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Russian Radio Signal UVB-76 has stopped transmitting.. UH-OH

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by savvys84
Wts all the excitement in aid of?
Its prolly just been made redundant. They may have more advanced masking devices, I should imagine.

I guess people are disturbed the the timing of this - with the Israel-Arabic relations worsening by the day, the incoming solar flare...

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 05:02 AM
I heard it last night (5th June) at approx 10:30 GMT but I couldn't hear it this morning. It may be propagation conditions though, the bands are pretty dead.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by Sir Solomon
Something that came to me after you said that was about how there was a hotel near Washington DC that was built as a cover for a complex for Congress to survive in during a Nuclear Assault.

The hotel is called the 'Greenbrier' and it does indeed have a massive bunker underneath one of the wings with accomodation, a TV studio, Hospital, Kitchens, etc.
You can go on tours round it since the whistle was blown on it back in the 90's.

I was watching a short documentary about it last night before I went to bed, they even had a fake TV repair company in the area comprising of 13 staff who were all Government employees, something to do with the upkeep of the bunker I think. I need to watch it again when not falling asleep.
I expect Denver airport is the new one.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 05:28 AM
I think what happened is after the fall of communism they forgot about the guy in the radio station,Those three broadcasts they have heard is when the poor guy has managed to call for help

Either he has died or they finally remembered him

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by diamount

Originally posted by savvys84
Wts all the excitement in aid of?
Its prolly just been made redundant. They may have more advanced masking devices, I should imagine.

I guess people are disturbed the the timing of this - with the Israel-Arabic relations worsening by the day, the incoming solar flare...

That, or just a general tendency to fear seamingly unexplainable events.
Common sense tells me that the signal upgraded to digital, which in this case means that is hasn't stopped and there's nothing to worry about.
Another possible reason is that the transmitter/system is outdated and they switched to a different system. Especially logical when it's indeed used for spies as Wikipedia stated, which gives me no reason to believe otherwise.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Sf18443

In Google Earth you can view "historical imagery"...
Here's some more detailed images (from 2004, 2005 and 2009):

[edit on 6/6/2010 by Smasher]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by eyeswilldeceive

I doubt very much that's the reason, as it's been said the signal originates from a military complex, it takes an awful lot of power to run a transmitter let alone the maintenance and lets not forget that the signal was widely known about and monitored.

It can't be an operative that has been forgotten about, it clearly was (still is) serving a purpose even maybe in it's absence...

I think the suggestion that some sort of arm of the military or other government was advertising their status is the most likely - what that arm is I have no idea, intelligence? Defence? Who knows, but I have a feeling that the basic tone indicates an 'open for business' message, the coded spoken messages probably a status update and an absence is most likely closed for business for whatever reason.

But with nothing concrete it's all pure speculation unfortunately.

Another idea I had, given the sort of mechanical nature of the tone as opposed to an electronically generated tone is that it was simply a way to remotely monitor some type of equipment... Just say for instance an installation, I will use an example of a missile station, this installation has a buzzer incorporated that tells everyone there that the place is ready to go, live... Well 30 years ago the simplest way to broadcast the condition would simply be to leave a live mike infront of this buzzer and transmit that noise.

Now a days it's simple enough to upgrade that system, but the military world wide is known for keeping old technology working simply because it works and to replace it would mean taking a valuable resource off line, that could explain the longevity of the signal.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Now_Then
reply to post by eyeswilldeceive

Now a days it's simple enough to upgrade that system, but the military world wide is known for keeping old technology working simply because it works and to replace it would mean taking a valuable resource off line, that could explain the longevity of the signal.

Especially Russia, they dont have the resources of other superpowers so the saying "if it aint broke, dont fix it" would certainly come to mind.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz

where is phage when u need him!

Oh, well. The new Phage is not the man he used to be anyway.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Aliensun

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz

where is phage when u need him!

Oh, well. The new Phage is not the man he used to be anyway.

What is wrong with people on ATS.......get over it already!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Now_Then

I had to laugh at your reply to me,I never thought someone would think I was being serious about that lol!

