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Magnetisation of napkins

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posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:17 AM
These are my videos, which I've named "magnetisation of napkins":

Some people said that this is just electrostatic effect. I am not sure. If it is so easy explainable, why another people was not able to repeat it the same way? However I know two people who are able to do that - one of them "gave" me this ability through putting such "magnetised" napkins on my hands. From that moment I am able to do it too.

Also this doesn't work always, even if I trying hard. Usually it "turns on" after some time - I have recorded such moment here:

Any opinions are welcome.

p.s. Video with John Mack is not related to all of this.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by sergejsh]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:26 AM
It looks like static electricity to me.


posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by QueenBob
It looks like static electricity to me.

I know and you are not first who saying that. But I think that doesn't explain everything.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Have you tried using any ferrous metal shavings to determine if there are any lines of force like a magnet would cause? It seems results would be more conclusive if the napkins attracted other things then just paper or the sticking to walls.


posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:00 AM
Thanks for taking the time
to make and upload these videos.
I see that you have already been informed
that this is most likely static electricity. The
friction you generate in video #1, and 3 - 13 is
a standard way of making static electricity. Also
from video 6-10, the outdoor videos, snow and other
evidence of cold weather is visible. Static electricity is
very easily generated in cold weather. Static electricity
is also a very weak force, which is why tapping the pole in
video 8, and wind in video 9, causes them to drop to the ground.

In way of personal commentary,
the technique lacks scientific methodology
and is more reminiscent of a presenter or magician.
Napkins are allowed to drop out of camera view. Now,
I'm sure that this is the same napkin, but out of frame is
also an opportunity for a "switch". Additionally the packs
of napkins are already open. Again I'm sure you didn't tamper
with them, but an unopened pack lends more credibility. Also
wearing the wedding ring and wrist watch does not help the empirical
nature of the evidence presented. The chemical composition is absent.

Video #3 is the most interesting.
Not only did the napkins cling to metal,
but also to plant leaves. In addition the face
does not show polarity as either side adheres
to opposite hands. This is further illustrated by
the repulsion videos #11 - 12 where either face of
two napkins repel each other. I submit to you that
the opposite pole is along the edges. There is acute
evidence of this in video 12 where the edge grabs hold first.

David Grouchy

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by QueenBob
Have you tried using any ferrous metal shavings to determine if there are any lines of force like a magnet would cause? It seems results would be more conclusive if the napkins attracted other things then just paper or the sticking to walls.

I will try to do something like that. However I don't have metal shavings. I will record another video with this experiment later.

I can show this effect, but I don't have much ideas how to test it or try to find out what causes it.

There are certain things which are common - when it "turns-on" specific feeling appears in the center of my chest and little above. Also sometimes it works and sometimes not. Sometimes turns-on and off. If to put napkins on the face sometimes you can feel smell of ozone. Thick paper doesn't "magnetize". However, person which I knew personally, was able to "glue" this way thick magazine on the wall. So it depends who is doing that. I was told that it will not work on plastic surfaces - I tested it on big plastic box and it didn't work, napkins just falling down.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
Thanks for taking the time
to make and upload these videos.
I see that you have already been informed
that this is most likely static electricity. The
friction you generate in video #1, and 3 - 13 is
a standard way of making static electricity.

Well, I agree, looks very much like electrostatic. So can you repeat that the same way?

I am not against electrostatic explanation (anyway everything what exists is natural). But electrostatic explanation doesn't explain some things I mentioned above. I think.

Also from video 6-10, the outdoor videos, snow and other
evidence of cold weather is visible. Static electricity is
very easily generated in cold weather.

Ok. But at home it wasn't cold at all. Also, what if I do it outside now, when temperature is +15? (in Toronto)

Static electricity is also a very weak force, which is why tapping the pole in video 8, and wind in video 9, causes them to drop to the ground.

I can say that it works much better at home, than outside. However it can well work outside too - it depends.

