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Most successful fighter...

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:29 PM
id say F15 :-) it sure helped us alot throughout history lol

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 09:18 PM
The F-15 or F-14 they are both very exelent planes.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:08 PM
Id say the F-14 because in the early 1990s, they said it would be replaced, but wasnt and can be upgradeable, and was made to counter soviet aircraft, which most countries tha the US can easily overrun and do (Iraq) have/had soviet fighters, which is what the f-14 was designed for

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 08:49 AM
Yeah the F-14 performed very nicely against them Libiyan migs. To bad we gave some to Iran. Oh well its not like the Iranian F-14s can still fly. Also the Top Gun training you have to go through to fly one is incredibly difficult. To bad there probably gonna be out of service pretty soon I heard.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:36 AM
The only thing that any Russian aircraft is good making a black splat on the ground.



posted on May, 18 2008 @ 02:59 AM
If we are talking 'most successful' rather than 'best' then I would say the Hawker Hurricane based on research by aviation historian and author F K Mason.

After painstakingly examining claims of RAF fighter kills throughout the entire Second World War (not just the Battle of Britain which is the oft quoted measure of the Hurricanes success) he identified 11,400 verified kills.

Of these the Hurricane accounted for a whopping 55%, Spitfires took another 33% and all other types combined accounted for 12%.

Not bad for a plane that Milch and Galland regarded as 'obsolete' in 1939!

(source; Invasion 1940 by Derek Robinson, page 126.)

[edit on 18-5-2008 by waynos]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 03:19 AM
If we're to base it on kills, then wouldn't the Bf 109 have a claim to the prize?

I completely agree about the Hurricane being overshadowed in regards to its importance (especially when compared to its more famous counterpart).

[edit on 18-5-2008 by _Del_]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 03:26 AM
Yes, I was thinking that very thing when I posted. I wonder if their is similar research into the kills of the Luftwaffe? If anyone has done this for every combatant air force in WW2 that would be excellent.

I would predict the Bf 109, Zero, P-51 and Yak 9 would come out on top for each nation - but then again, without this research how many would have predicted the Spitfire for the RAF?

the total kills for the Hurricane comes out at about 6,700. I believe the Bf 109 (and possibly the P-51) would exceed that, but they were considerably 'superior' aircraft with the Hurricanes thick wings and heavy structure. I think this is what makes it more impressive than mere numbers. Along similar lines to the Russians success with the woeful P-39.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by waynos]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by waynos
I would predict the Bf 109, Zero, P-51 and Yak 9 would come out on top for each nation - but then again, without this research how many would have predicted the Spitfire for the RAF?

I'd expect the P-38 to come out on top of the P-51 -- again, not because it was a superior a/c but because it was more widely used in the Med. and Pacific theatres.

Edit: ... and now after thinking about it, am starting to think the extended service of the P-51 into the Korean conflict probably gives it the edge.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by _Del_]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 04:22 AM
After searching the web for a frustratingly long time I finally came up with these figures;

WW2- All theatres together-

P-51---5944 kills,
F6F---5265 kills, (never thought of that - should've known better)
P-38--3785 kills.

I will try to find figures for other types/countries

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by waynos

Excellent -- star for you for doing what I was too lazy to do

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Now this question is impossible to answer satisfactorily. What do we base our answer on? Victory/Loss ratios are inconslusive because they are only valid in large numbers; Sales as well because sales are as much influenced by politics as by technical aspects. All in all, no single statistic could be chosen to evaluate such a broad question; one has to look at the complete picture, above and beyond the simple performance tables.

My personal choice would be the Bf 109, a horribly uncomfortable, short ranged, very characteristic if not to say picky and unforgiving airplane that somehow still enabled the Luftwaffe to resist the enemy for a long time.

It is possibly the longest-lasting frontline fighter of the WW2 era, from 1937 into the early 60s (spanish service). It was the most-built model of any fighter, over 30.000 pieces, although there never were, on average, more than 1000 flyable aircraft in the inventory at any time in the war - and that although it took considerable less time to manufacture than many of its allied counterparts, and although the Luftwaffe had many other promising designs at hand.

And despite its shortcomings it also helped produce an unbelievable list of fighter aces - undeniably experts that in large parts resisted to fly any other aircraft and that should count for something. Hard data however is very hard to find because of lost and lacking documentation, so I don´t have any performance tables at hand.

