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Is 7 year peace agreement for Israel in the making?

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:06 PM
What if the reason for everyone going against Israel is not the long running feud with the Palestinian's, but instead the fact that they won't comply with the new World view on Nuclear Weapon's. In other word's what if Israel decides not to go along with the current trend in reducing Nuclear stockpiles, or refusing to sign non-proliferation agreements, and that's what causes the World to stand against her.
This could be the potential straw that broke the camels back, if they refuse to alter their current Nuclear Weapon stance, causing everyone around her to begin to think, if we are all in agreement why not Israel.
Or perhaps this is not going to be how it all goes, perhaps instead they are going to work towards peace, and the infamous " 7 year agreement" will be signed soon, who know's, one can speculate anything, but no one really know's what will come to pass.
O.K. topic open for discussion.......

[edit on 8-5-2010 by freetree64]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:46 PM

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:29 PM
Maybe Russia set's up the peace deal......hmmmmm

Russia: Mideast tension could spark catastrophe
By ALBERT AJI (AP) – 7 hours ago

DAMASCUS, Syria — Russia's president said Tuesday that Israeli-Arab tensions threaten to draw the Middle East into a new catastrophe, adding Moscow's weight to a diplomatic push to ease antagonism between Israel and Syria.

The Russian and Syrian presidents, meeting in Damascus, also affirmed ally Iran's right to develop a peaceful nuclear energy program, as world powers press for new economic sanctions to try to stop what they say is really a drive for an atomic weapons capability.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, whose country has been building up its influence as a Middle East mediator, pledged its assistance in pushing the region toward peace.

"Tensions in the Middle East threaten to lead to a new explosion or even a catastrophe," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged Tuesday that Iran is trying to provoke a conflict between Israel and Syria.

"They are spreading falsehoods in order to escalate tensions, and it has no basis," he said during a tour of military installations near the Israel-Lebanon border. "We want stability and peace," he said, offering Syria peace talks without preconditions.

Last month, Israeli President Shimon Peres accused Syria of providing Scud missiles to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon and adding to an arsenal that the Iranian-backed Shiite militants say can reach all parts of the Jewish state. Syria denied the accusation and warned such talk seemed calculated to set the stage for military action.

Before Medvedev's visit, Peres' office said the Russian president agreed to deliver a message to Syrian President Bashar Assad seeking to ease the tensions.

At a joint news conference with Assad, Medvedev did not mention whether he had delivered a message.

Assad, addressing the reporters, leveled more accusations against

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:33 PM
More from the AP article, in last post, written today (5-11-2010) by Albert Aji

"The Russian and Syrian presidents met later with the exiled leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal, who is based in Damascus.

Russian government officials have met before with Mashaal and other leaders of Hamas, which is shunned as a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union nations.

Syria had also been expected to use Medvedev's two-day visit to lobby Moscow to block new U.N. sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. Russia, which has veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council, has been reluctant to back a fourth round of tougher penalties.

Assad said sanctions would be "useless and would complicate chances of reaching a solution."

Diplomacy and sanctions have so far failed to persuade Iran to stop parts of its nuclear program that could serve as a possible pathway to weapons production. Iran insists its program is only geared toward peaceful uses like energy generation, but Tehran has not fully cooperated with an investigation by the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency.

In a joint statement issued after their talks, Assad and Medvedev called for a nuclear weapons free Middle East and urged Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and open up its nuclear facilities to the U.N. monitoring agency.

Israel is widely believed to have a nuclear arsenal, though it does not acknowledge that.

On Monday Assad met with the leaders of two other Mideast mediators, Turkey and Qatar. Turkey, which mediated four rounds of indirect peace talks between Syria and Israel in 2008, offered to try to revive those efforts".

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Look's like I am onto something here, snippet from "Jerusalem Post" article below, written 28 minutes ago....

NEW YORK – "Against the backdrop of a UN conference designed to strengthen nuclear nonproliferation, increasing attention is being paid to Israel’s presumed nuclear arsenal, including a focus on the Jewish state by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Even as diplomats huddle at the United Nations during the second week of a month-long conference, IAEA officials are focusing on Israel amid growing calls for a nuclear weapons-free Middle East.

