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Teen takes on Michigan Mayor O'Reilly and City

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Dearborn Residents are not taking this lying down, a 15 year old (Danielle Misovich) put up a facebook page and what started as her plea for help, has turned into almost 3,000+ people backing her.

The Mayor of Dearborn, announced the closure of 6 city run pools that were built in the 50's and 60's, pools that children can walk or ride their bike to in the hot summer months.

These pools cost the city less that 1% of it's annual budget to run, they intend to punish helpless children for their mistakes by, cutting out $132k annually and shut down these pools.

Jack O'Reilly says in one article states.

“We have to stay focused on the big picture,” O’Reilly said. “Are pools essential? I don’t think so.”

But in a turn of events and uncovering find out that the city has planned a multi-million dollar pool that they can charge memberships to. First the City says it doesn't have the money, but then they can come up with enough to build a multi-million dollar water park? LOL!

Last month, the city of Dearborn announced that to avoid drowning in debt, a larger pool would be built at Ford Woods park while six other, smaller outdoor pools would be closed. In neighborhoods where pools would be closed, the city hopes to partner with the school district and use facilities inside schools instead.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Realtruth]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:34 AM
What is so great about a kid loving socialism? What's next, she'll want good public schools, roads, police/fire protection, clean air protections? I mean, come-on, when does it end, why not use the constitution as something to write your grocery list on the back of? That reminds me, my EBT card just got filled-up w/ food stamp money, so I'm going to buy some Pabst and then, if you don't mind, I'm gonna get my welfare check and head down to the latest teaparty! Catch ya later commies....


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Socialism? Not.

I can see you didn't read the articles or even understand the situation. The city charges to enter these pools, this is not a freebee. People need to buy tags for their children every year.

These pools have been around, run and maintained for decades voted in by the city of Dearborn residents. Big difference that's called democracy.

Now, the city wishes to shut the pools down, not even asking what the citizens think or want. Dictatorship.

Originally posted by skunknuts
What is so great about a kid loving socialism? What's next, she'll want good public schools, roads, police/fire protection, clean air protections? I mean, come-on, when does it end, why not use the constitution as something to write your grocery list on the back of? That reminds me, my EBT card just got filled-up w/ food stamp money, so I'm going to buy some Pabst and then, if you don't mind, I'm gonna get my welfare check and head down to the latest teaparty! Catch ya later commies....


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Actually, having municipal pools in this fashion is totally socialistic. That doesn't make it bad. Democratic-socialism is great. People (citizens) pool their money to have public goods and means (like pools, roads, police, etc., etc) that they need, want, and enjoy. That's my point--when idiots conflate and confuse democratic socialism with communism, dictatorships, Nazism, fascism, etc., etc., they are being utterly ignorant, and often decrying things that make this country great.


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 01:59 PM
The only bad component of this whole thing is, why does the city have to provide any damn recreation?

And sn is correct, this is socialism. Any government run enterprise that is not directly written into the Constitution like common defense is socialism.

Hell, if there is a large enough demand for pools or a waterpark, a private individual or company should start one. No one is stopping this girl from getting a group of residents together and pooling their money and purchasing these pools. Submit for a non-profit corporate license that way they would not have to pay taxes and run the damn pools themselves. No, gotta whine that the nanny state does not give free pool service.

WAAAA, swimming pools are a RIGHT, Skate board parks are a RIGHT. Everything is a right.

If living there, I would be petitioning not to allow the waterpark. There is a depression right now and governments feel they should be spending money on a DAMN waterpark? What happens if that becomes another corrupt enterprise like the pools.

Well, let us raise taxes to cover that problem too. When will people realize that the government should not be in BUSINESS.

Provide roads, sheriffs (not statute enforcers), fire fighters and a military to defend this country. THAT IS IT! The government cannot run anything efficiently because they are not required to keep their bottom line down. They can always raise taxes if they screw up.

Sound familiar?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:38 PM
I hear you.

So many rights have been taken for granted and these governments can and will raise taxes to cover their mistakes.

And when they can't cover their bottom line they make bad decisions.

Privatizing the pools is a great idea, maybe they will propose that as an alternative, but I doubt the city will give up the responsibility of their parks and 12 million dollars worth of pools they intend to demolish.

I guess cuts will have to be made, but instead of making cuts at the top and areas of massive waste, they look to cut out pennies.

Not a lot is making any sense these days.

Originally posted by endisnighe

Provide roads, sheriffs (not statute enforcers), fire fighters and a military to defend this country. THAT IS IT! The government cannot run anything efficiently because they are not required to keep their bottom line down. They can always raise taxes if they screw up.

Sound familiar?

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