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[Debate]Phil Schneider's War

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Phil Schneider's War


Phil Schneider is very well known in some circles as the man who killed two alien greys. His story is highly contested, but it's one of the most dramatic and perplexing stories of alien contact that involved not only contact, but combat between humans and extra-terrestrials. The story is presented here simply as an exploration of alien contact claims and has not been verified. Phil Schneider claimed to have been a structural engineer working with the branch of the government dedicated to the interaction between humans and extra-terrestrials. In addition to bearing witness to incredible feats of structural engineering, he claims that he actually witnessed a conflict between two alien greys and forces underground at a secret location in the Dulce Air Force base. The encounter, according to Schneider, resulted in the deaths of 66 humans and both greys. Schneider says he lost two fingers and sustained considerable injuries from the conflict. Because of his Level 3 security clearance, he and the only two other survivors of the conflict were treated in secret and sworn again to secrecy.


The Debate
Please Tell me if you believe his claims or totally dismiss his story. I'm eager to learn how many people believe and how many are skeptic.

My Personal View
After reading up on his story for a few days and watching a few videos(in which he seemed emotional) which to me made me buy into it quite abit, but i find it all quite plausible but if it did exist then why hasnt anyone tried to find this supposed settlement of aliens. Is thier even a cavern thier to say he may be telling the truth.

I'm still staying a skeptic on this but i do believe he seemed sincere and therefore believable.

Phil Schneider's Story

Now Please Remember That Phil Schneider is now Dead and whatever your opinions please show some respect

Want to know more about his Death "Click Here"

[edit on 1-6-2010 by True-seer]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by True-seer

There are numerous threads about this, I really don't see the point in another one.

Here goes anyways...

Phil Schneider was nothing more than a narcissistic liar and fabricator. The proof of Schneider's lies is in the math. Take Phil's age and his time on various jobs he claimed to do, certainly try and consider time at college for his supposed degrees, which never existed anyway so scratch the college time and you'll see that he would have been 17 years old when he went to work for the government. Phil stated that he worked at Dulce in 1979.

1979 - worked at Dulce
1947 - born
32 - Phils age while at Dulce
1981 - Last job
1947 - born
34 - Age when Phil ceased working (went on SSI)
17 - Years Phil claimed he worked in government
17 - How old he would have been when he went to work in the government.

Where are his college years in those 17 years? There aren't any however he claimed to be an Aerospace Engineer, Structural Engineer, Geological Engineer. Schneider is a mockery to the UFO Community. Just listen to that 1995 youtube of Phil's speech and see for yourself that he doesn't have a clue and dances around all over the place re-instilling old conspiracies of which half don't even exist and were the fabrications of others like William Cooper, etc. More importantly, what you didn't know was that while at Dulce, Phil simply worked for the Army Corp of Engineers and nothing more. This information is available through Social Security records as is everything else about Phil Schneider. The key here though is why didn't Phil ever say the words, "ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS" in any of his speeches? Because he was hiding the truth amongst his many, many lies. Phil died by his own hands. If anything, that rubber hose around his neck (which wasn't a wire by the way) was put there by himself letting people think he was murdered because he was dieing anyway and he knew it. Schneider never let ANYONE ever see any of the supposed multi-thousand page government documents because they never existed. Instead, he went out in what was to look like a suicide so people would think differently. People like Schneider is what keeps the UFO Community from going forward. They make it look just a bit too kooky so NOBODY LISTENS to the truth when it is stated. We don't need these lies.

Maybe next time drag up one of the existing threads about this topic.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Yes But Please let me Point Out This is a Debate to find out who believes he is telling the truth and not a debate to find out if he is telling the truth.

Thier is a Very Big Difference.

I also looked at the previous Threads and none match what i want to find out.

Thankyou for Your participation.

Kind Regards

[edit on 1-6-2010 by True-seer]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by True-seer

Adding the word 'debate' doesn't really change anything, everything on ATS is a debate really.