Indeed, an Arab-backed proposal at the conference, to strengthen the 1970 Nonproliferation Treaty, calls on Israel to sign the NPT as a non-weapon state as part of an initiative to achieve a nuclear-free Middle East. Yet the initiative goes against what Israel has been saying, that Iranian nuclear ambitions pose the biggest regional threat. The head of the UN agency, Yukiya Amano, reportedly sent a letter to 151 nations seeking input on an effort to push Israel to sign the Nonproliferation Treaty".

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 09:12 PM
Obama to meet with Lebanon's PM.....

WASHINGTON — "President Barack Obama and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri (sahd hah-REER'-ee) plan to meet at the White House later this month. It will be the prime minister's first official visit to Washington.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama looks forward to consulting with Hariri on mutual goals in support of Lebanon's sovereignty and independence, as well as on peace and security issues in the Middle East".

[edit on 12-5-2010 by freetree64]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 09:16 PM
If I'm wrong about this, then why do I keep seeing storie's like this in the News????

[edit on 12-5-2010 by freetree64]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:00 AM
No peace accord or peace deal will ever occur as long as Israel continues to build illegal settlements. That is just that.

For the 7 year period to start Israel must first change it's ways and be willing to show itself to be willing to work towards some sort of peace.

As long as they keep hurling and wrangling Palestinian's into cages and continually bomb Palestinian land there will never be peace in that sector.

Hamas has been quiet as of late because they finally realized after decades of no progress that they have turned a corner in the fact that they were told in 2006 that for the world to take you seriously and at their word they must be willing to show the world that they are serious about ending the extremitism and violence on their end and were told to seperate themselves from its radical sect, nowadays more Nations are willing to give the Palestinians an audience as evidenced by this new stance that has become less about protecting Israel and by doing what is right by all. No longer does Israel dictate the policy. No longer will we, The USA get dragged down by bombing nations that Israel nothing more then perceives as a threat. The days of The USA blindly backing Israel and allowing them time and time out to do pretty well whatever the flip they wanted to while turning a blind eye is over and done.

There hasn't been a militant attack caused by Hamas in roughly 2 yrs and by all accounts Hamas and The Palestinian Government are the only ones acknowledging any ceasefire arrangement so in that regard credit is given where it is due.

Like I said, no peace deal will ever stick as long as Israel continues to build illegal settlements upon Palestinian land.

BTW, before people start to jump down my throat and dare call me an Anti Semite I surely am not. You can be against the actions of another Government but still support it's people as my support is for those who deserve it and don't continually break every single agreement brokered because eventually the entity who brokered your deal will get irate and heated if deal after deal that the entity brokered on your behalf always gets busted because you have a bug up your tail.

In reality, (I know this I will get flamed on so bring it, no disrespect to any Hassidic, Jewish people here.) if Israel controlled or had any leverage on any nation the world right now would be at war with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar. So thank God that Israel does not control nor does it have any global military powers in that regard.

The days of Israel acting like the "Boy who cried wolf" one too many times is finally being revealed for what it truly is. A nation who it is not beneath them to launch an ICBM or any Mid Range rockets at an American or another nation's interest target just to blame it on someone else. They've been wanting war for centuries. The taste for blood is like wow.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:08 AM
7 years 7 months, 7 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes, or 7 seconds, peace will never ever happen as long as Israel is allowed to do what it is currently doing.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Never going to happen.

As soon as Israel makes peace with the Palestinian groups there are now a new group will spring up to take there place as enemies of Israel.

Since all the Palestinian groups are backed and supplied( maybe even run) by outside sources like Syria. Iran and others they need to keep the war going and will just form new Palestinian groups to do there bidding.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
Never going to happen.

As soon as Israel makes peace with the Palestinian groups there are now a new group will spring up to take there place as enemies of Israel.

