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Blame the "White Devils"? (We're ALL slaves!)

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 07:44 AM
There exists major attitudes against "whites" by major scores of "non-whites" as if all "whites" are the ones who screwed everybody, and should suffer the 'consequences'. These ideas and attitudes are propagated much further than people would like to discuss. The thing of it all is, unless you belong to a tiny fraction of elitists, we're all slaves and we're all getting screwed much the same.

I feel this topic is important because these attitudes are helping push forth efforts to "even the playing field", except the problem is while the people who endorse such an agenda might think its for the best, at the same time its helping to set in concrete the detriment of the masses (meaning all of US).

This agenda in "leveling the playing field" is 'working', in a sick sort of capacity. Where it is 'working' is it surely is bringing people down towards poverty, but what it isn't doing is bringing the poor up towards wealth (with the wealth being taken going to the actual wealthy). At the same time its setting the outcome of the transition into concrete, by decimating the social mobility that did give the poor some chance of rising above poor-hood with the right motivation, use of funds, luck, and so on.

So while many out there, and there are more than you might think, feel that 'justice' is being served, the phat cat elitists at the top are actually prospering during all of this. The same ones who have been screwing the 'non-whites' all these years, are now screwing the non-elitist 'whites' and many 'non-whites' are supporting this without realizing the scheme in play here. Perhaps this one reason the statistics of "Tea Party" people are mostly white, my point being that if the masses at large understood where I'm coming from here more 'non-whites' and even more 'whites' would all be lockstep in opposing what is happening.

You see I used to argue in this overall context in the form 'we're all slaves', why hate 'whites'. I recall this thought coming to me while watching "The Century of Self", part 3. In it you see an experiment where Black Panther members are put into a group therapy session with anti-establishment 'whites'. Semi-understandably, the Black Panthers spewed hatred towards the 'whites', and part of the problem in the escalation I could see was the 'whites' were being more reactionary than sympathetic, or more importantly appealing. Perhaps in those days they had far less of an understanding about how the Federal Reserve screws everybody pretty much just the same (unless you're a high bracket elitist).

The breakdown occured because the 'whites' in the experiment didn't enough understand the system to explain that "we're all slaves". Should slaves with things better off be hated by the slaves with less?

It wasn't until more recently that my predictions have come into the open. You see we're not just differentiated by 'race' (color of skin). Ethnicity is the more accurate way to describe people, and you see the average 'white' bloke out there is looked down upon very little differently than the typical average 'non-white'.

The elite ruling class may be mostly 'white', but that doesn't mean they treat all 'whites' as their own. For perspective, consider the heads of multinational corporations, whom by and large hand their national honor over to their allegience to their multinational. Yet people assume that since a multinational is HQ'd in the USA, that the price of its stocks has any merit while all of the hands on labor jobs the multinational creates are exported overseas.

To understand the elitists, the captains of industry, the banksters who run this world, a study in 'white' social studies is the wrong path to lead in seeking how to interpret it all. The real path is in understanding Social Darwinism. With a good foothold in this realm of human affairs and pathology you can break free from the attitudes that divide us. I'm not of the same ethnicity of the bankster cartel types. In their world, there are the dominated and the dominators. The fact is, ethnically speaking, there are too many individual people period to classify entire 'races' as dominators.

I'm not even saying that the social darwinist elitists might not hold 'non-whites' in higher regard, but today with the right lens its apparent that the elitist overlords care little for 'their fellow race'. Right at this moment, whenever you might be reading this, everybody is being screwed beyond belief. The demented thing is, it's only in recent history that its uber-obvious. Its right out in the open, yet being able to observe it is being thwarted by discussion of 'leveling the playing field' by a 'black' (he's only half African actually) 'president' (put into power by Wall Street Banksters: for a purpose).

While its more obvious than ever that we're all united as being slaves, the recent cash-in by the social darwinists ins't anything new. The illusion that we're all divided in rank by 'race' has been thinly veiled. The system was tuned so that those with less get screwed the most (and this reality hasn't changed at all). The idea is is, 'blacks' had less to start with, so odds are they'll overall stay 'put'. Those in the middle have been plundered (not much) less gradually, while in the past 'non-whites' had better social mobilty than today to have a chance to get out of the bottom of the "suck machine".

The clearest example of all this is Inflation. Every year the privately owned multinational central bank known as the Federal Reserve deliberately devalues the US Dollar, in order to plunder its wealth and therefore ours right from under our noses. Right out of our bank accounts! Steal 10% of the value of the currency each year and everybody gets screwed. For the elite the hustle is to get in on it. For the rest of us its a scramble to hedge assets in ways to defeat the annual devaluation of the currency.

