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Yugas, planetary changes, galactic alignments and the science of alien gods.

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Thorny subject... again! We are living weird times... We are testifying very disturbing events and and inevitably some people turn to religious scriptures, prophecies and general metaphysical knowledge, to find out understanding on the current reality. Others rely on complex calendars developed by ancient civilizations, in which are detailed cosmic cycles, planetary transformations, galactic alignments and how this whole thing affects human life and all living beings, mainly the notorious Mayan calendar that let people crazy trying to found out tracks that confirm if we are about to pass through global cataclysms and suffer mass extinction. Actually this calendar is a clone of the Panchanga aka Panjika, the sacred Vedic calendar, that according to Hindu people, was provided by the Vedas aka Devas or Asuras , ancient "gods" endowed with unattainable knowledge and unlimited wisdom.
Yeah yeah, I know that now is when people here are saying "Oh no, not again... ancient gods, mysterious beings coming from stars and all these stuffs with no evidence..."
Ain't not so sure if really there's "no" evidence, but if we take a look at it, too many things make sense and make us think how the heck these ancient civilizations had so much knowledge about subjects that our current civilization only could reach, AFTER the space program of the superpower nations.
Despite of the huge amount of information, I'll try to make this simple, so lets see what we got:

Before enter directly in the subject, lets jump back in time, over 7.000 years B.C., to the Indus Valley, nearby the Saravasti river, where according to late archeological discoveries, has rised an advanced civilization prior to Hindu civilization, that supposedly was the first to have contact with the Vedic scriptures, a large scientific-holistic treatise about cosmic evolution, divided in 4 books: Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda. The whole scriptures are divided into one thousand hundred eighty sections.

This civilization was settled in a region that included northern India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan and several other nearby countries and submerged areas in the edges of oceans around the Indian subcontinent. Recent archeological researches find the ruins of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa, citadels with a sophisticated urban structure, with paved streets and piped water. Lets regard the the first civilization recognized by current history, was the Sumerian. Coincidence or not, the architectural layout of that cities are quite similar to Mesopotamian urban centers.


Mohenjo Daro ruins


Harappa ruins

Compare them with the ruins of a Babylonian urban center, in Iraq.


After this basic introduction to Vedic civilization, lets keep the focus in the section of the scriptures where is the treaty of astrology/astronomy: The Jyotisha. This word comes from Jyotir "radiance" and Isha "control". In short, the control that the heavenly bodies have on our lives through their vibrational rays. Here's the point of that discussion: How the cosmic movements affect the civilizations on Earth and what this have to do with the edge-times we are living.
The vedic calendar is part of the Jyotisha and reveals a deep knowledge of galactic cycles. Many information contained in the Vedas only could be released by anyone who knew celestial mechanics and had mapped the constellations and solar systems with accuracy of modern equipment:

The nakshatra, the main regions of the sky:

Ashvinī β e γ Arietis
Bharanī 35, 39, e 41 Arietis
Krittikā Pleiades
Rohinī Aldebaran
Mrigashīrsha λ, φ Orionis
Ārdrā Betelgeuse
Punarvasu Rodízio e Pollux
Pushya γ, δ e θ Cancri
Āshleshā δ, γ, ε, η, ρ, e σ Hydrae
Maghā Regulus
Pūrva Phalgunī δ e θ Leonis
Uttara Phalgunī Denebola
Hasta α ao ε Corvi
Chitrā Espiga
Svātī Arcturus
Vishākhā α, β, γ e ι Librae
Anurādhā β, δ e π Scorpionis
Jyeshtha α, σ, e τ Scorpionis
Mūla ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ e ν Scorpionis
Pūrva Ashādhā δ e ε Sagittarii
Uttara Ashādhā ζ e σ Sagittarii
Shravana α, β e γ Aquilae
Dhanishthā α ao δ Delphinis
Shatabhishaj γ Aquarii
Pūrva Bhādrapada α e β Pegasi
Uttara Bhādrapada γ Pegasi e α Andromedae
Revatī ζ Piscium

The Five Types of Years
(***You don't need to read this WHOLE part, I included this just to highlight the astronomic knowledge of Vedic civilization***)