Since all the Palestinian groups are backed and supplied( maybe even run) by outside sources like Syria. Iran and others they need to keep the war going and will just form new Palestinian groups to do there bidding.

Palestine was told in 2006 in order for the world to take it seriously that it must end all association with any other regime and rouge nation.

Palestine is not receiving either monetary or militarial support from either Iran or Syria so stop right there with this blatant distraction and misinformation.

To bunch every single Palestinian group into this one entity is wrong, dead wrong. A small segment (less then like 5,000 per 1,000,000) does indeed have ties to regimes in Syria and Iran but the vast majority has and wants nothing to do with these azzhats.

The problem with the entire deal here is Palestine has no economic oppourtunities and no chance for further education because the facility that provided jobs was bombed by Israel and the schools that taught the kids has been blown to smithereens by Israel. When the economical and educational infastructure gets bombed yes people will resort to strapping a bomb to themselves.

Detroit, Michigan is in no better shape then say Tel Aviv, Palestine. Most of Palestine looks like Detroit and most crumbling US cities. We need to give them aide and economic and educational infastructure.

They are in desperate need of schools, manufacturing base, tourism in order for themselves to bring themselves out of this rut.

Those poor people live under 24/7/365 consistant martial law. That is no way to live, I don't care your race, gender, religion or your views no one deserves to live in cages.

It is a known fact that former President Yasser Arafat did nothing to help out the situation. He's dead and look how far they've come. They've gone more forward in the last 3 yrs then in the previous 30.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:13 AM
For this to work the NPT that's being debated now the world outside of The Middle East needs to follow through. The rest of Asia, Europe, the west as well.

The nuclear drawn down agreement that was adopted between Obama and Medevedev is us getting serious about a nuclear free world as in reality the nuke is yesterday's news as today's threats are biological, microwave, sonic, disease. You can stop a nuke but you cannot stop a disease.

No nation should have enough weapons to destroy and detonate the planet many a time over.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yes the continuing building of illegal settlements is obviously a problem. However the original settlements already built lay the basis for this. Only the complete and utter removal of the hundreds of thousands of the 'settlers' will help towards acheiving a situation that the Palestinians can legitematly accept.

Can you this or any future administration seeing to this? However Tzipi Livni of Kadmia has in the past committed to the removal of the settlers.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yes the continuing building of illegal settlements is obviously a problem. However the original settlements already built lay the basis for this. Only the complete and utter removal of the hundreds of thousands of the 'settlers' will help towards acheiving a situation that the Palestinians can legitematly accept.

Can you this or any future administration seeing to this? However Tzipi Livni of Kadmia has in the past committed to the removal of the settlers.

Personally, I see The USA listening more to her and Peres then to Netanyahu. as seeing how the US is now more in favour ever before of a "2 State Solution" but the uber Christian right wing Israel pro people are forcing our hand to not come outright and say that while Israel continues with it's illegal settlements. Netanyahu is for nothing more then the abolishment and destruction of Palestine and her people while Peres is at odds with Netanyahu in that regard and was one of the principal architects of the now infamous Oslo Accords (another plan I fully support) that was the first real document calling for a "2 State Solution". Livini I believe has taken to the removal stance in order to be where she is today and can quasi trust that she doesn't want to see anyone removed and privately remains against the removal.

All depends solely on the fact that a telecommunications company in Israel does control the billing for the worlds phone companies and has access to each and everyone of our call logs so when it's conveinent that gets used against us, As long as that is in play and we got the overtly religious nutcases domestically to contend with as well as the monetary interests we have from Israel stateside makes full steam ahead on forcing Israel's hand in getting them to lay off the Palestinan people once and for all just that much harder and keeps it harder to actually go after Israel for it's war crimes and atrocities.

Money, the diehard religious zealouts, the Israeli controlled phone billing system will be the hinderances.

