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Operation Enduring Israel: Attack on America, The Jewish Connection

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:45 PM
is there anything at all you guys havent blamed on the jews?
is it hard posting in the middle of your klan meetings?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Ong Bak

I support Israel and the jewish people.
I also understand that not all jews like
christians.Our dear Saviour was born
of a hebrew woman.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach/Jesus the Messiah.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

Jews are not god's chosen people. They might be the Anunnaki's chosen people but not GOD's chosen people.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Oh please!!! Stop with the nonsense already! The jews are no one's chosen people. Not gods not the annunaki not even were-jesus! They put their pants on the same as anyone else does, one leg at a time! If you read the bible, if you believe the bible says that jews are gods chosen people then do you also believe that god sent a bear to kill and eat 42 children for laughing at a bald prophet? if you believe the bible then you also know that god loves all his children equally, he doesn't love one more than the other, they are all equal in his sight.
I am sick and tired of hearing this gods chosen people bullcrap! Its nothing but propaganda put forth by a minority of people to try and have a sense of worth. A sense of superiority. To give them a feeling of entitlement. Its crap!!!
I am not a hater of anything or any group of people. What I hate are people who try to take advantage of others, who look for any little thing they can twist to benefit them while trying to screw everybody else over!
I'm no nazi, I'm no bigot, but let's face facts, jews are in no way the only people that have ever been "persecuted" from the beginning of time various groups have been persecuted by another for whatever reason! Its about time for jews to suck it up and get over it already!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

I do not see it. I do not believe that the Jews are Gods chosen people. If I wrote the Bible, I would be God's chosen people. See how that works?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

Since when did blaming all the problems in the world on a specific group of people stop being bigotry.

Excuse me, but perhaps you could show me where in the OP boondock has blamed jews for all the problems in the world? Nice try at trying to twist the original intent of the OP.
But now that you mention it since so many people "hate the jews" as you claim then perhaps its time for a collective good long hard look in the mirror. Surely these good people wouldn't be persecuted like this for no reason at all! Time to stop the jewish pity party! I'm sick and tired of the mentality that tries to dictate that nothing can be said about the jews because of the holocaust! Other groups have been driven to brink of total annihilation by people before. You sure as hell don't hear the native americans moaning and groaning about this or that, and europeans killed off millions of them!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:13 AM
geez, I leave you folks alone for a lil while
and come back to find ya'll have burned
down the house. I should have hid the matches
a lil better, lol.

Look, I'm not a Jew hater.

Once upon a time I was employed by a Jewish
family named Lieberman who manufactured
in the US. 2 of their children spent time in
the IDF as it is required in Israel by law.
So once upon a time I was close friends
with 2 IDF members residing and working
in the US. They had to leave the US once
a year to return to Israel. I do not know if
that was Visa related or IDF related as they
didn't say.

I got to know them very well. All of them were
bi-lingual and very intelligent and well educated.

I liked this family very much despite their views
of the world.

There are some good Jewish people in this world
and there is some bad ones as well. It just seems
that the bad ones are now in control in Israel and
doing some very bad things which I wouldn't think
ANY God would approve of. This is the point I was
trying to make with this thread.

So folks calling me a racist or a Jew hater is downright

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:18 AM
Oh I forgot to mention these are not the only
Jews I know personally. My college roommate
was Jewish as well.

So how many of you can actually say
that you have even met a Jew or are friends
with any of them or spent any time with

I have. Even though I am a fundamental

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:27 AM
After thinking long and hard about something intelligent to say about the subject of this thread, I have come to the conclusion that Israel is but a single cog in the machine called TPTB. Other cogs go by the names: "The City", "The Vatican", "The Fed", "The U.N.", "The C.F.R.", etc.

To talk about replacing this machine, one would first have to ask the question, "Replace it with what?"

No argument that the machine has its problems and is in need of a good overhaul. A few of its parts [like unbacked FIAT currency] are wearing out and ready to fail. But the machine is as vital to our survival as air is vital to our breathing.


Note: TPTB=The Powers That Be.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by Gold_Bug]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Let's not forget that the largest international spyring ever uncovered in the U.S. was from Israel. Ironically, 9-1-1 happened a couple days later.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by Marrr
Let's not forget that the largest international spyring ever uncovered in the U.S. was from Israel. Ironically, 9-1-1 happened a couple days later.

I have been trying my best to keep 9/11 out of this
thread since it happened under a different administration.
But one cannot hide facts for an eternity

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

So..are we saying here, without actually saying it of course...that Jews, or more accurately *some* Jews, are what we term 'The Illuminati'?

If they control the banks..if they control the industry, if they control the judiciary..i think the conclusion is inescapable.

Are the so called Illuminati a cabal of wealthy Jews/Zionists?

