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West Virginia eats Jamie Oliver for breakfast

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:16 PM

West Virginia eats Jamie Oliver for breakfast

He swaggered into town with a can-do attitude, a cheeky-chappie smile, and a burning desire to help the world's fattest schoolchildren. But less than an hour later, the impertinent English superchef was being reduced to tears as hostile locals told him to lay off their beloved nuggets, pizza, and chocolate milkshakes.

Jamie Oliver crossed the Atlantic on Sunday, hoping to administer the sort of wake-up call that five years ago saw him invited to Downing Street to explain what the nation's school canteens should do with their Turkey Twizzlers. But like many a British star before him, he fo
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:16 PM
I am not completly sure this belongs in breaking news, however it was reported today so i suppose it is.

I found this quite funny(Jamie crying) and quite angering to be honest. Jamie Oliver annoy's me and i know a lot of other people in Britain with his disrespectful attitude towards people, especcially toward the lower classes.

He's constantly trying to involve himself in people's live in the U.K by telling them what to eat.

Yes no doubt many people in Huntingtion, West Virgina are overweight(Kind of ironic as it is the centre for the CDC) however what has that got to do with an English chef? I know it was just for T.V but still i find it quite offensive.

He even reduced one mother to tears. This though may have been a good thing as she realised her children were in danger from unhealthy eating.

I saw his show where he went across the U.S. He met some gang members over there and his behaviour was truly embarrasing, trying to fit in with them by attempting to use their language.

He may just be misgudied and have his heart in the right place. But for me he seems to think of himself as some kind of saviour to the people,YOU ARE JUST A CHEF!I apologise America for this guy's arrogance. We are not all like that.

(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:21 PM
As much as i think he's a middle class tosser - fair play to him in trying to convince the fatties to lay off the yards of cake and buckets of grease for five minutes.

But i'm pretty sure he'll have the last laugh as the morbedly obese have multiple heart attacks and fall dead into huge plates of deep fried ice cream.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:21 PM
The guy isn't afraid to be pushy but I like that. It's what it's going to take to get something to change here. We don't need to be polite about the way we kill ourselves.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

I am openly critical of alot of what America stands for in particular with regards to its foreign policy.

However my main point on this is that Oliver is an Englishman going into another country crictising and telling them how to live, exactly what i am against and what alot of American foreign policy stands for.

He may be right in what he preaces to a certain extent, but its not his place to say these things, its down to Americans.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Whilst I don't actually like him as a personality, I actually feel a bit sorry for Oliver. Hasn't he got special needs or something? Had 'special education' at a mainstreamed school?

I think this has come off the back of the series he did recently in America about learning different American cooking styles and travelling across various states. |Generally, he was fairly well received there despite coming across as a well-meaning if 'exotic' British oddity.

I'm reminded of a Duracell bunny: very enthused, energetic and passionate about what he does and is basically switched-on by other people and pushed in a particular direction. I can imagine his agent wanting to repeat his recent involvement over there as well as capitalising on Gordon #ing Ramsey's success over there too.

I don't think he's actually arrogant, just a bit of a bell-end whose cheeky chappy persona goes a long way in hiding the fact that he's a bit 'special' and doesn't relate to people as well as they often take to him.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:31 PM
If were so sure we're all fine and don't need him, then why does he bother us?

Maybe it's because he's right...

You say maybe it was a good thing he reduced that one woman to tears because she realised she was feeding he rchildren so unhealthily, well thousands of other parents are doing the same. So would it not also be good if a tv show helped them realise they are doing it too?

This is the guy doing something great he is actually getting out there trying to help people. We may not always agree with his methods but he IS helping some people.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:40 PM
I dont like that guy =[ Cause of him my old high school took away our ice cream van, Then our snack machines! And replaced them with crapp crap and fruit in everything! I hate fruit!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by superdebz
I dont like that guy =[ Cause of him my old high school took away our ice cream van, Then our snack machines! And replaced them with crapp crap and fruit in everything! I hate fruit!

