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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

The Roman empire, exceedingly wealthy, exceedingly powerful, always craving more power, more control, world domination! These bad boys were no joke, they were, are, in it to win it! World domination though, how could this be possible? The Romans were quite successful in the form of military conquest, but eventually with an empire growing larger and larger problems arose in the form of controlling the masses. The empire grew so fast that controlling the newly conquered territories posed a great problem. The people in these new territories were increasingly less likely to remain conquered, their own religions conflicted with the Roman style of rule to such a degree that molding their minds into simple Roman slaves was not possible for long periods of time. These new territories had to be able to rule themselves, under ideologies not necessarily Roman. [color=limegreen]The territories had to believe that they were in control of their own destiny apart from others who did not agree with their practices.

Great analysis !

Welcome to Europe and the Americas !

Welcome to the worldwide Central Banking System !

Welcome to Rome II

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Symbiot
The public will be outraged, remnants of the Catholic church will largely be behind the revelation of these secret technologies. Ultimately the Church of Scientology, science, individual thought, Freemasons, etc will be viewed as the Anti-Christ or great deceiver. The Catholic church will be viewed as Christ, having been killed and now miraculously risen again to defeat this great deceiver. The Catholic church will become more powerful than ever before because it will be viewed as having fulfilled prophecy, as having God's blessing. The people of Earth will renounce individual thought and simply bow before the Pope, Roman emperor. The Roman Empire will have conquered the entire planet with all of the world's population 'believing' in them as God's chosen rulers.

The revitalized Catholic church will also incorporate elements of Islam and the other major religions. This is needed in order to make sure the whole of the human race accepts the new religion. This revitalization will come from 'teachings' from a 'messiah' put in place to ensure that the prophecy is viewed as coming to fruition. My post earlier goes over a bit of how this is to play out. The revealing of secret UFO technology as being a deception placed upon the human race and this 'messiah' being part of the revealing of this deception. Sure there will likely be some special effects and such surrounding this 'messiah' to make it appear as though god is on his side. His name, by the way, on that other conspiracy forum is "new JEruSalem rUSs."

At any rate this is essentially a complete 'reset' of the system. Ultimately after this happens history repeats itself. Over the course of a few thousand years the 'teachings' of this messiah will be argued over. People will begin to fall into different camps regarding the meaning of these 'teachings.' This all happens as humanity spreads across the solar system. Eventually there will be people doubting if this 'messiah' ever existed. At some point, a few thousand years from now, there will be another 'messiah' and the whole system will be reset yet again.
edit on 14-8-2011 by Symbiot because: Re-added quote, edited for size

edit on 14-8-2011 by Symbiot because: Removed excessive word usage

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

xuenchen is right, it's indeed a Great analysis Symbiot.

As an exemple, Great Britain, Spain and France are Roman Legions since the begining of the empire and Rome let them all developed their own culture but continued secretly to controlled their government from the shadow.

Rome gained alot of strategic knowledge to control the Mass. Another exemple is America. Rome secretly found America long before 1534 and to invade and colonise the new land, Rome decided to send 3 controlled Legions, Great Britain, Spain and France, instead of only one to avoid exiled legions to rebel against TPTB. By creating conflics between them, they all stayed loyal to their respective countries.

When all options had been used, Rome planned the future of america by asking Great Britain to created a conflic and then take 13 men and their Thirteen Colonies to found the Unite States of America to let Americans thinks they are more free, it was only an illusion... That released pressure on Great Britain and hide even more Rome as the powerful Super Empire.

Many time here, it was demonstrated by Proto and others that the United States Government is structured by many Ancient Roman symbols, architecture and rituals, just like Great Britain and that is no coincidence...

Rome already control the world, it only want to increase is power over world population by changing the World Order by a New One...a New World Order !


edit on 14-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by mick1423

Many times Proto warned us about the end of 2012, Proto said ROME will push the world into chaos and we should expect the worst before the end of 2012.

