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Government responsible for AIDS?

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posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:03 PM
I think the US Government is responsible for the AIDS epidemic.

Now, I'm not saying that the government "created" AIDS; they're just using it as a tool. I think the government began helping HIV along to do away with the lower class people that do not contribute to society.

I'm aware that this topic has been touched upon in previous threads. I want to bring it back to a higher state of awareness.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:18 PM
There plan didn't work out too well now did it? There's still quite a few "low-class people" about. At least my tax returns seem to indicate this

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:56 PM
The government began work on HIV in the 50's but then it was put off. Then it came back in the 80's. It is ment for killing of homosexuals, and the black race (no offesnse). I have stated this before though it other threads.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 05:19 PM
I would agree to a certain point that the governments are trying to eradicate certain people within society by driving some of us to hard and giving us little option so as eventually it will be the smartest will survive and to hell with you if you want to stay simple but honest and fair, and that there doing a good job at it. But there�s enough information out there about aids for people to take precautions of there own I think. AIDS may have been used as a tool of genocide against homosexuals as they severely upset Christian beliefs and many other religions. But not specifically for the culling of the everyday man and woman.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 05:38 PM
There was a good discussion on this subject here awhile back, but can't seem to find it. From what I can remember it came to more of the conclusion that the government did not fabricate aids. Still looking for it though.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 05:56 PM
When AIDS first appeared it was an epidemic primarily for gay men and IV drug users. The US did little to combat the disease, $$ for research, until it "innocent" people become exposed to it. Sadly many still think it is the cure for homosexuality. There are isolated cases where an individual is virtually immune to HIV, that is test positve and dont get sick or full blown AIDS.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 06:46 PM
I was involved in epidemiology in the mid 1980's. I will tell you what I believe:

1. HIV did not exist in the outside world until 1976.

2. If you look at WHO charts of the 'homeland' of aids, it covers a portion of sub-Saharan Africa that almost exactly matches the innoculation program for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus vaccines that was carried out in Africa by WHO in 1977/8.

3. That vaccine was donated, as are many vaccines used by WHO, by the U.S. army. I don't believe there was anything sinister intended, and I believe that several army units were also vaccinated with this same vaccine, but did not become ill. The U.S. army is a major consumer of vaccines, as are most armed forces of industrialized nations. Most forces give their leftovers to the U.N.

4. DPT vaccines are never given now. Only D-T is given, so that no batches of the old infected DPT vaccine would ever be accidentally used on another population.

5. I believe the HIV was unintentionally created by the Army bioweapons program. The retroviral nature of HIV is the combination of two different diseases, BLV (Bovine Leukemia Virus) and Sheep visna, a progressive degenerative disorder that infects the nervous system. HIV, instead of attacking the nervous system, like visna or 'scrapies,' attacks the immune system directly. Our modern knowledge of the immune-system's localization in the brain comes from watching HIV progress in humans.

5. The program that produced HIV was actually designed for a very benign purpose: to make vaccinations obsolete. The idea was originally that when a new disease infected a population, the vaccine would be placed in a capsid coat of a retrovirus. When the virus became implanted in the host, it was supposed to confer immunity to the disease. The recombinant capsid coat would allow for multiple vaccinations over a lifetime. Basically, catching the 'vaccine disease' would give each person infected an artificially acquired immunity. Just as chicken pox once gave resistance to smallpox, the artificial retrovirus was supposed to be a 'cold' bug that would give resistance to whatever bug was going arround. Instead of recieving an expensive and labor-intensive vaccine, people would 'catch' the cure! This was intended to end bioweapons research, by making viral warfare obsolete. Except that HIV has now killed more people than bioweapons ever will.

6. HIV was an accident, caused by poor lab protocols. The original room where the disease was produced had a positive ambient pressure and infiltrated another part of the facility, where immunization kits were kept or processed or otherwise handled. People who had investigated the situation told me the DPT vaccine itself was not the problem, and so US forces innoculated did not become sick. It was the delivery mechanism that was infected, and not the vaccine itself.

