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The Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by undo

i'm not making the circle of logic. you are by stipulating they are trying to fulfill bible prophecy and that we should try to stop them from doing so, and in the effort, end up fulfilling it ourselves. that's like bonkers

Please reread the thread. Stopping the New World Order is not fulfilling Bible Prophecy, Bible Prophecy is a 1,000 years of utopian paradise based on a mythical diety returning to earth after the wholesale slaughter of most of it's inhabitants.

Now please explain to me where I have said I want to establsh a 1,000 year reign of a diety and want most of the human population of the planet to die, or what you IMAGINE I am advocating that says that.

You are simply trolling the thread at this point to convince yourself of your own religious veiws by desperately insisting others are expounding the same things in different ways.

Clearly I am not, and that is all I have to say on the subject.

Thanks for trolling, oops I mean posting.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:42 PM
OP, how do you know that Julius Caesar didn't die and awoke seven days later? Also, all the other events in history in the post, where did you get all this information?

I'm really not trying to discredit you or anything, but I just think ATS would be a lot more productive if people posting would give sources, or if its not an online source just explain how you know if you can. It makes it a lot easier to discern between valid arguments and posts meant to stir up emotions

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

the wholesale slaughter of its inhabitants includes the death of most of the people who wouldn't follow the great whore. see YOU claimed they were using biblical prophecy as a play guide. in essence, the antichrist is supposed to use the holy roman empire, to kill all religious people who aren't catholic. this means lots and lots of christians will be killed too, by the great whore (that's the cup of blood in her hand). this has already happened in the past, such as during the inquistions, lots of christians who weren't catholics were killed as were people of other non-catholic religions, and during hitler's rise and stalin's rise and mao's rise and so on. and still happens in foreign countries.

the final hoorah will be to use the hege, to get the antichristian arm of the 8th empire, to do away with the religious arm of the empire, as they have played their role and are no longer useful in the grand scheme of things. but to do that, there has to be an awful lot of atheists and alot of people just plain mad about religious power.

so yeah, it does appear you would be doing exactly what they have outlined as their final act to bringing the entire planet under one homogenous umbrella.

THAT IS, if they are using the bible as a playbook. artifically fulfilling bible prophecy for the rise of 8th empire, does not end with christians on the planet. in fact, quite the opposite.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by undo]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:52 PM
This thread is certainly imo, the #1 ats thread of all time

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by lldd182

Well lets see there was an Internet sight in 12 B.C. that had all this information posted on. Tragically their server crashed during the first sack of Rome!

Conspiracies are conspiracies for a reason my friend. To make a conspiracy work the real ellements of truth must be painstakenly hidden.

Researching real conspiracies is not something armchair on demand culture warriors can do from the comfort of their own home through google. Though they like to imagine that they can.

Researching real conspiracies is what law enforcement in fact does.

They don't do that by looking for the criminals website! They do that by going out into the world and tracking down hard to find and hidden sources of information.

Ultimately they want to take that proof in a physical not virtual form and present it in a court of law.

At that point in time a conspiracy becomes something called history.

Ollie North didn't make a web site that said hey I will be going to Iran in violation of the law and trading them F-16 parts for hostages in Lebanon and then using the proceeds to arm the Contras in Nicarauga that Congress has forbid the Administration and the CIA from doing!

It took hundreds of congressional and independent investigators scouring the world looking for the evidence and hours and hours of exhaustive questioning of known associates to provide you with a wikipedia article that ended a conspiracy and turned it into history.

Deepthroat that brought down the Nixon White House was never revealed until he died.

Likewise I have anonymous sources for information who are connected to certain organizations and events who I know to be reliable.

People who dismiss the notions of conspiracies are simply not good students of history because we know history is full of them.

At the point a conspiracy is proven though it is no longer a conspiracy but history.

This confuses internet armchair skeptics.

I can not and will not divluge some of my sources but that doesn't stop you or anyone else who is genuinely interested in conspiracy from independently investigating them the way any true detective does.

That would not be sitting in the comfort of your own home or office chatting on the internet demanding sources of information that the most powerful and dangerous people in the world go to great lengths to hide.

That would entail getting off one's royal hind end and opening their eyes and minds and venturing out the front door to investigate the real world we live in.

Understand what conspiracies are, understand people do go to great lengths to keep them secret, and understand that the moment that someone can run a dangerous gauntlet to provide hard and fast proof it becomes history.

