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2010 Plan to Restore the Constitution - April 19

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posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:43 PM

2010 Plan to Restore the Constitution April 19 2010

On April 19, 2010, the Voice of Freedom will be heard across America as we
gather in every state to take back our Constitution.

A Plan for those who are uneasy and anxious about the fate of America.
This is not the Hour for Summer Soldiers or Sunshine Patriots.

The action required of all Patriots is three-fold:

1) READ the Articles of Freedom and see how we can end the violations and
restore Constitutional governance;

2) SIGN the Pledge, to hold elected officials accountable to the Constitution
and to engage in civic action if millions of other People also take the Pledge, and

3) BE at your state capitol on Patriot's Day - April 19, 2010 to join with millions
of others who, simultaneously in every state, will serve the Articles of
Freedom on elected officials.

I for one agree with their cause. I for one plan
on being at my state capital for this non-violent event.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:57 PM
omigod, are the satanists planning this?

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner
omigod, are the satanists planning this?

yep it would seem so

ironic those 2 dates cross paths

could the Anti-Christ be revealed that day???

we'll see

best wishes

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:19 PM
geez, I post something like this and the place gets
empty real quick.

Either the FBI is getting mobilized and left the forum
or regular members are off to the store
to get supplies. It's lonely in here guys.
Dont leave me ..... lmao

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

From the website-

How could anyone who has pledged their devotion to the Constitution, reconcile the following violations of the Constitution that are destroying America? When will it end?

* For decades, our Government has been meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, without any Constitutional authority, causing foreign nationals to direct their hostilities towards us, which has given us a War on Terror and a growing Police State that is repugnant to the Fourth Amendment and the General Welfare of a Free People;
* For decades, we have had undeclared wars in violation of the War Powers clauses of Articles I and II;
* We are now gifting and lending public money and credit to private corporations for decidedly private purposes (corporate welfare), without any constitutional authority, whatsoever;
* We have a fiat currency, in violation of the money clauses of Article I;
* We have been emitting trillions of dollars worth of Bills of Credit through or under the auspices of the Federal Reserve System in violation of Article I;
* We have been incurring trillions of dollars worth of debt for the payment of expenditures for programs and activities that are not enumerated in Article I, and therefore not authorized;
* We have a fraudulently ratified 16th Amendment in violation of Article V, a direct, un-apportioned tax on labor in violation of the tax clauses of Article I, and a judicial system that refuses to consider the evidence, in violation of Article III;
* For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
* We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
* We are counting our votes in secret, as all machines do, in violation of our constitutional right not only to vote but to know that our votes are being accurately counted;
* We have an absence of well-regulated state militias, and we have federal gun control laws, all in violation of the Second Amendment;
* For decades, in violation of the sovereignty clauses of the Declaration of Independence, the United States has been entering into treaties, contracts and relationships with foreign entities, and giving authority to international bodies, dissipating, destroying and undermining America’s sovereignty;
* We have private land being taken for private purposes in violation of the Fifth Amendment.
* We have a Government about to become a provider of Health Care, and about to order the People to purchase a product, powers that are not enumerated in Article I, and therefore not authorized.
* We have money bills originating in the Senate, in violation of Article I.
* We have a Senate that is using a supermajority vote to decide whether to enact a law, without an amendment to the Constitution, all in violation of Article I, Sections 3 and 5, and Article 5.

These violations have challenged the Constitutional Republic of the United States and Her People to Its core.

Well hell, it could have been me that wrote this.

I have pledged. I will be downloading pdf and spreading.

[edit on 3/31/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:32 PM
I heard there was also a 2nd amendment march that day in the capital, i could be just correlating the same event however. I do find this fasincating though seeing all of the good people gathering at their respected capitals for the sake of the betterment of the country. Times are really changing. People start to care when they have no money/security/materials good. it is also sad. but a step in the right direction. I will be doing my best to make it out to Trenton.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:47 PM
April 19th seems to be a big day all around from this, to the second amendment marches, to the armed march on the Potomac. Should be interesting.

After reading the Articles of Freedom I can say that as long as I am available I will be at my state capital on the 19th. I was honestly thinking about the Potomac march but I suppose this one will be more worthwhile and more local.

I honestly don't believe it will make a difference and that it will be laughed out, however, we shall see.

S&F for the information.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:48 PM
I for one would like to go, but I have commitments here that I can't get out of. I do encourage other people to go, though.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Can't see a thing wrong with this
good luck to you.

I will always support non violent peaceful protest.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:06 PM
I will be going
and I should have 3 other people with me
all adults of course. Kids not going
just by chance some fools decide
to get a happy trigger finger I dont want
my children anywhere around.

Know what this reminds me of???

The Changing of the Guards at
Buckingham Palace.

The guards there just leave and new ones
take their place.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:22 PM
ya know what ???

If I was a lobbyist right now in Washington,
I'd be packing my bags and catching me a flight
to Switzerland and typing me a new resume

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Edit to clarify-I wrote this myself awhile back.

From this thread-A thread from awhile back, not from the Restore the Constitution

Alright, to get everyone in the mood, hehehehehehe I am going to post one of my OTs from awhile back. This is an Articles of Freedom thread right? Hope you do not mind OP.

Originally posted by endisnighe

Next I would like to give you my list of grievances.