Here are some other Phil Schneider 'Debates'.....

Phil Schneider - Alien Whistleblower - Is What He Says False or True?

Phil Schneider Debunked!

Phil Schneider - What Do You Think?

Phil Schneider - Informant or Schizophrenic?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Well i wasnt here when they were posted and i'm sure thier are alot of other people also.

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions and i am entitled to find out other peoples and if you do not wish to participate then you may leave.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by True-seer
Now Please Remember That Phil Schneider is now Dead and whatever your opinions please show some respect

I always view such requests as a red flag...

As I've posted in another thread when such a request was made in relation to another individual:

Should everyone stop pointing out the reasons for considering someone to have been a hoaxer because he has died?

Should we take everything said by someone as the gospel truth because he has died since making the relevant claims?

All the best,


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Ooo sorry i did not mean that people had to believe him because he was dead, but rather not come up with comments that some may find offensive. Yes he is dead and that has makes no change to the debate except that i do not want people insulting a dead man in a way that does not involve this subject.

He may still be criticised for his story that is ok.

Kind regards

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Interesting thanks

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:46 AM
I've watched one conference he did and he does seem sincere doesn't he. The story seems very far fetched but when I connect the little dots to other stories, things I've read or experienced myself, even the tiny things, I think he could have been telling the truth, as he saw it. He might have been a total madman too, Interesting though, I'll have to read up on him a bit more.

It might sound like an insult to say - the truth, as he saw it- but it's not meant to be. I've known abductees who, when they use the word aliens they use inverted commas around it , "aliens" or "ufo" or "abducted". It's because they can tell you their experience but they're still unsure what the experience was. Or scared to admit it's the truth, even to themselves. Maybe what Schneider said was the whole truth. We should be concerned whatever the case. Whatever the exact truth is, and I've no doubt about this, UFO stuff can be dangerous.

Humans working alongside "aliens"? (whatever they are) There are thousands of stories like that.

Underground bases? Of course there are.

Human contracts and treaties with aliens? Folk will deal in anything to get what they want so I don't think that's impossible.

Philip Schneider thought they'd get to him. Now he's dead, that's a fact. And it's a suspicious death too.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by wigit

Thankyou for your input.

Your views are very similar to mine and i'm sure thier are alot more who feel the same as we do.

Enjoy your Star

Kind Regards

[edit on 1-6-2010 by True-seer]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by True-seer

Reluctantly I have to admit that I am stuck on the fence on this one because firstly his story it is so extreme and bone chilling and I “want” so much to believe that the visitors are not here to nail us to a barn door at some point in the future. My subjective needs and wants; hopes keeps forcing me to doubt that there could be any truth to this but it could be true.

If the visitors respond to an incursion to their underground base with repeating blasts from highly portable particle beam weapons that caused death from cobalt radiation decades later then I would not think they came here as a peaceful people.

If energy blasts from such weapons can open flesh like a filleted fish then I would think such people are as warlike as the most depraved human being and that is not going to be good news considering that the story indicated that they have been here for hundreds of years or more. I realise that two of the creatures we shot first and apparently died but the response from their comrades seemed to be instant and almost habitually violent in nature.

If a few naked aliens with boxes on their chest can decimate a large force of delta team Special Forces troops then I doubt there is a peaceful intent to the reasons behind why they have chosen to remain hidden below the earth and to take any incursion to mean a license to cause horrific ways of death and injury.

On the one hand there are some unmistakable discrepancies to his story as has already been pointed out in this thread already and yet on the other hand this story seems to be very believable but believable in the context that I would rather not believe it was true because the ramifications of such a malevolent story being true will blow a huge hole in the whole concept that the sentient predatory mind is an aberration of human evolution.

If this story is true then the predatory universe hypothesis is not one I would like to consider until I had drunk myself into a coma and if it ever turned out to be true then perhaps it would be better never to know of its nature and perhaps this is the very reason governments continue to cover up anything that could be construed as being extraterrestrial in nature?

