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2012/Microchips/Sun gods/And How To Make a Difference!

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

The Muppets: Stand By Me

The muppet show, little easter clip. Quite humorous really. But crammed full of symbolism.

The horned monster, is SATURN/pan/satan/dracos/annanuki, etc. The very thing coded in all our religions/insitutions/words. And this wolf in sheep clothing is devouring the niave little rabbits whole. I've seen that picture before. Its too graphic to show here, if you wish to search for it just google saturn devouring man and click to images.

You're proving my point, The muppets have NOTHING to do with 2012, or saturn, they're simply a tv show that you're taking entirely too far in order to try to validate your entire theory.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

Actually this video proves my point, and this thread is not only about 2012 simply as is, but very specifically about the coding and their attempt to entrap the human race in negative harvests for the next cycle. In other words, about their agenda regarding this cycle and what we can do about the entire thing, as depicted by the title. That video is very easy to decode once you read code to the matrix and start to see what you're looking for.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by hippomchippo

Actually this video proves my point, and this thread is not only about 2012, but very specifically about the coding and their attempt to entrap the human race in negative harvests for the next cycle. That video is very easy to decode.

2012 is in the title of your thread.
There are thousands of horned monsters in tv and movies, are they all secret messages?
Do you honestly believe they put a secret message in the muppets?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

2012/Microchips/Sun gods/And How To Make a Difference! » Is the name, and the link between these two is being discussed and this is about awareness 101 and waking up, so that we're free, to go back home, or to evolve individually and/or as the human race.
The best way to discover more about who you are, your nature, your purpose in being here, the matrix is go within your heart and ask: Who am I? Why am I here? Help me see through the matrix? What can I do? And to really push your limits of awareness.

This is an individual decision each of us needs to make.

Microchipping is a deliberate attempt, along with many others to make willing sacrifices to sungods, namely saturn, just before a cycle ending.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:50 PM
double post,

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by hippomchippo

2012/Microchips/Sun gods/And How To Make a Difference! » Is the name, and the link between these two is being discussed and this is about awareness 101 and waking up, so that we're free, to go back home, or to evolve individually and/or as the human race.
The best way to discover more about who you are, your nature, your purpose in being here, the matrix is go within your heart and ask: Who am I? Why am I here? Help me see through the matrix? What can I do? And to really push your limits of awareness.

This is an individual decision each of us needs to make.

Microchipping is a deliberate attempt, along with many others to make willing sacrifices to sungods, namely saturn, just before a cycle ending.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

You didn't answer.
Do you really believe that the global elite have put a secret message in the muppets?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

I believe every single show, every movie, every institution, all our religions, our schools, our system, our graduation ceritifcates, our court houses, all apsects of life, in an intricate web is spun by them, and has been throughout history for power has stayed in the same hands.

I have done my research and its inescapable, the evidence, there is no amount of coincidence that explain this. I have put the videos of Rik Clay, linked the code the matrix which goes into extreme depth and linked many other sites. Do you own research if you want to see the matrix exposed. Our awareness and progression, and freedom for this planet is on the line, as another cycle is approaching. And it up to us to reach inside our hearts for the answers, like I suggested already.

So, yes I do believe exactly what you said, which explains why I chose that clip because it is strong evidence of their coding!

Anyone who knows what the symbology is, sees it.

Horned means pan/satun/saturn. Everything is coded to Saturn. Saturn is the dark star, all the links have been provided, but everyone will have to do their own research from this point on. And this horned bunny deceives the bunnies and devours them as it shows Saturn devouring man in a rather famous picture.

When you do the research you'll see that many know this already, there are many links.

Love & Light!

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by hippomchippo

I believe every single show, every movie, every institution, all our religions, our schools, our system, our graduation ceritifcates, our court houses, all apsects of life, in an intricate web is spun by them, and has been throughout history for power has stayed in the same hands.

I have done my research and its inescapable, the evidence, there is no amount of coincidence that explain this. I have put the videos of Rik Clay, linked the code the matrix which goes into extreme depth and linked many other sites. Do you own research if you want to see the matrix exposed. Our awareness and progression, and freedom for this planet is on the line, as another cycle is approaching. And it up to us to reach inside our hearts for the answers, like I suggested already.

So, yes I do believe exactly what you said, which explains why I chose that clip because it is strong evidence of their coding!

Anyone who knows what the symbology is, sees it.

Horned means pan/satun/saturn. Everything is coded to Saturn. Saturn is the dark star, all the links have been provided, but everyone will have to do their own research from this point on. And this horned bunny deceives the bunnies and devours them as it shows Saturn devouring man in a rather famous picture.