About Phage i've been on ats a while and seen this before,I have to say all i have seen phage do is go with the most down to earth and logical conclusions that any rational person would.I don't see anything else other than most other people are away with the faires unfortunatley

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by eyeswilldeceive

I had to say about Phage because everytime i come on ATS people are talking about where is phage

is phage the wizard of oz?or is he a member on ATS

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by eyeswilldeceive
I had to laugh at your reply to me,I never thought someone would think I was being serious about that lol!

LOL1 - It was the mental image of a grumpy bearded old russian radio operator in a dingy basement strewen with vodka bottles doggedly sticking to his last orders - I even wen't so far as to imagine he'd given up on wearing his worn out uniform years ago, it was hung up along with a picture of whatever soviet leader was in power at the time, a single light bulb and the glow from his radio equipment casting light on this poor man in his underwear and string vest

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Fiverz
What I find extremely interesting is what's around the "station".

Go to and type in

56° 4'58.89"N 37° 5'22.67"E

as others have mentioned in the thread. What I see is something strange. At first I thought it was a road leading out from the "site" and it may well be, but it appears as if there are multiple arms all radiating from that location (typically in my limited experience on google maps that signifies a lack of trees so either a road or power lines).

Looking around the area I don't see any other features that are similar.

It almost looks like it is a crater impact or a impact on glass with cracks radiating from the center.

Don't know what that says about the signal, but it seems there is definitely something to that location.

I think what we are looking at here are old defense works from WW2. This was likely a bastion and the radial line were old ditches dug to reach other bunkers.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by gambon
reply to post by Sir Solomon

It seems to be blacked out with fake cloud shadow ...?

Doubt its faked, if you were going to censor something then you would actually black the space out 100%. If you just up the exposure of the image you can see exactly whats under the shadow.

The site has also been photographed clear by satellite in the past

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:16 AM
Did you guys even bother to read some of the 200+ reddit comments that was linked on the first page of this thread?

If not someone suggested it is 1/2 encryption key that is sent to subs, which makes a lot of sense.

Someone there hooked up an oscilloscope and it seems to verify this conclusion.

You basically match up a phasing encryption key with the other 1/2 that is a hard copy ( like a book). That way a spy or any military can safely communicate unless the hard copy is compromised ( unlikely on a submarine).

His quote:

Ok. I plugged a scope in and looked at the signal. It it carries a digital signal. To actually read the signal I would need a digital clock recovery device designed to decode the key so I can't tell you the specific sequence of ones and zeros from an oscilloscope. It is a sine wave modulate by a square wave because you cannot broadcast a square wave so that's just how it is done. Remember how acoustically coupled modems sound? A whistling noise that oscillates erratically? Easiest to hear back in the 300 baud days. That is a sine wave being modulated by a square wave. It uses PSK - Phase Shift Keying. Peaks and valleys between to waves on top of each other signify ones and zeros. There is a digital signal broadcasting a binary sequence and so I doubt that it is simply a place holder. I would imagine that it is 1/2 of an encryption key which is constantly changing. Now you have the simple explanation (on a website no less - reddit -) Does that make it hold more validity? If I was to buy a domain called and post this would it hold more validity for you? If I did that and then it started to disseminate over the internet on other sites would it then hold even more validity? I don't know what else to tell you except this: investigate yourself. Do some real science and see for yourself. Because it is on the internet it doesn't make it true or false. Use your own faculties... discriminate between the signal and the noise which is the all the chatter on the internet if you think that will bring you to a logical conclusion if you like. I fully satisfied with this explanation.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by wtfhuh]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:26 AM
This is the thread that has brought me out of the lurk and into the fold....finally!

Over the past few months I have become interested in UVB-76 and and other similar broadcast anomalies. I have been brushing up on my CW and getting ready to finish the studying for my General Class Ham license that I set aside a few years back. Then I see that UVB-76 may have stopped transmitting and I don't even have a rig anymore to be in on the action!? Time to get back in the game!

Thanks to the posters who ARE on top of things, we know that there is some rare solar activity going on along with a broad-spectrum drop in skywave radio propagation. The two go hand in hand, and throw into the mix some sporadic affirmations across the web that some people are still getting intermittent reception from UVB-76's sweet nightmare-inducing lullaby, and all arrows are pointing towards ionospheric disruption of the signal and NOT signal shutdown.