7. All 'evidence' that HIV is older than 1976 is hearsay, and not verifiable. At one point, investigators claimed that stored blood from Vietnam era showed contamination, but could not produce a chain of evidence dating back to the supposed era. The person I talked to questioned the evidence based on the plastic containers the alleged blood was stored in, saying that different bottles were used in the early 70's. Out of my area of knowledge.

8. In the mid 80's, many university labs were running their own investigations of HIV, and coming to conclusions similar to what I've outlined here. As soon as their researchers began to speak in public, the labs were closed by NIH. A number of larger research universities lost their viral research labs during this period.

9. The original "vaccinating virus" was tested on anglo males, US army volunteers in the early 70's. These males tend to be descended genetically from ancestors who survived the 'black plagues' of the 13th century. For some reason, the HIV that has been loosed on the world is not as deadly to several ethnic stocks. Populations from NW Europe and Central Asia (the Homeland of the plague) have an infintesmial chance of genetic immunity to HIV. (It's less than 1 in 1000, so don't get your hopes up.) Over time, this genetic differential is acting out in world populations, and selecting against gene pools with no historic exposure to the plague. From what I have read on my own since leaving epidemiology, scandinavians, poles and other european populations that were not affected so severely by the plague are more succeptable to AIDS.

10. I don't think HIV was created by racists, but by idealists. Since they were f****ing with DNA, their monster expresses its wrath in DNA, in human populations. The scientists thought they could outsmart nature, and do away with disease. Instead, they have added to human woe a thousandfold.

Like the Parkay Commerical used to say: "It's not NICE to F*** with mother nature!"

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:14 PM
I highly doubt that AIDS was created or taken advantage of by the Government. Yes, the US government is crap and full or jerks that want America to become the dominant ruler of Earth but I doubt they would help along a virus.

From what I know AIDS was first discovered in African Tribes. So enless the Government went and forced someone to come in contact with the Africans and obtain the Virus and then bring it back and force them to give it to someone else, I don't think that the government had anything to do with it.

Which also I have heard that We got Aids from a guy having intercourse with a Monkey. So you can't believe everything you hear............

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:34 PM
I'm with you on this HCUP. I think the conditions were right for AIDS to make an emergence in the late 70s and early 80s.

I found the following, which is something I was not familiar with:

Three of the earliest known instances of HIV infection are as follows:
1. A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo
2.HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.
3.HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.

I am including the link so that you can see the entire text.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:42 PM
Very interesting information dr_strangecraft.

I've read a book a while ago, maybe about 6 month, that confirmed some of the stuff you said, but you've also throwed in a lot of new informations, stuff I didn't already knew. Great post.

Resurecting an old topic have been interesting in this case.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:53 PM
There is a good book on this and many other related subjects. "Death in the Air - Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. He also has another book - "Emerging Viruses - Aids & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?".

I honestly believe that the global industrial elite fully orchestrated the rise of AIDS through the CDC and the Merk pharmaceutical corporation (Rockefeller / IG Farben clan) and their hepatitis B vaccinations given in the mid 70's to gay males in New York City and to black's in Sub-saharan Africa.

It is all cleverly planned as part of their desire to kill off the majority of the world's population. Do a google on the 'Georgia Guidestones' and read off the very first line engraved into these stone monoliths. Seems to me that this American 'mini-stonehenge' deserves some further research.

Never trust the government!
They are only lying to serve their twisted global domination masters in succeeding to put us into an Orwellian hellish nightmare.

And if they are listening........

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 05:08 PM
That's right the government is after us.....

I have a feeling that AIDS was probably around way before anyone even knew what it was. I mean most of our medical breakthroughs have only been in the past decade or so. People could have been dying from AIDS way before we ever thought. And Since it's not the AIDS or HIV that kills the patient It could have been here for far longer than anyone has ever thought. Most of the people who die from it don't die because of the AIDS, at least not directly. Most people die because of the optortunistic bacteria and desiease that enter the body.

