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had a dream interested in interperetation

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:50 AM
hey ATS can you interperit my dream?
now ill tell you right now i dont take much stock in things of the mystical nature
however im curious to what others will think
so here goes:

i had a dream that i was in this house talking to a freind and they warned me that the house was haunted. and i said by what?
they replied
"by horrid beings from between here and the nightmare rift of death"
i was laying down on the floor of the house relaxing then i look in front of me and see a small black figure with a white face, strangley no facial features. i scream well i sort of croaked trying to scream and i cant get up but then i thought o # sleep paralysis
and decided it wasnt gunna scare me this time
so i fumbled around on the floor and found a whip or a belt i dont recall what it was and i started beating the creature mercilessley
it just stood there like nothing was happening, then i woke up and i was still paralysed and he little monster was still there! it disapeared when i woke up all the way.
i was still scared but im over it

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:49 AM
The house represents the earth our home, the creature you saw is a demon and they dwell here and now in the spiritual realm, in a higher dimensional state although the barrier separating our world from theirs is weakening. You tried to fight back it had no effect on the creature. Nothing you can do of your own power will allow you to fight these creatures, only through Jesus Christ will you be able to fight back. All the news suggests that the pit is opening wider day by day, expect to see more and expect to be afraid.

Not to derail your thread but had a dream myself about 4 months back. My house, flood waters rising, my family leaving in a car to escape. Out front of the house in a cage, pacing like a caged and hungry animal, a demon, black humanoid shape, red eyes, malice emanating from it. I wanted to go back in the house to get a few more things but I knew if I did the demon would by that time be free and I would be destroyed. I had time if only the rising waters were considered but on the spiritual realm no time.

All signs point to something big happening in the next few years, both dreams. Using only the signs of our physical senses by the time we realize it, it will be too late. Listen to your spirit, it is warning you. Peace.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by ashanu90

Try accepting it, welcome it, love it, show it compassion.

This thing may also be a representation of something in your life. Is there something going on in your life that could be negative? It is my experience that these types of entities typically manifest themselves into the physical world as more then just beings, by this i mean it could be an object, place, person, feeling, drug, or anything for that matter.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:02 AM
I'm not sure if I completely understand your dream but I had a really odd dream that kind of ended the same way.

I was dreaming that I was laying in my bed and 2 purple beings were holding me down and I could not move. I was terrified and I woke up.

The odd thing was that when I "woke up" I was still dreaming and the 2 purple beings were still holding me down in my bed and it was like I was watching from an OBE position... but I could still feel the fear.

Then I woke up for the second time and was actually awake in reality but I could not move I had sleep paralysis and it scared the crap out of me. It was definitely one of the oddest dreams I have ever had and I don't think I will forgot it anytime soon.

As for interpreting your dream. I can't really do that because I think that dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you things(at least that's what I think) so try to relate it to your life and what you have been thinking about or worrying about and try to make a correlation.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:11 AM
Have no fear. Give the faceless one a happy smiling face and send it on it way.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:38 AM
As a general rule, if you are an active participant in your dream, then the dream is about you/your life.

The importance of the house in your dream is significant in that it was not your home. Did you recognise the house?

Houses generally represent 'mansions' as in the mansion of the soul.

Your dream indicates a battle of conscience.

That many are experiencing similar dreams, human battle with external demonic forces is indicative of the intrinsic value of the individual that battles against the darkside that seeks to enslave us all.

[edit on 28/5/2010 by teapot]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:40 AM
No one on earth can interpret anothers mind or dreams. Its your puzzle.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:36 AM
My take on your dream is simple. Your friend was either a friend you know or an angel giving you an advanced warning. You laying on the floor of your house (which represents your comfort zone or your treasure) indicates that you chose to ignore that warning with a measure of smugness (you got real comfortable). The danger showed up and was completely impervious to your feeble attempt to defend what you thought you had power to defend. You got punked big time dude. This sounds very similar to a warning given by Jesus to those seeking to go back into their homes to get stuff (when they should have been getting out of the kill zone and going to the mountains) Matt. 24:15 - 22.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by ashanu90

Try accepting it, welcome it, love it, show it compassion.