There are five types of years
1) Solar Year

2) Jupiterian Year

3) Savana Year

4) Lunar Year

5) Sideral Year

Solar Year

The time taken by Sol (Sun) to cross one degree is called a solar day. When the Sun crosses from one Sign to another, this is called Surya Sankrama (transit to another sign). The time taken from one Surya Sankrama to another is called one solar month. The motion of the Sun is fastest at the first week of January and is slowest at the first week of July. In other words, since the Sun's motion is fastest in the Vedic months of Sagittarius and Capricorn, it takes only 29 days for the Sun to traverse 30 degrees of Sag and Cap. Conversely, it takes 32 days for Sol to traverse 30 degrees of Cancer, since his motion is slowest at Apogee, in the Vedic month of Cancer.

Jupiterian Year (Barhaspathya)

One Barhaspathya is time taken by Jove (Jupiter) to traverse 30 degrees of a sign. The duration is 361 days and a Jupiterian Cycle is roughly 12 years.

Savana Year

One Savana day is reckoned from Sunrise to Sunrise. 30 such Savana day is called one Savana month. 360 such days is one Savana year.

Lunar Year

A lunar month is the time calculated from one New Moon to the next New Moon. Since during a solar year, 12 Full Moon were visible , the Zodiac was divided into 12 constellations. 12 Lunar months constitute one Lunar Year. This is 354.367 days. This is 11 days less than the solar year.

Sidereal Year

One sidereal day is time taken by Luna to traverse a constellation of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. The Moon takes 27.3 days to revolve around the earth. 27.3*12 is one Sidereal Year and it is 327.6 days.

Apparent Solar Day (Savana Dina)

The time taken by the earth to rotate around its own axis. From a geocentric perspective, the Sun moves one degree per day.

Sidereal Day (Nakshatra Dina)

This is the time taken by the earth to rotate around its own axis with regard to Sidereus, the constellation of fixed stars. This is 23 hours and 56 mins and 4.0953 seconds.

An apparent Solar Day is 24 hours. According to Indian Astronomy, a solar day is 60 Nadis. 60 Vinadis is one Nadi (Nazhika) and 60 Tatparas is one Vinadi. There are minuter subdivisions like Pratatparas (60 Pratatparas constitute one Tatpara), corresponding to micro seconds and nano seconds in Western time calculations. 2 and a half Nadis is one hour or 24 minutes is one Nadi.

While as per Western calculations, a day is reckoned from midnight to midnight, an Indian day is reckoned from sunrise to sunrise and a Hijra day is calculated from sunset to sunset.

Sidereal Solar Year

The time taken by the Sun (from a geocentric perspective), to make a circuit of the Sidereal Zodiac . This is 365 days, 6 hours 9 minutes and 9.8 seconds.

Tropical Solar Year

This is the time taken by the Sun to make a circuit of the Tropical Zodiac. This is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 45.2 seconds. This is 20 minutes and 24.6 seconds less. This is because the First Point of Aries moves 50.3 seconds per year.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Sidereal Period of the Moon

The time taken by Luna to make a circuit of the Sidereal Zodiac. This is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.5 seconds.

Synodic Period

SP is the the time between 2 successive conjunctions. For the Moon, it is the time taken from New Moon to New Moon.

Solar Month & the Laws of Planetary Motion

SM is the time taken by the Sun to traverse one Sign. The motion of the Sun is fastest at Perigee (near the earth) and slowest at Apogee (away from the Earth). This is the Earth-in-reflex, as it is the earth which is moving and not the Sun).

In other words, the motion of the earth is fastest at Perihelion and slowest at Aphelion. During the sidereal months of Sagittarius and Capricorn, the Sun is nearest to the earth. It takes only 29 days to traverse 30 degrees of a sign. During the months of Gemini and Cancer, the Sun is away from the earth and it takes 31.477 days for the Sun to traverse 30 degrees of a sign. The slowest motion of the Sun is 57 minutes and 11 seconds. The fastest motion of the Sun is 61 minutes 10 seconds. That is why some Sagittarius and Capricorn (Vedic months) have 29 days and Cancer and Gemini (Vedic months) have 32 days, as per the Vedic Calender.