Why did Deep Throat want to shield his identidy until his death? Because he feared reprisals, which is saying quite a bit since he was a high ranking FBI agent. He feared reprisals of powerful men who operate outside the law.

He didn't provide the Washington Post or Woodward and Burnstein a URL or paper evidence, he simply gave them verbal clues and encouraged them to go investigate further and where to look.

The proof you are looking for requires compromising someone at the highest level of a Secret Society and then risking their life if you divulge the source.

Go get em!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Investigateconspiracies
This thread is certainly imo, the #1 ats thread of all time

Thanks my friend thats a very nice compliment.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by undo

so yeah, it does appear you would be doing exactly what they have outlined as their final act to bringing the entire planet under one homogenous umbrella.

So once again if you pretend really, really hard, it all has a biblical context it 'APPEARS'...appears being another word for ILLUSION.

So in other words no, you can't find one thing in this thread that says I Protoplasmic Traveler wish the competing religious minions of the world to fight each other to the death over Israel because I Protoplasmic Traveler believe that a diety will then appear, who will rule the earth for a 1,000 years.

In fact everything I want to do would STOP the religious minions of the earth from killing each other on Rome's behalf, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of religious prophecy.

Once again thanks for trolling!

[edit on 25/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Magnificent post as usual Proto

[edit on 083131p://bWednesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

Great OP indeed...

Did you write that OP proto or did you get the info somewhere else and forget to cite your sources..?

Standing on the back of others is fine, as long as you give credit where due...

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:15 PM
We must accept the fact that we're pawns and have no true standing in this country. Liberty is in death, accept this as the only logical way and you'll live a much happier life.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by happygolucky

Actually I did quite a bit of research from a few different sources.

The early history of the Skull and Bones is laid out along a timeline that is nearly identical in all the sources.

You will see on one occassion in this thread where I used one source word for word and cited the source for it and provided the URL which I always do.

ATS will Post Ban any one who plagerizes the work of any other author in part or entirety without doing that...

You will not find any other single source that laid out the Original Post the way I did or drew all the connecting dots the way I did to highlight my point.

I do appreciate why you are asking because the initial chronological ellements into simply the Skull and Bones 322 themselves are usually laid out in similiar and in some cases duplicate ways by various sources on the Skull and Bones.

I used a similiar Chronology to open the post but used my own wording and ordering!

That's just part of research, I don't think anyone else who previosuly researched the Skull and Bones was going to tie in all the different elements that I did to outline a premise and a theory and post it here on ATS.

I used over a half dozen sources plus some personal sources in laying out the history of the Skull and Bones as a basis of the research.

Believe me when I say that the ATS Staff would have been all over me had I plagerized anyone, and they did read the OP I got a couple rounds of Applause on it.

Give my regards to Slayer!


[edit on 25/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:23 PM
original posted by PT on 23-3-2010 @ 11:36 PM
Submitted by Natural Solution, on Wed, 2010-03-24 10:15

looks like someone forget to give YOU credit PT

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by happygolucky

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Magnificent post as usual Proto

[edit on 083131p://bWednesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

Great OP indeed...

Did you write that OP proto or did you get the info somewhere else and forget to cite your sources..?

Standing on the back of others is fine, as long as you give credit where due...


Thats my post.

I posted mine at 12:36AM on the 24th, they posted it at 10:45 AM on the 24th!

The Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

Submitted by Natural Solutio... on Wed, 2010-03-24 10:15
inConspiraciesHealth PoliticsPolitics

America’s first intelligence operation known as the Culper Ring was established by George Washington during the Revolutionary War and its most famous member Nathan Hale was one of four graduates of Yale University in the Culper Ring beginning a long standing relationship between Yale and the Intelligence Community that continues on to this day.


posted on 24/3/10 @ 12:36 AM single this post "quote"REPLY TO:


for original
more infoThe Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

America’s first intelligence operation known as the Culper Ring was established by George Washington during the Revolutionary War and its most famous member Nathan Hale was one of four graduates of Yale University in the Culper Ring beginning a long standing relationship between Yale and the Intelligence Community that continues on to this day.

A statue of Nathan Hale stands outside of the CIA Headquarters at Langley Virginia.

Samuel Russell founded Russell and Company in 1823 principally to smuggle Turkish Opium into China to feed that nations growing addiction. In 1830 Russell and Company merged with the Perkins syndicate in Boston and began to smuggle opium into America as well.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I just sent you a U2U saying that you were plagerized! I believe this was a well concocted scheme to discredit and take the recognition for it. Is this the case my friend, or did you use an online source?