With all the propaganda around 2012 ( which could be to prepare our mind to accept the chaos phase ), it's possible that 2008 was a stomach punch and 2011 will be the Knockout Uppercut to make the world enter 2012 in a world economic crash.

Proto said ROME's secret agenda, The New World Order, was planned to start in 2013, he said 2000-2013 are the years of Chaos and 2013-2033 are the years of Order into Chaos.

Time will tell if Proto was right but it really look like he was....

I would like to add a few tidbits that can be used to look at the future.

burntheships had a THREAD about :The Holy Land: The Ecological Turning Point Of The Three Religions

The whole thing connects back to the United Nations, Global Governance and the World Bank through Maurice Strong who is a "Senior Advisor" for all three. He headed to China after his role in the UN Food for Oil scandal was revealed. He has been caught in a couple other frauds too. Aside from a couple of lesser known business scams where he bilked investors, he, Al Gore and a couple others set up the Molten Metal Technology Inc SCAM so it is no wonder we find Al Gore part of the Global Warming Hoax. Where Maurice Strong is again the originator of Hoax at the first earth summit BEFORE the earth started warming!

I cover that and a possible alternate reason for the "New World Order" the Economic Collapse and the "depopulation" of the USA and EU in the The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory!

What is of interest is Strong is connected to the Aspen Institute and more important OWNS the BACA Ranch/Crestone Institute. GEE a KNOWN fraudster is setting up a RELIGION, shades of L. Ron Hubbard. (Gee, I knew L.Ron when he was a small time crook allegedly said by Jean A. Berman, of the New England Science Fiction Assoc.)

....Hanne and Maurice Strong acquired the big track of land knows as the Baca Ranch in 1978. Guided by the vision of Native American elders that his land had a great purpose, and her own desire to establish a sustainable, interfaith retreat community in North America, Hanne began to implement a new kind of development. She consolidated tracks of land and gave them to traditional religious and educational/intellectual organizations. By 1988, the following centers had been established: the Spiritual Life Institute (Carmelite monastery), the Crestone Mountain Zen Center, The Haidakhandi Universal Ashram, the Sri Aurobindo Learning Center, the Aspen Institute ( which was later acquired by Colorado College), and the San Luis Valley Tibetan Project.

In 1988, Hanne and Maurice founded the Manitou Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization, to provide land and financial support to qualified spiritual organizations, earth stewardship programs, and related educational opportunities for youth and adults. To date, the Foundation has granted land to the Baca Center for High Altitude Sustainable Agriculture; EDUCO, a youth leadership and Earth Restoration Corps training center; Mangal Shri Bhuti (Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist lineage); SUBUD (which utilizes environmental and sustainable technologies for building and agriculture); Naropa Institute; and Yeshe Khorlo, a Bhutanese Tibetan retreat center. Applications for land grants from a Shinto organization, a Gelugpa Tibetan monastery, Zorastrian, Kriya Yoga, and a Native American group were under consideration as of 2000.

The Crestone/Baca community of centers of the world's religious traditions is currently the largest intentional interfaith ecumenical community in North America.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:38 AM
As if Maurice Strong was not enough we now have Tony Blair Jumping on the Religion bandwagon.

Blair is a real interesting character.

He was Chair of the Fabian Society

Blair is working PART TIME for JP Morgan Chase at £2 million

And when he is not working for JP Morgan? Mr Blair, ... is serving as an international envoy to the Middle East

So look what turns up in Egypt as part of the trigger for the riots???


From Dictator to Democracy was seen in Egypt

... As journalists have sought to untangle the disparate threads that unite these uprisings, one of the most interesting revelations has been a common reference to a dusty -- but still relevant -- book, "From Dictatorship to Democracy."