I however have some "quoted quotes", take them for what they´re worth:

"109s kill ratio."
- According to Edward Sims' "The Fighter Pilots", the Luftwaffe claimed about 70000 victories, for the loss of 8500 pilots KIA, 2700 POW and 9100 wounded in action, for a total of ca. 20000 losses. Not knowing the real numbers, we could speculate there were another 20000 pilots who bailed out OK, that we arrive at a 70000:40000 kill ratio for the Luftwaffe, or 1.75:1. That's not bad at all considering the catastrophic finale.
- From April 1941 to November 1942, the Luftwaffe scored 1294 confirmed victories for about 200 Me 109 lost in combat. During this period, the Luftwaffe almost exclusively used the Me 109F. They identified their victims as 709 Tomahawks, 304 Hurricanes and 119 Spitfires, plus others/unidentified. That's a ratio of about 6.5:1. (location missing, but looks like North African campaign. Author suggests that these numbers should still be taken with a grain of salt, I have no clue if these are post war verified numbers or wartime claims)

[edit on 18/5/2008 by Lonestar24]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:03 PM
Like any other comparison we have to divide it within time periods. What would have been the F15 record on a multi year long war? would it have been decisive in winning that war?

The fact i we don't know and hopefully never will so I propose we choose one for each generation, in my opinion it seems more fair.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Russian
What is the most successful fighter in your peoples minds?

I would say Mig-29.

It is a great fighter and has a very good history and also alot of countries want it so its a good money maker.



Perhaps would be interesting to see the combat record of the MiG-29, air victories vs air-to-air losses:

Air Victories: 12 + 1 UAV

1987 MiG-29 (Russia) - 4 x Su-22 (Afghanistan / Mujahedin)
19.01.1991 MiG-29 (Irak) - 1 x Tornado GR Mk1 (RAF)
24.02.1996 MiG-29UB (Cuba) - 2 x Cessna 337 (USA / civilian)
25.02.1999 MiG-29 (Eritreea) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Ethiopia)
26.02.1999 MiG-29 (Eritreea) - 2 x MiG-21 (Ethiopia)
15.05.2000 MiG-29 (Eritreea) - 1 x Su-25 (Ethiopia)
18.05.2000 MiG-29 (Eritreea) - 1 x MiG-21 (Ethiopia)
28.04.2008 MiG-29 (Russia) - 1 x UAV (Georgia)

Losses in air to air combat : 20

2.06.1989 F-15C (Israel) - 2 x MiG-29 (Syria)
17.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-29 (Irak)
19.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-29 (Irak)
25.02.1999 Su-27 (Ethiopia) - 2 x MiG-29 (Eritreea)
18.03.1999 Su-27 (Ethiopia) - 2 x MiG-29 (Eritreea)
24.03.1999 F-16AM (Holland) - 1 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
24.04.1999 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
26.04.1999 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
4.05.1999 F-16CJ (USAF) - 1 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
18.05.2000 Su-27 (Ethiopia) - 1 x MiG-29 (Eritreea)
14.09.2001 F-15C (Israel) - 2 x MiG-29 (Syria)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by roniii259
F-16 no doubt. Over 5,000 built cheap, very manuverable, great attack and fighter and very adaptive.