This thing may also be a representation of something in your life. Is there something going on in your life that could be negative? It is my experience that these types of entities typically manifest themselves into the physical world as more then just beings, by this i mean it could be an object, place, person, feeling, drug, or anything for that matter.

out of all the answers i like this one the best star for you.

i doubt il ever have this dream again i rarely have re ocuring dreams
yeah ive had alot of negativitey in my life especially lately being that my gpa,l my stepdad, and my dad all died within a time period of about say 10 months.
i dont know about compassion my friend said it was a horrid being from the nightmare rift of death, im guessing its not very nice scared the hell out of me.
but if i do manage to have this dream i will take your advice. thanks

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by TV_Nation

thats creepy! i think however just like a dream, that a sleep paralysis session can be psychologically evaluated
what do you think?

ive had a few sp encounters in my lifetime, once a little shadow girl skipped around my room, a shadow man was on horseback in my doorway, i once saw what looked like my gf in her purple hoody crouched by my bed, and when i was real little i saw a shadow doberman and a shadow #zu sniff around my room.
creepy stuff

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:53 PM
here's an abstract explaination of your 'dream'

Most all dreams are communications between your subconscious self and your super-conscious self, the language is symbolism & metaphor...

the 'house' is your notion of the family-tree, the house is the home to all your ancestors.

the interloper creature you were trying to fend off with a lash/belt/flexible power-wand... is representational of a hereditary ailment of some sort,

that is why it withstood your assaults, everyday ailments can be treated and subdued with general antibiotics/medications
(which would have been expressed in the dream as the sinister entity being driven off or just reduced to a pile-of-empty clothes)
but since it persisted & withstood all your attempts to thwart 'it'
that leads me to think your mind is telling the cognitive you that you better get & see a specialist, get a blood work-up for genetic or hereditary complications.

tomorrow, or anytime in the future--- if you didn't respond to the dream message... another different 'dream' situation will present itself, in hopes that you respond to the new & revised dream alert/warning, that has the same message but in a different storyline


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:00 PM
you either did or said something to a friend recently and you either did, or wondered if you did - hurt their feelings.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:08 PM
We did dream analysis as a module and to me it sounds as if there is something in your life or has been in your life, an obstacle that you view as so hard to pass or so hard to overcome that not living is an easier option, and you are afraid that if you tackle it head on you won't beat it. it's about trying to get somewhere you feel you can't emotionally

[edit on 28-5-2010 by TheNewKid]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by St Udio

im going to level with you that scares me
cancer has been known to be on my moms side of the family.
so i think i might take your advice on that

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

The house represents your mind. Your friend is telling you that you have malicious spirits inside of you.

The small black figure is the shadow of the spirit. The white face is the light revealing it. You didn't tell it to go away, but you attacked it physically. You cannot attack it physically, which is why it had no reaction.

The fact that the figure was small means that this is a minor demon in your life.

It's not a physical demon, it's a mental demon.

There is a small guilt or worry or fear in your mind that is preventing you from doing what you are supposed to be doing. What are you supposed to be doing and why aren't you doing it?

I guess you are the one who knows the answers to these questions.

But I can tell you how to rid yourself of guilt, worry, and fear.

Do not continue to feel guilty for your lies because all you have to do is tell the truth.

Do not continue to feel worry for your procrastination because all you have to do is do what has to be done.

Do not have fear because the worst thing that could happen is death and whatever it is that you are afraid of is not going to kill you.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:53 PM
There are a lot of people having similar dreams like this. I think this is a warning from God that soon we are all going to have to make a choice whose side are we on? God's or Satan's. If you are on Satan's side, you will accept the mark of the beast and be lost for all eternity. If you choose to be on God's side get ready to go into battle against Satan and his demons.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by dreampsi
you either did or said something to a friend recently and you either did, or wondered if you did - hurt their feelings.

you know i think that may have happend too could you explain to me how you interpereted that though?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

so are you telling me it is an actual demon or a metaphor for something bothering me? like a monkey on my back?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by ashanu90
reply to post by TarzanBeta

so are you telling me it is an actual demon or a metaphor for something bothering me? like a monkey on my back?

It could be either, indeed.

Either way, you have something to do.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

well then i guess i need to reflect on my past and evaluate my life. i think ill do that. thanks for the advice

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