Earlier this month, the New York Times proclaimed its author, Gene Sharp, a "shy intellectual" who had created "the playbook for revolution" -- noting that his work was posted on the Muslim Brotherhood website during the Egyptian uprising, and was cited equally among Tunisians, Bosnians and Estonians in their quest for freedom. So far, it has been translated into 41 languages....

and LOOKY who has free e-books including Gene Sharp's "From Dictatorship to Democracy." Fabian Essays In Socialism

Isn't "Coincidence" great???

But good old Tony is not yet done. He has recently started a "Faith Foundation"

Why does faith matter in a globalised world?
Tony Blair speaking at the launch of the Faith Foundation

" You cannot understand the modern world unless you understand the importance of religious faith. Faith motivates, galvanises, organises and integrates millions upon millions of people."

And to make matters interesting, the guy who gave us The World Trade Organization and a collapsing Economy, Bill Clinton congratulates Tony Blair at the opening of his foundation. Clinton was also at hand, along with Blair when the Fabian glass window, complete with the wolf in a sheepskin and Fabians smashing the world, was hung at the London School of Economics - George Soros Alma Mater.


posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

But good old Tony is not yet done. He has recently started a "Faith Foundation"

Why does faith matter in a globalised world?
Tony Blair speaking at the launch of the Faith Foundation

" You cannot understand the modern world unless you understand the importance of religious faith. Faith motivates, galvanises, organises and integrates millions upon millions of people."


Fantastic comparisons, and it really nails it down.

This push towards "faith" is an end game strategy by these ruling "elite" emporers utilizing
the power of belief to manipulate the hearts and minds of men.

Lets compare that statement by Blair above to the statements in the Club of Rome document;

The First Global Revolution
which is " A Report by The Club Of Rome" in which the quote is found...

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

page 84 of the PDF, page 75 of the actual document.

So we have the power brokers of the empire pushing "faith" to galvanize the issue of "Climate Change"

It is called "Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change" and looks specifically at the International Climate Conference which is to be held in Durban, South Africa, next November. This is a continuation of the meetings held in Copenhagen in 2009 and Cancun in 2010, both of which terminated without an agreement being reached regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the group commissioned by the UN to monitor the phenomenon, really believes is essential for combating global warming.

In other words...Copenhagen failed, the IPCC has been caught with pants down and now they need
to breath new life into the issue of "Climate Change" by wrapping it up in a new shiny "faith" based

These highest religious authorities; the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, the Palestinian Ministry of Religious Affairs (Waqf), the Palestinian Court of Sharia law and all leaders of Christian Churches in Jerusalem; The Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land in Jerusalem.

That of religious leaders in the Holy Land is a real endorsement of the IPCC program: “We recognize - the statement reads - the scientific evidence of climate change caused by man and the threat it poses to human societies and the planet, as explained by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and we also recognize the spiritual roots of this crisis and the importance of providing a religious response.”

"providing a religious response"

A religious response by a cartel of organizations of various denominations
acting in different countries around the world to urge religious leaders to fight for the cause

And again, the cause is: the

new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like

And compare Blairs statement above to the one below taken from The Vatican Insider concerning
the The Holy Land: The Ecological Turning Point Of The Three Religions

Hence the invitation to proceed with a "major rethink of their spiritual and physical relationship with this God-given planet and how we consume and use of its blessed resources.” But religious leaders - very concretely – ask believers “to reduce their personal greenhouse gas emissions and urge their political leaders to adopt strong, binding and scientifically motivated targets to reduce greenhouse gases, in order to avoid even worst dangers of a climate crisis.”

The road where The Climate Cash Cow and Rome meet. This road leads to Rome.

edit on 16-8-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:49 PM
Why thank you xuenchen and miki, it's nice to know there are still a few people out there able to see through the smoke screen. The good news is that their plan is going to fail. In their arrogance they never realized that people would be able to wise up to their little magic tricks. They never did understand reality and although I'm sure they are capable of understanding it, I'm not so sure they ever will.