Yeah, what an utter bastard! Who does he think he is giving a # about your health? Where does he get off on trying to add another ten years on your life and increase the quality of the rest of it? Fat-tongued evil bastard!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thats a pretty moronic statement considering that the UK is only behind the United States in obesity by 5%.

How would you like one of us going over there and showing you how to use a toothbrush ???

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

That's my whole point Intastella. His intentions may be good but it is not his place to do this. We live in free society's, no-one can make you eat anything.

And yes many many Brits are also overweight, no matter what Oliver has tried to do in changing school lunches.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

I actually like Jamie, he seems like a nice, sincere guy... and it's true, most americans ( as well as other country's) don't know Jack about nutrition.

I swear, in the future the food pyramid will probably have a cheeseburger on top of it.

I just hate that old " dumb fat" american stereotype.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir

Originally posted by superdebz
I dont like that guy =[ Cause of him my old high school took away our ice cream van, Then our snack machines! And replaced them with crapp crap and fruit in everything! I hate fruit!

Yeah, what an utter bastard! Who does he think he is giving a # about your health? Where does he get off on trying to add another ten years on your life and increase the quality of the rest of it? Fat-tongued evil bastard!

My point exackly!
All i wanted was my god damn red volcano ice cream!
what a bastard

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:23 PM
They wouldnt have attacked him that way if he hadnt inadvertently stood between them and the Tater Tots.

You dont do that in America. Ever.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Jamie has good intentions and all that, but he is also missing a very important point in his whole approach to people.

He is talking to them (in UK or US) like they are doing something like smoking. He is using shock-therapy on people, without being a therapist. Which is stupid...and irresponsible.

I worked in a clinic for some years, and the important bit that you have to put into peoples minds isn't "if you eat that, you will die in pain, and all your family will be tortured in hell"..

In severe cases of obesity you have to teach people how to eat with pleasure, but healthier. Nobody likes a cheeseburger because it's a cheeseburger. They like the taste of it, and if you teach people to search for healthy but satisfying food, they will overcome their problems.

Imagine that you find new (im missing the word in english lol) that you like very much,and you eat, and you follow that kind of food, and you end up noticing that you're actually loosing some weight... People will start to follow a path of self-control.

there are some myths that people keep using that are very harmful. for example, if you say that you eat pizza every day. most will assume that is bad. but it isn't...not if you do it the right way.

pizza is actually one of those "wonder" foods. It has bread, cheese, vegetables, some meat. It has most of the things you need, health things. but you can't eat the ones in Pizza-hut, full of bad fat, poor vegetables and all other chemicals and ingredients that addict you to the "plastic" flavor and do bad to you.

but if you do your own pizzas, at home, with fresh vegetables, good ingredients, and good sense, it's actually very good for you.

I think it's very cruel to be that frontal to people with weight problems. People already know what they are when they look into a mirror, when they go to the doctor or when someone makes fun of them.

that will only bring people down, and although many people don't know this, most of those who are mocked about their weight, end up eating MORE to compensate for their depression.

Jamie started in a good way but now he seems to be thinking too high of himself, i think.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Wow, WithoutYourKnowledge, that was a great post.

I was going to defend the guy a little. He's right; American kids eat terrible meals at school and sometimes at home too.

I've been in high schools at lunch time and seen what they eat. I almost said "when I went to school" (like anybody wants to hear that) but suffice it to say there was a time not too awfully long ago when dieticians planned school lunches and there was something on your plate from each one of what was then considered the basic food groups.

The meals were often not very popular, and sometimes kids would throw their lunches away, but for the most part we ate what was served. We were hungry.

Johnny may prefer french fries and pizza, but you can't please kids all the time and I'm not sure you should always try. It's a parent's job to see that their kids eat healthy meals (within reason -- I'm not talking about brown rice and bean sprouts all the time, of course) and grow up properly nourished.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Sestias

Thank you so much.