The combat record of the F-16 in air to air arena

Air combat victories : 85 + 5 UAV

28.04.1981 F-16A (Israel) - 2 x Mi-8 (Syria)
14.07.1981 F-16A (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
26.05.1982 F-16 (Israel) - 3 x MiG-21 (Syria)
7.06.1982 F-16 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-23MF (Syria)
8.06.1982 F-16 (Israel) - 4 x MiG-23BN (Syria)
- 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
9.06.1982 F-16A (Israel) - 6 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 1 x MiG-23MF (Syria)
- 10 x fighter (Syria)
10.06.1982 F-16A (Israel) - 2 x SA342 (Syria)
- 7 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 1 x MiG-23MF (Syria)
11.06.1982 F-16A (Israel) - 4 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 6 x MiG-23 (Syria)
- 1 x Su-22 (Syria)
- 1 x SA342 (Syria)
24.06.1982 F-16A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-23BN (Syria)
17.05.1986 F-16A (Pakistan) - 2 x Su-22 (Afghanistan)
30.03.1987 F-16A (Pakistan) - 1 x An-26 (Afghanistan)
04.1987 F-16A (Pakistan) - 2 x An-26 (Afghanistan)
- 4 x Mi-8 (Afghanistan)
16.04.1987 F-16A (Pakistan) - 2 x Su-22 (Afghanistan)
08.1987 F-16A (Pakistan) - 1 x An-26 (Afghanistan)
17.05.1988 F-16A (Pakistan) - 2 x Su-22 (Afghanistan)
4.08.1988 F-16A (Pakistan) - 1 x Su-25 (Rusia)
3.11.1988 F-16A (Pakistan) - 1 x Su-22 (Afghanistan)
21.11.1988 F-16A (Pakistan) - 1 x An-26 (Afghanistan)
31.01.1989 F-16B (Pakistan) - 1 x An-24 (Rusia)
27.11.1992 F-16A (Venezuela) - 2 x OV-10 (Venezuela / rebel)
- 1 x AT-27 (Venezuela / rebel)
27.12.1992 F-16D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-25 (Irak)
17.01.1993 F-16C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-23 (Irak)
4.09.1993 F-16C (Turkey) - 1 x Mirage F1CG (Greece)
28.02.1994 F-16C (USAF) - 5 x J-21 (Serbia)
28.12.1995 F-16C (Greece) - 1 x F-4E (Turkey)
24.03.1999 F-16AM (Holland) - 1 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
4.05.1999 F-16CJ (USAF) - 1 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
8.06.2002 F-16B (Pakistan) - 1 x UAV (India)
2006 F-16 (Israel) - 3 x UAV (Palestine / Hezbollah)
25.02.2009 F-16C (USAF) - 1 x UAV (Iran)

Losses in air to air combat : 1

8.10.1996 Mirage 2000EG (Greece) - 1 x F-16D (Turkey)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
How bout the F-15? Used by many nations (in combat) with an excellent kill ratio.

The combat record of F-15 Eagle

Air victories: 104

27.06.1979 F-15A (Israel) - 5 x MiG-21MF (Syria)
24.09.1979 F-15A (Israel) - 4 x MiG-21 (Syria)
24.08.1980 F-15A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
31.12.1980 F-15 (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
13.02.1981 F-15 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25PD (Syria)
29.07.1981 F-15A (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25PD (Syria)
20.04.1982 F-15A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-23BN (Syria)
25.05.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
6.06.1982 F-15A (Israel) - 1 x MiG-23MS (Syria)
7.06.1982 F-15A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-23 (Syria)
8.06.1982 F-15A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 2 x MiG-23 (Syria)
9.06.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 4 x MiG-23 (Syria)
- 7 x MiG-21 (Syria)
10.06.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 6 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 2 x MiG-23 (Syria)
- 1 x SA342L (Syria)
11.06.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 4 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 2 x MiG-23 (Syria)
25.06.1982 F-15A (Israel) - 2 x MiG-23MF (Syria)
2.07.1982 F-15C (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21bis (Syria)
31.08.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Syria)
20.11.1985 F-15D (Israel) - 2 x MiG-23ML (Syria)
2.06.1989 F-15C (Israel) - 2 x MiG-29 (Syria)
5.06.1984 F-15 (Saudi Arabia) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
17.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-29 (Irak)
- 2 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
- 1 x Mirage F1BQ (Irak)
19.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-25PD (Irak)
- 2 x MiG-29 (Irak)
- 2 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
24.01.1991 F-15C (Saudi Arabia) - 2 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
26.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-23MF (Irak)
27.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-23MF (Irak)
- 1 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
29.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-23 (Irak)
2.02.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 1 x Il-76 (Irak)
6.02.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21bis (Irak)
- 2 x Su-25K (Irak)
7.02.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 3 x Su-22 (Irak)
7.02.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 1 x Mi-24 (Irak)
11.02.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x Mi-8 (Irak)
14.02.1991 F-15E (USAF) - 1 x Mi-24 (Irak)
24.04.1999 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
26.04.1999 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-29 (Serbia)
14.09.2001 F-15C (Israel) - 2 x MiG-29 (Syria)

Losses in air to air combat: 0

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
and I forgot...

Russian pilots use to serve as 'volunteers' in foreign air forces. many of the Communist bloc aces from Vietnam and Korea were actually Russian.