They fell prey to one of the classic all time criminal blunders, over confidence and greed. Leads one to wonder just how 'smart' they really are. Guess we'll probably see them on one of those world's dumbest criminal shows some day... soon.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by mick1423

Thanks Burnstheships.

To continue, if we look at what is happening in the world today and what proto said we can see "THE END" is near or at least TPTB hopes it is.

Many times Proto warned us about the end of 2012, Proto said ROME will push the world into chaos and we should expect the worst before the end of 2012.

With all the propaganda around 2012 ( which could be to prepare our mind to accept the chaos phase ), it's possible that 2008 was a stomach punch and 2011 will be the Knockout Uppercut to make the world enter 2012 in a world economic crash.

Proto said ROME's secret agenda, The New World Order, was planned to start in 2013, he said 2000-2013 are the years of Chaos and 2013-2033 are the years of Order into Chaos.

However I do not think the end will be in 2013.

in 1970 Kissinger gave us the blueprint of the plan, control food, energy and money.

For over twenty five years I have had a copy of Peace and World Order Studies: A Curriculum Guide, published in 1978. It is 476 pages in length, and is a collection of introductory essays, course outlines or syllabi from university faculty across the nation (along with a bibliography of books and periodicals) for teaching global studies leading to the implementation of a New World Order. It was published by The Institute for World Order, and contains the following acknowledgement:

"Very special thanks are due, also, to the Rockefeller Foundation without whose generous support neither this curriculum guide nor its forthcoming companion manual (Global Interdependence and Human Survival: An Introduction to World Order Studies) would have been possible."

Kinda lets the old cat outta the bag, doesn't it David?

This academic brainwashing and disinformation campaign has been going on for decades.

Obviously there has been a long range plan at least decades, (Centuries if you include the Fabian Society and the Rothschilds) at the very minimum.

Obviously "They" have the money angle under pretty good control by now although Iceland telling them where to stick it was probably a surprise.

Energy was supposed to be controlled using the "Carbon Tax" note how the switch was made at Copenhagen so the World Bank would be the collector of the tax. Luckily someone threw a couple of monkey wrenches into the plans once by releasing the "Climategate e-mails" and again by leaking the "Danish text" prematurely.

This meant the plans to control CO2 and therefore energy did not go smoothly. On top of that Thorium, and mini-nuclear plants were showing promise with building permits in the works. Even was going pro-nuclear! It makes one wonder whether that earthquake in Japan was natural....

They really want mankind spinning their wheels with idiotic things like "Biofuel" and "wind power " that waste more energy than they produce.


Prior to the Uruguay Round of talks on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995, agriculture fell outside the area of discussion. In 1995 with the formation of the World Trade Organization we ended up with food on the "Trading Table" and the "Agreement on Agriculture" written by VP of Cargill, Dan Amstutz.

I am sure it was absolutely no coincidence that food was put on the trading table at GATT at that time. This was followed by a series of events designed to place US, EU and third world independent farmers under the Thumb of the WTO/UN to be squashed like bugs.

In 1996 Amstutz also authored the US Farm Act dubbed "Freedom to Fail" and the USDA adopted HACCP. The combination bankrupted many small farmers and food processors.

Meanwhile older Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) agents were driven out of the USDA and the USDA aggressively enforced a “do not look, do not tell” policy toward the Ag Cartel.

the agency ordered field staff --
• not to perform E.coli O157:H7 tests on ground beef because the company was
in compliance with Directive 10010.1 and was performing their own

• not to classify E. coli O157:H7 on beef trim as an "adulterant" violating
wholesome meat laws.xii

• to allow 16 square inches of fecal contamination on carcasses....

• not to condemn product dropped on the floor because they could not “prove”
the product fell on a pathogen.

