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Afghans believe US is funding Taliban

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:40 AM
The Afghanis I have met were not very smart but it seems the entire country has grasped a concept that most of the world cannot. The scam is so obvious yet people still belive that the world's most powerful army cannot defeat a few thousand flower farmers.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I have a simple question --

If the U.S. is paying the Taliban [or whatever is the current pc term for terrorists today], and funding all of their operations, who are the people that are actually getting killed?

In other words, are the numbers of dead Taliban members made up?
Are they not actually Taliban?

It seems that when they are Afghan citizens, the Afghans are quick to point that out.

So who are all these people dying?

What do we do?
Pay them to engage in war games?
Give them weapons, count to twenty, and allow them a head start?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

Yes, we pay them and also kill them. Why is this hard to understand?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

The media and military lump all fighters under the 'taliban' banner. It is not one cohesive force you are fighting anymore, the only thing they all have in common is pushing a foreign aggressor out of Afghanistan but they are not all one group of people. And it does make sense to fund certain factions, sew the seeds of chaos giving the allied forces an excuse to occupy Afghanistan indefinitely under the guise of helping the poor Afghans. Harping on about how afghan woman can't get an education and are treated poorly etc etc As if that justifies invading and occupying a country...
They had to come up with something i guess after the Osama Bin laden bogey man crap stopped working...

[edit on 28-5-2010 by Solomons]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:23 PM
A very frightening credible thread?
George Orwell in 1984 described such things, after observing Stalinism.
But I will keep an open mind on this subject,all war is strategic,it doesnt mean necessarily that The USA is conducting a bogus war?
My understanding is Afghanistan is a buffer against the Muslim extremists trying to spread from the former USSR, and the USA is protecting vast gas and oil reserves from the Chinese and Islamists ect.
But I find this thread valid anyway.
But perhaps a tad harsh on our war dead?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
I have a simple question --

If the U.S. is paying the Taliban [or whatever is the current pc term for terrorists today], and funding all of their operations, who are the people that are actually getting killed?

In other words, are the numbers of dead Taliban members made up?
Are they not actually Taliban?

It seems that when they are Afghan citizens, the Afghans are quick to point that out.

So who are all these people dying?

What do we do?
Pay them to engage in war games?
Give them weapons, count to twenty, and allow them a head start?

As we all know China profits from US loans, then China supplies the Iranians, Taliban & Iraqis with weapons... If you or I were to launder $$ through China resulting in arms being delivered to the Taliban.. we'd be stripped of citizenship as "terrorists" and beaten with truncheons by heros at GITMO.. when the GOP & DNC do it, they get re-elected & praised by their loyal flock.

"U.S. concerns over China's weapons deals with Tehran after a 10-ton weapons cache was discovered in the western Afghan province of Herat. The cache found in Ghurian district, near the border with Iran, included artillery shells, land mines, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers with Chinese, Russian, and Persian markings on them. Britain's Foreign Office has also confirmed that it has complained to Beijing about Chinese-made HN-5 antiaircraft missiles confiscated from Taliban fighters"

"For their part, the Taleban have recently begun boasting that they have now got hold of much more sophisticated weaponry although they refused to say from where. Afghan officials have also privately confirmed to the BBC that sophisticated Chinese weapons are now in the hands of the Taleban."

The US govt also borrows from the federal reserve, earning profits for the bankers.. so it's not surprising Chinese vice premier Wang Qishan hangs out with U.S. fed lackey bernanke under the banner of "China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED)" ... also treasury secretary tim geithner and hillary are laughably called "special representatives of president obama"

I'm sure these true patriots, and national treasures, are simply heart broken and furious their business partners in China are responsible for the wholesale slaughter of US troops.. as they laugh about profits and sucker tax payers over decadent meals in ornate palatial surroundings.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:13 PM
I've been saying this since Day One. What did you guys think that the same people we've been paying since Reagan and given completely support in their dominance of the region would suddenly turn on us? They had absolutely no motivation too. The only problem was the religious segments of the Taliban were shutting down Poppy fields which was killing the world's heroin and opiate trade. Something our government profits from. How many stories have come out in this misguided crusade that some Taliban official here or there was getting a payoff? I really don't understand how anyone can think these god forsaken crusades aren't largely fictitious.

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