they leave the body and is there an afterlife?

Before we continue where there is no before, this thread may not be for everyone-1, or at least not for those who believe they know it all already where there is no all but infinite one-1 self and no such thing as 'All knowing'.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

This thread is an EU information drop dedicated to help One-1 better understand the Creation of Planet Earth and the Creators - Extra-Universals and Extra-Terrestrials who are Creators/Designers on many levels.

Before we begin where there is no begin coming from the Infinite/Eternal perspective, please take the 'TIME' to watch the below video if you haven't yet seen it already where there's (Technically) no 'TIME' 0000 - coming from the Infinite/Eternal perspective.

It's necessary to watch the below video 'FIRST' where there is no first in order to better grasp what ET Creation/Technology really is and better understand how life came to be on Planet Earth.

Let us politely and in a respectful way further discuss things pertaining to Creation (Evolution) and the Creators/Designers or Extra-Universals/Extra-Terrestrials.


The subject of this film you are about to watch reveals a crucial secret of your life. You should watch it very attentively for it concerns a subject that is liable to make fundamental changes in your outlook on the material world.

The content of this film is not just a different approach or a philosophical thought:

It is a fact which is also proven by Science today!

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein

(ET) Extraterrestrial.

Understanding the word extraterrestrial so it’s better understood, Extraterrestrial means something 'Not of this world' according to dictionary definition:

Originating, existing, occurring, outside the earth or it’s atmosphere, extraterrestrial life.

Existing, taking place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth.

Originating, located, or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere: intelligent extraterrestrial life. An extraterrestrial being or life form.

In other words 'All things’ ‘Not of this World.’

The word Extraterrestrial according to human definition/understanding can be used for just about any of the following - Entities, Ghosts, Angels, Demons, Aliens, God/Gods, Creators/Designers and so on.

For those who believe in an afterlife or utopian/heavenly place that a spirit/soul goes upon leaving the body then (technically) that place is also non-terrestrial or extraterrestrial in origin to planet Earth.

A celestial body larger than an asteroid or comet, illuminated by light from a star, such as the sun, around which it revolves.

The planet itself (technically) is non-terrestrial in origin as the materials of Earth originate from extra-terrestrial origin or outer space.

Outer Space
Space immediately outside the earth's atmosphere.

The land surface of the world.
The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world.
The substance of the human body;
The sphere of mortal life as distinguished from spheres of spirit life.

To place (animals) in a new locality: to stock with animals.
To put or set in the ground for growth.
To set or sow with seeds of plants.

Planet Earth sounds like a really good plan where there is a plan by ET to Plant.
The Planet; The ET-Plan on Earth.
The ET-Plan, The Plan-ET.
The Planet or Plant originating from non-terrestrial origin,
with an ET plan and plenty of Earth to plant.

A source or beginning;
Family stock; Offspring;
To plant on Earth.

The Plan-ET for the Planet was to plant. Earth was seeded by those who see-dead and see-ded souls into the sphere of mortal life and the temporal vehicle/body/vessels of the material world that originate from non-terrestrial or extra-terrestrial origin.

To detect and perceive with the eye.
To understand; comprehend.

Having lost temporal life;
No longer in temporal existence;

Afterlife or Life after death
Refers to the continuation of existence of the soul, spirit or mind of a human (or animal) after temporal existence.

One-1 that Teaches.

One-1 that Creates.

One-1 that Designs.

The Teachers/Creators/Designers

An introductory video on better understanding the Human Body - (Creation) and the Teachers/Creators/Designers that are (technically) Non-terrestrial in origin or Extra-terrestrial coming from outside the limits of Earth.

What is Man?