• to accept a one percent positive rate for E. coli O157:H7 as “baseline” and

FSIS smashed anyone who challenged its efforts to protect ConAgra from accountability, not just Mr. Munsell. After Mr. Smith took charge of the Munsell dispute from Washington, every official was moved off the job who blew the whistle internally on harassment of MQF, or who sought accountability from ConAgra. The harassment victims ranged from inspectors to supervisory vets. In some instances the agency simply isolated them from the case. Numerous whistleblowers have reported that the Inspector General staff’s primary interest was to attack the critics, while discouraging or only grudgingly accepting evidence of agency misconduct to shield ConAgra. Agency management forced some of the agency’s most seasoned veterinarians out of the government through steady harassment.

This treatment is consistent with a wide ranging phenomenon since new Labor Management chief William Milton purged the long time career staff of that office, who had earned respect over the years even from critics for objective, constructive resolution in retaliation cases. Leaders from professional organizations and unions alike now express no expectation of fair play within the agency personnel system, claiming that the merit system has been replaced with a reign of terror at FSIS.

You can not operate like this without having people get sick. The USDA knew it, Con Agra knew it and so did the Powers That Be.

The PLAN was to make people sick -Problem Reaction Solution

And so Monsanto's shill Rosa DeLauro, presents the "SOLUTION" - her first food bill. (She owns 67% of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and her hubby Stan Greenberg was consultant to Monsanto)

The first bill titled, "The Consumer Food Safety Act of 1998," was filed in April of that year by Representative Frank Pallone, with 29 cosponsors, including both Representative Henry Waxman and Representative Rosa DeLauro.

I am sure TPTB expected it to go through Congress smoothly but lucky for us it did not.

Meanwhile, starting in 2005, the USDA tried to implement NAIS and Premises ID and ran into MAJOR problems.

The original plan may have been a 2012 or 2013 implementation deadline but I think the Climategate email leak and US farmers have managed to throw them off with the amount of resistance to the WTO/UN agenda.

This does not mean they have given up. They finally got the food bill passed in the lame duck session and NAIS is sitting waiting for the end of the comment period in the Federal Register. (See THREAD )

This means the time table has just been pushed forward.

I think they give us a pretty good idea as to WHEN.

ACTUAL Plans for Global Governance in the works:
The Global Governance 2025 project

The National Intelligence Council's 2025 Project

Sep 20, 2010 - Atlantic Council

This report analyzes the gap between current international governance institutions, organizations and norms and the demands for global governance likely to be posed by long-term strategic challenges over the next 15 years. The report is the product of research and analysis by the NIC and EUISS following a series of international dialogues co-organized by the Atlantic Council, TPN, and other partner organizations in Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, New Delhi, Pretoria, Sao Paulo & Brasilia, Moscow, and Paris. The executive summary is below.

Executive Summary

Global governance—the collective management of common problems at the international level—is at a critical juncture.....

Timeline to Global Governance

From an essay entitled "Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation." by Maurice Strong, member of the United Nations funded Commission on Global Governance:

... "Strengthening the role the United Nations can play...will require serious examination of the need to extend into the international arena the rule of law and the principle of taxation to finance agreed actions which provide the basis for governance at the national level. But this will not come about easily. Resistance to such changes is deeply entrenched. They will come about not through the embrace of full blown world government, but as a careful and pragmatic response to compelling imperatives and the inadequacies of alternatives."

"The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. What is needed is recognition of the reality that in so many fields, and this is particularly true of environmental issues, it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. ...

From Carroll Quigley to the UN Millennium Summit: Thoughts on the New World Order is one of the better summaries of the plans that I have seen. It is fairly short and well worth the read.

Here is a snippet

....Finally, there is the question of who would foot the bill for all these ventures, e.g., free education for all, universal health care, etc. That should be clear. It would be U.S. taxpayers, through the new system of global taxation. Protest, and the International Criminal Court will come after you. I suspect that this outfit, if it was actually put in place, would make the IRS look like choirboys by comparison.
Opposing the New World Order.