Now, you can make a very good argument along the lines that the MiG-17 was one of the best fighters ever. Though, in overall victories, it couldn't match the F-4 or F-105, if you factor in its cost it did pretty well. 17s often caught far more advanced, powerful, and expensive US fighters like F-4s or F-8s at low levels.

MiG-17 one of the best fighters ever ????? Let's take a look at the overall combat record in air to air combat for this plane:

MiG-17 / Shenyang J-4/J-5 "Fresco"

Air victories : 74 + 1 UAV + 8 blimp

1954 MiG-17P (Russia) - 1 x blimp (USAF)
16.01.1956 MiG-17PF (Bulgaria) - 1 x blimp (US / CIA)
21.01.1956 MiG-17PF (Russia) - 1 x MiG-15bis (Hungary)
31.01.1956 MiG-17PF (Bulgaria) - 4 x blimp (US / CIA)
1.02.1956 MiG-17PF (Bulgaria) - 1 x blimp (US / CIA)
23.06.1956 MiG-17 (China) - 1 x B-17G (Taiwan)
22.08.1956 MiG-17 (China) - 1 x P4M-1Q Mercator (USN)
23.09.1956 MiG-17PF (Bulgaria) - 1 x blimp (US / CIA)
1.10.1956 MiG-17 (China) - 1 x F-84G (Taiwan)
3.11.1956 MiG-17 (Egypt) - 1 x Wyvern (UK / Royal Navy)
10.11.1956 MiG-17 (China) - 1 x C-46 (Taiwan)
18.02.1958 MiG-17F (China) - 1 x RB-57D (Taiwan)
29.05.1958 MiG-17F (Russia) - 1 x RF-84F (Belgium)
17.06.1958 MiG-17F (China) - 1 x RF-84F (Taiwan)
27.06.1958 MiG-17P (Russia) - 1 x C-118 (USAF)
29.07.1958 MiG-17F (China) - 2 x F-84G (Taiwan)
2.09.1958 MiG-17 (Russia) - 1 x C-130A (USAF)
29.05.1959 MiG-17F (China) - 1 x B-17G (Taiwan)
7.09.1959 MiG-17F (China) - 1 x RB-57D (Taiwan)
4.11.1959 MiG-17F (Egypt) - 1 x Super Mystere B2 (Israel)
14.02.1960 MiG-17F (Egypt) - 1 x Mystere IVA (Israel)
05.1963 MiG-17P (Russia) - 1 x Aero Commander 560 (Iran)
20.06.1963 MiG-17F (China) - 1 x P-2H Neptune (Taiwan)
08.1964 MiG-17P (Russia) - 1 x Aero Commander 560 (Iran)
4.04.1965 J-4 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-105D (USAF)
28.04.1965 MiG-17F (North Korea) - 1 x RB-47H (USAF)
20.07.1965 J-4 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4 (US)
14.10.1965 J-4 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105D (USAF)
6.11.1965 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x CH-3C (USAF)
14.12.1965 MiG-17F (Russia) - 1 x RB-57F (USAF)
9.01.1966 J-5 (China) - 1 x HU-16A Albatros (Taiwan)
4.03.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4 (USAF)
23.04.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-105D (USAF)
24.04.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-105D (USAF)
26.04.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
29.04.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x A-1E (USN)
21.06.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x RF-8A (USN)
- 1 x F-8E (USN)
29.06.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105D (USAF)
14.07.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-8E (USN)
19.07.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105D (USAF)
29.07.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x RC-47D (USAF)
17.08.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105F (USAF)
5.09.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-8E (USN)
16.09.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
21.09.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
19.04.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105F (USAF)
- 1 x A-1E (USAF)
25.04.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105D (USAF)
- 1 x A-4E (USN)
5.05.1967 MiG-17F (Syria) - 2 x Super Mystere B2 (Israel)
7.05.1967 MiG-17F (Egypt) - 1 x Super Mystere B2 (Israel)
12.05.1967 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
19.05.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4B (USN)
20.05.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
28.06.1967 MiG-17 (Russia) - 1 x L-20 Beaver (Iran)
25.10.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105D (USAF)
19.11.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4B (USN)
17.12.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4D (USAF)
5.01.1968 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-105F (USAF)
28.01.1968 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x UAV (USAF)
14.02.1968 J-5 (China) - 1 x A-1H (USAF)
15.04.1969 MiG-17F (North Korea) - 1 x EC-121M (USN)
5.06.1969 MiG-17 (Nigeria) - 1 x DC-6B (Red Cross / civilian)
21.09.1970 MiG-17F (Russia) - 1 x U-8 Seminole (USAF)
10.07.1972 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4J (USN)
8.10.1973 MiG-17F (Egypt) - 2 x A-4E (Israel)
16.10.1973 MiG-17F (Egypt) - 1 x IAI Nesher (Israel)
18.10.1973 MiG-17 (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
18.10.1973 MiG-17F (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
1979 MiG-17 (Guineea Bissau) - 1 x PA-24 Comanche (South Africa)