When you do the research you'll see that many know this already, there are many links.

Love & Light!

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

I see you're set in your delusion no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
I'll say this though, I bet you in 2012, there will be no grand revelation, or ''harvesting'', and i'm willing to bet you $10,000 on it. Oh and also, rik clay predicted there would be a attack on the olympics in vancouver, this didn't happen, why are you still following him when he's clearly wrong?

[edit on 3-4-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

I'm wide awake. You must do your own searches, I am speaking on matters that require research. This about freedom and advancement. And everyone must find their own answers, I'm providing the trail to some of them.

Staying in this matrix and not seeing it, is the delusional state.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by hippomchippo

I'm wide awake. You must do your own searches, I am speaking on matters that require research. This about freedom and advancement. And everyone must find their own answers, I'm providing the trail to some of them.

Staying in this matrix and not seeing it, is the delusional state.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

So tell me, exactly what will happen in 2012.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:15 PM
Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship
The Real Men in Black
The Code To The Matrix

I don't know, what will happen between now and 2017, which is the widest date I've read about, but there is evidence to suggest something rather big is going to. Between earlier reports of a nemisis being found, and comets being depicted on a regular basis in histories left behind and cycles of catastrophe in our earth records, to the one I think of
the Lucifer Project, to the nwo agendas currently going on, something BIG.


I think of cassini with many more times the nuclear power than the probe they crashed into Jupiter and wonder what they intend to do. The problem with TPTB is there is webs within webs within webs, and we need to pull in our highest good, and help to overcome this situation.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship
The Real Men in Black
The Code To The Matrix

I don't know, what will happen between now and 2017, which is the widest date I've read about, but there is evidence to suggest something rather big is going to. Between earlier reports of a nemisis being found, and comets being depicted on a regular basis in histories left behind and cycles of catastrophe in our earth records, to the one I think of
the Lucifer Project, to the nwo agendas currently going on, something BIG.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

So you have no idea whats going to happen?
And I like how your real men in black link openly says that this is out there and not to be blindly believed.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

Yes do the research, its very very much obvious. Then you believe on your own, rather than someone suggesting you should. Thats what this thread is suggesting, to do your own research, and very importantly, for everyone, to search in their hearts. To spend a half an hour, or an hour in meditation a day looking within your heart and saying: This world needs so much help. I want to help. I want to see. Who am I? Why am I here? How can I make a difference?

If enough do this, it will change everything.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by hippomchippo

Yes do the research, its very very much obvious. Then you believe on your own, rather than someone suggesting you should. Thats what this thread is suggesting, to do your own research, and very importantly, for everyone, to search in their hearts. To spend a half an hour, or an hour in meditation a day looking within your heart and saying: This world needs so much help. I want to help. I want to see. Who am I? Why am I here? How can I make a difference?

If enough do this, it will change everything.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Unity_99]

I meditate every day thank you very much.
What i'm questioning, is YOUR research ability, you're correlating information that has no basis on reality, you think a horned monster in a puppet show has some hidden meaning, it's ridiculous. I do appreciate your willingness to help humanity, but this is NOT the way to do it, the way to do it would be contributing to charity, medicine and science, not drawing together far out theories about how we're all going to die.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

I might resonate with you. You said

I sincerely hope there is some kind of large change coming up, because honestly, who thinks our future will be positive if we continue in the current direction?

You might remember 'A Town Like Malice' by the Jam. One line was "The public gets what the public wants'. Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, in effect, in this age of Kali where observant persons watch the Descent of Man, men more like ants than people, people becoming more machine like, LESS conscious, glued to their senses, glued to screens and glued in particular to their own opinions which are always high and mighty, professing spreading love and light passed off as caring when, in reality, it's merely self-gratification. To 'know thyself' is a tall order and involves stripping yourself bare, seeing yourself totally exposed. And when you do see yourself as to what you really are, you keep quiet. You don't rush onto a site because we're all physicians who have to heal ourselves first.

Yes, a change IS coming, I'm sure, but it's going to be back to basics for children who've lost their way.

Do you resonate with me, Coepernicus?


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Hi Mclinking,

reply to post by mclinking

I remember Ram Dass being quoted as saying "There are NO ACCIDENTS in this business".

If one interprets/perceives the world/life to be a business they are missing the Infinite/Eternal perspective behind the world/life.

I look where he is today in the light of life's experiences and perceive his light has dimmed - that's my perception. When I read this, I asked myself : is he talking about predestination or predetermination?

