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Operation Enduring Israel: Attack on America, The Jewish Connection

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Originally posted by boondock-saint

Oh silly me, I should have known that. That's why Obama wouldn't take a picture with Netanyahu, they're too close friends for that to happen

So you think Obama not wanting to do a photo with a (disobedient) Netanyahu = America is now an enemy of Israel?
Obama may, or may not, be a good thing for Israel. But America? The support from millions of Jewish citizens, and millions more Christians, and therefore of all American taxpayers, cash, is the only thing that is preventing Israel sink into oblivion.

This was true from day one...
If it wasn't for Truman's military aid, the Jewish state would never even have made it to the year 1950. The Communists never liked them, and neither did anyone else accept Britain and it's Commonwealth allies. France has been of some use too.
But if America didn't exist, I doubt any of the others nations would have much problem trading better relations, with other countries for an end to Israel's support.

I'm hardly surprised Obama gave Netanyahu a cold reception, because Netanyahu is merely the coalition leader, of an aid dependant state. Clearly (as US president) Obama felt he had every right to be annoyed at settlement expansion, that he did not give personal blessing. I think he has got a point.
But clearly it doesn't work this way. Mostly because Israel knows Americans will continue to support Israel anyway's (both in government, and with finance). This will Never change unless Israel was actually INSANE enough to make your threads "Jewish instigated, American demise conspiracy" theory, a reality.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Considering the people in the U.S. has voted in successive Govts. term after term, that have supported Israel in every action. No matter how criminal. Then if what you say is indeed true.

It sounds like justice.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:09 AM
First of all I find this thread offensive to any person with any empathy to the victims of bigotry.
Blaming the Jews for this and that and everything is juvenile Nazism at its most obnoxiuos?
Mamy people are concerned with Zionism unchecked.
It just so happens Zionism is mostly a belief held by the Jewish Race across the globe.
It does not mean to those aware that zionism is a living force, that we are anti ....jewish or anti .....semitic.
The Jews in the USA have contributed magnificently to the nation.
Jews around the world have also likewise contributed much.
To demonise them is pitiable.
You will find that many Jewish people do not agree with Israels actions in the middle east,not all Jewish people think the same way.
Not all follow the Torah, or tithe to Isreal.
I suspect you are being a little wolfish and you may be taking the .... out of the critics of Israel in order to denegrate them as humans.
Its like how Hitler vilified anyone who criticisedthe Nazi ideaology?
Whatever I think this thread is just racist drivel.
But hey thats just my humble opinion.
Very well constructed though , you put in a lot of effort.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
It sounds like justice.

pardon my short response but
justice for WHOM ????

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
As a christian,I know that the jews in Israel hate us.

And just how do you know that? Have you ever been to Israel?

My guess is that the closest experience between people that have posted in this thread, and between Israel and it's people, is something like reading a thread about it on ATS.

Ask the American tourists that go to Israel if they are hated.

This thread is so amusing.. baseless accusations backed by silly youtube videos with funny theme.

Let me help the OP with some more things the Jews are responsible for:

-Water shortage in Madagaskar
-Relationship problems between Russia and Ukraine
-Any plane that crashes on Earth
-No life on Mars
-Flies being annoying (Definately a Zionist conspiracy with youtube proof)
-Football changing it's name to Soccer

Seriously, give me some time and enough reasons to hate, and I will design a thread that will, in this way or another, link any of the above as things the Jews are to blame for, while presenting poor facts.

I'm willing to bet not many people have even read your entire thread, but decided to S&F just because of the general tone of the thread.


[edit on 27-5-2010 by SparKzzz]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by SparKzzz

I have based my opinion of the jews in Israel hating christians
based on what I have seen....

Some christian churches have missionaries in Israel.I have also been
studying the jewish roots of my faith.The ultra orthodox jews are
the ones who seem to hate christians.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach and shalom!

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:25 AM
I have been looking at the ISREAL thing - guys, some how they are our Federal System. if you took 50 states weight, and compared it to the weight of Isreal you will notice that Isreal is as important if not more so, important than the 50 states. Our Federal Government works for Isreal more than it works for its own States. I find that point, very disturbing and gives me strength to see this Revolution through to it more than likely bloody end.

*Isreal Murdered the crew of the U.S.S. Liberty w/washingtons permission.
*Isreal Murdered 3200 world citizens the morning of 09/11/01 - if you need proof I have it in abundance.

the one thing that is ceard in my memory - on the streets of Tel Aviv,
on the morning of 911 - they were partying in the streets on the death of our fellow countrymen. and so were the Arabs. they were happy as well.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

"the fact that they are God's chosen people"

I suggest you review the biblical analysis here:

and reconsider that statement. What you have stated is the common belief of most evangelicals - perhaps it is an incorrect belief?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:12 AM
My only question is: if Obama is anti-Israel why did he nominate Elena Kagan to Supreme Court? Why doesn't he fire Rahm Emmanuel? Either Obama is owned by Israel like every other U.S. president or Obama is really trying to be everything to everybody, and usually when that happens you are popular for a while but unable to satisfy everyone's needs your friends turn into enemies.

Either way, I'm glad that Israel is now hating on America and Obama because maybe it will be a wake up call for Americans not to blindly support Israel. Edit: though I won't hold my breath on that one.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by filosophia]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:13 AM
So just another example of the failure of humanity and religion.

Between the American Christian Bible Belt Taliban, Jews from Israel, Muslims from the East, and bloody politicians...all of which run around trying to rule to world with some fictional "God" and fictional set of laws that makes all the wrongs of the world morally RIGHT under their own religion, acting like children....we are all screwed.

