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The id, ego, super ego and extra-dimensions

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:32 PM
I was reading up again on the id, ego and super ego pushed by Sigmund Freud and I have to say it's a brilliant portrayal of the human psyche. This also connects to extra-dimensions.

Basically, these things can be broken down like this.

id - this is the subconscious. It just reacts through impulse and this is where Freud said we find the pleasure principle.

ego - the ego is shaped by the external world and the ego also has to try to keep the balance between the id and the super ego. This is the I or the self.

super ego - also known as the Over-I wants order and morality while the id may want chaos.

So in life the ego is trying to keep some type of balance between the id and the super ego. If you feed on too much and starve the other it will create problems.

So say you're cheating on your wife with hookers. The super ego will give you feelings of guilt that may lead to things like anxiety or depression. This is because the super ego wants order.

Also, let's say you're trying to live what you see as a moral life and you abstain from sex. This may cause a porn addiction or excessive masturbation because you don't have any balance.

This sort of goes back to the Yin/Yang principle.

It's easy to see why Freud revolutionized Psychology. A Psychologist can diagnose many problems just by using the id, ego and super ego. When these things are out of balance, different problems can manifest.

How does this relate to extra-dimensions?

I see it this way:

the id is the subconscious
ego is the 3 dimensional brain
super ego is 4 dimensional mind

The 3 dimensional ego sees the illusion of a divided whole. It thinks we are separate "I" and an overdeveloped ego can be very self centered and narcissistic.

The 4 dimensional mind or super ego is an undivided whole. It wants order. It can take several ideas and form them into a singular idea. It takes 3 dimensional objects and tries to paint a whole picture. Things that are not bound by linear time make up our higher dimensional mind. Things like the paranormal or thoughts, ideas, memories and more.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

I'll give you a different take on the subject:

The Eight Circuits

1. The Biosurvival Circuit (The Breath of Consciousness)

Imprinted in infancy, concerned with suckling, nourishment, cuddling, bio-security etc. The imprinting of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion which will last for life. First activated when a human being is born, and programs perception onto an either-or grid, divided into nurturing-helpful and noxious-dangerous (approach/accept vs. flight/flee). Leary thinks that this circuit is stimulated in adults by opioid drugs. This circuit is said to have appeared in the earliest evolution of invertebrate brain. This circuit begins with 1 spatial dimension, forward/back.

2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit (Freud's Ego)

Imprinted in the toddling stage, concerned with emotions, domination and submission strategies, territory etc. The first imprint on this circuit identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant, aggressive behavior or submissive, co-operative behavior. This circuit is activated with abundant quantities of alcohol. This circuit appeared first in territorial vertebrate animals. This circuit introduces a 2nd dimension; up/down.

3. The Symbolic (Neuro-Semantic-Dexterity) Circuit (The Rational-Empirical Mind)

Imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a “map” of the universe etc. It is associated with physical dexterity and Caffeine, speed, coc aine and a high protein diet activate this circuit. This circuit supposedly appeared first when hominids started differentiating from the rest of the primates.

4. The Domestic (Socio-Sexual) Circuit (The "Adult" Personality)

Imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal “morals”. Concerned with sexual pleasure, (instead of sexual reproduction) local definitions of “moral” and “immoral”, reproduction, nurture of the young etc. This circuit is basically concerned with operating within social networks and the transmission of culture across time. This circuit is said to have first appeared with the development of tribes.

5. The Neurosomatic Circuit (Zen-Yoga Mind-Body-Connexion)

Concerned with neurological-somatic feedbacks, feeling high, somatic reprogramming etc. The fifth circuit, according to Leary, is consciousness of the body. There is a marked shift from linear visual space to an all-encompassing aesthetic sensory space. A hedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits. This circuit is stimulated by ecstatic experiences via physiological effects of marijuana and MDMA, yoga, tantra (Leary's name for tantra was hedonic engineering), Zen meditation and free fall. Leary describes that this circuit first appeared in the upper classes with the development of leisure-class civilizations around 2000 BC.

6. The Neurogenetic (Morphogenetic) Circuit (Buddha-Monad 'Mind')

Concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-brain feedbacks (ancestral, societal and scientific), Jung’s “Collective unconscious” etc. The first to achieve this mutation spoke of “memories of past lives”, “reincarnation”, “immortality” etc. This circuit is stimulated by '___', Raja Yoga etc. The circuit first appeared among the Hindus in the early first millennium and later reappeared among the Sufi sects.

7. The Neuroelectric (Metaprogramming) Circuit (Psionic Electronic-Interface Mind)

Concerned with re-imprinting and re-programming all earlier circuits, relativity of “realities” perceived, cybernetic consciousness, so-called PSI/magical powers, etc. The sixth circuit consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself. Leary says this circuit enables telepathic communication and associates it with peyote, psilocybin, MDA and yage, as well as being associated with computer games. This circuit is traced by Leary back to 500 BC and he associates it with the Silk Road.

8. The Psychoatomic (Quantum Non-Local) Circuit (Overmind)

Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local awareness (information from beyond ordinary space-time awareness which is limited by the speed of light), illumination, out-of-body experiences, astral projection, contact with alien entities (which does not necessarily specifically refer to only materially based creatures from outer space, but rather all beings, including e.g. angels) or with a galactic Overmind etc. Some of the ways this circuit can get activated are the awakening of kundalini, shock, near-death experience etc. This circuit has even been compared to the Buddhist concept of Indra's net from the Avatamsaka Sutra. Leary associated large doses of '___' (1,000 mcg), Ketamine and '___' with this circuit.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 04:16 PM
I learnt about this in A Level psychology, but i don't actually understand how your connecting it to dimensions :S

Might just be me not getting the whole picture but oh well.

Could you please enlightening me a bit more.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 04:27 PM
The subconscious world. Silent Hill(scariest game of all time btw) uses this type of parapsychological things.

Imagine you find yourself in your own subconscious world, there´s a country made of your memories, thoughts and the like.

Sometimes we can perceive these worlds under certain conditions, but firstly a persons concentration of an emotion(rage, sadness...etc) must be present:

a) You´re sleep
b) You´re in a deep state of turmoil
c) It´s foggy or dark(in the night), low visibility enviroments cut the line ´twixt reality and the subconscious world.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:44 PM
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to have good things in a subconscious world like grass and beautiful wonders all over, like waterfalls and warmth.

It may sound funny but I learned growing up that staying home from school to watch the Price is Right is a bad thing.

Besides it is like what is the point of a sub-conscious anyway? Why isn't there just one whatever?

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Ibex08

We have to extend into a 4th dimension of space that we perceive as time. The 3rd dimension curls into the 4th dimension. So at every point between 3 dimensional objects there has to exist a 4 dimensional space or there wouldn't be any motion. We perceive this motion as time.

Our higher selves manifest in things that are not bound by linear time. Such as the paranormal, thoughts, ideas, memories and more. This is our higher dimensional self. We also have our 3 dimensional consciousness that's under the illusion that it's separate from the whole.

The super ego or the Over I is our higher dimensional self that's not bound by linear time and it seeks order because it's an undivided whole.

The ego or I is our 3 dimensional consciousness that is a divided whole that's under the illusion of separation.

If you want to look at this from an esoteric standpoint, the super ego or Over I is personified as God, the id is Satan and Adam and Eve represent the ego.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Learning about this in Psychology was definitely interesting, and it was easy to see how Freud made the connections. Unfortunately, I believe that Freud is now regarded as generally wrong, along with much Freudian thinking.

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