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Be careful how you speak on the phone to your ex, you could end up in prison for 18 years!

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by azrael36
What a very timely post! While there isn't enough information to make a decision on whether the punishment is just or not, even a bomb threat to a hospital isn't worth 18 years in prison unless there were deaths or grievous injuries because of his actions.
It does pay to be cautious as to what u say in conversation, voicemails and text messgages. The mother of my child threatened to have me put in jail last night a minimum of 6 times! My crime? Refusing to send her money! I already pay child support, deducted weekly from payroll at my request. She finds herself layed off from work and in a bind. She has a boyfriend and other family that she could ask for assistance. She refuses to allow me to see my son, even though there is a court order. I lack the funds to have my lawyer take her back to court for further action at this point so I'm stuck. She has the nerve to ask my mother, for assistance!!! I got in trouble with the dept. of human resources for giving her money in the past, while she was collecting aid from the state. Was instructed not to give her any further aid, I told her that and she unleashed a verbal assault, lol! Making even further threats to sever all ties with my child. As it is I've not seen him in 2 months, only the occasional phone call n picture received from her. If I go to the police I'm told its a civil matter go to court. If she reports it to police then being a man, I must be a threat! Justice... There is none.

Man, I couldn't agree more. I've gone through the same hell as you, and you know who pays........ the kids. Some woman are just black widow spiders.......... they mate you and then try to suck your blood. I'll never impregnate another woman.......... don't get me wrong, I love woman, but you have to be careful cause the way the system is set up, they hold ALL the cards. I think it a conspiracy itself, TPTB want men un empowered, why? I don't know, but maybe others do know.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by AABacon
Man, I couldn't agree more. I've gone through the same hell as you, and you know who pays........ the kids. Some woman are just black widow spiders.......... they mate you and then try to suck your blood. I'll never impregnate another woman.......... don't get me wrong, I love woman, but you have to be careful cause the way the system is set up, they hold ALL the cards. I think it a conspiracy itself, TPTB want men un empowered, why? I don't know, but maybe others do know.

Yep i too would never even bother with women, the system is screwed, and there is so much evil out there. All you know is yourself.

Thankfully my life was destroyed before it started, so i never got further into the system then many of you. Thats a positive from my life.

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