Sorry, I'm just getting soooo annoyed with this world and THICK PEOPLE in general....most of these THICK PEOPLE are in power.

Just bloody well ban religion and most of the worlds troubles would be over.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth

Everytime the U.S. turns against Israel,God always punishes the

Have you ever stopped to ponder that perhaps it's not God who is punishing the U.S.? Maybe it's Israel secret forces but then the churches and synagogues tell the blind followers that it's God's will.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by filosophia]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by filosophia

As long as Americans believe Khazars are Hebrews:

* they will allow the Khazars to kill them
* They will allow the Khazars to get unlimited tax-derived aid.
* they will not allow Obama to be neutral in the Middle East.
* they will allow the Khazars to attack their neighbors.
* they will not protest the Zionist infiltration of American politics and lobby.
* They will not allow Obama to expel the Khazars
* They will not take into account the USS Liberty.
* They will not review or question Mossad activities.
* They will not object to sending troops to defend Khazars.

Obama is limited by the American people, and the American people allow foreign groups to control their president. Stop blaming Obama and expel the Khazars. That is the solution to the problems we face. Obama CANNOT DO ANYTHING THAT AMERICANS DO NOT SET THE PRECEDENT FOR. If Americans believe Khazars are God's chosen "children" then they have set the precedent that these groups can control them and their president. That is exactly what they have done for the last 60 years.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by TSawyer]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Though I am NOT anti-semitic,
there are facts that lead me to believe
that the Cabal currently running Israel does
NOT have the best interest of the world
on their agenda. But that the everlasting
state of Israel will (by any means neccessary)
ensure their nation prospers even if ALL
nations of the world perish in the process.

????? "PROPSER"??? You misspelled 'SURVIVE', IMHO.

That's ridiculous! Israel isn't trying to 'prosper'....they're fighting for their very survival.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by DCPatriot

If they want to survive they should go where they belong. They belong in Mongolia because they are Khazars. They are not the ancient Hebrews and they have no heritage in that part of the world. If you go to Mars, learn the Martian religion, kill Martian children and establish a homeland then when the natives fight back you cannot claim that you are fighting for survival. Stop using backward logic.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by DCPatriot

well no punt intended but that is what the MEDIA wants you to believe - it has been my experience is that. what you know from media sources isnt always reliable ... like 97% is like not full and complete reports - only the ones that make you think Isreal is the under dog. well, we are on their side are we a third world power.... I dont think so... and since we are so powerful = why do we want anything to do with Isreal = key bono ... they do... what do we get in trade - zilch... screw that business is business and well - driving down the road throwing cash out the window - well isnt a good business plan in my opinion.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Evangelists believe Khazars are Hebrews and deserve unlimited aid. Then these are the same people who cry to Obama about the economy. They want their cake and eat it too. Money doesn't grow on tree idiots, if you give all to the Khazars then you will have little left for yourself, that's of course after the Khazars like Bernie Madoff, unsatisfied with billions in aid, steal billions more. It isn't enough for aid, these evangelists believe Khazars should be in congress, in the same breathe they hypocritically criticize Obama knowing he is a puppet of the people they call God's chosen.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:10 AM
@mamabeth: What HAVE you seen? Do you base your ignorant and generalising claim that Israeli jews hate Americans because of that pathetic youtube clip? Do you even know what's in the clip, or have you only took the time to read the misleading title of it? The video contains footage of a rabbi's students telling the cameraman not to take pictures of him. WOW CLEARLY A CUTTING EDGE EXAMPLE OF HATRED TO AMERICANS. pfft. Even I could have found a better example to your idiotic claim. As for the other retarded claim that people in Tel-aviv were happy after WTC disaster, supply a videotaped proof else you're making things up. And no, a youtube clip with shady music that shows happy jews + an unconfirmed claim that they are happy becase America suffered, will NOT SUFFICE. As for the Israeli army sinking an American ship, that was an error that often happens during armed conflicts. Try counting how many times were there friendly fire mistakes in Iraq or Gaza - conspiracy? Israel trying to take over the world by hitting it's own men? ... Pathetic. It's as if you're trying to convince yourself that Jews are controlling your lives. Moronic uneducated little people speaking about things they know jack # about. Excellent stuff for a monty python episode.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by SparKzzz]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:10 AM
@mamabeth: What HAVE you seen? Do you base your ignorant and generalising claim that Israeli jews hate Americans because of that pathetic youtube clip? Do you even know what's in the clip, or have you only took the time to read the misleading title of it? The video contains footage of a rabbi's students telling the cameraman not to take pictures of him. WOW CLEARLY A CUTTING EDGE EXAMPLE OF HATRED TO AMERICANS. pfft. Even I could have found a better example to your idiotic claim. As for the other retarded claim that people in Tel-aviv were happy after WTC disaster, supply a videotaped proof else you're making things up. And no, a youtube clip with shady music that shows happy jews + an unconfirmed claim that they are happy becase America suffered, will NOT SUFFICE. As for the Israeli army sinking an American ship, that was an error that often happens during armed conflicts. Try counting how many times were there friendly fire mistakes in Iraq or Gaza - conspiracy? Israel trying to take over the world by hitting it's own men? ... Pathetic.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by SparKzzz

you can not deny the 5 dancing Israelis moments after the WTC was hit. Nor can you deny your overuse of ad hominem attacks such as "idiot" and "retard"

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by filosophia

SparKzzz is working for the Khazar Propaganda department. Bernie Madoff stole his money, sent to Israel and they're paying it back to him in bribes. This is common procedure that they practice in congress also.

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