Losses in air to air combat : 215

14.08.1958 F-86F (Taiwan) - 4 x MiG-17 (China)
25.08.1958 F-86 (Taiwan) - 2 x MiG-17 (China)
8.09.1958 F-86F (Taiwan) - 5 x MiG-17 (China)
18.09.1958 F-86F (Taiwan) - 6 x MiG-17 (China)
24.09.1958 F-86F (Taiwan) - 3 x MiG-17 (China)
10.10.1958 F-86F (Taiwan) - 4 x MiG-17 (China)
20.10.1958 Mystere IVA (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
21.12.1958 Mystere IVA (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
5.07.1959 F-86F (Taiwan) - 2 x MiG-17 (China)
16.02.1960 F-86F (Taiwan) - 1 x MiG-17 (China)
28.04.1961 Super Mystere B2 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
4.04.1965 F-105D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
4.04.1965 F-100D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
9.04.1965 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (China)
28.04.1965 RB-47H (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17F (North Korea)
17.06.1965 F-4B (USN) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
20.06.1965 A-1H (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.07.1965 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
20.07.1965 F-4 (US) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.10.1965 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.10.1965 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
23.04.1965 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
26.04.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
30.04.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.05.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.06.1966 F-8E (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
21.06.1966 F-8E (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
29.06.1966 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
13.07.1966 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
18.08.1966 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
16.09.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
21.09.1966 F-105D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
9.10.1966 A-1H (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
4.12.1966 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.03.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
26.03.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.04.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 5 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
24.04.1967 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
28.04.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
30.04.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
1.05.1967 F-8E (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
1.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
1.05.1967 A-4C (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.05.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
13.05.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 5 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
13.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.05.1967 F-8C (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.05.1967 F-8E (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
20.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 4 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
3.06.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
5.06.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
5.06.1967 Mystere IVA (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
5.06.1967 Super Mystere B2 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
5.06.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Syria)
7.06.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
8.06.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
- 1 x MiG-17F (Syria)
9.06.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
4.07.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
7.07.1967 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
- 1 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
15.07.1967 MIrage IIICJ (Israel) - 4 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
21.07.1967 F-8C (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
21.07.1967 F-8E (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
23.08.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
21.09.1967 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
18.10.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
26.10.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
27.10.1967 F-105D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
30.10.1967 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.11.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.12.1967 F-8E (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
17.12.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.12.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.12.1967 F-105F (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
3.01.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
18.01.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.02.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
9.07.1968 F-8E (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
29.07.1968 F-8E (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.10.1968 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
24.12.1968 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
12.02.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
7.07.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
20.07.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
24.07.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 4 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
27.11.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
11.12.1969 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17F (Syria)
14.01.1970 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
28.03.1970 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.05.1070 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Syria)
12.05.1970 A-4 (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
15.05.1970 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
16.05.1970 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
26.06.1970 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
27.07.1970 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
6.03.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
8.05.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4J (USN) - 6 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
18.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17F (Vietnam)
23.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
11.06.1972 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.01.1973 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17F (Vietnam)
6.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 8 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
6.10.1973 IAI Nesher (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
8.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
9.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
10.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Syria)
13.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Syria)
16.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Syria)
16.10.1973 IAI Nesher (Israel) - 3 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
17.10.1973 Mirage IIICJ (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
19.10.1973 IAI Nesher (Israel) - 3 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
22.10.1973 IAI Nesher (Israel) - 2 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
23.10.1973 IAI Nesher (Israel) - 1 x MiG-17 (Egypt)
3.08.1977 F-5A (Ethiopia) - 1 x MiG-17 (Somalia)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Warhappy
I like this mig-25 its the kind my father flew!

