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European Members- what's your vote for June 10th?

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posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Ok, who's voting for who or not voting at all?

It's a bit of a mundane election in the U.K apart from the UKIP party's great idea of getting elected and then, well... presumably sit around doing nothing complaining about being there.

They've got the Conservatives a bit worried though, that's always fun to see.

I'm usually a keen follower of politics but I could hardly be bothered finding out who wants what futher than the basic soundbites they all put out. The only thing I like about European elections is that you can vote for a party that can be against your domestic principles but you agree with them on Europe. I even voted for the Conservatives once on Europe *shudders*.

I'm for Europe, but don't like the quangos and red tape, but this time I think I'll just stick with my domestic principles and vote SSP.

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Are you actually concidering that? It so useless!
All they do in Brussels is wasting money, by the billions.
I won't vote, even if they pay me for it.

France and Germany can and will do whatever they want, they are the EU. Other nations don't have anything to say, and blindly follow them.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:07 PM

by Zion Mainframe
France and Germany can and will do whatever they want, they are the EU.

I agree that that's pretty much the case at the moment. It's mostly Britain�s fault that it's that way, or more specifically the fault of the fervent anti European U.K parties of the past and present. If the U.K had got in positively at the start, we would be in control with them or perhaps more so than them, Instead of sitting about moaning about the rules because we weren't there to make them.

If other nations have nothing to say, whose fault is that?
Not voting won�t change a thing; it only helps maintain the status quo IMO.

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
Are you actually concidering that? It so useless!
All they do in Brussels is wasting money, by the billions.
I won't vote, even if they pay me for it.

France and Germany can and will do whatever they want, they are the EU. Other nations don't have anything to say, and blindly follow them.

Please people, whoever think like this.. Politicians say the lack of voters is because of desinterest. NOT as a protest..

So please vote blanco, like I do.. That way you'll show that you're interested in a European Union, but DON'T agree with how everything is evolving.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Oh, kegs, no! Tommy Sheridan is nothing but a thug! Did you get the feeble flyer through the post in the last few days, the one with the hilarious Eurovision parody on the back?

I see that more Tories are defecting to the UKIP - showing their true (disturbing) political colours. The SNP seem to be staffed entirely by jumped-up Neds who'll sell off the silver in the name of some childish ideal of a William Wallace Scottish independance. The BNP should obviously be stoned in the street by all right-thinking people, and as for Labour - their track record doesn't exactly inspire confidence... I quite like the stance of the Green party on Europe, and I've got junkmail from two groups of single-issue weirdos: the first lot oppose the European Constitution because it's secular and doesn't recognise God, and the other lot oppose wind farms because... um... well... because they're not entirely nice-looking.
Ignorance and arrogance in such a convenient package.

Join the party, kegs! Vote Scottish Liberal Democrat, and encourage some real politics in Holyrood.

And puppetmaster, I agree with you absolutely. It's our moral duty to vote - and besides, if you don't vote, then you've got no right to complain.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 04:17 PM
I would vote, but i haven't got the slightest clue what I'll be voting for...

I'm just another uneducated Welsh man..

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Here you are, Mozy: these sites should give you everything you need to know to make a rational, informed choice.

Unless you choose the BNP, of course.

Liberal Democrats
Welsh Nationalists
UK Independance Party (
Um, More Welsh Nationalists (patriotic lot, aren't you?)
The Greens

And check out the coverage and the other parties right here.

Now get out there and vote!

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
Are you actually concidering that? It so useless!
All they do in Brussels is wasting money, by the billions.
I won't vote, even if they pay me for it.

France and Germany can and will do whatever they want, they are the EU. Other nations don't have anything to say, and blindly follow them.

That's quite true but wouldn't it be unfair to have a small country like luxembourg blocking new laws just because every country has an equal number of votes to give?
It's still the most fair method that every country receives a number of votes that reflects it's population.

And most of the money that's waisted is german and french money - you can bet that we aren't happy with that as well

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 05:26 PM
lol Strangelands, you sound like a canvasser yourself!

I don't mind the Liberal Democrats, but I prefer my politics with a little more 'oomph' shall we say.
The Lib Dems are too concerned with not alienating anybody to say what they really mean and the SNP are just bitching amongst themselves as usual. I'm not too happy with the Lib Dem/Labour coalition either.
Don't mind the Green party either but they�re a bit of a one issue party, and again, they lack balls. The SSP were formed only 6 years ago and they already have six MSPs in parliament. I don't agree with everything they say and I particularly dislike that Rosie Kane; She�s more of a hindrance than a help to them IMO.
You have to admit though, they have balls and they say what they mean.