It’s not an easy thing for anyone to fully understand/comprehend due to the limitations on perception/understanding and the mind that perceives things as bigger, smaller, with beginning and ending not seeing the Infinite/Eternal picture/perspective but if one can slightly grasp the concept of everything has always been, will be and will never end then they might come to a slight understanding that things are happening how they were always meant/intended to be from an Infinite/Eternal perspective.

I think he meant the latter, saying in effect one will wake up at the rate one will wake up.

If one views life as a film that has already happened if one could comprehend/understand that “TIME” does not exist and all events, past, present and future as humans understand “TIME” to be are happening simultaneously then one can understand that when one wakes up is when one was intended/meant to wake up as that movie has (technically) from an “Infinite/Eternal” perspective already happened and was part of the Eternal plan that will always work out for the better of “Souls” in the long run where there is no “Long.” Eternal progression is what it’s all about and Eternally learning new things and achieving/reaching new levels that go on to “Infinity” and “Beyond.”

In other words, let Nature take its course.

From an Infinite/Eternal perspective that is basically how it happens but everyone receives according to their freewill/actions/choices/decisions based on the laws of consequence to action. If someone freely chooses to do certain things that affects them in a not so good way perhaps it was for a reason/purpose in the first place where there is no first or last. For a person to have made that decision in the first place then it means that they perhaps needed to learn a lesson in that area it being one of their weaknesses and progression only comes through experiencing/learning and going through trial/error/tribulation/hardships in the long run where there is no “Long” from an “Infinite/Eternal” perspective.

I could quote Einstein, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Huxley, Alan Watts - the list is endless - until I'm blue in the face.

I use quotes as I see fit based on my own understanding/knowledge according to what I see can be applicable, Einstein was on the right track in suggesting that “TIME” is an “Illusion” and it’s much more than just an “Illusion” how about a “Program” running within the Human mind based on the homosapien level/understanding/perception of what “TIME” is according to one’s current level of perception/understanding/knowledge/awareness/consciousness of what the world/reality/station/channel truly is that one is experiencing/occupying/living in. What one perceives the world to be around them is not always what the world truly/really is behind the veil of existence/duality/mortality based on “TIME” or perception of “TIME" and one's current level of understanding/awareness/intelligence - "Consciousness."

Nobody down here knows anything, not even the wisest man in Greece who admitted he knew nothing.

In order for one to make such a statement they would need to know something and be knowledgeable to know how little they know in comparison to the “ALL THAT IS” or the “INFINITE” as one would come to an understanding of “BEYOND” and the understanding that there's no such thing as “ALL KNOWING” within “INFINITY” or “Infinity” “Eternal Progression” could not exist in the first place where there is no "First."

We are the past, everything we've ever read, just machines in a world where everything happens, where there is no doer, a tale told by an idiot.

The world/channel/reality one exists in can be perceived in many different ways from many different levels of perception/perspective and for you that could be you’re current level of understanding. The homosapien biological vessel/body/container and all vehicles for “Souls” are machines in likeness/design in many ways- even conscious/soul- computer programs- fit the bill depending on one’s current level of understanding of the vessel/body/vehicle for the “Soul.”

This quote makes a nice statement.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." A-Einstein!

Best Wishes!

[edit on 3-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hello ET Man,

The 'business' referred to here is the spiritual path, not the world.
Your obliques make me dizzy. One word will suffice for me.
By the way, if you want to know what it's like on the Other side, ask someone who's already there. The Big Three on this subject are Conan Doyle, Oliver Lodge and in particular FWH Myers, the man who has most definitively proved survival of death. First stop is... 'Illusion Land'. It would be better to arrive with no preconceived ideas or beliefs. I've also heard that atheists fare far better out yonder, Thomas Paine, for example. Let's a lot more to giving up attachment than meets the eye.


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by mclinking

You miss the whole point, its not about illusions, though we do create, its about love. I can't put this in a more profound way but to express that on the other side of the veil your most beloved family is, and your "heart" will leap with joy, and the light within you shine and love and beam at everyone, for we truly love each other, we are beloved. There is much we do and much we learn, we take on responsibilities and challenges, but with family, friends, love. That is the most important and significant thing to the other side.

Also man does not need for one moment, any take away, or reset, to primitive days. We as a race need to advance to a clean technological advanced et world with high technology, telepathy and no slaves, to become the benevolent helpers ourselves working with and meeting with guides from beyond.

I see this as completely over. No more. Mankind as a race in this cosmos must advance, and not be abandoned to the dark side. Period.

