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Mysterious light with spiral tail seen in Aussie sky

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posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Not great quality and no way of determining it's authenticity, but paired with the article of the occurence, seems genuine.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Sydney and Norway Spiral Youtube Video
First video posting, not sure if it's worked...

What I seem to have a problem with is how we only find out about these "Rockets" that are flying over the country after the event has taken place. Shouldn't we, as citizens have a right to know if part of another countries arsenal is being test fired over our place of residence?

It should be illigal IMO; If it was illigal perhaps it would put more pressure on the governments to explain and maybe disclose on ET or unexplained craft that are spotted in the skies. In turn, bringing us one step closer towards total disclosure.

Not sure if this is off topic or not, if it is i'm sorry and i'll remove it.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Super Chubby

Well the Falcon 9 had a live feed during it's launch and was known about for some time, I doubt this would have made a difference to the majority of the population on the east coast of Australia though, most of which wouldn't have had a clue about the launch.

Rockets get launched all the time, the spiral that was seen was a lucky coincidence, it just happened to be over the east coast of Australia just as the sunlight caught it.

Had it launched a few minutes earlier it would never have been seen as it would have been over the Pacific somewhere, had it launched a few minutes later the sun would have been higher and again it may have not been seen at all.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:36 AM
This looks like the "Russian Rocket". Only this time they are not any place near Russia. I haven't read all the thread, so can someone update me. What are "they" saying this was?

I am starting to believe in project blue beam. I think TPTB are testing something that will be used on a grander scale, as a diversion to draw attention away to this phenomenon or to convince people that aliens created us and we should be worshiping aliens or something.

Anyway, if I ever see this thing, I will probably be fascinated by it, but I would have to remind myself and all around me that this is probably not anything paranormal or supernatural, but just men fooling around with some technology the rest of us don't know about.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Super Chubby

Well the Falcon 9 had a live feed during it's launch and was known about for some time, I doubt this would have made a difference to the majority of the population on the east coast of Australia though, most of which wouldn't have had a clue about the launch.

Rockets get launched all the time, the spiral that was seen was a lucky coincidence, it just happened to be over the east coast of Australia just as the sunlight caught it.

Had it launched a few minutes earlier it would never have been seen as it would have been over the Pacific somewhere, had it launched a few minutes later the sun would have been higher and again it may have not been seen at all.

Here in AUS, noone knew anything about it. I'm usually awake and frequently look at the skies at that time in the morning, I was spewing that, on that particular night I decided to sleep early... *facepalm*

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 10:57 PM
I know, it's an old thread. There was a very convincing piece about it on ATS too, lots of research. So overwhelmingly impressive that it should convince most readers that the spiral was somehow caused by the failed Russian missile test. It was very odd however for Russia to be so forthcoming with an explanation that would shed so much light on a failed launch. Had they ever done so previously? Such “openness” was very unusual. What's even more odd is that there was this second sky spiral, much less publicised however, seen over Australia on June 5th, 2010. It was much fainter than the one in Norway, but the similarity was still striking. I'll include a link to the ABC website where there are several good photos that were taken in different parts of the country by different photographers so readers can check that this was no hoax. It happened, just like what had been seen in Norway. But, and here's the clanger, no missile was launched anywhere in Australia. There had been no tests from the Woomera rocket range, where it has been very, very quiet in recent years, or anywhere else in Australia for that matter. It couldn't have been a Chinese missile either, because theirs are fired towards the equator from their three launch sites. Any resulting trajectory, even if one had miraculously and totally unbelievably ended up so many thousands of miles off course, would not match the one which had been observed from Canberra all the way to the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
Yes, I checked, these abbreviated links work, while the long format URLs somehow don't. And sorry, I didn't make up the link implying that it was a UFO. It must have been someone at the ABC. I ckecked but didn't see any links to these photos on ATS yet. Hope I haven't missed anything.
Of course there were those who quickly claimed it to be a "satellite, space-junk or a rocket" and yes, there was a launch of a privately owned rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida over an hour earlier. I'd like to see anyone try and explain that that was what was seen in Australia, moving in the other direction and so totally unbelievably way off course. Thought it might be OK to revide this thread in case any more are seen.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 07:10 AM
Thanks for bringing in the links, Tom. But I'm puzzled -- the entire thrust of this thread was about the June 5 spiral over Oz, yet you post as if you think your news about it is unknown to other readers. Did you look through the thread?

Originally posted by TomReOPIE
I know, it's an old thread. There was a very convincing piece about it on ATS too, lots of research. So overwhelmingly impressive that it should convince most readers that the spiral was somehow caused by the failed Russian missile test. It was very odd however for Russia to be so forthcoming with an explanation that would shed so much light on a failed launch. Had they ever done so previously? Such “openness” was very unusual.

As has been discussed, these kinds of spirals have been seen in the sky since the dawn of the space age. they just haven't been widely reported because there were few photographs or videos -- the change is in the wider and wider availability of pocket recorders.

What's even more odd is that there was this second sky spiral, much less publicised however, seen over Australia on June 5th, 2010. It was much fainter than the one in Norway, but the similarity was still striking. I'll include a link to the ABC website where there are several good photos that were taken in different parts of the country by different photographers so readers can check that this was no hoax. It happened, just like what had been seen in Norway.

This is not news to the readers of this thread.

But, and here's the clanger, no missile was launched anywhere in Australia. There had been no tests from the Woomera rocket range, where it has been very, very quiet in recent years, or anywhere else in Australia for that matter.

Stuff in Earth orbit circles the planet in an hour and half, so anywhere on Earth is 'near' down under.

Of course there were those who quickly claimed it to be a "satellite, space-junk or a rocket" and yes, there was a launch of a privately owned rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida over an hour earlier. I'd like to see anyone try and explain that that was what was seen in Australia, moving in the other direction and so totally unbelievably way off course. Thought it might be OK to revide this thread in case any more are seen.

All of your questions are thoroughly answered in this thread, Tom, so please read it more carefully.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 09:06 PM
thanks for the update man

i'll like to see them try and explain this one

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:10 PM
I knew I saw this before, found the thread to post yahoo news link about a similar event a few moments into video. Looks just the like the last one.

(2nd post) Moderators please place in correct thread, thank you.

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