If your question is not answered, it is because I have chosen not to answer the question or because I'm not permitted to answer the question. If your question is lacking in courtesy, decency and/or respect I have the right to not answer your question.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 5-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:17 PM
The matrix exists. It is the way it should be, it is perfect the way it is. It is infinite. Why bother starting your journey if it some time ends. If the soul would just cease to exist, in whatever form that may be, it would have all been useless. The information presented here is somewhat bothersome,... if you have not yet earlier been confronted with information, such as information presented in this thread, continue with caution. I advise you to step away from this subject, forget it, and to never look back. It only fuels questions, questions that will not be answered in this lifetime. These questions dwell in everyone's mind, put those questions to rest, and continue your life, as like you have never been confronted with information like this in the first place. The matrix has you.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by cyberjedi
The matrix exists. It is the way it should be, it is perfect the way it is. It is infinite. Why bother starting your journey if it some time ends. If the soul would just cease to exist, in whatever form that may be, it would have all been useless. The information presented here is somewhat bothersome,... if you have not yet earlier been confronted with information, such as information presented in this thread, continue with caution. I advise you to step away from this subject, forget it, and to never look back. It only fuels questions, questions that will not be answered in this lifetime. These questions dwell in everyone's mind, put those questions to rest, and continue your life, as like you have never been confronted with information like this in the first place. The matrix has you.

Say what???? I mean really, this is an incredible topic about awarness, and I really hope it will go into great depth on the subject matters he's brought up, for they're very good.

And there many of us already waking up to this and seeing right through this matrix, as we should be for its the test some of us are on, aside from love.

To me these topics outshine all the other threads on any forum, they're real, and what its all about, these the kind of questions I've been asking since I was a child, relating to who we are, and what this journey is about, and you're suggesting that people should play dumb, and tone themsevles down and stay in their sheep pen boxes as if this is over their heads.

But in reality we are Infinite Beings on a very long long journey and we already know these answers in our souls, so its more about, activitating memories.

The more awake we are, in this system, school, hologram, the more we can help. Its something more and more need to do.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by cyberjedi

Hi CyberJedi,

These questions dwell in everyone's mind, put those questions to rest, and continue your life, as like you have never been confronted with information like this in the first place.

Life is about asking questions and seeking answers to one-1's existence.

Life is about having experiences, exploring, learning and progressing.

Best Wishes!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Thanx for starting another great thread & for the videos.

I'm starting to wrap my head around what the first video was saying but the part I don't get is when they said that if my brain were taken out of my body & put into a glass jar & hooked up to a computer, I would still see the CD reality playing.

What I got from that was that I would see it because my soul (me) lives in my brain.

What I don't understand is how it could because it (my brain) would be dead (no blood flow) & so then wouldn't my soul leave my body & thus NOT be able to see the video/CD?

One confused Puppy. _javascript:icon('


posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Maiden PEI

Hi Maiden PEI,


Thanx for starting another great thread & for the videos.

You're welcome

I'm starting to wrap my head around what the first video was saying but the part I don't get is when they said that if my brain were taken out of my body & put into a glass jar & hooked up to a computer, I would still see the CD reality playing.

(metaphorically speaking)
The brain functions similar to a DVD player, if one-1 owns a vehicle that has a TV - DVD player installed and one-1 takes out that DVD player and plugs it into another source, the movies will still play.

What I got from that was that I would see it because my soul (me) lives in my brain.

Did you watch the 2nd video? And yes that is correct you are not the human body that you see in the mirror you are the 'Soul' driver of the vehicle within the vehicle/body/vessel.

What I don't understand is how it could because it (my brain) would be dead (no blood flow) & so then wouldn't my soul leave my body & thus NOT be able to see the video/CD?

(metaphorically speaking)
If your 'soul' occupies the DVD player/brain, the real 'TIME' reality player can be taken elsewhere - plugged into another source and played/viewed/experienced.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 5-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:13 PM
Hu is the perceiver!

The SOUL has three transcendent light bodies:

The ESSENCE is where we perceive states of consciousness and feel and experience them through a matrix of what is known in allegorical metaphysics as THE GARDEN OF EDEN. This ESSENCE has infinite states of consciousness.

The HOLY SPIRIT is the attributes and powers, intelligences, and sciences of “God” that nourishes this ESSENCE body.

In the SOUL it is the TAO that brings from the unbounded spirit [RAO] the energy that nourishes the SOUL . . . which is the fourth reality in being—RAO
This is the unbounded sprit of nothingness and everything or the abyss wherein all are from and will return. The RAO is all around us.