It never was the technology, it was the elites and their extortion and dirty fossil fuel technology, that was the problem. Nothing wrong with advanced clean technology. We need to live like the Venus Project in complete equality, no slaves, and with complete respect for nature, developing our psi and telepathy, so we can become like the ple'o'sha'ns. They're our inspiration. Advancement. Evolution of the human race, escaping from this harsh draco world of karma. Forgiveness is enough, move along, and take everyone you can with you.

The other side is all about Love!

We have access, to our selves, to our Higher Selves, and to all the benevolent races in this universe, though our hearts, and we need to desire more than anything to recieve the help we need, and to create an equal loving world.

Edit to add: I keep reading errors. And people who talk about ego, and advocate abasement. Thats a very very slave master thing to say. What we need is to understand how profoundly equal we all are, all creatures great and small, and everyone in the entire cosmos and BEYOND, equal, completely. Every light that shines is equal, is equal consciousness. In infinity, there is no mother, father, child, nothing that implies a "time" or beginning, or a predecessor. We are brothers and sisters of light, and precious. You don't know who you are. Its not about lowly abasement, but seeing the beauty and perfection and light in all, and recognizing this in yourself.

Its about waking up, to who you are, you are the LIGHT, and the LOVE. And we have to shine it and pull bust this system free from the darkside, and Love them too, if they are real. Whatever is not a program running in the system, is Light, Consciousness. Many of the darksiders are light,and light tortured living a dark life. But the followers of darkness are following a program, and it lacks awareness and consciousness. All consciousness is light, that is light....LIFE! There are many darksiders,who do not understand this.

Humans must progress.

Here we are, a sliver of ourselves, of OURSELVES, some of us connect to Source and realize they are their Higher Selves. Talk about abasement, rise yourself up with dignity, beauty, and love, charity, and afford to each and all complete happiness, for they are so very precious to us. When you have energy recognition, your light, your heart leaps with joy, you do cartwheels when you recognize the light in another, with their light less veiled when they are more aware. This is just a pale reflection of the other side. We reside in beauty, in love, interconnected with our "hearts", "minds" and "souls" on fire for each other, also, every innermost thought understood, known, shared, felt. That is heaven.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Unity_99]

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:20 AM
Hi Mclinking,

reply to post by mclinking

Hello ET Man,
The 'business' referred to here is the spiritual path, not the world.

Is Spirituality a business or is business perhaps a human understanding/word defined/labeled to define something based on survival/trade. For me Spirituality is never a business in the same way/definition humans interpret/define/understand/believe that word to be.

Your obliques make me dizzy. One word will suffice for me.

I’m aware of how my perspective/explanations/descriptions/views come across and would sound for just anyone, it’s never intended for just anyone.

By the way, if you want to know what it's like on the Other side, ask someone who's already there.

(I have) and once fully remembered-so will everyone in due "TIME" where there is no "TIME."

The Big Three on this subject are Conan Doyle, Oliver Lodge and in particular FWH Myers, the man who has most definitively proved survival of death. First stop is... 'Illusion Land'. It would be better to arrive with no preconceived ideas or beliefs.

Some understandings that are “Eternal’ have always been and will always be. For one to suggest that one must not have preconceived ideas/beliefs/notions upon passing the veil of "Death" never made it beyond the veil of this existence/experiencing “Death” which is “Life” and is a remembrance with full recollection of who/what a person truly is/was and will always be. There is no need to learn about "HOME" once one arrives at such a place, they already know/understand/remember perfectly.

I've also heard that atheists fare far better out yonder, Thomas Paine, for example. Let's a lot more to giving up attachment than meets the eye.

From my own curiosity after having my own personal experiences which included an nde experience I have visited a few sites to see what others had to say about their own experiences. I won’t get into personal experiences here or share too much but part of that was posted in the other thread among others.

Best Wishes!

p.s. Let's get back on topic now so Unity_99, can continue sharing what she was intended/meant to share.

If you have any further questions/comments feel free to visit the other thread and ask-

[edit on 4-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

How much more better can things change,
we are already advancing in future of industry, spirituallity, technology and advancement of civiliation every day and will continue to do so.

We have greatly evolved our perceptions on spirituallity, caring for the planet, giving all an education, safety of societal values and laws, defence of countries as a whole and everything else that can be thought of that might add to the wellbeing of humans/plants or animals on this planet.

how can this great spritual/enlightenment uplifting supposedly about to happen achieve anything more, the world has already suffered in the past from spiritual control and it wasn't any better than it is now.

If there is some kind of et technology out there that someone on this planet is in know of, what would be the point of holding back. If this world now is such a money grabbing and controlling society why wouldn't those in power then use such for their personal gain.

this is the reality, the here and now. not some nightmare/dream world that a few see it as being.

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