A list of grievances-They; reference to the US Federal Government and the Banking/Corporate/Elite control infrastructure of varying governments and countries

They have abandoned the Constitutional rule of law-

• The congress has written and are writing legislation that supersedes and abrogates the Constitution
• They have instituted agencies that are unconstitutional in nature
• They have courts that regularly write new law by decree alone
• The executive branch regularly writes legislation and decrees
• The executive branch writes unconstitutional law
• They have instituted statutes that willfully and surreptitiously evade the true meaning of the Constitution

They have instituted a taxation system that is unfair and spurious in nature-

• Sales taxes that are unfair and detrimental to specific groups of people and products
• Income taxes that were instituted as a temporary measure have become permanent
• Income taxes that are detrimental to the majority of people and that are not instituted in a fair and reasonable nature
• Socialist taxes have been instituted to control the very lives they were instituted to “supposedly” help and have willfully spent these funds for whatever they chose
• Taxes across the board have come to a point that if you add them all up, for the average American household, would be an effective tax rate of 50%-75%
• They have instituted a debt that can only be said to enslave every man, woman and child in perpetuity
• They have disallowed our rights of trial by jury, for the income tax system

They have created a standing army that the likes of which, mankind has never seen-

• This army which is supposed to be for the protection of the US, in fact has become a global police force for the main purpose of enforcing EMPIRE
• This army has become so all encompassing of the world, that its very existence has eliminated our very sovereignty as a nation and the sovereignty of other nations
• This standing army was never meant to exist in the Constitutional mandate of the United States of America
• This army could be considered the control apparatus extension, of an elite class of people, to institute the very tyranny that our forefathers warned us of

They have instituted a fiat money supply and a Private Banking system that is unconstitutional in nature

• The Federal Reserve was instituted illegally
• The removal of gold and silver as the base for our money was instituted illegally
• The control of our money by an illegal institution has brought us to our very knees
• The control of the fiat money has been used to control and destroy sovereign nations around the world
• The institution of this system has in effect, eliminated the basic governance by “we the people”

They have placed treaties and organizations above and beyond our own governance

• We are supposed to be a sovereign country
• They have put the betterment of other peoples and countries above our own welfare
• They are attempting to institute a larger global governance above the Constitutional mandated system that MILLIONS have fought and died for
• They have instituted economic treaties to the detriment of our own people
• They have signed treaties that are in direct violation of our own Constitution
• They have initiated treaties that will eliminate our sovereignty to the furtherance of a Global Governing body
• They have joined an organization, that regularly has invaded and intervenes in the sovereignty of foreign nations
• They have signed foreign treaties with foreign countries, that have intertwined us in a battle that has existed for 1000’s of years and does not look like it will ever be solved

They have instituted measures to control and spy on everyone unconstitutionally

• They have instituted measures to divide the people
• They have instituted measures to restrict rights
• They have instituted measures to spy on citizens and people around the world
• They have instituted measures to be able to imprison anyone that goes against their measures of control
• They have committed acts of aggression against people and governments throughout the world, both to institute their ideals on and for their own purposes

They have by manipulation of courts and legislation, allowed a hegemony of elite people and organizations to be above the law

• They have instituted laws and procedures that they themselves do not have to follow
• They have turned blind eyes toward corruption in their very ranks
• They have allowed usurpation of rights and duties that they themselves are required to maintain
• They have willfully neglected to enforce laws, that would have negated the very tyranny that is rampant in this day and age

[edit on 3/31/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner
omigod, are the satanists planning this?

yep it would seem so

ironic those 2 dates cross paths

could the Anti-Christ be revealed that day???

we'll see

best wishes

Beat me to it. I was just thinking the same thing. Perhaps the Satanists are manpulating the unwitting patriot tea partiers. yikes. Now that's a conspiracy.

edit: spelling

[edit on 3/31/2010 by this_is_who_we_are]

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen

They had to go and ruin a perfectly acceptable list of greivances with this lame excuse of a conspiracy theory. This will be forever be labeled a "birther" movement now and not be taken seriously.

We have a Government about to become a provider of Health Care

And that is just a flat out lie.

They let their personal feelings get in the way of their logical almost looked like a good list of valid concerns...but they blew it.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:58 PM
I'm Australian and I have to say I wish every citizen in the US the courage to stand up and take action. If nothing else this protest will at least bring more attention to the matter.

I'm currently informing people in my workplace about the Australian government's plans to introduce compulsory internet censorship and they all pretty much agree that it should not be done.
We're all in IT though so we know how to proxy around these things.

Good luck America.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Well not to distract the OP, I will only address this once.

Birther-No standing. That is the basic tenet of the defense.

Health Care-You, me and lots of people know for a fact that this was to get the foot in. I will U2U you video of Obama and others in Congress that have stated this over and over.

Like I said, this will be addressed no more by me, so do not bother commenting back. If you want, we can meander over to the ongoing thread on the Birther thingamabob and I am sure there is an active HC thread.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

Does the April 19th date have another significant connection?

1775 Revolution begins-Lexington Common, shot "heard round the world"

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
Perhaps the Satanists are manpulating the unwitting patriot tea partiers. yikes.

That's rather low hanging fruit is it not?
Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US

Surely one as diabolical as satan cannot be sated with such easy pickings.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Gehirn
I'm Australian and I have to say I wish every citizen in the US the courage to stand up and take action. If nothing else this protest will at least bring more attention to the matter.

I'm currently informing people in my workplace about the Australian government's plans to introduce compulsory internet censorship and they all pretty much agree that it should not be done.
We're all in IT though so we know how to proxy around these things.

Good luck America.

This is a very poignant and timely comment... keep in mind this person (from Australia) and all his/her brethren no longer possess firearms to prevent their government from imposing great tyranny upon the public.

Censorship is what fearful socialist governments and dictators do. Fearful socialist governments and dictators do really bad things to their citizenry.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:17 PM
I went and posted the link in all my myspace groups/facebook. No spamming, just various sheeple.


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