The doctors back in the day may have just thought that their patients were dying from simple things like a cold or pneounia(can't spell). So AIDS may have been around a lot longer than any of us think......

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I was involved in epidemiology in the mid 1980's. I will tell you what I believe...

You know, I personally think that this is the truth. It's the only explanation of HIV/AIDS that I've ever read that makes sense. As for the conspiracy theories on HIV/AIDS: To use an analogy, even an evil king isn't stupid enough to poision his own peasants. Then he'd have no one to rule over! And, he could accidentally poision himself in the process... Now, discreetly sterilizing populations that are 'unwanted' I might could believe, but creating a monster virus that has the potential to kill untold millions, and is spread sexually? No way. Even if you believe it, rich people like to have sex too, and they don't want to increase THEIR chances of catching something fatal...

[edit on 6/9/2004 by ThunderCloud]

[edit on 6/9/2004 by ThunderCloud]

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:59 PM
I love how people would think the government would not create something like HIV/aids, maybe you should look into all of the government experiments conducted upon the unknowing public in the past.

Another thing while I'm at it...why does Africa have such a high death rate from aids? Is it because they lump malaria and every other thing into the aids category?

Oh yeah what about ebola? Do you really think that if someone conducted a test on some African village to see what the kill rate would be and how it would spread, would anyone care once it's over?

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 01:16 AM

Now, discreetly sterilizing populations that are 'unwanted' I might could believe, but creating a monster virus that has the potential to kill untold millions, and is spread sexually? No way. Even if you believe it, rich people like to have sex too, and they don't want to increase THEIR chances of catching something fatal...

Yes, rich people like to have sex, BUT in most cases I'm sure they are more responsible with it.

What's wrong with monogamy?

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:45 AM
The Reason that Africa has such a high death rate from AIDS is that they don't have anything to protect themsevles from it. Unlike in America they don't have public schools which teach the children that they shoudl be protected. And even if they did teach them about condoms and all that it doesn't mean they would be able to afford it.

Also when someone over there contracts AIDS they don't have the money to go to a Hospital or Doctor and get all the meds that people in America have.

Also part of it is the fact that the guys in Africa have MANY Sexual partners at one time. My Teacher went over this in my Advanced Placement Biology class. The guys are polygamous, having multiple partners AT ONE TIME. This means that 2 or 3 guys may have the same woman and like they say "you are having sex with everyone your partner has had sex with" So they are spreading AIDS all over the place and some times not even knowing it.

Welcome to the World of Polygomy.....

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:54 AM

Also part of it is the fact that the guys in Africa have MANY Sexual partners at one time. My Teacher went over this in my Advanced Placement Biology class. The guys are polygamous, having multiple partners AT ONE TIME. This means that 2 or 3 guys may have the same woman and like they say "you are having sex with everyone your partner has had sex with" So they are spreading AIDS all over the place and some times not even knowing it.

Welcome to the World of Polygomy.....

And that's different from America how?

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 08:05 AM
Well in America we are educated and can afford condoms and other contraceptives.

That would be the differene..... And in America most the time we have a lot of sexual partners but at DIFFERENT times. Like we will have one sexual partner for a month or so then get rid of that one and have another. So that's different.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 11:46 AM
hombre you know this as fact, or are you just believing what you are told? would you doubt that living conditions in central africa suck at best, and there are plenty of bugs floating around that could kill them? it is interesting how you never hear that much about malaria...

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 12:05 PM
Could Aids have been a gov't creation, very possible! Certainly wouldn't suprise me at all. But it was probably an expirement just to see what scientist could do, not necessarily to be used as a weopon. If it were a to be used as a weapon then they messed up on how it was supposed to work. Wouldn't a gov't bio weapon be used for a specific area or region? If so, then you would not want to use one that took years to take affect once contacted with the virus because it would spread out of that region....just an opinion though...

[edit on 9-6-2004 by mpeake]

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