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Overpopulation is a Myth

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posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Vinveezy
reply to post by mark_price

stop dodging the man's question. give a place. seriously.

You cannot be serious. You can't think of one place that is overpopulated? Why do you think China adopted the one child policy?

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by mark_price

One of those videos said the population would peak in thirty years and then starts to go back down. What is that based on? The last words in that clip are, "Do the math" so there must be some to back that up? Sounds more like prophesy than math.

LMAO! OMFG! ok ok you are saying that this is just some prophesy? with no stuff to back it up? look whos talking! wtf are you people doing? fear mongering that is what "Ohhh we are all going to starve to death oh my goddd!"

here is the UN's own report. look at the charts and graphs. Or scroll down the to bottom of the text. It has the birth rate of the past and it's prediction.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I wasn't criticising you. I just thought it was amusing.

It's interesting how the OP isn't getting as much positive feedback as I did in my earlier thread. I got flamed a little but, not this bad, had a few supportive posts as well.

Guess there's a different group of people online now.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by prochronism

That is funny.Is no one dieing? that clock only goes up and it goes up every 1 second EXACTLY. funny I thought that people die every few seconds. come one man seriously.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Vinveezy
reply to post by prochronism

That is funny.Is no one dieing? that clock only goes up and it goes up every 1 second EXACTLY. funny I thought that people die every few seconds. come one man seriously.

Uh, they are not counting every single person simultaneously. If five people are born and four die then it counts as one born. There is math involved.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:09 PM
EXELENT POST!! over poppulation is BS.. the only parts of the world that ARE over populated are just the cities. As soon as your out of a city, just nothing but space. A city is where everyone works, some people go to citys from 100's of klm just to work, that's why it seems to be over poppulated. Korea for example, it's as sig as toronto, more or less. and there is over 50 million people leaving on it, and they have ENOUGH space. Toronto has 10 million people in it, and the only areas that are over poppulated is DOWNTOWN. I have drove across Canada, and it's as BIG "or bigger" =P then USA, u wont find a town going over 15,000(not inlcuding a CITY). Just becuse most of the land is expensive, and hard to build on, and everyone concentrates to the city's, city's get compacted. Even in USA, think of manhatten island, it's SMALL and can hold such a large amount of people, if you at least spread that over a goood distance, u wont get as much pollution(since that's where has MOST effect), and it wont even seem crowded at all. This whole over poppulation is just an excuse for (global warming),(food shortages),(wars), well u get the picture. Main thing is, the City is OVERPOPPULATED, and most of us think the world is like this just because all of us are confind to one city or area, and you think of the world as you see whats around you without even stepping out a little. Ask your self, when is the last time you went 400 klm away from you area? NOT including resorts!! or other city's!! just, around. City's are small and people think small of this planet, and too big of them selfs!

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth.[1]

Overpopulation does not depend only on the size or density of the population, but on the ratio of population to available sustainable resources. It also depends on the way resources are used and distributed throughout the population If a given environment has a population of 10 individuals, but there is food or drinking water enough for only 9, then in a closed system where no trade is possible, that environment is overpopulated; if the population is 100 but there is enough food, shelter, and water for 200 for the indefinite future, then it is not overpopulated. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances, from an increase in immigration, or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely-populated areas to be overpopulated, as the area in question may have a meager or non-existent capability to sustain human life (e.g. the middle of the Sahara Desert).
Overpopulation - Wikipedia

The issue of Overpopulation is NOT a myth. Especially in terms of resources and sustainability. Killing people already here is not the solution. Slowing down population growth and making contraception cheaper and more widely available is a step in the right direction.

[edit on 6/5/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:54 PM
this thread is a joke right? Take a look at some of these populations where people are having kids they can't afford to rear. Who suffers here? the kids? or everyone? The more people we have on this planet, the more resources are requires to sustain them for life. I am not not advocating killing anyone for any reason, but we do a preventative measure called birth control. Just the other day, I saw on facebook a group of people from malaysia where young people have like 20 siblings. Filled up the entire page. I can't imagine people being able to afford to raise that many children. Just my opinion.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:35 AM
YEAH nice, who ever started this, must be very happy that they are so successful in putting so much FEAR into you people... you know the best way to make the people do whatever u want them to do? FEAR!! Food shortages, you people are crazy, the only reason that stuff is even being talked about, is because the companys want to keep their prices stable... YOU know how many apples europe throws away?!?!?!? A LOT! you know how much food canada dumps into the ocean just to keep everything in check? A LOT!!! how abou them forest fires, SAME #!!! mad cow diseas, SAME #!!! there is enough food to feed EVERYONE, but you know whos gonna loose alot of money just by doing so? the nice guys with ties around their necks sipping on coffee in their 200, 000$ mercedes! wake up people!! get the hell out of your houses!! stop watching all the BS! you guys are so dragged into it it's probably useless saying any of this to you, "oh yeah, but the statistics show this and that" who wrote the statistics??? you? no, the nice people have guys working for em, they are feeding this information to the public, and you people are just EATING IT!! ima stop posting here cause it's a lost cause yo, how can anyone talk to people that can't even see past their own two feet!?!?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:58 AM
To anyone just taking a look around and trying to discern if the population is growing too rapidly or not, I have to say I don't think it is quite that simple.