I didn't try to record too many videos - these are just tests showing the effect in different conditions. Actually people asked me to do it on a metal pole or something similar, so I did it just to show that it works. Few days before of that it didn't work at all. As I said - sometimes it works sometimes not.

In way of personal commentary, the technique lacks scientific methodology and is more reminiscent of a presenter or magician. Napkins are allowed to drop out of camera view. Now, I'm sure that this is the same napkin, but out of frame is also an opportunity for a "switch".

Ok, I will do it differently. That's the reason I came here - to receive such recommendations. So how it should be?

Additionally the packs of napkins are already open. Again I'm sure you didn't tamper with them, but an unopened pack lends more credibility.

I understand but in this case you also can't guarantee that pack was not opened and then carefully repacked. But ok, I can record with new pack.

Also wearing the wedding ring and wrist watch does not help the empirical nature of the evidence presented. The chemical composition is absent.

Ok, I will remove them. Actually, on another videos I am not wearing ring and watches (p.12, 13, 14). How about clothes and shoes?

[edit on 13-4-2010 by sergejsh]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:51 AM
I would just like
to see a positive and
a control. Someone who
can do it followed by someone
who can't. With the same napkin.

David Grouchy

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
I would just like to see a positive and a control
Someone who can do it followed by someone who can't. With the same napkin.

No problem. I think I will prepare video in a few days.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by sergejsh

Hi sergejsh,

Wow, those are some very interesting videos and statements that you have made, especially when you said your friend can stick a magazine to a wall.

Static Electricity is involved, but I'm with you sergejsh, there is something more going on here than meets the eye and the simple explanation of static electricity. If you ever discover the science behind it, I'm sure you will be able to capitalize on it and make some serious money.

Its seems to work very similar to a Van De Graaff generator. The material, in this case, dry napkins are rubbed which creates electrical properties on the surface of the napkin; similar to a belt rotating on a Van De Graaff generator.

[edit on 15-4-2010 by RussianScientists]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Wow, those are some very interesting videos and statements that you have made, especially when you said your friend can stick a magazine to a wall.

I knew him. But he has died years ago. He was old already.

Static Electricity is involved

Maybe yes maybe not. I don't know.

But what I didn't said is that this method is using by some healers. And healer "gave" me this ability (by putting "magnetised" napkins on my hands). "Magnetisation" is only some kind of side effect. But because I can't prove or demonstrate on the video that this method can be used for healing, I don't do any claims regarding of that. But I think I should mention what is real purpose of this method. Also I should say that I not practicing any healings.

If you ever discover the science behind it, I'm sure you will be able to capitalize on it and make some serious money.

I don't know how to discover the science behind it. Thats one of the reasons why I demonstrating these videos - maybe people can recommend what to do, what kind of research etc.

Regarding of the money - who don't need money today? Bu I must say that I am doing all of this not for money. My "secret goal"
, in simple words, is to challenge science. Not for bad, but just to rise question - what is that and how it can be explained by science. Is it fits in today's scientific worldview? Just interesting.

Its seems to work very similar to a Van De Graaff generator

Looks similar. But in this case no generators involved. And that's should be interesting, I think.

Also I should say, that in the best case I need to sweep only once and napkins will be "magnetised". But it always depends on "something", which I can control very little. Sometimes I feel specific changes in my feelings, and correspondingly I see that to reach "magnetisation" of napkins I need to sweep much more times. This "feeling" is always concentrated in the middle of chest.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
I would just like to see a positive and a control. Someone who can do it followed by someone who can't. With the same napkin.

New video with control:

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by QueenBob
Have you tried using any ferrous metal shavings to determine if there are any lines of force like a magnet would cause? It seems results would be more conclusive if the napkins attracted other things then just paper or the sticking to walls.

New video with electrostatic effect and napkins. For now it is just pieces of paper:

Question: can electrostatic demonstrate lines of force like a magnet?

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by sergejsh

Wow Sergey, you knew Robert Jemison Van de Graaff? He died in 1967 at the age of 66 here in the USA.

Static electriciy is definitely involved, but I think there is more than just static electricity involved from what you have stated.