You're right, there is no need to please kids. They are not going to hate you or something like that just because the food on the plate isn't of their taste.

I read a paper some years ago about young kids eating habits, and it was surprising.

The kids that had candies and chocolates available at home (if they could eat them if they wanted to) without restriction, except the obvious ones, would search for healthy food on their own.

There is a lot of psychological about eating habits. A kid that can have chocolate if he wants to will search for other kinds of food, and eat vegetables and so on. But a kid that is denied those, will eat them when he gets the chance, and worst, eats a lot more because he thinks he may not eat them again so soon, because of his parents will.

Our appetite isn't only based on taste. For example, if you eat sweet stuff all day, at night you will be desiring something with salt, like ham of something like that. Because your body is telling your brain "you have enough sugar. its time to replace the salt levels", and the same goes for other nutrients and minerals.

But that self-control, that we dont even realize, only works if you have food available to you. like we say in my country, the forbidden fruit is the one the everyone wants to eat.

Imagine that in a kids mind regarding sweets.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 06:33 PM
Here's a follow up.

At the end of one episode, we hear Rhonda McCoy, director of food services for the local county, tell Jamie that he's over budget and did not meet the fat content and calorie guidelines, but she's going to let him continue with the "revolution" as long as he addresses these issues. What is not revealed is that the "meal cost at Central City Elementary during television production more than doubled with ABC Productions paying the excess expense," according to a document obtained by AlterNet from the West Virginia Department of Education.

It is disingenuous not to acknowledge nearly half the sugar in milk is lactose. The real scandal is how Jamie's zero-tolerance policy for flavored milk caused a huge drop in milk consumption. For the two months before the Food Revolution program was introduced, milk consumption at Central City Elementary was 632 units a day. For two months after, it plunged to 472 units a day.

Goff says, "I was upset the most with the flavored milk consumption. The reason they advocate it is it increases the consumption of milk and get the vitamins and nutrients they need. ... When students stop drinking milk that's a great cause of concern. I don't believe the sugar content is a great cause of concern." Nonetheless, adds Goff, if there are concerns about children receiving too much sugar from flavored milk, the state can work with processors to lower the amount of sugar.

The scenes with another morbidly obese teenager, Brittany, are just cynical. A student at Huntington High School, she reveals in the third episode that doctors have told her she has "spots" on her liver and has perhaps seven years to live.

The show tugs your heartstrings as she breaks down repeatedly, citing Jamie as her last, best hope. Never mind his luscious cuisine is the last thing she needs. If Jamie really wanted to help, he could part with a smidgen of his $60 million fortune that he has amassed while building an Oprah-like media empire and pay for intensive counseling, behavioral modification, gastric bypass surgery and follow-up care, which is probably the only way to save Brittany's life.

Well done Jamie. You really did a good job mate.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:56 AM
This show is just airing over in the UK at the moment and I think what Jamie Oliver is doing is commendable. The school should surely be helping teach the children how to have a healthy diet so they understand at a young age how to fuel there body correctly. Eating all that processed food is not only bad for your health but it helps line the pockets of these capatilist food giants who do not give a damn about our health and well being.

I think what the show is making me realise is how subserviant some people have become when it comes to eating food. Many of these processed foods have ingredients of which we have absolutly no idea how they might impact on our health yet they have become primary in our intake. I think the amount of soda the kids were consuming was also crazy, we would not/should not let a child sit and eat ten spoonfulls of sugar from a bowl, so why let them them drink it?

How I see it, is that Jamie is trying to get people to take power back into there own hands. Without food and water we would die and with the wrong foods and fluids we can drastically shorten our life. So for me, common sense dictates that it is of fundamental importance to eat the right kind of foods to find a healthy balance to live a long and healthy life.

Jamie also spoke at TED, here is what he said >

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

take a look at deliverance chum
most of America suffer with bad teeth
the only difference here is yanks have bad attitudes / friendly fire ?/and a world conquest phobia.

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