The combat record of the MiG-25 "Foxbat"

Air to air victories : 7 + 1 UAV

3.05.1981 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x Gulfstream III (Algeria)
21.03.1985 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
5.06.1985 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
23.02.1986 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x EC-130E (Iran)
10.06.1986 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
2.10.1986 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x MiG-21RF (Syria)
17.01.1991 MiG-25PDS (Irak) - 1 x F/A-18C (USN)
23.12.2002 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x UAV (USAF)

Losses in air to air combat : 19

1976 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25R (Russia)
13.02.1981 F-15 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25PD (Syria)
29.07.1981 F-15A (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25PD (Syria)
1982 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
31.08.1982 F-15 (Israel) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Syria)
16.09.1982 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
1.12.1982 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
4.12.1982 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25PD (Irak)
6.08.1983 F-5E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
1986 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25BM (Russia)
15.02.1986 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
09.1986 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MG-25RB (Irak)
11.11.1987 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25BM (Russia)
9.03.1988 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RBS (Irak)
20.03.1988 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
22.03.1988 F-14A (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25RB (Irak)
19.01.1991 F-15C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-25PD (Irak)
27.12.1992 F-16D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-25 (Irak)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
is this supposed to be a question over what the best fighter, ever, was... or what the best fighter is today?

I think you have to set-up an equation that factors in A2A victory rates OVER a certain number of engagements, survivability AFTER being damaged, versatility (years in service spread over theaters and combat roles), cost-benefit analysis, and anecdotal evidence concerning one on one engagements between pilots of equal ability. Also, things like training accidents and maintenance mistakes need to be factored in... because a well-designed plane should be pilot and crew friendly.

So... keeping that in mind...
Yes, the F-15 has an awesome A2A record. It's also been operated in a period where the US has mostly lived in relative peace. Unlike the F-4 or F-86, which had to fly against MiGs flown by Russian 'volunteers' in Vietnam and Korea, the F-15 has only engaged enemy aircraft flown by pilots from non-major powers. It's also extremely expensive, meaning that its 'bang for buck' ratio probably isn't the same as that for something like a P-51. So, yes, the F-15 is undefeated, but it's also never been in a situation where the odds weren't in its favor.

So... I gotta say...

That the F-4 is my pick. Yes, it can't fly against anything around today... but for its era it was a dominant fighter, and one that flew in situations where the success of the mission wasn't ensured. I think it had something like a 12 to 1 victory ratio in vietnam... and its service in the hands of the Israelis was just devastating. It was also known to be a rugged/damage resistant fighter that could fly a variety of missions with little redesign needed. When it WAS hit... its crew often made it home.