The orbit of a planet is always elliptical, with the Sun as the focus of the ellipse. (Suryaha Jagata Chakshu).

The orbital period of a planet (Bhagana Kala) bears relationship to the Madhyama Manda Karna (Semi-major axis) of the planet. (O P = MMK^1.5). (These principles, discovered by Aryabhata, Bhaskara & Brahmagupta earlier were rediscovered in the West by Kepler as the Laws of Planetary Motion. )
Kali Era & Kali Day

The beginning of the Kali Era was 3102 BC, February 18 on a Friday. Then the First Tropical & Sidereal Points were in 0 degrees Beta Arieties (Aswini) . All planets were in the same point at that time. If you add 3102 to the English era, you get the Kali Era. Ahargana is the elapsed Kali day number, the days elapsed from the start of the Kali Era. If you divide Ahargana by 7 and find the modulus, you can know the day of the week. If the remainder is one, it is Saturday, if it is two, it is Sunday and so on.

Day of the Week = Ahargana%7 (% is the modulus operator in Foxpro)

Njattu Vela

The constellation tenanted by the Sun is called Njattu Velu. In a day, the Sun traverses less than one degree (less 59.13 seconds). Sol takes 13,14 days to traverse 13 degrees 20 minutes and so the duration of a Njattu Vela is 13, 14 days. (Thanks to G. Kumar)

Ok, if you got here without a brain collapse,
what I'm pointed here is that such amount of data needs advanced equipments to be gathered, but we are talking about a 9.000 years old civilization and modern scholars only admit astronomic knowledge in ancient civilizations, since the Egypt and more like holistic study, than geodesic applications. Well, regardless that the skeptics ALREADY are ready to attack, I assume that some of you ALREADY are convinced that the Vedic wisdom may have been brought to Earth, by extraterrestrial civilizations, lets see the main topic: The Yugas "eras" and how it interact with the cosmic mechanic and planetary civilizations. This data is part of the Puranas, section of the Upanishads books:

Duration of each Yuga according to our count of time:

• Satya Yuga = 1.728.000 years
• Treta Yuga = 1.296.000 years
• Dvapara Yuga = 864.000 years
• Kali Yuga = 432.000 years

The sum of 4 yugas is the MAHA, or great Yuga, 4.320.000 years. The sum of 1.000 MAHA yugas corresponds to a day of Brahma (kalpa). After a day at Brahman, it follows a night of Brahman of equal size.
MAHA yuga = 4.320.000 years

1 day of BRAHMAN = MAHA YUGA X 1000 = 4.320.000.000 years
1 night of BRAHMAN = 4.320.000.000
24 h of BRAHMAN = 8.640.000.000
MAHA KALPA = 100 years of Brahman = 360 X 8.640.000.000 X 100 = 311.

Ok, don't go away yet
Now it's getting interesting... Have in mind that "Brahman" is the cosmic consciousness and according to the Puranas, it "lives" 100 years of Brahman or one MAHA Kalpa (311., then the universe is re-absorbed into this cosmic consciousness during a century of Brahma and then everything starts over and goes back indefinitely in the cycle of 311 trillion years. WOW, it looks like the theory of Einstein about the expanding and contracting of the universe, huh???


Ok, now I know that people are saying "What the heck this have to do with OUR lives??"

The human race have been passing through 4 yugas, and WE ARE PASSING through the Kali Yuga, right now what may explain the chaos we are living. A basic overview of the characteristics of each Yuga:

Satya Yuga: Era of spiritual self-realization. Where people live in the mode of goodness and a human life can last about 100.000 Earth years.

Treta Yuga:The pious activities, moral values and spiritual self-realization go decreasing gradually and human life lasts about 10.000 years.

Dvapara Yuga: Truth and virtue are even lower, a person's life lasts about 1.000 years.

Kali Yuga: Truth and the Law (dharma) were completely lost. The pain is brutal and ignorance is the basis of society. In the middle of this chaos any possibility of changes is established through radical global transformations. Time spam below 70 years.