The only way to discover the science behind it is too keep making experiments, thousands of them. Help comes from reading everything that you can read online about static electricity and healing people with bare hands. You will have to read everything that anybody has ever wrote in order to see what works and what doesn't work.

Your secret goal is to figure out how it's done scientifically so that you can do healings over and over again successfully and prove science wrong when science says healers are quacks. That is a great endevour, a long and monotonous one that will take lots and lots of time more than likely. I estimate it will take over a decade with tens of thousands of experiments to finally discover the secret that will make this all possible.

If you don't make the discovery, then I'm sure someone else will in the next 10 years or so. The GREAT GENIUS is supposed to be coming in the near future, and he supposedly discovers this discovery and reveals it to mankind; as prophecied by Nostradamus.

Yes, its still very similar to the Van de Graaff generator. You yourself are the generator. You are doing the rubbing of a material that is dry, which then creates electrons which attracts other materials.

The thing that this whole thing depends on is the amount of dryness in the air and in your hands and in the clothes that you wear. Also, certain material is more electrostatic than others, so it makes a difference in what material you are wearing.

The feeling that you are feeling in the middle of your chest could be because you seem to be wearing a sweater and its material charge would probably seem to be a little greater over the larger or more mass of your chest than from other smaller areas, especially if its a wool sweater.

Keep up the good work. I'll tell you about some experiments you should run next time; that is if you are interested.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
you knew Robert Jemison Van de Graaff? He died in 1967 at the age of 66 here in the USA.

No, I didn't said I knew him.

Static electriciy is definitely involved, but I think there is more than just static electricity involved from what you have stated.

I personally think that this is more than just static electricity.

But anyway, even if this is "just electrostatic", there are some unanswered questions.

The only way to discover the science behind it is too keep making experiments, thousands of them.

Would be good. But I have limited possibilities to do that.

Help comes from reading everything that you can read online about static electricity and healing people with bare hands. You will have to read everything that anybody has ever wrote in order to see what works and what doesn't work.

Well, maybe it is a good idea. But I already busy to read another books and materials (I am pretty interested in UFO and contacts).

This phenomena, which I can demonstrate, is for free time, when I have time for that. Bu it is already with me at least 15 years. So I decided to do something with that. And I started to record these videos. And now I am here.

and prove science wrong when science says healers are quacks.

I don't think science was or is wrong. Science just registering things. But maybe some scientist are wrong. But I just want to rise a question and that's it. But I am not sure about that yet.

Yes, its still very similar to the Van de Graaff generator. You yourself are the generator.

I was said (by healer ho gave this to me) that in this case human is not a generator, but conductor (or "channel"?). And this "energy" works not from human, but through human. And that this "energy" is alive and I should respect it. That's what he said. And that's one of the reasons why I want to find if there is difference between this "phenomena" and electrostatic electricity.

You are doing the rubbing of a material that is dry, which then creates electrons which attracts other materials.

Ok, if it is so simple, why nobody else was able to repeat that? At least I don't know such cases.

The thing that this whole thing depends on is the amount of dryness in the air and in your hands and in the clothes that you wear.

How in this case can be explained that "effect" suddenly can start working? (there is video which demonstrates that). You can't explain this with dryness in the air or in my hands. My hands in these moments are always dry. Regarding of clothes - I wear different clothes on different videos.

The feeling that you are feeling in the middle of your chest could be because you seem to be wearing a sweater and its material charge would probably seem to be a little greater over the larger or more mass of your chest than from other smaller areas, especially if its a wool sweater.

In different video I wear different clothes. But "feeling" is always the same.

[edit on 16-4-2010 by sergejsh]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Interesting thread.

To eliminate the static charge to the napkins try rubbing it with a dryer sheet like Bounce for example. This will enable you to continue testing for magnetic properties.

There may be a possible metal content to the recycled paper which may promote bio breakdown in land fills.

Just an opinion.


posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by sergejsh

Too bad you didn't know Van de Graaff, it would have been interesting to hear some kind of story about him.