If you're a multimillionaire you can set up high interest incurring bank accounts where you can easily store your money in ways that generate interest, to help counteract the negative effects of inflation. For everybody else the surest method was to put all of your excess income into your house (property). Traditionally the housing market was always adjusted to inflation (you need this many more dollars this year to buy the same property, because dollars are worth less each year). Today this game is over, thanks to the deliberate economic warfare operation perpetrated on the masses by the social darwinist elitists.

Today its now out and open that we're all united in slavery, for those who take the time to look. Its time to get past divisions of 'race', to have any hope of bringing down the social darwinist enemies of humanity. This is why I dislike the terms 'white' and 'black', as these terms express opposites.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

[edit on 22-4-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Thank you. Your ability to think and write this without any inflammatory phrasing is wonderful. With any well written article the last paragraph is usually the clincher.

"Today it's now out and open that we're all united in slavery, for those who take the time to look. " here in South Africa, nothing could be more true. But there are high walls along the boundaries between those who feel the Gov is right and those who feel they are wrong.

This is what it is all supposed to be about: no race, no creed nor religion or culture should be against another. I sound like a 60's flower, but we are all here in this same life, right now. Together we all can make a difference.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:07 AM

I think there was a time and a place for the "whitey" rhetoric, back when other peoples were much more harshly discriminated against, they needed to take stronger actions, including some that look quite bad and racist themselves today.

In this modern time though, the gap has narrowed enough that outdated phrases as "whitey", and that kind of thing can go away. The gap can be converted to full equality just using mainstream political action now.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:51 AM

[edit on 22-4-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:28 PM

[edit on 22-4-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Jimjolnir
Thank you. Your ability to think and write this without any inflammatory phrasing is wonderful. With any well written article the last paragraph is usually the clincher.

"Today it's now out and open that we're all united in slavery, for those who take the time to look. " here in South Africa, nothing could be more true. But there are high walls along the boundaries between those who feel the Gov is right and those who feel they are wrong.

This is what it is all supposed to be about: no race, no creed nor religion or culture should be against another. I sound like a 60's flower, but we are all here in this same life, right now. Together we all can make a difference.

Skirting around the danger zones[ooh noo Suzzane Vegas spirit is inside me, aaah how do I exorcise.
Say what we mean if we believe we are free.
Of course there is no real freedom, those who attempt to escape are no longer very quickly.
We are ruled by fear, since we opened our eyes and took in this Earth.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 06:25 AM
My only beef with the "whiteys" is that they always say they hire equally, but always turn around and hire the white guy for the 'white' collar job. They don't mind picking the minority for the lesser jobs. I am not racist at all, but history has shown whitey being the devil and don't like other peoples cultures. But never in history that I can recall one race destroying so many other races for political gain or power. The only one's close to something like that are the Egyptian Pharoah's enslaving the Jews for 1000 years.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

What about Imperial Japan, or going further back, the Mongols?

Most of the worlds problems have been caused by imperialism, by hegemons. It turned out that 'whites' ended up winning the imperialism game, and now suffer the backlash, the 'white guilt' of what the worlds leading imperialists have done and caused. Like its all of our fault.

Resumes and credentials can legitimately be how one is hired or not. I never said being a minority doesn't have pitfalls, being a minority in ANY society does. But its not like its the fault of everyone in the majority. There's a wide array of socio-economic factors that come into play for minorities, especially with such a troubled past.

A question for you: if a white guy applies with better credentials than all of the minority applicants at your company, who will you hire?

[edit on 16-5-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:13 AM
while as a minority I can attest that there are definitely some truth to what others are saying and some truth to the notion of white privilege and so on, but The magnitude of the issue is small in comparison to everyone getting screwed over by just a few and certain unaccountable people in the U.S Government in regards to the cover up of ET's and technology.

Still I'm willing to bet there is not a single minority that is anywhere close to holding cosmic security clearance.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by redrezo
while as a minority I can attest that there are definitely some truth to what others are saying and some truth to the notion of white privilege and so on, but The magnitude of the issue is small in comparison to everyone getting screwed over by just a few and certain unaccountable people in the U.S Government in regards to the cover up of ET's and technology.

Still I'm willing to bet there is not a single minority that is anywhere close to holding cosmic security clearance.