Can an agenda this vast, backed up by the quantity of resources available to the superelite, be effectively countered? It would not be surprising if some simply despaired of putting a stop to the process of centralization of power in the hands of these very few.

The beginnings of an answer may be found in the writings of the eighteenth century Scottish philosopher David Hume, if we are willing and able to take them to heart. Hume observed that in the final analysis, political authorities derive their legitimacy from those they have authority over: no group of tyrants, no matter how great their resources, can maintain themselves in power by sheer political might indefinitely. We, the people (not the "peoples"), after all, vastly, vastly outnumber the superelite who – as the New York City summit has proven – can fit into a large auditorium. Those in power remain in power by maintaining credibility, and also by keeping everyone else as ignorant as possible about what they are up to. Once they lose both, their fall is assured.

One of the chief reasons the Soviet Empire collapsed was that its leaders lost credibility in the face of the obvious fact that, given the opportunity, peoples would undertake a mass exodus out from under Communist domination. This had happened in Eastern Europe, culminating in the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall in late 1989. It could very well happen in the United States, as evidenced by the steadily awakening interest in the idea of secession and the appearance of secession movements all over the country, including in state legislatures. These are animated by the idea that the Washington government has gotten too big, too expensive, too unresponsive, and suffering from collective amnesia regarding its founding principles.

Given the failures of the Washington empire, motivated by welfare-state ideology, why would anyone regard as credible any effort to expand this ideology to create a global empire? It is clear that the UN superelite is trying.

The latter realization has motivated Ron Paul (R-TX), one of the few freedom-believing Congressmen....

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Proto never said the end is near or the end will be in 2013...Proto said we will begin to fell the worst of TPTB's pressure in 2013, TPTB will gear up the process to transforme our world and push it into choas to let them build their New World Order for 2033 i think. I will try to find it, in the ocean of Proto's posts...

Your post is very interesting, specifically the 1970 Kissinger blueprint

Planning the process on many many years is very brillant. The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually....


edit on 17-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by mick1423

Proto never said the end is near or the end will be in 2013...Proto said we will begin to fell the worst of TPTB's pressure in 2013, TPTB will gear up the process to transforme our world and push it into choas...


That certainly makes a lot more sense. Obama did a heck of a lot of damage but I could see them putting in some one a heck of a lot sharper come 2012. An Obama/Hillary Clinton ticket with an Obama assassination would certainly stir the pot very nicely.

Homeland Security Napalotano Just issued a warning to us Americans

...Napolitano said, The FBI issued a warning of new "Lone Wolf" terror threats in US following Norway Massacre. Napolitano goes on to state, " Lone Wolf" terror attacks are most difficult to prevent. They are small and very hard to find....

Even does a nice job of setting up the stage. Hillary is 63 so her time to be President is dwindling.

BOY do I hope Ron Paul wins.....

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by mick1423

Obama did a heck of a lot of damage but I could see them putting in some one a heck of a lot sharper come 2012. An Obama/Hillary Clinton ticket with an Obama assassination would certainly stir the pot very nicely.'re right

and add on the pot a world economic collapse, Israel attack on Iran and also food and Oil shortage, that could make the soup tast spicy isn't...

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by mick1423

ACTUAL Plans for Global Governance in the works:
The Global Governance 2025 project

The National Intelligence Council's 2025 Project

Thumbs up Mate for this find, even the CFR Website talk about it,
CFR Site about NIC

here is a youtube from the NIC


Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by mick1423

The original plan may have been a 2012 or 2013 implementation deadline but...

No it wasn't, 2012-2013 will only be a level change. Remember Proto's Opening Presentation..Proto told us that the implementation deadline for the New World Order, ( A One World Government ) is...


( From Proto's OP )

The Trinity, a Tale of Three Cities


edit on 18-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

Originally posted by Symbiot

thank you xuenchen and miki, it's nice to know there are still a few people out there able to see through the smoke screen.

