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The Black Triangle UFOs

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posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-


This is an extremely interesting topic.

However, there have been myriad threads on ATS that I think you should read before starting a new thread.

The problem as I see it is that by starting a new thread, newer members could l be deprived of the important information & discussion in those previous threads.

Therefore I think the discussion should continue in one of those threads.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-

The stephenville footage is good. The other Texas footage -- you can't see anything! A light appears a couple times but only momentarily -- most of the footage is just BLACK.

The "double" triangle footage are the SATELLITES -- not craft -- you can tell because they're spaced far apart like that.

How do I know? I had a real CLOSE encounter with a triangle craft -- flew over the tree and our garage -- summer 1997. Yes they are not blimps!! Yes they are military.

This is the Belgium triangle documentary

[edit on 18-4-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:04 PM
I was coming home from work about 8:30 pm about '95 when something caught my peripheral vision. I was pleasantly tired after a long day and was taking the back way home. I turned right, them immediately left, and glanced up to my left, and saw the three triangular lights about 30 feet above a tree that was 50 feet tall. The craft was no longer than 30 feet or so an any side. It was totally silent, and it seemed to be traveling only about 5 mph or so. It seemed to be on a path that travelled parallel to a bridge I was getting on across the Arkansas River, which was only a mile away. I hoped that at it's apparent speed, I would be able to see it as I crossed the bridge. I didn't see it, which was which was a disappointment. Some are not the gigantic triangles you hear about.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by cripmeister
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Arbitrageur, there has been several discussions on the Greenville triangle sightings (bottom pics in your post). Many people, me included, are convinced these photos are hoaxes perpetrated by the same individual(s) in Greenville SC.

Another Greenville triangle

And one more

Thanks cripmeister,

I've got to say, those two links look pretty fake. I think the 3 pics I posted look a little more realistic though i can't be sure they're not fake. One thing that I noticed is another picture from a location in GA less than 100 miles away which looks the same as the ones I posted, though it's so darn blurry it's hard to be sure, but the shape seems to match:

Originally posted by bios
A friend of mine and I were out in the Smokey Mountains and we heard this jet. We knew we were in the supersonic corridor established for the Raptors being tested out of Dobbins AFB in Georgia, and we both know what a Raptor and an F-16 (the typical chase plane of the Raptors) look like from ground as they fly over.

This aircraft was neither, it was black, it was fast and it was VERY LOUD!!! I really want to know what thing was. We saw it coming over a mountain top and it was headed directly towards us, then my friend hit the button of the carmera right before it went behind some trees and it was good timing because we got this shot.

Sorry it's so blurred, it's the best we could do with what we had and how fast the thing was going.

Thanks to anyone who can offer an idea as to what it was.\


Somebody else popped in that thread who said he knows the photographer, and said that photo is definitely not hoaxed, for whatever that's worth.

And lastly, it does look like the line art of the FB-22:

Originally posted by refuse_orders
It looks to me very much how i imagine the FB-22 in flight would look from that angle. Anyone else think so? Heres a diagram and info page on the FB-22.


So, possibly independent verification in another photograph not in Greenville but not too far away, and looks like drawings we have of what is supposed to eventually be a real plane, the FB-22. I'm not sure that particular one that looks like the FB-22 is fake.

But I believe the photos that look like the TR-3B are fake, they look fake.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:13 PM
The simple identification of a triangular shape does not relate to the triangle-shaped "UFOs" that are being discussed in the thread. Many conventional aircraft, viewed from just the right angle, can appear to exhibit a triangular shape.

The key to this thread is not just the shape, but the unusual flight characteristics associated. These are what make these craft so very interesting.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:44 PM
None of these recent sighting look anything like what I saw, these are very much more plane shaped where mine was a true triangle.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:26 PM
The only reason(s) I dont buy the stealth blimp theory, is why would they even need a stealth blimp? They sure arent being very stealthy by being sighted over a multitude of towns and major cities all across the USA.

And why havent they came forth and just told the public that these are stealth blimps? Especially since so many folks have seen them. I see no harm there in letting folks know.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-


Well, seeing the thread's rolling along.....

Here's a link to my thread regarding that delta-shaped object filmed on night vision.

Some are posting in the thread, conjecturing it could be a triangle craft a.k.a. the famous (mythical?) TR3B.

Have a look & see what you think.

I note I also posted that in the aviation forum.....nobody is sure what it is.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-


Here's a link to a another detailed thread (not mine) about another very interesting triangle event.

It's also a "head scratcher"

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I live in Louisville and we just had thunder, fireworks and an airshow.

A triangle shaped airplane (I think! I was very excited running back and forth watching planes from the balcony) flew sideways past the house, and several triangle shaped jets were buzzing about.

All of them were way too fast to get any pictures of, and the triangle I saw was nothing like the jets. It was slow and low and quiet.

The triangle posted above a few looks like a jet, not a triangle craft.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:45 PM
No offense to anyone on this board, but unless we want TV pictures at the Superbowl, the concept of a blimp is a bit dated.

That said, the flying characteristics of a blimp, as part of the scheme of an advanced craft, would be strongly desired. The ability to hover, or fly at very slow, stable speeds for extended periods of time, are some of the very factors we seek for our military UAVs. A triangular shape, using a type of thrust-vectoring, would mean that aspect changes could occur without having to alter the craft's heading or configuration.

While many areas within the UFO mythology make no sense, this is one area I strongly feel is something that in the future we will recognize, once it is eventually unveiled.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by -Blackout-


Well, seeing the thread's rolling along.....

Here's a link to my thread regarding that delta-shaped object filmed on night vision.

Some are posting in the thread, conjecturing it could be a triangle craft a.k.a. the famous (mythical?) TR3B.