If I'm also correct I believe according to Israeli law that Prime Minister Netanyahu can in effect go against the wishes of President Peres and there may be not a thing Peres can say or do about it. (Important, this needs to either be verified or disproven)

I can however see Israel becoming desperate for someone to believe them and wind up bombing themselves just to get into another conflict but as the 2007 Hezbollah conflict proved that Israel can be matched and if they make a play for Iran (knowing them they will but for now is bitting their time waiting for the perfect time to stike and wind up forcing us in The USA to take a side) while having no idea that Iran is a considerably more capable and formidable foe then Hezbollah is. If the latter is the case then we may see Israel in fact use a nuclear device that according to them they do not have. All just to try and falsify a claim that Iran's got the bomb and try to launch a premptive into Iran (like in the last 3 years alone at least 10 individual plots have been uncovered revealing Israel's intent to bomb Iran was operational). We will then be forced to defend Israel and that's when Russia (Lifetime and permanent member of The UN Security Council with veto power) whose a major supporter and backer of Iran will most definately have something to say about that and after that, ladies and gentleman you have the stage set perfectly for World War III.

[edit on 20-5-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:26 PM
I should have remembered my "Lit" class in college, it seem's war always comes before peace, even in a book title.....

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:57 PM

I am sorry myself to be such a synical old sort, however I really cannot see a way forward towards peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Not that I see it as impossible, there are just too many rogue states that have vested interests in manipulating 'Palestine' to their own ends.

Sometimes I think, why bother?

Hypothetically speaking;

With the ever growing number of 'international' organisations, whether legitimate in authority or not, the greater focus on statistics and public opinion polls and geopolitical sensitivity to whether a world leader will stay in power come the next election, a nations' military role has swung from 'army to army playing police'.

A military, at it's core, was never intended to be a police force. However, that is what it has become in many situations and circumstances.

I could argue that if you let a military off its tight leash, then you would certainly have a huge loss of life initially, but the conflict would cease far sooner. Today's military are still trained to 'kill or be killed' however they are increasingly used in a policing capacity due to beaurocratic red tape, tied with a bow by the politicians of their respective countries.

This, ironically can lead to even more deaths in the long protacted conflict that results from the 'red tape', as there is no clear success or failiure, the contention only serves to encourage in-fighting and reprisals.

I am certainly not advocating all out war, however, sometimes a 'heavier hand' is required to resolve absolutely the status of a conflict and therefore save more lives in the long term.

Something to add to the mix of the OP.

This comes from an ex-serviceman and a father.

Kind regards, Skellon.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Skellon]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:43 PM
That peace agreement is the one that marks the begining of the final 7 Years, in the bible

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 11:39 PM
Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

The nuclear drawn down agreement that was adopted between Obama and Medevedev is us getting serious about a nuclear free world as in reality the nuke is yesterday's news as today's threats are biological, microwave, sonic, disease.

It depends on what you believe: The facts are only that both America and Russia agreed they had too many nuclear weapons,for they're own good, mostly as Cold War relics. The problem with all Cold War era nukes, is that nuclear weapons are expensive to manurfactor and maintain, as they're fuels decay naturally inside the bomb, and so this alone requires maintenance. After basically 20 years of no cold war, the two sides had to make a simple choice: Spend hundreds of billions, to maintain nukes at their current levels, or cut their numbers drastically (i.e. repair & salvage option). Both US and Rus choose the latter.

But since these two countries have cut their nuclear arnsenals, it makes sence for them to tell other countries to do the same, "for the sake of peace"!!
After all one thing U.S and Russia can both agree on, is that the less nukes these other countries have, the better!!! Espicially when allied countries like France-Britain have also wanted to their nuke numbers, because of their costs.

Its just like: The reason why Biowarfare is worse than nuclear warfare, is because (even though Biowarfare will never acturally destroy the planets climate) it can be very affordable to other nations who might pose a challenge-threat to the interests of the major, world, world powers. That's why the West fears it, because once a germs been created its easy to for other states to get a sample, for their petry dishes.

International politics, has never had much in common with the ideals of peace or morality. Most countries can only ever find practical uses for them, for propaganda or "spin"!

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by freetree64

You could be right but there might also be a Temple clause in the mix.

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