Assuming that the behavior of civilizations in each Yuga is related to different cosmic alignments and the influence of cosmic radiation of different stars in the planetary bodies, the mention of such large life spams seems very odd, but most likely they are NOT human times, I mean probably were the life spam of the "star gods". Before you guess I'm completely nuts, lets see about WHAT "gods" I'm referring to:


Above a classic depiction of the Trimurti, the sacred Vedic triad formed by Brahma (not Brahman), Vishnu and Shiva. Well, we see giant humanoids and one of them has a long beard, what reminds me of:


According to Zecharia Sitchin the Sumerian deities, the Anunnaki had a very large life spam, about 750.000 years what fits with the characteristics reported by Vedic scriptures. And it's seems plausible to assume that these "God-Vedas", that left this massive amount of knowledge in the Hindu culture may be the same ones that were responsible by the advanced Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures. I think it's reasonable the idea that only beings highly advanced, technologically and with a unusual life spam, could provide so much accuracy data about galactic cycles and how they affect planetary life.

The discussion is open.


[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:39 PM
[edit on 8/4/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by ucalien

Great Article, but just wondering, are you saying we are approaching the big crunch? Cause that seems very unlikely

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Coming from someone who just joined, I say you really have no credibility to be saying anything negative about this thread. The guy did a good job with this thread, respect it.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

Great Article, but just wondering, are you saying we are approaching the big crunch? Cause that seems very unlikely

Nope, if you noticed at the end of Kali Yuga, completes a MAHA yuga, that corresponds one DAY of Brahman. The next phase is the night of Brahman, that lives 100 cosmic days. I think we are ending one day of Brahman, but nobody knows in which stage of Brahman's life we are... 30, 40, 50.... Wow that's confused.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by ucalien

I think it's reasonable the idea that only beings highly advanced, technologically and with a unusual life spam, could provide so much accuracy data about galactic cycles and how they affect planetary life.

I'm in total agreement. The people that conceived these ideas, described these ideas and then interpreted them...must be human.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Ok, if you got here without a brain collapse, what I'm pointed here is that such amount of data needs advanced equipments to be gathered, but we are talking about a 9.000 years old civilization and modern scholars only admit astronomic knowledge in ancient civilizations, since the Egypt and more like holistic study, than geodesic applications.

No it doesn't take advanced equipment. What it takes is careful observation of where the Sun, Moon, and stars rise and set each day. For agrarian societies this is very important.

[edit on 4/8/2010 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Phage

No it doesn't take advanced equipment. What it takes is careful observation of where the Sun, Moon, and stars rise and set each day. For agrarian societies this is very important.

I wonder how an "agrarian society" that raised 9.000 B.C. and disappeared before the Aryan invasion in the Indus Valley, around 6.000 B.C., could have realized a cosmic cycle of expanding and contracting, obtaining a number like 4.320.000 years, within 3.000 years... Also knowing the name of constellations and binary systems just "observing the sun"... Seems pretty amazing how people from a 9.000 years old agrarian society could be smarter than many people in modern civilization, that passes the day on internet saying how stupid they were...

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:38 PM

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:00 PM
Good research, adds some new points.

I am of the opinion that yugas are calculated to actual years as Yukteshwar thought, and not the "days of Brahman" as is thought generally. Thus we should have a cycle that the Puranas say are 24,000 years, though today we think it is more like 25,920. Within this, one sign would take on average 2,160 years, one nakshatra about 900.
There was a thread I did last year here pertinent to the subject:

and my feeling was reinforced this year when I read a brand-new article on the adjusted yuga theory from an astrologer who knows Vedic as well as Western cycles:

Notwithstanding, the larger yuga cycle may also exist - in a fractal fashion. It just does not make sense to me that ancient Vedic and/or Babylonian civilization would have figured out a substantial change on the quality of time relating not to hundreds or thousands of years, but much larger cycles. There was no basis of observation as there was for precession and the movement of the planets. These people were more practical than today's Krishna believers.

As for the source of the whole system, I think on the one hand it comes from spirits, who frequently appear as aliens - though they are not aliens literally or physically, at least no more than the extent to which we are reincarnated aliens ourselves. On the other hand, it took painstaking observation of the movement of visible planets as recorded by Indian astronomers.

