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"Hotline" point in Gelballe, Denmark?

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posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Heard a story about a C&C bunker in Gelballe, Denmark. The Bunker was supposed to be the only checkpoint/holding point for the Hotline between US and USSR in the Cold War. A couple a days ago i was having a pint togehter with a friend, which serves in the National Guard. He told about an underground Communication facility, which he guarded during an excersise. he told, In real war the bunker would be captured by US commandoes. I have seen the bunker( only the part above), nothing really special, except 2-3 national guards and a parking lot a couple of cars. Does anyone have any knowledge about this base/ Hot line holdingpoints? dont think the base is "very relevant" today, but i would be nice to know, if it was an imoprtant base during the cold war

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 12:30 PM
finally a breakthrough!! the C&C bunker was declassified 5 years ago...and i phoned the local national gurad to ask them about the bunker(told him i was writing a project about communications during the cold war). he was very positive and offered me a tour inside the bunker!! i will post my experience and a lot of pictures(if its possible)


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