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SWAT kills two dogs in front of children during a house raid over a marijuana posession.

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by ker2010

Reguardless i hope you yourself wouldnt find a corgi threatening enough to shoot.

I would not as already mentioned a few times in this thread, but I cannot say regardless about the body armor mistakes being made. I have no issues with people debating, agreeing, hating, disliking, profession...but I DO want people to understand the truth about things...especially things being brought up that are false...i.e. the body armor discussion fueling some fires and continuing arguments.....if the arguments continue I just want you guys to be fighting over KNOWN FACTS and not myths! Thats all...

Carry On....

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Edit: The arguments you guys use to defend your favorite drug and the excuses you always make up to fight for the right to make your favorite drug legal trying to market it as a "good thing" never ceases to amaze me.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by FraternitasSaturni]

Yeah it must really suck arguing with people who use peer reviewed scientific evidence and Logical analysis to support their claims. Glad to see you are able to construct an argument that solely relies on ad-hominem.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 08:51 PM
I'm a huge dog lover, I love em more than most people. To shoot defenseless dogs? who does that but worthless pieces of absolute #.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Now... if you chose to live in society you have to live by its rules, and if something its illegal, its illegal. Just take it as it is or leave. I dont see anyone begging you to stay and I'm sure you dont either.

Ummm, I think you are missing the point. Nobody cares about the pothead guy breaking the law.

Rather, I think most people here realize that the police busting into peoples houses with the SWAT team and killing their family pets without any probable cause is the more serious legal issue here. I know that may be difficult for you to internalize, judging by how much you seem to love authority... like a true Roman. Haha.


[edit on 7-5-2010 by Albastion]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Albastion

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Now... if you chose to live in society you have to live by its rules, and if something its illegal, its illegal. Just take it as it is or leave. I dont see anyone begging you to stay and I'm sure you dont either.

Ummm, I think you are missing the point. Nobody cares about the pothead guy breaking the law.

Rather, I think most people here realize that the police busting into peoples houses with the SWAT team and killing their family pets without any probable cause is the more serious legal issue here. I know that may be difficult for you to internalize, judging by how much you seem to love authority... like a true Roman. Haha.


[edit on 7-5-2010 by Albastion]

The only people stupid/ignorant enough to ever attempt to justify these actions are either moronic hicks or police officers, anyone who claims they aren't, are full of # simple as that.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:26 PM
shooting dogs, tasering 17 teenagers that want to have some fun by running onto baseball fields. its only a matter a time before death squads start executing people and you'll be crying for militias to protect you.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by randomname
shooting dogs, tasering 17 teenagers that want to have some fun by running onto baseball fields. its only a matter a time before death squads start executing people and you'll be crying for militias to protect you.

Slowly turning up the heat...

Most people have a problem with police using excessive or needless force.

It's unacceptable for obvious reasons. We need to keep the police in check before it's too late.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Looking_Glass

I'm waiting for some policeman to explain to you how you just don't understand because you aren't part of the force.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 03:11 AM
Just read this comment from someone who lives just down the road from the family and saw and heard the whole thing go down. To put the comment in context, the author is speaking to a member of the CPD named Jessie Hayden who had come in and attempted to explain the incident:

(About halfway down the comments section (which is very long...)

Mr_Deeds says...

Jessie Hayden shame on you!!! You're sticking your foot in your mouth with every comment you make. Since you do know that this was all filmed, why would make up such lies? You know everything is going to come out in the wash so why set your self up for even more damage control?! I live near these residents and I heard and saw most everything that went down and you are lying through your teeth! You had to act quickly you say? Well then why did you guys wait until 2 nights before the warrant expired to issue it to this family? Why were your officers outside freaking out about "where did the kid come from?", "Who's kid is this?". I heard your officers ask his wife if she was his girlfriend or just lived there and heard the shock in their voices when she said, "I'm his wife." I know several officers apologized to her and personally felt bad for what happened even though your job is to sit there and act like none of them regret what happened. It's your job to sit there and cover their butts!