Edit to add, you may have struck quite a few nerves here and someone is trying to discredit and cover their own butts. This has to be looked into.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:35 PM
Maybe this was an accident, and he forgot to post the link to ATS, but I believe foul trickery may be at work here.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by EMPIRE]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:36 PM
No noticing where anyone was as shocked as I was hearing about a possible connection between George H Bush and George W and the Kennedy's.

Odd that George W was incommunicado the entire day JFK Jrs plane went down.
This whole thread is about the Illuminati and symbolism we all should probably begin to pay attention to.

Only trouble is this OP is trying to pin this claim to fame on Obama.
I have to laugh. I am not saying he is Jesus or anything but let me tell you I deal with people and personalities at their worst and at their best all day long. Obama is not evil he is idealistic and meant to be the change we were looking for. Like a ship that was headed for the falls...he cannot save us from the falls himself but he can catch us up on the rocks, stop us from going over just yet, which he has at least done.
We are not midstrweam and heading over the abyss any longer.
Thank God.

Iluminati and NWO power brokers are much wealthier than poor little Barack Obama. They do control your life already in ways you are not even aware of. through commercials and subliminal messages and HAARP like devices. The world is ruled by companies like Monsanto and Haliburton and Wackenhut.
It is ruled not by peaceniks for kindness and happiness among all but by giant successful (thanks in part to our capitalistic worship which is only protecting them from regulation and setting ourselves up as sheep to be sheered)) conglomerates mentioned in other threads.
They are big polluters, weapons manufacturers and war mongers.

Again...Illuminati are not peace niks by any stretch of the imagination. They oppose nature at every opportunity. They love weaponry and are indeed the point of the spear. What did we expect them to be.

Puppy lovers?

Not on your life.

Close your eyes and listen to the rhetoric.
They are easy to spot.

They are here.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I just sent you a U2U saying that you were plagerized! I believe this was a well concocted scheme to discredit and take the recognition for it. Is this the case my friend, or did you use an online source?

Edit to add, you may have struck quite a few nerves here and someone is trying to discredit and cover their own butts. This has to be looked into.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by jackflap]

No Jack Flap I worte that entire opening piece in my own words.

I got post banned once a year ago for using a piece of an article from Cornell University and forgot to post the URL when I posted it.

The other site stole every word I wrote including the title.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

First off - the time stamps do indeed indicate Proto threw his up first...

But the site I sourced wasn't the only one to do that...look here.


Google Finance stole from you too..?

Wow - I stand corrected...


Go to this link - they actually cite Proto's work...


[edit on 3/25/2010 by happygolucky]

[edit on 3/25/2010 by happygolucky]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

pt, do you want me to quote you?
should i have to quote you? be on the up and up now. if you don't have a logical answer to the questions i'm posing, simply say so, but accusing me of trolling is beneath you.

my first question to you was posed in the same manner.
if they are using bible prophecy to make people believe that bible prophecy is being fulfilled, do you realize what that means for those same people who believe bible prophecy is being fulfilled? it means they believe they're going to die miserable deaths at the hands of the last world empire's emperor via the enactment of a one world religion under the papacy. so the new world order, would in effect, be doing you a favor (since you seem to think christians in general are the problem, and not the big power brokers).

then you told me that christians won't rise up against the new world order because they believe they will be in a 1000 year reign of peace, so why fight. that's the problem with your idea. you need to flesh it the rest of the way out. if the plan is to use bible prophecy, the next thing they'll do is to wipe out the great whore. IF THEY DON'T, no bible believers (what few haven't been killed by the great whore) who actually read and understand the prophecies will believe it's the fulfillment of bible prophecy. So the point of using bible prophecy to convince them that its the fulfillment of bible prophecy will be moot.

do you not see what i'm saying now ? i'm not attacking the basic premise of your op, but the premise of your op that states that biblical prophecy is simply hogwash being used to keep the catholic church in power. bible prophecy states that the catholic church will be wiped out after it does its duty of killing everyone else that won't follow the new world order.

if you're going to use it to support your premise, don't leave out the parts that tell you what happens next, cause those next parts, are the parts that you plan on being involved in.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Yes or no, do they control Obama?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by happygolucky

That link you provided does not work. The screen grab you have there cannot be accessed either. Do you have a link that works?

I posted this before I saw your edit. So they did in fact cite ATS as the source I see now.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by jackflap]

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