The only thing in reality is the SOUL
That draws its existence from the RAO

The Vedic mystics call this the ATMAN [SOUL]
The Sufi mystics call this INSANUL-KAMIL- Perfect-Complete Being

The reason why there are trinities in all the mystical paths is because they are referring to this soul, not any “God”


The Lord of Men
King of Men
God of Men

Holy Spirit

The Adept
The Goddess
The Master

The Buddha
The Sangha
The Dharma

The Native American Great Spirit is the RAO

Whatever ET_MAN is and knows, I respect him.

But on this knowledge


Peace and blessings

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 07:27 PM
All this video did was explain to me how the senses worked. Complete waste of time, thank you.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Hi Inforeal,

Thank you for sharing!

I will be adding more information/details about the 'soul' and 'garden of eden' metaphor as this thread progresses.

In order to understand the structure of a building one-1 must first understand the foundation.

Best Wishes!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Im on this very journey as we speak, have been for about 2-3 years, it has been life changing to say the least! It feels like im in the dark, our sensory organs eyes/ears/touch/taste etc just converts everything to electrical signals/waves and our brain uses these to give us a mental picture of what is there. However, we never really get to see the light or hear the sound, we just get an illusion of what could be out side our bodies. So like i say, it feels like im sitting in the dark. I wonder what is piloting our bodies, i figure it is our souls, but regardless of how hard i try to come up with answers im not sure if we will ever know.

I think of life as living inside a television screen... The character on tv starts to wonder what his reality is. The closer he looks he sees blue/green/red pixels, but really he is just an image carried along by a tv signal, will he ever figure this out or even realize were the signal is transmitted from?

The closer we look at ourselves we figure we just a bunch of matter, science gives us atomic theory, the closer we look at the atom we figure it actually consists of more sub atomic particles, closer again maybe just inter-dimensional strings.

Great post OP, thanks for bringing it up. S+F!

btw, if i may ask, what is the meaning of one-1 / 1111. You may help me with another of my un-answered questions.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Please explain your habit of adding a "-1" after every personal reference. "one-1", you-1", etc.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Kuddos for your thread
Marvelous presented.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

Einstein quotes I like. I even posted a list of them which you can find here : Einsteins most genius contributions. In my opinion. if you are interested.

I believe a design exists and that it was created. Why do you say Evolution Or ?

What in creation / design makes evolution a problem ?

I've posted a thread on intelligence in animals which contains a number of amazing abilities that humans would never ever even give them credit for if they didn't see it with their own eyes.But... flawed IMO because of the very human set of boundaries they used to test animal intelligence. After all they are not human...
You can read that here : Humans. Not so special after all ! Intelligence in animals and evolution ?
If you are interested of course.

Talking about animal intelligence and conscience, which is better and far more observed then they usually get credit for.

Is the animal conscience also a topic in the video? Yeah... didn't see it yet.

I will, I just wanted to ask and say the above first.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by doorhand

Hi Doorhand,

I think of life as living inside a television screen...

Metaphorically speaking on a Universal level you are not far off.

The character on tv starts to wonder what his reality is.

There's certainly a lot of that going on.

btw, if i may ask, what is the meaning of one-1 / 1111. You may help me with another of my un-answered questions.

It's a code that I will get into further as this thread progresses where there is Zero- 0000 – 'TIME.'

reply to post by mobiusmale

Hi Mobiusmale,

Please explain your habit of adding a "-1" after every personal reference. "one-1", you-1", etc.

It's a code that I will get into further as this thread progresses.

reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Hi Sister Klaas,

Kuddos for your thread Marvelous thread presented.,

Einstein quotes I like. I even posted a list of them which you can find here :

I've used some of Einstein's quotes to make little statements here and there but I must be selective as some of Einstein's quotes are inaccurate when it comes the Infinite/Eternal perspective.

I believe a design exists and that it was created. Why do you say Evolution Or ?

Perhaps to get some Evolutionists interested, to make it a fair and open discussion, to further discuss (Evolution) and Intelligent Design, as this thread will be getting into Creation/Evolution/Intelligent Design among many other things and so on.

I will leave you with this question for the 'TIME' being.