I'm pretty sure the woods behind my house 'look' like they could handle a few more deer because there is lots of space and sometimes you don't see any for a couple of days. But, the population is in fact too large already due to the lack of resources, and hunting limits were increased a few times because the deer were becoming sickly and the ticks and car accidents were getting out of control.

reply to post by Dark Ghost

Thank you. Sometimes, if the terms being discussed aren't defined, everyone gets off on a tangent discussing only what they believe the terms mean, not what the terms actually do mean. I was thinking of printing out some of the responses in this thread to show them to my bio. Prof., because I would like to see the reaction. Our next exam deals with population growth, so I am looking forward to coming back to this thread after I take it.

Some of the more random attacks against the overpopulation idea make me wonder if religious or political ideologies are coming into play. I don't know if there is a trend in dismissing overpopulation among those that are pro-life, or not, and I'd be interested in finding out.

I'm curious if anyone here has taken a 'how many earths' quiz to see how many earth's it would take to support the world if everyone lived like they did. When a US citizen takes a quiz like this, it is interesting to note that the only way to support the world's population, in which everyone has this kind of standard of living, would be to either drop the population by a large factor, or somehow gain many extra earths. And before anyone goes shooting down the energy consumption in the US, the trend is equivalent for other similar countries, and even a reduction in energy consumption isn't going to change the fact that for everyone to have decent living standards, we would need more resources than we have.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:04 AM
When the day comes that the demand for resources is outweighed by the abundance of resources then we will be at carrying capacity (i.e., not over populated). Until that day becomes a reality, we are overpopulated.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:05 PM
There is plenty of room for humans around the globe the problems are the megalopolis's we have in some countries in the US its basically the east coast From Boston to North Carolina.

There is plenty of space the problem is people wont go to these places.

Russia has a vast amount of space as does Canada, United States, Australia, some African countries, Brazil.

This is not including Iceland, Greenland which have the space but no people.

There is no food shortage, there is a shortage of foods we like.

Humans can eat almost everything but we think of some animals as disgusting.

We could each roaches, rodents, insects, birds (other than duck, goose, chicken, turkey) whale, dog, cat, other mammals but we dont as we see this as nasty

Many islands in the pacific are under populated.

There is enough room in the United States for the entire US population so there would be no need for large cities but many people want to live in these cities.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by jatsc
There is plenty of room for humans around the globe the problems are the megalopolis's we have in some countries in the US its basically the east coast From Boston to North Carolina.

There is plenty of space the problem is people wont go to these places.

Yeah, there's plenty of room out in the middle of a desert or on the tundra. But there's also reason why people live in cities. It's because it's the most efficient way to distribute resources like power and water, help concentrate waste products for proper disposal, and free up arable land for food production. The whole notion that there is plenty of room on the planet if people just "spread out" is ridiculous. In fact, people spreading out has contributed to urban sprawl, which eats up all kinds of land where food could be produced.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:13 PM

The search came up with your thread about overpopulation and it being a myth and all.

I just watched a You Tube vid. about it and I did not see it posted here. So here you go.

I agree by the way. It is a myth. It is a shame I missed this thread when it was posted.
Well... I'm glad I can bump it for ya.

~ Sinter

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:00 PM
Texas Myth

Head on over to this site to see why putting 6 billion people into a place the size of Texas will not work. The fact of the matter is, humans have free will, and humans tend to flock together. There maybe millions of acres of free space in the rain forest, but for some reason millions of people decide to live on a little island called Manhattan. The logistics of supporting 6 billion people in one concentrated area is currently impossible. You know what would happen if, by some miracle, you could get everyone into Texas? People would begin emigrating out to explore and adventure, start cities of their own and we would end up in the same mess we are in now.

You know, I just thought of an amazing idea. If land area is all that mattered, why not send everyone down to Antarctica? More than enough room for everyone down there right? Oh gee, I forgot, there's no heat down there. There's no fuel source. There's no running water. There's no food. There's no, well, anything to be exact.

Let's also take a look at the area of land needed to SUPPORT 6 billion people. Lets see, we need grocery stores, gas stations, post office, power companies, liquor stores, repair shops, construction companies, best buys, etc. That video doesn't take into account any of this. You are right though, 6 billion people can fit in Texas. Nuke 6 billion people and you can fit their ashes in a sardine can too. It isn't about what fits but what is sustainable and the Texas argument is not viable. It gets brought up more times than necessary and completely ignores the problems the world is facing of hunger and disease and very basic supply of basic needs do to a number of factors. It is quite easy to sit in a middle class suburb with a 3 meals a day, snacks whenever you want, running water that is clean enough to drink, money to spend on luxuries and talk about how the world's problems could be fixed by moving everyone to Texas. Get out into the real world and you realize just how ignorant you really are about life.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:04 PM
I like the wizard at the end of the last video. Why aren't we investing more money in wizard research? It seems to be the solution to the problem of world hunger.

Seems like there might be something to these videos. Someone just posted an article that said that, at least in Western nations, farmers have to throw crops away in order to artificially effect supply and demand.

Also, I've been hearing for many years that "civilized" nations are at or nearing zero population growth.

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