You could have issued that warrant while that child was at school, bottom line is, you didn't know there was even a child present. You guys didn't know anything! You got some desperate guy against a wall trying to save himself and he threw out every name he could think of. Obvioulsy this person didn't know this guy very well b/c you would've known he was married with a child living there. You could have followed this family and seen the husband go to his two jobs every day and comes home. There's no traffic there, ever, but you guys never thought to even talk to the neighbors! Instead you guys lied to us the next day and said it was just a "drill" and no shots were fired in the home, you guys told several neighbors that! The worst part is that you won't even apologize for what happened to this family, wife or even to the child! It's obvious to me you know what happened was wrong though since you've now taken the time to get on here and defend yourself. I hope you have a big mop Ms. Hayden because you've got a huge mess to clean up. Oh, and you can expect people from the neighborhood to be at that review board when this gets brought up!

Just thought I would add this little gem to the argument.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by Kryties]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Just found another comment, same page a little further down, in reply to Mr_Deeds comment that I posted above:

25yrcomomom says...

Thank you Mr. Deeds for your comments-I live in this neighborhood as well and was one of the neighbors calling about hearing the shots and was told that I did not hear shots, and that there was nothing to be concerned about. I don't know about you, but when I hear gunfire and I see that police cars are lining the street and a SWAT team is in the yard, I'm thinking there is something to be concerned about and being lied to is insulting. As far as the supposed drug selling, my husband and I are both coming and going all day long and I can say without doubt that I saw absolutley no suspicious activities going on there-not even loud or obnoxious parties, and believe me, I would be the first one calling the police if I had even the slightest thought that he was selling drugs. The thing that concerns me about this is the lack of control that was displayed in this situation-these houses are way too close to eachother and too many kids around for guns to be blazing!
On the other hand, I do not know the information the police had to get this warrant in the first place that would make them act in such a manner, and do not want my comment to be one completely one sided. Being a police officer is risky and I imagine that anyone could get rather jaded if they see the stuff they see.
The police department was quick to look into the complaint I filed concerning this incident and did explain their reasoning, even though I still do not condone the use of guns or the killing of Nalla (that was the dogs name). She was a very sweet dog and if she was showing aggressive behavior it was to protect her family.

It's all very well and good to speculate on this incident from afar, but it's another thing entirely to read the reactions of the people who live near and actually KNOW the family involved. This whole operation was a cock-up from beginning to end and the police and investigators involved should be held accountable.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by Kryties]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:53 PM
I would love for GEL or some of the other apologists address these comments.
Though I know they will not save to say that these people don't know "the circumstances" when it is quite obvious they know far more than the police about the family they assaulted. Or one of the dog (read pit bull) haters address the neighbors claim of how sweet she was for a "drug dealers dog"
Fer chrise sake if this does not shut up some of the pawns I really don't know what will.
We watch with out own eyes the tape made by the perpetrators and are told we are wrong for seeing the truth of the wrong done.I just want to say to those LE defending this cock-up if you came to my house with such lack of professionalism and in a cluster like that at least two of you would have .480 sized holes in them, Yeah handloaded and that will go through armor like butta. or pull your head loose from your neck. Recognize what you are creating. I am a peaceful man who has never had more than a traffic contact but if you show up here in that manner it will be on false or puffed up pretenses and you will be met with equal and opposing force. I am sovereign in my home and I hope a bunch of yu get capped learning this.

My deepest apologies to the decent men and women in LE but the bad apples are rotting the barrel and soon YOU must decide what is enough also or be counted among the bad apples.

PS is it obvious the letter from the neighbors have had a deep effect on my outlook?


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Kryties

Stars on both sir, thanks for the great info. Wow this really made LE quiet down the posting huh?

Do you see LEOs? We are the people. We speak up. We have a voice, and we WILL be heard. You will not silence US. When we hear gunshots don't tell us we don't. We REFUSE to let you be cowboys in our small, peaceful communities here in the states. Are there any officers here that will choose to NOT be part of the "brotherhood of silence" and DEFEND US CITIZENS.


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:49 PM
The man broke no laws and was not a criminal.

They had to have an excuse for shooting the dogs.

Solution: claim you found a miniscule amount of marijuana in the house, turning the man into a "criminal" so the SWAT team no longer looks like the bad guys.

What this implies is that police and even SWAT carry small amounts of marijuana with them for this purpose. They only carry small amounts so they can eat it to remove the evidence from their cars if necessary.

That's why they couldn't plant a large amount. Any time you hear people get arrested for a tenth of a gram, that's what probably happened.

Quit all illegal drugs, especially if you are a gun owner. They're looking for any excuse to make gun owners felons now. Felons can't legally own guns.