With that being said, I'd like to open the door to some further discussion on some points I've seen raised here.

-In my short experience, a switch over to a digital signal wouldn't necessarily explain today's dropout. Why? Because the digital signal would still have an audible analog signature. Many police departments have been switching to digital radio communications in order to evade scanners. While we Hams can no longer interpret their transmissions, we can still hear their digital scatter on the same old "channels."

-I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the shutdown of UVB-76, even if it does seem to be old technology. Other nations including the USA continue to use random or scheduled Numbers Station broadcasts and officials have admitted that they are used for communicating with either agents or embassies holding one-time ciphers. This is not tin-foil hat territory, but confirmed spycraft.

-UVB-76 has been running continuously for decades. While this certainly does serve as an excellent referential propagation beacon, it has also interrupted the beacon broadcast to read codes and numbers. It can be a beacon and a numbers station and the two are not mutually exclusive.

-Reaching into the land of speculation, I will say I am willing to bet the farm that UVB is not a Dead Hand beacon. The Soviets had admitted that their Dead Hand system was not fully automatic and therefore would not need a continuous beacon.....and it would be incredibly dangerous for them to stake the existence of humanity on an ELECTRICAL component sending SKYWAVE radio signals that would not always be predictably distributed as the ionosphere changed.

-HOWEVER, the mind-boggling continuity that HAS been achieved makes me think that there has been a lot of effort in designing and maintaining a system that keeps this signal going. More than is necessary for a mere propagation beacon. Perhaps it is addition by subtraction, i.e. "if you don't hear the alarm, check in immediately with your superiors." In that capacity it is a typically elegant, simple and characteristically Russian means of functional paranoia.

And then again, maybe I am wrong and the signal really did stop............

EDIT: the post above mine came out while I was typing. How does the timing of UVB-76's first broadcast fit in with the timeline of the Soviet SSBN fleet?

[edit on 6-6-2010 by NightShift]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM

DIT: the post above mine came out while I was typing. How does the timing of UVB-76's first broadcast fit in with the timeline of the Soviet SSBN fleet?

Well as you know it's a signal, so it can be picked up almost anywhere, it does not have to be a sub. It could easily be a post/military receiver in Russia itself, its a big country.

In order for the handshake to occur you would need a hardcopy of 1/2 of the encrypted key.

That would be disastrous in the hands of the enemy so it order to not comprise the signal I would assume the hard copy's would only be available in "safe" areas like within Russia's border, submarines, etc.

Then again you could have a temporary hidden hard copy disguised in something like a newspaper that is also encrypted, so in essence you can have this hard copy anywhere ( foreign country, spy, etc).

It would work like this. ( very simple version)

Spy in a foreign county memorizes a simple encryption algorithm. Say they use a regular radio broadcast and at a specific pre-determined time, something easy like the first + second+ third letter of every third word the broadcaster says.

He then plugs that into his memorized algorithm, that is his key, which is still only 1/2 of the real key, an useless on its own.

He then listens to a signal at a predetermined time and that is the other 1/2 ( also useless on it's own).

He puts them together and presto he now has the key to a great cabbage soup recipe.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by wtfhuh]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by NightShift

hey thanks for intriguing reply, I did think that it was something to do with ionosphere experiments but as another member said it doesn't look very big at all on the satellite pics.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:57 AM

give this post a star posted on 17-2-2010 @ 12:36 AM single this post "quote"REPLY TO: UVB-76 Numbers Station Solved If you guys haven't heard, the once thought Numbers Station UVB-76 ("The Buzzer" or "Boat Horn"), has been solved. It's a center for ionosphere research measuring doppler shifts of a continuously transmitted signal. It's broadcast on 4.625Mhz in the shortwave band. The following link has a Russian science "log" with the carrier frequency being 4.625Mhz for ionosphere research. Though it's still weird, I don't know if this is actually solved. There have been VERY recent voices on UVB-76 including one EARLIER tonight, and one on Jan 10th (link below). The guy comes on and only says numbers. I'm not sure what that would have to do with ionosphere research, and is more related to numbers station. It says nothing about it's "partner stations" such as S32 "The Squeaky Wheel". Audio Clip

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