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US Government OFFICIALLY attacks Conspiracy Theories!

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:18 AM
I thought drugs were banned at the Federal Level. but clearly someone was doing some seriously potent stuff to actually write this much less post on the website - it has to be for the feable sheeple because even the sheep would have a hard time swallowing those lines of bull.
Lucifier Reigns folks - but why did he pick Washington DC to rule from... YUCK

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by C11H17N2NaO2S

You have convinced me.
From this point forward I will question my intelligence, I will not ask questions, I will accept any given answer, I will be thankful for the government to do as they wish and welcome their secrets.
I will trust blindly and follow any agency, any official doctrine, any suggested or implemented law, order, or required behavior.
I will walk willingly into the designed future hoping that my limited contribution will be found acceptable and I will be allowed to live out my final days serving for the greater good.
I will accept that my opinion has less weight and influence due to my newly acknowledged limited understanding of basically everything.
I will share only approved views when posting and be thankful that every key stroke is known and my constant whereabouts documented.
As my shepherd and salvation have now poured their grace upon me,
through your stern and tempered ways you have guided me back into the flock from where I've strayed,
uniting me once again with god the government, who I so foolishly mistrusted.
Thank you, and the official website of all that is true.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:35 AM
I have a feeling that they may have lumped in things that are true with things that plainly are not so that the true things start to seem also ridiculous. (did I make any sense?) Anyway, I will definitely take a closer at ALL of their arguments because therein lies some traces of the truth!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:36 AM
What's funny is that the mostly conspiracy theorists will be visiting those sites, and of course just to make fun of the government's non-existence evidence. It's not like the typical couch potato is going to go on this website and study up on government rebuttals to conspiracy theories they've never heard of. The only other people who I can think to benefit from this are internet trollers that are paid to harass truth forums. Even government employees would probably be discouraged from viewing this site, even though it is a government site. Imagine if you were working at the post office and you went up to your boss and was like "hey did you check out the new debunking of the conspiracy theories" your boss would most likely just ask why you cared in the first place and then would grow suspicious that you might be a "truther" good Lord no! (sarcasm).

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:36 AM
I think the people on ATS are usually smarter than ur average guy but the gov is basically saying that we are all full of crap.

seams to me like they are trying to make it hard for us to talk about conspiracies to the average person without been looked at like a loony, thus making it harder for us to spread info, wonder if they are covering their backs ready for what wiki leaks are going to release

[edit on 4-6-2010 by jonhplayer]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
I went to this website and read through it a bit, but it was the external links that interested me! On the debunking911 website that was linked by the website, they have an entire section called the "Real Conspiracy".

That section makes the case that the real conspiracy is how the Bush administration rushed to war after 9/11. Isn't this a contridiction?

The website states that 911 conspiracies are nonsense, but a website that the website refers and links too states the real conspiracy was Presidents Bush's administration?

Maybe its me and I am confused. Here is a link to the debunking 911 website that is referenced by the website. CHeck it out and set me straight.

Debunking911 Link

I noticed this too. This is incredible news. Does this mean that Debunking911 was a government website all along? And you're right that the debunking website does offer a "real" conspiracy which is a watered down version of what the 9/11 truth movement has been pushing since day one.

What I also think is funny is on the front page of debunking911 it says

"...Yet, in just under four years, the 9/11 “truth movement” has ground to a halt."

Sorry bud, but the 911 truth movement is now 9 years and running, looks like the debunking911 webpage is the only thing ground to a halt in four years. LOL.

They also link to snopes, which notoriously defends Obama's birth certificate. This has to be a joke or created by the dumbest people on earth.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by filosophia]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
If you get so far beyond fear that you KNOW you're dead - nah, I ain't gonna go there, because there is NO way you could comprehend it.

Been there.

It's like passing through a doorway, suddenly there's no future, nothing but the threat and the answer, repeatedly, body working faster than brain, machine-like.

Physically, the limbic stem in the brain takes over at that stage, and everything gets simpler and faster.

The only shock that day was realising I'd survived. - And seeing what I'd done. No-one killed, but a bunch of very bad people left on the ground.

Since then I've always been a bit different. - lighter, calmer, very anti violence for no good reason, and able to quell most situations with a look.

Anyway, that experience helped in checking out a few Melbourne conspiracies as they happened. Not on the internet, either.