Stay in the safety of your home as much as possible. There you have the least chance of being framed by these Gestapos.


From another thread:

Primates vs Reptiles, people. The primates are evil, not the reptiles. David Icke is a fraud.

Primate psychology is based around marking territory with fecal matter (like monkeys and dogs). Human primates do this symbolically with words and violence.

Primates evolutionarily work in packs. There are top dogs and bottom dogs. Separate the primate from his pack, and he's not so confident anymore.

Or steal their soul.

I'm gonna go watch Reservoir Dogs.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Really disturbing video. You don't know what info the cops are acting on, so I cannot judge them, though they certainly do appear to be over-reacting.
What I can judge is 'The War on Drugs' which is the direct cause of incidents such as these. I judge that to be one of the single most misguided & pointless attempts at social engineering I have seen in recent memory. The arguments for it are bogus, politically-motivated and hypocritical. Its results, thus far, are a huge waste of resources in the form of police and prison expenditures, ruined lives, large prison populations and increased street crime. Despite this, it can be argued, the Drug War has never lead to a reduction in drug use, and has been largely ineffective. The only really effective thing it has done is bring untold extra misery to people.
As a rule, I don't buy conspiracy theories. However, I make an exception with the 'War on Drugs'. Started in the early 20th century, used by Nixon & Reagan, these days it's mainly driven by tobacco & alcohol interests, with right-wing 'socially-correct'/religious types on the bandwagon. The whole mess is sickening.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by softbeard]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 11:55 AM
For people that say, a dog is a dog and a human is a human - not if it goes the other way - kill a k-9 and you go to jail for killing an officer. K-9s get higher 'species status' under the law. lol

That's crazy. I know they are expensive and just doing their jobs, but so was the house dog.

Killing someone's pets causes them huge pain and grief. Especially children. Once again there's a problem with cops acting as cop, judge, jury, and executor of justice.

Cops are so worried someone's going to flush some pot or coke that they have no-knock warrants and participate in what certainly would FEEL like a 'legal' home invasion.

What would I rather have? A neighbor next door doing something an illegal substance in his body, or legal home invasions?

It's my belief that when we allow the cops to do something legally, that we'd find others to do ...despicable....then we are all in trouble.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:13 PM
I would like anyone to have the self-awareness and presence of mind to call off your dog when a highly trained killer is screaming at you whilst pointing an mp5 at your face. Your adrenaline would be so thick you might not even have the capability to comprehend what was being commanded of you.

I'm not blaming the SWAT for shooting the dogs and niether am I, nor should any of you, blame the owners for not calling off their dogs who were merely trying to protect their family from unknown intruders.

I blame the absurdity of the whole "war on drugs" phenomonon.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975

Originally posted by ker2010

Reguardless i hope you yourself wouldnt find a corgi threatening enough to shoot.

I would not as already mentioned a few times in this thread, but I cannot say regardless about the body armor mistakes being made. I have no issues with people debating, agreeing, hating, disliking, profession...but I DO want people to understand the truth about things...especially things being brought up that are false...i.e. the body armor discussion fueling some fires and continuing arguments.....if the arguments continue I just want you guys to be fighting over KNOWN FACTS and not myths! Thats all...

Carry On....

Hey RC, have you ever heard of leap? Its Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. I think you should have a look at there site. Ending the drug war starts with YOU because only the naive believe that TPTB will have it any other way than a high prisoner count and a low morale among its citizens that move against the established grain.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Wow. 200,000 gallons of oil spilling a day, Several thousand homeless in Nashville, Taxes going up, and a dead pitbull gets 300+

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:32 PM
The CATO Institute just released a report on SWAT teams titled

"Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America"

Americans have long maintained that a man’s home is his castle and that he has the right to defend it from unlawful intruders. Unfortunately, that right may be disappearing. Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home.

Under discussion in this thread:

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Loken68
Wow. 200,000 gallons of oil spilling a day, Several thousand homeless in Nashville, Taxes going up, and a dead pitbull gets 300+

More like a home invasion by a paramilitary force culminating in the unnecessary killing of a family pet in front of children recklessly endangered by the invasion, while at the same time everything you said is going on too.
Difference; this could be your home tonight.No oil busting in the door, am about 3000miles from opening my home to folks from nashville, and taxes are like death, unavoidable. But this here brings it home that some sloppy police work or clerical error could make that your house, your family, your dog.
I would say 300 is a good start.

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