I know what you mean, sometimes it's hard to see clearly with all that smoke TPTB is shooting in our eyes to make us lost our path we were following to find out about TPTB or to make us lost our time and energy.

Here is a pic i found out a couple of years ago, it seems to be a diagram to help us find the way down the rabbit hole, all the way to TPTB, i always kept it, find it kind a cool, maybe you have already seen it but anyway here it is...


posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot

The revealing of secret UFO technology as being a deception placed upon the human race and this 'messiah' being part of the revealing of this deception. Sure there will likely be some special effects and such surrounding this 'messiah' to make it appear as though god is on his side.

More and more they are preparing us, our minds are being pre conditioned to beleive in UFO, i think Project Bluebeam engin is warming up...

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Lets compare that statement by Blair above to the statements in the Club of Rome document;

The First Global Revolution
which is " A Report by The Club Of Rome" in which the quote is found...

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

page 84 of the PDF, page 75 of the actual document.


I ran across this article that sheds a "different" light .... yet another view !!!

it's a duzzie .... somebody's throwing more "coal" on the fire !!

(I thought coal was a pollutant?)

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions may tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report for Nasa

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.

Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth's atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by scientists at Nasa and Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.


The authors warn that extraterrestrials may be wary of civilisations that expand very rapidly, as these may be prone to destroy other life as they grow, just as humans have pushed species to extinction on Earth. In the most extreme scenario, aliens might choose to destroy humanity to protect other civilisations...

"A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions," the report states.

Here comes the false flag to "UNITE THE WORLD" !!

Edit to add: I see mick and I had similar ideas at the same time !
I didn't see his post as I was writing mine !!!

edit on Aug-18-2011 by xuenchen because:

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:11 AM

For 2 thousand years, the Roman Empire used the Vatican to control the world population by using fear. Fear that the devil could come and get those who don't follow Rome's will and rules and bring them to hell. Even the parents use it to raise their children.

Now the Roman Empire will soon use all resources they have with the help of all Legions to do it again, the boogeyman is back ! but this time he is from the New World Order we will see parents say to their childrens, '' Kids go to bed now or Aliens will come and bring you to the end of the Universe....''Are we really that stupid, will they really succeed...

The UK article is helping TPTB influence our minds that Aliens could soon attack.

'' see the previous post of xuenchen he posted the link about it...''

edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: see the previous post of xuenchen he posted the link about it...

edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: Ops .....sorry

edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:43 AM
I think it all happens like this:

They knew it in 1951 !!!

edit on Aug-19-2011 by xuenchen because:

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Here is how profesor (and roman Knight) Stephen Hawking brainwash us...sorry i mean... explain it on Discovery chanel

Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking

Hawking: Aliens may pose risks to Earth

Stephen Hawking: Earth could be at risk of an invasion by aliens living in 'massive ships'


Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by burntheships's a duzzie .... somebody's throwing more "coal" on the fire !!

(I thought coal was a pollutant?)

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions may tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report for Nasa

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.

Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth's atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by scientists at Nasa and Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.


The authors warn that extraterrestrials may be wary of civilisations that expand very rapidly, as these may be prone to destroy other life as they grow, just as humans have pushed species to extinction on Earth. In the most extreme scenario, aliens might choose to destroy humanity to protect other civilisations...

"A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions," the report states.

Here comes the false flag to "UNITE THE WORLD" !!

Notice that they had their very best Science Fiction Writers, the guy from Penn U write it. I wonder if his first name is Mike

GEEZ and it isn't even a NEW scenario they are just recycling the old garbage with new clothes. Last time it was TV and Radio waves.

Are they going to broadcast a souped up version of War of the Worlds next???
edit on 19-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by xuenchen


Here is another one xuenchen and this is from National Geographic...they are pushing it big time, alot of resources are invested in this strategic propanganda.

edit on 19-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

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