The conspiracies we know of are just scum on the surface of the real conspiracies in this world.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:48 AM
no sources just typical of the corrupt amerian government, terrible explanations

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 06:53 AM
Gov takes time to make a site to debunk fact from fact and so on,
they lied for so long and now they are walking in there own s h i t .

its the perfect site for all the fanatic believers who doesn't wanna go to hell.


posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa

Originally posted by nenothtu
If you get so far beyond fear that you KNOW you're dead - nah, I ain't gonna go there, because there is NO way you could comprehend it.

Been there.


Since then I've always been a bit different. - lighter, calmer, very anti violence for no good reason, and able to quell most situations with a look.

Exactly! Gives you an entirely different perspective. You see things differently as to priority. You realize that any ruckus you get into might be your last, so it had better be worth it. Anything worth physically fighting for is worth killing for, and anything worth killing for is worth dying for, because that killing can go either way.

Helps to sort out things that might not really be such a big deal as other people think, after all, and that's really MOST things. Far better to live in peace, not bothering anyone, and not being bothered, and then everyone gets to go home happy at night.

Anyway, that experience helped in checking out a few Melbourne conspiracies as they happened. Not on the internet, either.

Always a plus to be able to make yourself go where angels fear to tread in the pursuit of knowledge, which benefits all, rather than just the self. There are folks, I believe, connected to this debunker website who could be truly scary folks, if they weren't so inept appearing. I stress appearing, since you can't always be sure exactly WHAT is behind the curtain. Is it the little man behind the curtain, or the big green floating head? Either way, there comes a point when you realize it could just be illusion either way, and regardless, it's not all that scary to take the discussion straight to them. What are they gonna do, take away your birthday? Worst they can do is cancel your birth certificate.

They can't win if you refuse to give up and submit.

The conspiracies we know of are just scum on the surface of the real conspiracies in this world.

Now that's a fact, and I believe that most of the worst ones are probably not even talked about in hushed whispers, much less debunked on a government website.

[edit on 2010/6/4 by nenothtu]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
reply to post by dragnet53

2 years left....another factless superstition!

Every one of you is being watched right now on here. Your IP is databased and collected.

Look at the first post in this thread. The person said the gov has no Proof to its claims on that other website about the conspiracies. But neither do any of you!

Some people on here also speculate the website was not meant for the attention of those on ATS but for the people who dont know about conspiracies.

I beg to differ. The site is purely meant for you on here. But once again assumption is used over logic and reason.

The site is talking right to you, on here ATS lovers. This is the beginning of the war. That database is filling with names of cross people who are on here and now those who have clicked their new conspiracy site. Cross referencing is a pattern search. As my earlier post stated. You have been served. Why do you think they did not put to much effort into that site???

Let me tell you what I do know about some websites no names mentioned.

The original intent of cookies was to make your life easier. Sites that you visited before or frequently visited would store certain information about who you are; full name, phone number, IP addy, MAC addy and computer name etc. Infact a cookie can record just about everything on your machine... so when you returned to the site you would not have type this information again. This in itself may actually be helpful to you. That is, if it is secure, and not performing some other task. Like many things created to make your life easier and with good intention, others will see it as an opportunity to exploit you. A cookie can be used to send a certain party block info on that user. It will scan other sites similar to those you have visited and cross check you details against those. This is called pattern building. Then this info is sent back to the website owner and analyzed for specifics. By you bouncing around the internet one can gather over time all the info one needs to match that to an identity. If you have ever used a social website like facebook then then your info is then matched again and so on and son. Just like if you use google search engine. Your details have been logged over and over. Now they are being matched.

This website was used to gain info on YOU. of course they knew you would find it and you did!

You all have no common sense. Nothing is there for no reason and not the reason most of you think. How do I know??? I never went on that site.!! Believe it or not I do not care but I have very good knowledge on these types of tactics.!!

They gained the info they want in seconds. You can delete cookies or links but its done. They have your cross reference info and you can do nothing about it.

Well nothing you may know of. Security is a two way street and if you are on here you do not value privacy nor security too much.

Be warned. Things are about to get a lot more complicated for people now!

Cool, they can collect my IP address. I know several ways to hide it or change it. If they think i am a threat, then they seriously have issues. They can't even nab Bin laden, but they find the american people a threat that those who question their "evidence".

They can all be voted out, but elections can be rigged too and been done before many of times in the past.