Personally I would still wish to know but apparently I am but a branded worm, a simple resource that should just shut my yap and watch TV because my government always knows best for me because they care.

If this story one day turns out to have been true then for me it would explain the cattle and human mutilation phenomenon much more than simply thinking it is the work of a top secret government agency, Satanists or general run of the mill weirdoes.

Good thread - starred and flagged!

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

Wow, You speak some truly fascinating stuff. I too would not want to be here if it turned out to be true because of the fact that who would want to be part of evil like that.

Starred Jaguar

Great Post.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by True-seer
reply to post by LiveForever8

Yes But Please let me Point Out This is a Debate to find out who believes he is telling the truth and not a debate to find out if he is telling the truth.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by True-seer]

What does it matter who believes when there are facts that disprove it? Perpetuated lies/fictional stories are what get the UFO community mocked by mainstream scientists and much of the general public.

I believe the Earth is hollow (not really), does that make it any more true even though there are facts saying otherwise?

Originally posted by True-seer
reply to post by LiveForever8

I also looked at the previous Threads and none match what i want to find out.[edit on 1-6-2010 by True-seer]

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:14 AM
Before I argue either way, can anyone prove what items he brought to that speech to be fake?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:43 AM
No, I do not believe his story. He did have visible physical damage and what I suspect to be non-visible brain damage, probably the source of this preposterous tall tale.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 11:25 AM
I investigated Schneider a few years ago. I really started to believe him but then I found the dates that are in the second post of this thread. There's no deny it. he's a liar, the dates just don't match up with when he claimed to work.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Scope and a Beam

you know he may have still been telling the truth, i have lied to an employer saying i worked for someone longer than i did so i could get the job.

Maybe he said he worked for them longer so they would better believe him and i'm not sure whether thats a good idea or not it all depends on his intentions.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by True-seer

If it were a case of him saying he worked somewhere longer than he did then I'd probably still believe him. It's more a case of his dates meaning he was in the military from around 13 years old. I just don't see the truth here, I mean something as sensational as to what he's claiming should be backed up with a lot of facts at least of his employment.

An interesting thread you may also like

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:34 PM
Phill Schneider got in an underground shoot out with aliens, end of story. Anything else is dis-info.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:37 PM
I wonder if he got 'played'?

Things happened, but how he [was led to] interpreted them was maybe more extreme than the actual reality?

That someone might have created some of his more wild circumstances battling with aliens, using programmed/automated 'aliens'.

Greer talks about programmed life forms [automatronics, drug induced trickery etc.]

At Dulce,
Doesn't Phil talk about them using boxes on the front of their bodies as weapons?
Sounds like some external observer/controller may have been doing the shooting remotely, with look-like 'aliens' insitu.

He was clearly very burdened/depressed as well as excited/paranoid.
But how much from direct reality & how much from having circumstances fabricated i have no idea. We also all have some good tendency to believe what we want to believe, sometimes despite contrary evidence.

Maybe he was correct how ominously he saw things, but some things didn't add up real well.

The aliens are both dying off, yet they are successfully battling & gaining command & control here?
They have advanced technology, but they need our adrenal glands for drugs & can't synthesize them or find a viable substitute?
He described how filthy, diseased & smelly the 'aliens' at Dulce were.

I am inclined to believe he was being followed, harassed, targeted for murder, but it could easily be more complicated [perhaps more agendas/groups]

He probably was murdered. Probably by dirty elements of corporate &/or milab groups.

Phil made it sound pretty much in the bag. That we were toast & the aliens have already all but won. One doesn't want to lose/giveup hope.

His vision of things was very dramatic. ominous. depressing.

I don't pick that up from what little i see & understand of things,
so i really can't be a judge of his relayed experiences.

maybe, but it doesn't fit my experiences at this point.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by slank]

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