I didn't get the flyer by the way. I usually chuck them in the bin anyway whoever there from, but like the T.V ads they�re always just poorly thought out propaganda and we should be able to make our minds up without that.

EDIT: have to keep bloody editing, something up with firefox.

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 05:34 PM
Well there is this thing called privacy and people are entitled to it when they vote
UKIP are the same as the BNP, but keep their racial feelings hidden. Don't even get me started on Kilroy
. I will vote for the party that will deal with Asylum, i don't care if there are marxist,facists,nazi,whatever, aslong as they will sort out the asylum problem, i shall vote for them

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 07:15 PM

by infinite
Well there is this thing called privacy and people are entitled to it when they vote

Yeah, but my name on the voters registry isn't Kegs, and I doubt yours is Infinite.

Aren't you contradicting yourself a little when you give stick to the BNP and UKIP and then say you'd vote for anyone who'd sort out asylum be they marxist, facists, nazis whatever? Does that mean you'd vote for the BNP or not?

Puppetmaster, who is Blanco and what do they stand for?

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 04:23 AM
Okay if I had to vote, I'd vote for:

The dutch socialist party "A vote for the SP is a vote against..."

But I highly doubt I will vote next week...

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 04:37 AM
I vote socialists mainly because their solutions to problems are the most realistic ones, they actually deal with problems of 2/3 of european population and are the most "human" party of all. In this over-populated, under-paid, modern world they are the best choice.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 05:32 AM
You know that Middle-east is in Europe (
) so we have an "europalestine" list...

But I won't vote for them, I don't think bringing the palestine-israel conflict in Europe is a good way to find peace in Middle-East.

We have also, in France, a Royalist Party, "alliance royale".
Also, and it's a big party in France, we have CNPT (Party of Hunters, Fishers and traditions), it's a really stinky party, with no program, no idea, close to National Front.

In France, we have a "plethore" (a plenty) of a small parties, this going from Extreme-Left, Trotskists, to Extreme-Right party whose only program is against the entry of Turky in european communauty. We have even a party connected to an american presidential candidate (Lyndon LAROUCHE) whose slogan is "Eurasia is the future of Europe".

But I never vote for these small parties, because when you don't know, some of these parties can be connected with sects.

I won't vote for big parties also because I have been decepted by all of them (Socialist Party, UMP (the Jacques Chirac party) ...).

Anyway, I'll certainly vote blank or Green.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 05:43 AM
For me it's a toss up between two parties. One of the traditionals and one of the more 'exotic!'

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:34 AM
That's awfully cryptic, benjj! Would you care to elaborate, or can we all take turns guessing?

Ummmmm... is it a choice between the Natural Law party and Plaid Cymru?

Infinite, I agree with you about the UKIP and Kilroy - but do you really think that the asylum issue is the most important thing facing our country? In my experience, asylum is a non-topic almost entirely invented by the lower-class tabloid newspapers and NIMBYs (for all non-Brits: NIMBYs are a social grouping defined by their liberal attitude towards everything which doesn't affect them personally - "I don't care what happens, but Not In My Back Yard"). What about the health service? Europe? Broader issues of political ideology?

And most importantly of all, when are we going to make Labour pay for crippling the education system in this country?

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Lib Dem.

I'll never vote Labour while Blair is leader and I couldn't ever bring myself to vote Tory.

UKIP,BNP,Green,and Respect aren't serious votes they are just splitters.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:49 AM
I like cryptic!

I'll be voting either Tory or UKIP. 99% Tory though, but this whole euro-debacle needs tending to desperately.

I'm not actually anti-europe, but I am so f**ked off with how long this whole thing has gone on for I would just like to see an end to it.

There you go!


posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 02:49 PM
lol, After reading all these posts I sure am glad my great-grandad got the hell out of Bavaria and came to the Land of Milk and Honey : )

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 02:59 PM
Isn't it funny that no-one will admit to voting for Labour? It's like the Tories in the '92 General Election.

Since this election is using the half-assed proportional representation system, surely no vote is a splitter, John Bull? We don't need to vote tactically, we can actually vote for who will do the best job!

Let's hope we see the LibDems make some serious gains!

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