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Gore Continues to Blast Bush

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posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 09:14 AM
I used to not like Al Gore, but I have to say, since his defeat in 2000, he has re-emerged as quite the populist firebrand. You gotta love it. He's been busy lambastin Bush over his idiotic policies and it's refreshing. For the first time ever, he truly reminds me of his cousin Gore Vidal - one of my heroes. It's too bad Gore's not running this time. I'd actually vote for him. And I've never voted for a Democrat before.

Gore Continues to Blast Bush
By Chris McGann
Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Saturday 05 June 2004

Suddenly fiery ex-vice president rouses faithful in Tacoma.
Tacoma - Once called The Stiff by reporters who covered him in the 2000 presidential race, former Vice President Al Gore has become a firebrand for the Democratic Party with his increasingly vitriolic refutation of the Bush administration's handling of the economy, the environment and the war in Iraq.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Gore is stupid, why didnt he fight like this 4 years ago. he let Bush take the electon from him. Did he just wake up? Why is he fighting now, Go back to bed. You didnt want the job very bad then, you should have no say now. GO BACK TO BED GORE.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 09:20 AM
I don't know why he didn't fight like this before. It's probably because he came from a genteel background where gentlemen behaved gentlemanly. It also probably took some time for all this to sink in to his mind. I'm glad he has become woken up, though. His voice is very important.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 09:34 AM

He made two mistakes:
1. Stopping the Florida battle - he was right & time would have supported that.
2. Not being at this level of piss & vinegar continuously during the theft-in-progress : He was plenty fiery during the debates & at campaign stops, but had the corporate media stacked against him.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I don't know why he didn't fight like this before. It's probably because he came from a genteel background where gentlemen behaved gentlemanly. It also probably took some time for all this to sink in to his mind. I'm glad he has become woken up, though. His voice is very important.

The reason he speaks with such "Rage & Passion" these days is to get people like you excited. Ranting and raving at the top of your lungs, does not make your point of view any stronger, just louder.....

The reason Gore is acting this way is the fact that he is not the political hopeful he once thought he was, and he knows that being "off the wall" is the only way he can still get some national exposure.

I find his latest tirades amusing but not insightful.....good for TV in a curious sort of way....

Hopefully Gore will have a talk show on his new TV network and we can see a daily version of his passionate oratory....

I wonder how much he's made off his invention.......the internet...

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:01 AM
JackatMtn, you should read the speech he gave a couple weeks ago. It was inspiring, truthful and full of righteous indignation.

And unlike bonehead Bush he wasn't reading off of cue-cards or a teleprompter. How refreshing.

To see it or read the transcript go here:

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:01 AM
Gore did take credit for helping to father the Internet as we know it; but he never said he invented it. It's Right Wing Propaganda that has been repeated so many times the intellectually lazy think it's true. That's the way propaganda works.

Gore was the Senator who wrote the legislation to move the progenitor of the Internet from being a government/university communications network into the public domain.

Repeat that to yourself 100 that you can deny ignorance.

The man has also been severly on point with all of his criticisms, especially given the fact that he's aware of the "before" state to our current "after", from an intimate perspective.
The only other people who can say that are Paul O'Neil, Richard Clarke, Ambassador Wilson, Gen.Zinni, Sec.White, Sec. Scowkroft, Bill Clinton.....Ooops! they've been saying that too....I forgot!!

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Too late for Gore to bash Bush. I guess he is trying to help Kerry in his campaign appealing to public opinion. After the last elections I got the impression that Gore was a weak contender.

[edit on 9-6-2004 by marg6043]

[edit on 9-6-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:12 AM
Gore really needs to get on with his life. Apparently, the dems have told him not to bother running again.
He is a poor leader, with few good points. He whines. He pouts. He wasn't even a good Vice President (you will remember how little Clinton seemed to let him out on his own.)
He also needs to lose a few (!) pounds

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
I wonder how much he's made off his invention.......the internet...

To those intellectually challenged.....this
is a JOKE, thought the laughing smiley would clue u in on that.......