BTW Mods have your ip address. They can easily IP ban your account.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by fleetlord
Just throwing this out here

The website for the Official United States Government is


Make of it what you will

The .gov extension is reserved for "government".

Domain Name Integrity To maintain domain name integrity, eligibility is limited to qualified government organizations and programs. Having a managed domain name such as .gov assures your customers that they are accessing an official US Government Site.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:01 AM
The excerpts from the government website remind me a little of those books put out by certain religious sects which include a paragraph or two summarizing the beliefs of numerous other sects and religions plus the doctrinally correct response one is to give when confronted by a member of one of the other groups.

In one sense it might be a good sign that they feel the necessity to do this. Maybe a lot of ordinary citizens are starting to contact their elected representatives looking for answers to questions raised by so called "conspiracy theorists".

This is a good sign. I'm waiting for the day when the cabinet routinely includes a Secretary of Skullduggery.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:02 AM
How come they inform the entire world about working with alien species for over 50 years on national tv when on this website informs about not ever being in contact with one. Hehe they are really #ting their legs here. What a waste of time website

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:04 AM
without proof they are doing nothing but waisting tax dollars on this gov based site.

Honestly when a lier tries to justify there lies do you pay them any attention just to get more lies. They are sad and this screams that we know to much to they wnt to put another koat of lies on top.

Till they admit to anything they lied bout they can never be trusted and should not be empowered by the people as they are.

Course if anyone payed attention in the Bush election against Al Gore you would know your vote does not count nor matter. The elite vote in the president and we just vote to help us sleep better at night thinking we have a say.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by avatar01
I love the slogan at the top of the page. - Engaging the world.

Through Fear, Deceit, Murder and War.

The American government is a joke. Looking at their conspiracy debunking techniques makes me want to laugh. Must have been a 10 year old that wrote those debunking explanations......

Title should read: Conspiracies - Debunking The US Government!

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
And here I am showing myself to be the bravest poster here:

I believe in having an open mind about things and will research things tht make my Bull$#!+ometer go 'ping'. And guess what? I agree with what I read on the site about conspiracies. You ARE all nuts, IMHO.

I choose KNOWING why the ways things are and not spend my time looking for the tiniest threads of "evidence" then use it to embroider a whole "them" against us mindset tapestry.

Knowledge is power: making up stories to cover gaps in your knowledge is using your imagination more than your intellect

In this post I see nothing but failed attempts at deception, and trying to make everyone in here look like a "nut" as you put it. To that I anwser :

You sir are the idiot and the nutball calling everyone on this forum a nutjob.

I hope you find your way to the exit button on your browser and deny yourself any right to "deny ignorance" in here or on any "conspiracy forum" treating people like you just did. I bid you good day.

Now getting back to things that really matter, Congrats OP on your find. I think someone allready mentioned where this site is hosted, ill spare you the whois... Sounds to me like a tavistock deal. They are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. From one side they are trying to retake the image of a clean and calm and peaceful society created and maintained by the government, and on the other side they are testing to see how much time it takes for such information to spread. I am pretty sure they are trying to get reactions.

Datamining is a very effective way of obtaining information on character, and with a subject like this, crying out to injustice, they can probably crossreference the facebook accounts, emails, ip’s etc to verify who is dangerous and who is not. Most likely they are trying to find detterents to anyone that would be a “problem” to them if something were to happen.
On a personnal note I would like to thank Alex Jones for such “conspiracy” oriented content and movies. And Kudos to Jessie Ventura as well. Both are having a profound effect on mass perception into these “labeled conspiracies” as further invoked by this latest failed attempt at deception.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by KpxMarMoTT]

[edit on 4-6-2010 by KpxMarMoTT]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by filosophia

yes, TPTB fear people that are great critical thinkers. They don't want you to think. They want you dumb as hell so they can take what they want. Just like they did back in the 50's. They could fool anybody back then and did. Even George Carlin agrees with an extent.

yet, watch in a few years they will ban Carlin's work because it is a threat.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by dragnet53]

[edit on 4-6-2010 by dragnet53]

[edit on 4-6-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by fleetlord
Just throwing this out here

The website for the Official United States Government is


Make of it what you will

can anyone get a ".gov" domain? i don't think so. seems like a real government website to me.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by billybob]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:23 AM
The only problem is
the entire site is filled with none-facts and false info-

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