The cradle of all this may be indeed Harappa or Mohendjo Daro. I wonder if you know of any finding of archaelogy there that would indicate continuity with Hindu astrology?

At any rate, I do not think the Age of Aquarius is present yet, and we are probably at the end of a sandhi into Dwapara Yuga within the smaller cycle. It is much more difficult to count yugas than sign ages - we have to establish a starting point. One such was suggested by the followers of Yukteshwar today - notably Mr. Walter Crittenden (quoted in the above article). Science today does not exclude that the solar system is a double star system - the other member is either a black hole or a brown dwarf. As related by Sri Yukteshwar, Hindu writings suggest this possibility. Then the starting point of the smaller yugas (together fulfilling one precessional cycle) would perhaps coincide with the year when tropical Aries was the same as the sidereal one. According to Yukteshwar Giri, that must have been A.D. 499, but recent research on the scientific correlations of Hindu astrology suggests it could be sooner, around 300 A.D.

I am open to other interpretations if they are well grounded and support present-day experience of Indian and sidereal astrology as far as precession speeds and sign boundaries.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Great thread, Alien. Loved all the info

If nothing else, I gave a S&F for tossing out knowledge that I have not seen before, and studying how ancient societies viewed things cosmologically is one of my favorite subjects.

Great info, and thanks for putting it up.

Looks like the front liners have already hit up your thread. Hopefully we can at least explore the knowledge that you're bringing forth, and not see what could be a really good thread get derailed already.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by ucalien

I would think that most agrarian societies notice cycles (the seasons in particular). It's only natural to want to expand those cycles to their logical conclusion (the beginning and end of everything).

I don't quite get the significance of 4,320,000 years. Can you explain how that relates to anything? (BTW, Einstein did not think the universe expands and contracts, maybe you should read that article again.)

What is so special about naming constellations? All cultures do that. It makes it easier to keep track of the stars for one thing.

You didn't mention anything about binary systems before. What do you mean?

Who says ancient people were stupid? They were just as intelligent as we are and because their livelihood depended on it a lot more than ours does, they knew a lot more about the sky than most people do now. That becomes painfully obvious on ATS.

[edit on 4/8/2010 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ucalien
According to Zecharia Sitchin the Sumerian deities, the Anunnaki had a very large life spam, about 750.000 years

Well, because he envisgaed them as identical to modern human soap opera characters (think a very cheap copy of 'Days of our Lives') he assumed that, coming from a planet with an orbit of 3,600 years, but in all other respects being the same as us, they would live for 3,600 times longer than us. 3,600 x 70 = er, can't be bothered to work it out .....

There is as much evidence to support this idea as there is that Martians are 19 miles high and live for 3 Earth days. And eat silicon.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Essan]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi

The cradle of all this may be indeed Harappa or Mohendjo Daro. I wonder if you know of any finding of archaelogy there that would indicate continuity with Hindu astrology?

I confess ain't that good in maths and have a basic understanding about the Yugas and Brahman cycle. I'm not aware if some astronomic device was found in Mohenjo Daro or Harappa but I'm 100% sure that if indeed something like that was found, the Indian government won't release it to public.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Essan

Despite of your irony, thousands of years BEFORE Zecharia Sitchin has born, many ancient civilizations reported beings that "lived forever", an OBVIOUS reason about why they were considered GODS, besides their wisdom and technology. It's just curious why the first pharao-gods that ruled Egypt, kept in the power for eras, also is curious why Bible and other ancient scriptures mentioned people that lived 700, 900 years, people that were crossbreeding of the Nefilins. Also it's curious as bearded "gods" arrived in Yucatan peninsula to rise the Az-tec civilization with knowledge of Atlantis land. Just remembering that Aztec means "From Az-tlan", and many archeologists suspect that Atlantis did exist about 20.000 years ago. Things that makes some people laugh about, makes me go hmmmmmm...

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:56 AM
Outstanding post! Star and Flag! I love Hinduism anyway, especially the esoteric. How do you suppose they knew all of this thousands of years ago? Perhaps the Upanishads and the Gita remain the purest description of how it really is? What of Brahman in this conversation?


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