Well that has happened to me too. I have been turned down from jobs because of my race(believe me it was). Seeing how i have no criminal history thats not an excuse so... When you apply to be a dish washer, bagger or fast food and they turn you down because another caucasian man/women get it you think. wtf? They applied after you and you somewhat know them from school and they NO credentials just like you do. Why? The managers are afraid of losing their racist customers and getting their rep smeared by racist customers. I know it because I lived it before. I hold no animosity at caucasians but that kind of discrimination is bulls---.

Its more about business and running it when your target demographic hates african people. Owners are more benz-n-cashists not so much racists they are not going to bomb their business and be a personal hero and blackball any future investments? They are pretty much cowards really but I can understand that its a unsafe business decision.

I know alot of european american people that are honest to God good people. Then you have the asshats. But guess what. There are black asshats too.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by John_Rodger_Cornman]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:30 PM
thanks for the reply john it's good to see testimony of what you're saying, there is definitely validity to the racial issue, but as you pointed out just because some white people may discriminate against others doesn't mean all of them do, that's also a mistaken view made by some minorities who are as ignorant as the people they are referring to.

I think the issue though in this thread is that the magnitude of hte issue especially with the shadow government and suppression of technology is much more important.

I agree with that, it's huge, and if people get caught up in all these other issues it's really just a distraction in comparison to catching those that are responsible for suppressing ET knowledge, technology, and extra-constitutional antics done to make it happen.

Of course the problem is, even if you have the knowledge being able to do anything about the issue is a problem they are experts at manipulating and maintaining power they can just simply kill anyone without worrying about repercussions.

I wish I could do something to stop these people but for the average person it's asking the impossible.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I think the biggest issue in all of this is the fact that neither side is really willing to admit there were and still are wrongs on both sides. In modern sociey I too have experienced prejudice and heard comments as someone who is supposedly not like the majority of minorities. Anyway i think the only way to overcome this is by having open dialouge from both as in truly open airing racial misconceptions and the like...while in the short term this may not solve the problem in the long term I think it will have a big affect....btw who says whitey anymore??

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:01 PM
I liked the OP but am quite busy at present. Why not check out wage slavery.

Hereis a link.

I think it more accurately defines the position that mosty of us are in. A Few black millionaires will not solve the problem for black people any more than the white millionaires have solved the issues of poverty or wage slavery for whites. Most of us are three square meals away from thinking about revolution.

"Whitey on the moon" was a protest son/poem from the late 70s. GSH has mellowed a bit since then.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by dragnet53


I am a middle aged white man. I own a small business. I have always felt that up until recently the black race got the short end of the stick. I will concede that my race has done plenty of damage to lot's of races.

As a business owner for almost 20 years I can provide a unique perspective to this debate. My primary business is machining. I can tell you that very few black men are even aware what a machinist does. I have not had one person of color even apply for an apprentist position let alone as a machinist. An understanding of math is all that is required to learn the trade.

I ask myself, why is this? Thirty five years ago I was hired and trained by a black man. But through the years I have seen very few. My best customer is a black man and he has only one black person working there. His son.

Not all white people are evil. Living in South Mississippi I can tell you that people who are taking as much as possible from the government come in all colors, including white. I believe that in order to bring the black race up will require strong efforts within the black community to encourage the young to expand their horizons. I see it happening in small pockets here and there. I hope it is a trend.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by scotticus prime
reply to post by dragnet53


I am a middle aged white man. I own a small business. I have always felt that up until recently the black race got the short end of the stick. I will concede that my race has done plenty of damage to lot's of races.

As a business owner for almost 20 years I can provide a unique perspective to this debate. My primary business is machining. I can tell you that very few black men are even aware what a machinist does. I have not had one person of color even apply for an apprentist position let alone as a machinist. An understanding of math is all that is required to learn the trade.

I ask myself, why is this? Thirty five years ago I was hired and trained by a black man. But through the years I have seen very few. My best customer is a black man and he has only one black person working there. His son.

Not all white people are evil. Living in South Mississippi I can tell you that people who are taking as much as possible from the government come in all colors, including white. I believe that in order to bring the black race up will require strong efforts within the black community to encourage the young to expand their horizons. I see it happening in small pockets here and there. I hope it is a trend.

I am good at math I just won't want to be a machinist. Your field like a lot of industries do jack nothing to represent or attract non-caucasian workers. So we get stuck with anything the "TV"/lie box tell us we're good at. Look at TV and radio or public schools do they EVER suggest that an american of african decent can be anything they want to be?

No they don't. Its the same old be an athlete or be a criminal. Its a joke.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by John_Rodger_Cornman]

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