The combat record of the F-4 Phantom II

Air to air victories : 310 + 2 missiles

9.04.1965 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (China)
17.06.1965 F-4B (USN) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.07.1965 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
20.07.1965 F-4 (US) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.10.1965 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
23.04.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
26.04.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
30.04.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
12.05.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.06.1966 F-4B (USN) - 2 x An-2 (Vietnam)
13.07.1966 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.07.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
16.09.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
5.11.1966 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
20.12.1966 F-4B (USN) - 2 x An-2 (Vietnam)
2.01.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 7 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
6.01.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
24.04.1967 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
23.04.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
26.04.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
1.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
4.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
13.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
14.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
20.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 4 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
22.05.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
5.06.1967 F-4C (USAF) - 3 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.08.1967 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
21.09.1967 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
24.10.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
26.10.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
26.10.1967 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
30.10.1967 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.11.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
17.12.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
19.12.1967 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
3.01.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
18.01.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
5.02.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
6.02.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
12.02.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
14.02.1968 F-4D (USAF) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
28.03.1968 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
9.05.1968 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
16.06.1968 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
10.07.1968 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
11.09.1969 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
11.11.1969 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
1970 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
- 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
8.02.1970 F-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
6.03.1970 F-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
28.03.1970 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
25.04.1970 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x Il-28 (Egypt)
30.07.1970 F-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21MF (Russia)
1971 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
19.01.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
21.02.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
1.03.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
6.03.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
30.03.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
16.04.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 3 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
6.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
6.05.1972 F-4J (USN) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
8.05.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 1 x MiG-19 (Vietnam)
8.05.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 6 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 2 x J-6 (Vietnam)
10.05.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x J-6 (Vietnam)
11.05.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
12.05.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x J-6 (Vietnam)
18.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17F (Vietnam)
- 4 x MiG-19 (Vietnam)
23.05.1972 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
23.05.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
31.05.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
31.05.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
2.06.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-19 (Vietnam)
11.06.1972 F-4B (USN) - 2 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
13.06.1972 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
21.06.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
21.06.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
8.07.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 3 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
18.07.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
29.07.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
29.07.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
10.08.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
12.08.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
15.08.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
19.08.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
28.08.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
2.09.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x J-6 (Vietnam)
9.09.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 2 x MiG-19 (Vietnam)
9.09.1972 F-4E (Israel) - 3 x Su-7 (Syria)
11.09.1972 F-4J (USMC) - 1 x MiG-21US (Vietnam)
12.09.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
12.09.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
16.09.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
5.10.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
6.10.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
- 1 x J-6 (Vietnam)
8.10.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
12.10.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
13.10.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
15.10.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
15.10.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 2 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
21.11.1972 F-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
18.12.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
21.12.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
22.12.1972 F-4E (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
28.12.1972 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
28.12.1972 F-4J (USN) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
7.01.1973 F-4D (USAF) - 1 x MiG-21 (Vietnam)
8.01.1973 RF-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
12.01.1973 F-4B (USN) - 1 x MiG-17 (Vietnam)
2.02.1073 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x Boeing 727 (Libya)
13.09.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 7 x MiG-21 (Syria)
6.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 8 x MiG-17F (Egypt)
- 14 x Mi-8 (Egypt)
- 2 x AS-5 missile (Egypt)
7.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 2 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
- 1 x Mi-8 (Egypt)
8.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
9.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
10.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 2 x MiG-21 (Syria)
- 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
11.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
- 1 x fighter (Syria)
13.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 3 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
- 2 x MiG-21PF (Irak)
14.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 3 x MiG-21MF (Egypt)
15.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
17.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 3 x MiG-21 (Syria)
21.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Egypt)
- 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
23.10.1973 F-4E (Israel) - 4 x MiG-21 (Syria)
1976 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-25R (Rusia)
29.04.1974 F-4E (Israel) - 4 x MiG-21 (Syria)
22.09.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
25.09.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 4 x MiG-23 (Irak)
27.09.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 2 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
28.09.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 4 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
28.09.1980 F-4D (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M (Irak)
3.10.1980 F-4D (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M (Irak)
13.10.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
7.12.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
19.12.1980 F-4E (Iran) - 3 x Su-20 (Irak)
21.01.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 2 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
25.04.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
26.04.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
- 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
15.05.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
22.09.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
3.12.1981 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
- 2 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
19.03.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
4.04.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
22.04.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x An-26 (Irak)
10.06.1982 F-4E (Israel) - 1 x MiG-21 (Syria)
16.07.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
28.08.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x An-26TV (Irak)
15.09.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
10.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-20 (Irak)
16.11.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
20.11.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
21.11.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M-3K (Irak)
3.12.1982 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23MS (Irak)
27.01.1983 F-4E (Iran) - 2 x Su-22M-3K (Irak)
4.05.1983 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M-3K (Irak)
16.06.1983 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Mi-25 (Irak)
2.04.1984 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Super Etendard (Irak)
1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23ML (Irak)
14.01.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
03.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-27 (Russia)
9.03.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x fighter (Irak)
11.03.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
15.03.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
19.04.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-21MF (Irak)
11.05.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22 (Irak)
15.05.1985 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22 (Irak)
18.06.1986 F-4D (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M (Irak)
12.07.1986 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x SA321 (Irak)
15.11.1986 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
17.11.1987 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M-4K (Irak)
22.11.1987 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23BN (Irak)
6.03.1988 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Mirage F1EQ (Irak)
19.03.1988 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Tu-22B (Irak)
8.05.1988 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Su-22M-4K (Irak)
14.06.1988 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x MiG-23MF (Irak)
25.07.1988 F-4E (Iran) - 1 x Bell 214ST (Irak)