Is it possible that both Intelligent Design and Evolution played a role in Creation to a certain level/degree?

Is the animal conscience also a topic in the video?

The first video is an introductory to this thread 1 of 12 videos.

More to come on the 'Soul of Man' 'Consciousness' Including the animal vehicle/body/vessels.

“In order to understand the structure of a building, one-1 must first understand the foundation.”

Best Wishes!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Physics, metaphysics, and the alien phenomena seem to be coming to a head in our epoch.

The physicist is perplexed about black holes and the big bang because their equations never make sense regarding the singularity—the essence of black holes and the big bang.

They aught to look into the fact that these strange phenomena . . . have to do with going in and out of states of consciousness, in other words they need to look to metaphysics for answers more.

The metaphysicians—The highest amongst them being the mystics, and the lowest level of them being the religious people—are too involved with the inward spirit, in regard to the metaphysicians; and to dogma, in regard to the religious folks, to understand the alien phenomena on the most part.

My take on the Alien phenomena or ET’s is too complex to go into here, but I will say that if you look at the word ALIEN and break it up it means:

From ALI, the Arabic word for Most high, lofty

And ien or yin, from, yin/yang

Phonetically speaking ALIEN OR ALI-YIN

All metaphysically inclined people and many others acknowledge that the basic problem with humanity is that the male polarity is too pronounced in the human experience, and that humanity needs a healthy dose of the cosmic feminine energy in order to balance the scales in the great grid.

ALIEN is a feminine phenomenon.


posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Is it possible that both Intelligent Design and Evolution played a role in Creation to a certain level/degree?

Yes ! It absolutely can. Intelligent designs only explains the creation of life. Evolution explains the adaptations in life that were made life survive the conditions it had to face until it successfully reproduced.

Is the animal conscience also a topic in the video?

The first video is an introductory to this thread 1 of 12 videos.

More to come on the 'Soul of Man' 'Consciousness' Including the animal vehicle/body/vessels.

“In order to understand the structure of a building, one-1 must first understand the foundation.”

Thanks interesting to see them finally get addressed.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:56 PM
Is it possible that both Intelligent Design and Evolution played a role in Creation to a certain level/degree?

Evolution is a reality because the world we are in has a creative matrix as its essence.

That means anything “created” in it will evolve naturally to its completion depending on the polarity of its soul, as it could also devolve.

Intelligent design only gives us the patterns of creations that are based on grids of being that don’t have to be unique.

One thing is for sure. . . . Everything “created” has a soul and the same number of inner natures, though having those natures at different polarities i.e., animals and humans, for example.

IMO they both play a role. But people who think they understand intelligent design and those who think they understand evolution, IMO, have insufficient ideas about both.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Understanding evolution is not very difficult you know. It is constructed around an impressive amount of evidence. Some bloke understood it quite well ( regarding the fact that he came up with the basics. ) As time past the the theory did to. It evolved.

I would really like to hear what you think is so hard to understand of evolution ?

Creation or intelligent design is indeed not understood. Something with... ehm missing links.. no, ehm oh yes evidence. The evidence is ehm... Is there any ?

It is based on faith.

Why do you think evolution is not understand ? Seriously an honest curiosity is overwhelming me.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:16 AM
I believe we live in a virtual world, nothing exists, just information

but you said INFINITE BEINGS

if we live in a world of information, it just means there is another world besides that, thats for SURE, so, we really dont know ... the reality is that we dont know even what happens after death, even if we stay in this virtual system, we may never find out whats beside it

actually, we may be just virtual information and not exist in some "outside world" ...

just to complement: to believe we live in a virtual world is something that actually makes sense, simply because we will replicate this in the future, in the near future, we will be able to interface our brain with a computer to live other lives ...

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Yes, I'd go along with Et Man's response, especially learning. Really, that's all there is, never a dull moment, not in infinite 'time' (a contradiction in terms). Be prepared for change, inside as well as outside, be open, never closed, be prepared to be wrong (from time to time), the essence of becoming.


posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:40 AM
A few video's to think about in the meantime where there is no 'TIME.'

Best Wishes!

[edit on 6-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

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