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Every Maine State police officer to receive new AR-15 assault rifles!!!

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posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by hawaiinguy12

There are gun activists in every state and many state police departments use the AR-15 as a secondary weapon. is also overly excited about this non-issue.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:29 PM
Listen, I'm not pro gov't, police, anything related. But the cops in my county have been carrying M4's (fully automatic) for years. This is mainly to increase their ability to protect the public if necessary. Think about the bank shootout in LA years ago. 9mm to .45 rounds were bouncing off the gunmen, literally. If joe public is armed to the teeth with .223, 30-06, 5.56 and 7.62...well it is only logical for a police department to be able to protect the public if someone goes nuts with one.

Sure it could allow for the "spooky" PTB to more easily slaughter and control its citizens....but give me a break. If you think conspiracy runs that deep, that police are robots (as I said, I'm not pro police), or that they are anything but our brothers and fathers is getting a bit loony imo. Sure I may not like their career choice, but I bet you people bitching about a cop having an assault rifle would be the first to pray they did if someone started lighting up the neighborhood with an ak47.

I understand that not all cops are good cops (not all people are good people)....this really isn't anything major what so ever. It has been happening for years.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:38 PM
As a resident of Maine and someone who has a slight distrust of cops, I can tell you that the Maine State Troopers are some of the most professional courteous officers I've come in contact with.
Maine is a big rural state. One trooper might cover a few hundred square miles by himself, With any backup a long way off. A Rifle rather than a pistol caliber carbine is a more appropriate tool.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

rc, I think that the fear is that eventually, all officers will be more like soldiers, there to enforce enumerable unjust laws, choking out the last vestiges of free society by increments like what is being done in Maine. It sounds paranoid, but it is not improbable.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Remember this? You may be too young to remember?

The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed bank robbers, Larry Phillips, Jr. and Emil Matasareanu, and patrol and SWAT officers of the Los Angeles Police Department in North Hollywood, California on February 28, 1997. It happened when responding patrol officers engaged Phillips, 26[citation needed] and Matasareanu, 30[citation needed] leaving a bank which the two men had just robbed. Ten officers and seven civilians sustained injuries before both robbers were killed.[2] Phillips and Matasareanu had robbed several armored vehicles prior to their attempt in North Hollywood and were notorious for their heavy armament, which included automatic rifles.

Local patrol officers at the time were typically armed with 9 mm or .38 Special pistols on their person, with some having a 12-gauge shotgun available in their cars. Phillips and Matasareanu carried fully automatic rifles, with ammunition capable of penetrating police body armor, and wore military grade body armor of their own. Since the police handguns could not penetrate the bank robbers' body armor, the patrol officers' efforts were ineffective. SWAT eventually arrived with weapons that could penetrate and several officers also appropriated AR-15 rifles from a nearby firearms dealer. The incident sparked debate on the appropriate firepower for patrol officers to have available in similar situations in the future.[3]

The ineffectiveness of the pistol rounds and shotgun pellets in penetrating the robbers' body armor led to a trend in the United States toward arming selected police patrol officers with semi-automatic 5.56 mm AR-15 type rifles.[11] Seven months after the incident, The Pentagon gave 600 surplus M16s to the LAPD, which were issued to each patrol sergeant;[23] other cities, such as Miami, also moved to supply patrol officers, not just SWAT teams, with heavier firepower.[24] LAPD patrol vehicles now carry AR-15s as standard issue, with bullet-resistant Kevlar plating in their doors as well.[25]

Maine is finally catching up with the times. This particular event in history lead many departments across the nation to arm up with a heavier caliber.

The Ruger Mini 14,.223 caliber, was mentioned earlier as a long time standard issue in many departments including my local PD as a trunk deployed back up weapon. Some still use it. If they really want to get nasty they could arm up with the Mini 30.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by jibeho]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
rc, I think that the fear is that eventually, all officers will be more like soldiers, there to enforce enumerable unjust laws, choking out the last vestiges of free society by increments like what is being done in Maine. It sounds paranoid, but it is not improbable.

Smoke I completely understand where your coming from and even understand the paranoia some people get when simple things like this happen...BUT, 99% of the time the paranoia comes from nothing more then personal feelings, bias, fear, etc....WITHOUT and real basis, and most importantly to me, without thinking about ALL the circumstances as to WHY it is happening. As we have all mentioned the arming of police with military grade weapons has been going on for a LONG time WITHOUT incident, so why worry so much now?

Bottom line is I want people to view a move like this from BOTH sides and ALL angles BEFORE deciding what is going on....if after seeing ALL aspects someone still thinks all hell is about to break loose then so be it...

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by jam321
You know that terrorist don't come in through the Northern border. That only happens on the Southern border.

Terrorists probably get up there and say, "Hip deep snow sucks! Let's try the Southern border!"

Originally posted by jam321
AR-15 are ok with me.

Me, too.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by PirateShark
Emphasis on slip. Should any terrorists be entering our country with the intent of causing havoc, I doubt they will come to the border toting weapons.

Certain about this?

Willing to bet on it? Let me rephrase that: Willing to bet your life on that??

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by hawaiinguy12
Well I can already tell that you are very close minded and you probably are one of the folks who actually believe the official story of 9/11 so it is pretty pointless to even argue with you about this subject.

I'm sorry. Did I miss the part where this became a 9/11 thread? Could you go back and point that out for me?

So, in the mean time, how about sh!tcanning your "Holier than thou" attitude and walk your "9/11 was caused by Elvis ninjas led by George Bush clones armed with pack-back micro-nukes" to where it belongs? mmmm-kay? You're already a no-go at this station.

Originally posted by hawaiinguy12
And if you have been doing your homework you would see that many different groups around the country (usually liberal) are starting to label the teapartyers and people who believe in the second amendment as a hate group and a terrorist organization. So think about it..who do you really think these weapons are going to intimidate or even be used on. Thats right, the American public!

Oh, my, you're right. I'm certain that you're correct in the assumption that these will be used only to intimidate the public, and not against criminals.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 02:18 AM
The guns are dual purpose, they can stop a terrorist or they can gun you down if the tyrannous gets control.

Either way your screwed.Logically speaking every cop knows who the real threat is, and they know who they are targeting.

You plan for the area you work and the needs of that community.
Then you prioritize on the most likely threat.

Right now the media is hyping tea parties and militias and we are change as extremists, We all know they aren't.

However the people in gov actually believe the junk they hear on tv and promote that through the ranks of the departments.

When Cesar crossed the Rubicon with his army, he turned the military against his own people,then they all became slaves and destroyed themselves.

Don't let it happen again.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Im not sure what the gun saturation numbers look lke in Maine...I know they are similiar to NH and we are one of the most saturated states

Add into that, the response time for police in maine could be up to 2 hours. So if you are the trooper involved in an incident and your backup is going to take 2 hours to get there...That 30 rounds of 5.56 will come in handy...Not to mention Moose and Bear

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:20 PM
double post....

[edit on 3-5-2010 by BingeBob]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:07 PM
Well, it is about time.

They just need to give them a few more weapons and they may catch up to me.

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