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 10:29 AM
wow how unoriginal, a politician using your emotions to their advantage. what a shock.

hate is such a strong emotion and politcians are using this emotion to draw support to their cause (notice i said THEIR cause and not yours? there's a reason for this)

and the funny thing is you people buy into it hook line and sinker like a hungry catfish. i guess anger is all you can relate to instead of clam logical well thought out rational comments. seems to me that if gore had a point he could make it and look like less on a lantic and more of a person who knows what he's doing. as it is now he look like a TV evangelist running around and screaming and tell you he needs your support, just repent and believe in his form of god. in this case his own brand of BS politics.

so sad to see people who like the way he presents himself, in this case like a raving mad man instead of A) a rational civilized human being and B) what he's saying (i already know what he's saying as its al gore and if its not about the environment or how he invented the internet then he's bashing bush and drawing support from the hate monger section of society)

but hey dont mind me. continue to let your emotions be manipulated. let them use your emotions for their gain.

he's such an attention whore. same tactic same BS same boring gore.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 11:14 AM
you didn't see the speech, did you? There's nothing 'mad' about what Gore said. He's speaking truth to power. And, for many, the truth hurts.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
you didn't see the speech, did you? There's nothing 'mad' about what Gore said. He's speaking truth to power. And, for many, the truth hurts.

the truth is a relative thing. whatever coincides with our way of thinking we often mistake for the truth. and then we make comments like "the truth hurts". no the truth doesnt hurt, ignorance in mistaking one mans opinion for the truth does hurt. not me but it does hurt, i'll let you figure out who it really hurts.

i dont buy into what gore says anymore than what bush says. they tell us what they think we want to hear and people want to hear anything that is against bush. after all he was at a fundraiser...not surprising he would attack bush. much like anyone who campaigns for bush would attack kerry, its actually expected, boring and predictable but expected nonetheless. people didnt pay 65 bucks a plate to hear him make a middle of the road speech, no sir! they want the fire and brimstone against bush and how anti american he is. you dont get supporters by saying "yeah sure bush hasnt been the greatest president but he has done some good." no they get supporters by demonizing him as much as possible. same with bush, demonize kerry as much as possible even though kerry isnt all bad. even gore himself isnt all bad but lets be honest like the other two his bad points do stick out more, whether this is because they actually do or because the media at large wants us to tink of only the bad things i cant say, probably a little bit of both. but i never dismiss the fact policiticians do some good, its not often enough but they all do some good now and then. but to hear some people tell it certain politicians do only wrong while other can do no wrong. now are you going to believe THAT BS? i would hope not.

its drivel, pure and simple. i'm tired of both sides trying to tell us what being an american really is. well its not mindlessly waving flags and pretending everything is ok and we shouldnt complain but its also not being a full time cynic and thinking the worse is going to happen and a police state is just around the corner and bush is a demon. both sides have once again taken an issue and stretched it out to the extreme and so many people are buying into this claptrap by thinking they have to fall into either camp. its downright sickening.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
the truth is a relative thing.

i dont buy into what gore says anymore than what bush says.

Then you've lost all semblance of objective thought. Being able to discern content, regardless of delivery, is a critical life skill. You'll have a mate say something to you that's important, but she might say it in a drisive tone or yelling. That's a secret to actually listing to people - get past their expression flaws or emotion at the time....focus on content.
In the politico world, there is enough data to form your own opinion, an educated one, as to if rhetoric or passionate discourse is dropping from their lips.
Gore's speeches of late have been the latter, but you're so concerned with having the "equal evil" rule of yours applied, that you've missed some very historic stuff. Yes I said historic: Gore, in political years, is still a young man. He's going at the heart of things with passion, damage to himself be damned.
A politician not trying to cover his own azz no matter what? Historic.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:09 PM
'Truth' is subjective, in this case and argument, and Prank hit it flat on the head when he said what he said about it. You accept what Gore says, just like you accept what Kerry says, just as you accepted what Dean said, just as you accept anything and everything feed to you that is totally and fully against this current administration, and more than likely, against any Republican administration!

This is your second comment in this thread and topic defending Gore and establishing that you, yourself, speak of 'truth', ironic?


[edit on 9-6-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:16 PM
BT i dont base my opinions on their words. you might and thats ok.

i case them on their actions.

hence the reason why i dont bother listening to them.

you might catch on to this concept of substance over flash one day. i still have hope for you.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
Gore is stupid, why didnt he fight like this 4 years ago. he let Bush take the electon from him. Did he just wake up?

Something tells me that it was not Gore who made the decision to stop contesting Florida, and it was simply a complicit Supreme Court that was always going to do the most corrupt thing that it has ever done.

For Gore to start down the track of calling Bush and the whole administration what they are, and stop halfway, would be weak. He should call it as it is.

For respondents to say that truth is subjective is not addressing the issues either! It is very easy to discern fact from opinion. Facts of what has happened are indisputable. Not all facts are in the public domain. That does not turn the facts into subjective statements.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:58 PM
what's wrong with Gore bashing Bush
almost half of the country does it on a daily basis
there's no reason why Gore shouldn't be allow to say it as he sees it.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 06:33 PM
Should have known after a botched election - things would be a mess...

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 09:47 AM
[edit on 13-6-2004 by Mspc]

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