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The neverending quest for the truth

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:27 PM
"However, the Bush and co-horts HAD planned to enter Iraq, and take out Hussein, well before 9/11 occured...."

And of course, it doesn't take much of a genius to speculate that all three events (9/11, Afghanistan War, Iraq War) were all planned in conjunction with each other, well before 9/11 occurred.

In addition to the ones mentioned by Bone_z, there is one more category of evidence which truthers use to theorize and draw logical conclusions:

Published Documents

Here is one key publication which sheds light into why 9/11 and the two wars are inter-related:

"Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
A Report of the Project for the New American Century" (written on September 2000)

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by okbmd
Truthers have shown theories , speculation , supposition and assumptions , none of which are construed as evidence in a court of law .

That's a total fib. There are three main categories of evidence:

1.) Media (audio/video)

2.) Witness testimony

3.) Physical/forensic

The truth movement has shown all three types. Yes, most are theories. But the theories are supported by the evidence.

This is very true. Also keep in mind that the OS is just a theory too!

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

That's a total fib. There are three main categories of evidence:

1.) Media (audio/video)

2.) Witness testimony

3.) Physical/forensic

The truth movement has shown all three types. Yes, most are theories. But the theories are supported by the evidence.

1- none prove CD, except when truthers use them to convince the sheep

2- ditto

3- ditto

Prove me wrong and open a court case right now, in a foreign country if you must to avoid the US court system, and prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

Ain't gonna happen.........

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

That's a total fib. There are three main categories of evidence:

1.) Media (audio/video)

2.) Witness testimony

3.) Physical/forensic

The truth movement has shown all three types. Yes, most are theories. But the theories are supported by the evidence.

Prove me wrong and open a court case right now, in a foreign country if you must to avoid the US court system, and prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

Ain't gonna happen.........

1. Experts have seen the videos of the collapse and given expert testimony that the theorize the collapses either look like a demolition or are a demolition.

(like richard gage and steven jones)

2. Witnesses report having heard explosions. One theory is that the explosions they heard had to do with the building being demolished

3. Steven Jones claim to have found evidence that supports the theory that thermite or a variant of thermite may have been used to cause the collapse of the WTC towers.

The only thing that I disagree with is that BONEZ fails to acknowledge that the debunker theories have shown all three types of evidenceas well. Yes, all that the debunkers have are theories. But the debunker theories are supported by the evidence as well.

There is no proof. There are only theories. If there was proof then you could offer one single piece of evidence that prooves that the earth is round. Go ahead. Try it. Try to present one tiny SHRED of evidence that supports the round earth theories.

You are not going to prove someone wrong when they say the earth is flat. You are not going to prove someone wrong when they say that NYC was fake and didn't exist on 9/11/2001. You are not going to prove someone wrong when they say the WTC towers were demolished and you are not going to prove someone wrong when they say that the the WTC towers collapsed because of airplane and fire.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by iamcpc

You are not going to prove someone wrong when they say the earth is flat.

I agree, there are, what I can tell, 4 types of people that take stupid positions like 9/11 truthers:

1- insane

2- troll

3- charlatans looking to make a buck from #1

4- the purely politically motivated, that use the sharpshooter fallacy as the means to continue their statements

The TM is loaded with all 4.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

Originally posted by iamcpc

You are not going to prove someone wrong when they say the earth is flat.

I agree, there are, what I can tell, 4 types of people that take stupid positions like 9/11 truthers:

1- insane

2- troll

3- charlatans looking to make a buck from #1

4- the purely politically motivated, that use the sharpshooter fallacy as the means to continue their statements

The TM is loaded with all 4.

I think there are people who are not insane who agree with the truther theories. My entire point is that it's IMPOSSIBLE to prove that any of them are TRUTH or LIE or FACT. Just like it's IMPOSSIBLE to prove that the earth is round.

Yet people claim that it's a FACT/TRUTH that the buildings were demolished or it's a FACT/TRUTH that airplanes and fire caused the collapses and it's a FACT/TRUTH that the earth is round. All that those things are is a bunch of THEORIES.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by iamcpc]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:26 PM
As a scientists i must admit you have done alot of research for nothing. Your end result is awfull, and your points of view might sound similar to a psychological ill person.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Archirvion
As a scientists i must admit you have done alot of research for nothing. Your end result is awfull, and your points of view might sound similar to a psychological ill person.

If you believe then there is such a thing as FACT and TRUTH then how come it's IMPOSSIBLE to PROVE that the earth is round? Go ahead. Any evidence you can present is instantly debunked using one of 4 phrases.

The evidence against my theory is a lie (or wrong)
The experts/witnessess against my theory are paid to lie
The experts/witnessess against my theory are part of the coverup
The experts/witnessess against my theory are brainwashed
The experts/witnessess against my theory are force to lie
(or have their families murdered)
The experts/witnessess against my theory are blind sheeple

As a Scientists you must admit that the only things we have come up with that explain why the WTC towers collapsed are THEORIES.

I actually spoke with someone who said it's a PROVEN FACT that NYC didn't even exist on 9/11/2001. I could not present one bit of evidence to prove to him that his veiw is just a theory. Everything was debunkeed with the phrases I mentioned above.

I actually spoke with someone who said it's a PROVEN FACT that the earth is flat. I could not present one bit of evidence to prove to him that his view is just a theory. everything was debunked with the phrases I mentioned above.

I actually spoke with someone who said it's a PROVEN FACT that the WTC collapsed because they were demolished with explosives. I could not present one bit of evidence to prove that it's just a theory. everything was debunked with the phrases I mentioned above.

This is the viewpoint that makes anything possible:

"At some point, the nation, some may even come to believe the whole world, was taken over by people…these people are so powerful, they can make you believe just about anything that suits them. They even have the almost god-like power to change or even to erase history!... If you are one of the sheeple who must believe your programming, then do everyone a favor, and go back to sleep."

[edit on 25-5-2010 by iamcpc]

[edit on 25-5-2010 by iamcpc]

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