I don't think you have limited possibilities in making very important discoveries in science, unless you are planning on departing from Earth soon and crossing over into Heaven. Otherwise time is all you need and very fundamental materials to make tests with.

I may have to drive up there and meet you some time, you really have sparked my curiosity and I know from what you are telling me that you are right and you are on to something big; probably bigger than the two of us can almost imagine, but I can imagine a lot.

I believe that you have been given a gift possibly from the person whom taught you. A gift that can only be passed on from one person to another, or a gift that lies latent in each person until it is released; and I think your gift has been released or awakened within you by the person that taught you (that's why I believe that I should drive up there and meet you sometime in the future to see if you can pass this gift on to me, or not). This gift is similar to gifts in the Bible I believe; like speaking in tongues, or being able to drink poison and not die and stuff like that; where one person is able to bring it out of another person and let them do similar things.

I don't believe its electrostatics, it seems to be some form of unknown energy that has the characteristics of static electricity and electricity; but is neither of those.

UFO's and contacts are interesting, but they take place by chance and chances are extremely slim; millions to one ratio. You would do better I believe to keep experimenting.

I believe the healer that taught you, taught you correctly and told you the truth. I believe that the energy must come through you and not from static electricity. I say this because I have tried your experiments and so far I have failed at all of them. If it really was static electricity as most people will believe, then it would work for all of us, and this is not occurring; so we really can throw out the idea that it is static electricity.

So you are SCIENTIFICALLY RIGHT Sergey, and this strange phenomenon needs to be studied instead of just letting it die and be wasted. I hope that you won't let what you have learned die with you and be wasted. You are SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT when you state that it is not static electricity simply because of the fact that you stated that others can't repeat the experiments, and then I tested your experiments and I could not repeat your experiments. If it truly was static electricity then everyone should be able to do it, just like you, but we can't.

This feeling in your chest is interesting and it must not be coming from your clothes as I suspected earlier, it must be some sort of energy building up inside of you possibly.

I think the energy that you talk about is QiGong energy. Maybe you should watch some of these videos, they may help you understand more about what you have been introduced to.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Rhain
To eliminate the static charge to the napkins try rubbing it with a dryer sheet like Bounce for example.

I don't have it. But I don't have any reasons to think there is any electrostatic. Why - I have explained earlier:

- effect can appear and disappear in seconds
- sometimes it just don't work (the same environment, the same everything else) - for example when I wanted just to demonstrate this to someone
- when there is real need (to heal, for example), it works very well - one sweep is enough and it "magnetizes" napkins much more than on these videos.

But regarding of charge - there is for sure some king of charge.

There may be a possible metal content to the recycled paper which may promote bio breakdown in land fills.

Napkins are just example. I can do it with newspaper, toilet paper, magazine paper, printer paper. Just thick paper (magazine, print) works not very well.

I used napkins to demonstrate effect, because it better works on napkins (in my case).

[edit on 26-4-2010 by sergejsh]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:30 AM
paper being recycled so often has metal fragments in it i suspect the same is true with magnets, the reason that your experiment isnt repeated so easily is probabky becuse of napkins having weak magnetism and luck
i imagine that this experiment can be duplicated but it would be very difficult

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This gift is similar to gifts in the Bible I believe; like speaking in tongues, or being able to drink poison and not die and stuff like that; where one person is able to bring it out of another person and let them do similar things.

I know the Bible, but I don't want to speculate about this.

UFO's and contacts are interesting, but they take place by chance and chances are extremely slim; millions to one ratio. You would do better I believe to keep experimenting.

I know cases (one case I know personally) when they appears not by chance. But this is different subject.

I think the energy that you talk about is QiGong energy. Maybe you should watch some of these videos, they may help you understand more about what you have been introduced to.

I know about this and I think that for people who practicing (but I do not) Tai-Chi and similar practices there is nothing magical or unusual in what I demonstrating on these videos. But again, I don't want to speculate about this.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by sergejsh]

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