Have a look & see what you think.

I note I also posted that in the aviation forum.....nobody is sure what it is.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

Good stuff there, very very interesting.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:52 PM
What most people don't do when contemplating info about the triangles is to understand their importance in the scheme of things. Most of us know of the F-117a stealth fighter, and the B-2 bomber and tend to stick the triangles into that classification as simply another new aircraft that is pretty nifty, but just that, another new, improved aircraft. (That is what they want you to think.)

Guess what, triangles are not aircraft in the classical sense. They don't use air in any aspect. If anything, air is nothing more than a nuisance. And the "stealth blimp" explanation, which would rely on air density for lift, is easily dismissed also. Basically, a lighter-than-air body of any type could not possibly maneuver with lightening-like moves as the triangles have demonstrated.

What everyone needs to understand about the triangles is that they are a whole new way of locomotion. We can argue whether they are alien craft, our own developments, or reversed-engineered UFOs, but that still does not answer what they are or how they will come to eventually effect us all as they come into commercial use.

Unfortunately, that won't happen until Russian and China develop their own models and our super-duper, super-secret war weapon losses its tremendous advantagle as a weapon of war and has competition. Only then will governments start to capitalize on the commercial advantages of these magnificient craft and revolutionize travel on this world and in space.

If you can consider how important the development of the wheel has been for all of mankind, then you may get an inkling of the value of the triangles will have for humanity. At the same time, you can consider how our decades of reliance on rockets for warfare and space travel has come to an end. Don't even think of the next generation of space shuttles. There is none, at least not with rockets.

Those things we see in the sky right now and have witnessed for at least 20 years will enable cheap, fast travel from postage-stamp-sized ports in every metro area. Their utility does not end around the surface of this globe. Not needing air for fuel or lift, they are space capable almost from the onset. If you want to envision our space force patrolling Earth or secret bases on the Moon or expeditions already done to Mars, think no further than triangles and vehicles with similar power plants. But if you want to believe they are imaginary, silly blimps, conventional aircraft or even ET craft, be my guest. Time will eventually show us the truth.

On www.cosmic conspiracies there is a long, decent article on triangles.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

Exactly I think you mean this site

Still I would not put your hope into the triangle crafts as some free energy technology.... They are electrogravitic but this has EMP repercussions and it's not "free" -- it's just very powerful.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:12 PM

I agree completely. The idea of needing rockets to go into space for the kids at the end of this century will be as foreign to them as the idea of requiring hot air balloons to fly would be to our children.

We went from balloons, to bi-planes, to single-winged aircraft, to jets, to rockets, to re-usable spacecraft, and each new generation built on the concepts of the past, but superceded their technology, rendering it out-moded and out-dated.

The mechanisms of flight for a triangular craft with such advanced flight characteristics will likely be an improvement along an order of magnitude. Consider young WW I pilots who lived to fly in commercial jets. That could be the leap we are looking at here.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:18 PM
I have seen two black triangles following an airplane in formation. They are millitary craft.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

Yeah they're military but there's no reason to idealize these craft as others have done on this thread. They're military, they're secret and they're elite.

The military is not our friend -- it's the single largest environmental destroyer on the planet and the U.S. military has invaded 72 foreign countries since WWII -- it's an empire based on genocide. Over 2 million killed in Southeast Asia. Probably 2 million killed in Iraq. Another 2 million in Latin America -- when you add up Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti -- all the right wing fascist dictators promoted and supported by the U.S. military.

So there's about 20 years left of fresh water on the planet! Running out of oil is bad enough -- the crisis will hit in a few years. But without water things are grim and all the technology to desalinate is either too expensive energy-wise or too inefficient production wise.

No the big black triangles are just the latest in destructive power of Western technology -- apocalyptic tools like genetic engineering, nuclear, bioweapons, fluoride and other chemical weapons -- no one is spared from these weapons -- mercury preservatives in vaccinations, etc. Food is even used as a weapons through the "food for peace" policy set up by Nixon.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:29 PM
If you are on a boat that sinks at sea, don't call for a helicopter to save you then, because it was developed by the military!

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Truth1000

No the idea of "free choice" as per technology is a joke!

Do we have a choice about interstate highways? Nope -- it's for nuclear power plants -- in case of a melt down -- and nuclear power plants? Nope -- they're insured by the PUBLIC -- without our choice.

Ah the freedom of technology. It's called supply side economics. Chicago was built based on supply side economics.

So you put in the infrastructure and the "market" is based on it -- all tax subsidized!

Walmart is a great example -- they get billions in subsidies! Why? Because of supply side economics -- too big to fail!

That's what the military is -- "too big to fail" -- the military is the most inefficient means of job creation -- but all the corporations getting military contracts BUY OFF the politicians! So every district with military contracts has politicians promoting more military contracts.

And so on. War is just a way to kill off the extra males -- and then raid for free natural resources - primitive accumulation!!!

And that's how money is "backed" -- by the military!

Yep -- the only freedom you have is to choose not to go along with this big ritual sacrifice scam.

Kill or be killed? No thanks. That's what the chimpanzees do! I'd rather go the bonobo way.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:02 PM
The interstate highways were created by Pres. Eisenhower under the Dept of Defense as a means of quickly transporting troops across the country. This was based on his observations of the effeciency of the autobahns that Hitler had created for the same purpose.

I would guess that you are too young to remember. If you ever drove across country before interstate highways, you would realize that the economic potential of this nation could not have been realized using two-lane roads that were routinely utilized prior to the Interstate system. For the first 20+, the funding for the Interstate system came through the Defense Budget.

Everyone who enjoys motoring along at 70 MPH, without stopping for stop signs and red lights should appreciate Pres. Eisenhower's decision.

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