Losses in air to air combat : 143

20.07.1965 J-4 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4 (US)
4.03.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4 (US)
26.04.1966 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
16.09.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
21.09.1966 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
5.10.1966 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
9.10.1966 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
14.04.1967 J-6 (China) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
12.05.1967 J-5 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
19.05.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4B (USN)
20.05.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
26.06.1967 J-6 (China) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
23.08.1967 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4D (USAF)
8.11.1967 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
19.11.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4B (USN)
17.12.1967 MiG-21PF (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4C (USAF)
17.12.1967 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4D (USAF)
18.01.1968 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4D (USAF)
12.02.1968 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
23.02.1968 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
7.05.1968 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
16.06.1968 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4J (USN)
6.12.1969 MiG-21F-13 (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
8.02.1970 MiG-21PFS (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
2.04.1970 MiG-21PFM (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
18.12.1971 MiG-21PFM (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4D (USAF)
27.04.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
10.05.1972 J-6 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
- 1 x F-4E (USAF)
10.05.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4J (USN)
10.05.1972 MiG-21PFM (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4B (USN)
11.05.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
18.05.1972 J-6 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
20.05.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
13.06.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
21.06.1972 MiG-21MF (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
23.06.1972 MiG-21MF (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
24.06.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
- 1 x F-4E (USAF)
27.06.1972 MiG-21MF (Vietnam) - 3 x F-4E (USAF)
5.07.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4E (USAF)
8.07.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
10.07.1972 MiG-17 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4J (USN)
24.07.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
29.07.1972 MiG-21MF (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
30.07.1972 MiG-21MF (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
26.08.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4J (USMC)
11.09.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4B (USN)
- 1 x F-4E (USAF)
12.09.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
1.10.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
5.10.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4D (USAF)
6.10.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
12.10.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
26.12.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 1 x F-4E (USAF)
27.12.1972 MiG-21 (Vietnam) - 2 x F-4E (USAF)
7.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
7.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
7.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Egypt) - 2 x F-4E (Israel)
8.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Syria) - 3 x F-4E (Israel)
8.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Syria) - 1 x RF-4E (Israel)
9.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Syria) - 2 x F-4E (Israel)
11.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Egypt) - 2 x F-4E (Israel)
14.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Egypt) - 4 x F-4E (Israel)
16.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
16.10.1973 MiG-21 (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
17.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Syria) - 2 x F-4E (Israel)
18.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
18.10.1973 MiG-17F (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
18.10.1973 MiG-17 (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
20.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
21.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
21.10.1973 MiG-21FL (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
23.10.1973 MiG-21F-13 (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
23.10.1973 MiG-21MF (Egypt) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
28.11.1973 MiG-21SMT (Rusia) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
15.04.1974 MiG-23MS (Syria) - 2 x F-4E (Israel)
19.04.1974 MiG-21MF (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
09.1980 F-14A (USN) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
8.09.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
25.09.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
2.10.1980 Su-20 (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
8.10.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
9.10.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
15.10.1980 MiG-23MS (Irak) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
15.10.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
16.10.1980 MiG-23MS (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
- 1 x F-4E (Iran)
19.10.1980 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
22.11.1980 MiG-23MS (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
28.11.1980 MiG-23MS (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
12.1980 MiG-21bis (Irak) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
9.01.1981 fighter (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
18.01.1981 MiG-21 (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
4.02.1981 MiG-23 (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
05.1981 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
7.05.1981 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
12.12.1981 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
27.01.1982 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
10.06.1982 MiG-21bis (Syria) - 1 x F-4E (Israel)
16.07.1982 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
10.1982 MiG-21MF (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
27.01.1983 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
09.1983 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
5.06.1984 F-15 (Saudi Arabia) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
29.12.1984 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
03.1985 fighter (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
21.03.1985 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x F-4D (Iran)
5.06.1985 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
15.02.1986 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
10.06.1986 MiG-25PD (Irak) - 1 x RF-4E (Iran)
1.02.1987 fighter (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
27.03.1987 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
14.06.1987 MiG-23ML (Irak) - 2 x F-4E (Iran)
19.07.1988 Mirage F1EQ (Irak) - 1 x F-4E (Iran)
28.12.1995 F-16C (Greece) - 1 x F-4E (Turkey)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
onlyinmydreams, you make some good points, but as far as survivability goes, I'd take the Eagle...

I remember reading about an Isreali pilot who lost a whole wing and didnt even know - he just flew back to base and landed. When he got out everyone was just staring at the plane and someone had to show him because he didn't even know.

An interview with the Israeli pilot involved in the incident:

edit on 3-6-2011 by kondor because: link to youtube not working when inserted

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