If so, is there a Christian 'counter' or opposition cabal? Or if not Christian, any other organisation which could be viewed as opposition?

Cheers for the post.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by spikey

Christians are the sole reason they are allowed to do what they want. Christians believe they are Hebrews when they are nothing more than Khazars who come from Gog of Japheth in the Bible. Gog has already slaughtered the Hebrews and the blind, fluid-drinking Christians cheered it on in ignorance and lack of scriptural wisdom. They miss the fulfillment of their own prophecies because of their bind with dogma.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by TSawyer]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by TSawyer

Please explain what you meant by
"fluid-drinking christians".I have
never heard this saying before.I
would appreciate it if you would
enlighten me!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by azrael36

Um, opening post.

Now, by reading the title I am sure you are questioning how this relates to Attacks in America so please be patient as I uncover
terrorist acts and then show the Jewish connection to each act, thereby making Israel the Jewish Connection in an overall terror tactic to rule the world through extortion, threats and destruction.

Let's emphasize this statement.

making Israel the Jewish Connection in an overall terror tactic to rule the world through extortion, threats and destruction.

Sorry, but there are a heck of a lot of other groups engaging in world wide terrorism, and most of them hate Israel and the Jewish Connection.

This whole thread sounds like something written by the ZZ.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Dr Conspire
I think this thread is just racist drivel.
But hey thats just my humble opinion.
Very well constructed though , you put in a lot of effort.

Long time lurker 1st time poster. I have to agree 10000% with this ---^

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I have known several, shacked up with a Jewish girl once, great sex.

As a people they are no better or worse than any other.

As I pointed out earlier, Halliburton just moved their headquarters to Dubai. Dick Cheney, Dubai, NWO banking center, No bid Contracts.

Oh, but let's blame everything on Israel, or Rome. Blind in one eye, can't see out of the other.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Israel was financed and given it's land by the Rothschilds to gain a foothold in the Oil rich middle east for a non muslim/arabic western controlled country to which is why the US and it's military backs them.

Research the Lavon affair, Israel's first false flag. The Israeli's were caught bombing US and British Embassies and businesses in Egypt in an attempt to draw the US military in to fight their wars with the Egyptians.

The US liberty didn't fit the profile of any Egyptian ships at the time.
The Pilots knew exactly what they were doing.
The goal was to sink the ship and blame it on the Egyptians, similar to the ambitions of the Lavon affair.

I have brought up the connections of 9/11 back to Israel here on ATS and it's all been quietly swept under the rug and into the HOAX bin.

I have nothing against Jewish people. I actually grew up amongst Jews. One has to realize that fundamentally American Jews are Americans and Israeli Jews are ISRAELI and are completely different.

Israeli policy of slash and burn takeover of the Palestinian people's land is all too similar as to what occurred with the Native American people of the United States.

Jews are NOT the only people persecuted and The Native Americans don't run many Fortune 500 Corporations the last time I checked.

I do feel that that is Obamas problem with Netanyahu who is an avid warmonger and actually first coined the term " War on Terror" in one of his books written decades ago.

Obama would like to have peace in Israel and Netanyahu in defiance of Obama is still bulldozing Palestinian neighborhoods.

That's why they aren't on the best of terms.

But as I had previously said, that is Israel's mission in the middle east and also why they so badly want to attack Iran.

For Iran has:
1.) Lots of OIL
2.) Their own OIL exchange which competes with LONDON.
3.) Their own Non Rothschild controlled Central Bank 1 of only 5 Worldwide.

It's as simple as 1 - 2 - 3 !

1.) IRAQ

2.) Afghanistan


And finally, this is also exactly why there isn't much or any saber rattling towards N. Korea who have defied nuclear regulations and agreements for years now for they haven't any OIL !

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

The oil in the Middle East is running out.

How dare the Jews try to free themselves from the harsh oppression of their Arab conquerors!

Are there any Egyptians left in Egypt?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by spikey
So..are we saying here, without actually saying it of course...that Jews, or more accurately *some* Jews, are what we term 'The Illuminati'?

If they control the banks..if they control the industry, if they control the judiciary..i think the conclusion is inescapable.

one could ponder an eternity and still not know
the answer to that question. However, I am
not stating this to be the case. However, one
thing I didn't mention in this thread which I
should have was, The Rothschilds have Jewish
lineage. So you make your own assumptions

Originally posted by spikey
If so, is there a Christian 'counter' or opposition cabal? Or if not Christian, any other organisation which could be viewed as opposition?

I am sure there are organizations all across
the globe that would fit in that suit. However,
I believe most of them remain hidden until
such time arrives when it becomes a necessity
to take action. As you see what happens to
organizations who proclaim their sole purpose is
to battle the anti-christ (Hutaree).

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