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An honest lifting of the veil of self

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:02 AM
I am going to be perfectly honest in this thread. It will be quite emotional, so I will not return for some time, but I will return to post; of that I can assure you. I will honestly disclose the nature of my self, and I will discuss much background on why I think this is the quintessential nature of humanity, and why it is stifled. You can feel free to disagree, but I must be forthcoming, as enough is enough.

I believe the spirit of all to be androgynous (I am a man, BTW). I think that we, especially men, are quite willfully split from almost the second we are born, even though the willful nature of all of this is something that can happen quite automatically, as most, if not all, live in dire fear of not fitting in to the cogs of the societal machinery. Picture a chessboard. Black and white squares. Known and unknown in regards to, say spirit. I believe that just about all men are born with split fathers, as they are pawns of an industrial ant world, and these men desire to be re-membered in their sons. They desire to be the Y of their existence. As such, they will put their sons through hell in order that they are split as well, owing to the desire for the immortality of being re-presented in their sons, and also due to a pretty nasty genetic imperative that their sons not transcend their own lack of spiritual natures.

On the flip side, I believe women to be much at fault in all of this as well. Due to the lack of EXTERNAL power of women, they are disingenuous with their sons. They see the world in holistic color, yet when it comes to their sons, they spit it own in black and white, reducing them to mere pawns on a chess board. This way, woman has spiritual influence over her sons, getting them to be her alpha males in society that will enact her omegalomaniacal will across the board of society. Anytime a certain type of son is untidily whole in his nature, both the father and the mother split him back into two. I am not blaming, as women have been abused by a certain type of man, and it is pretty much a survival instinct for her to split her sons so that they pose no threat to women, especially if a woman perceives this world to erroneously be a "man's world."

We are not gay. We are far from it. We are perfectly centered on a higher level. In fact we love women far more than our more reptilian brethren. A whole woman, in both spirit and body, turns me on more than anything in this world. It is why we see a whole picture. We see a world of beauty. And we posses the wisdom to root out the corruption and let this world of beauty flourish. We do not summarily reject the "other." I think it the irony of ironies that those who loathe characteristics of the opposite sex are heterosexuals. They are more like narcissistic homosexuals trying to impress the world by fulfilling their prescribed roles.

There is another reason why this being is feared. In order to be whole in a split world, one must love the other. One has no desire to conquer, to cheat, to lie, to kill, to destroy. This individual, rather this undivided whole being, when truly allowed free expression without fear, finds deception an anathema. A genuine (not artificial as in some gross imitation of a hybrid) is a healing force on this planet. Yet (although this is changing, thank God) both men and women tear this person down, trying to rip him to shreds, as if he is allowed to exist, both men and women would have to cut out their serpent's tongues. Their self-serving lies would be clearly seen for the illusion they are.

The androgynous male posseses the soul of a loving king who quite well understands the world, yet he is attacked from all fronts. And you ladies wonder why quite a few of the men in power are either tools or reptilians bent on ruthless control or aggressive mindless ape things. I am one of those men, whom, when asking Y, realized that X was asking Y, and X marks the spot. Do you not realize that we are the men you are looking for? And every other dupe is someone you settle for because of your fear. You fear men, so you only choose the pawns (again, this is changing, thank God). You do realize the corruption in this world stems from a ruptured core, right?

I have an extremely high IQ. I am creative and fun and a sheer joy to be around, yet you ladies instinctively want to turn other men into me, so you choose the lumps of clay that you can mold. I dropped out of college, because I could not be myself; if one cannot be oneself, one cannot focus to learn in that hostile environment. I was born transcending petty reptilian duality, yet my parents and the world did their damndest to throw me back down the rabbit hole. I read one lady on this forum say that she wanted an unreasonable man. I can communicate and easily find compromise, but I am un-re-SON-able, as I have found a higher core. Most are integrated in an alchemical marriage of a dragon and angel, yet I surpassed that at birth, only to be thrown back down. Are you scared of us, thinking we are Lu-Cipher or something, knowing that we can summarily and easily see through deception and self-serving and mindlessly imitative behavior? Tough luck. We are coming out. Your nasty words will not stop us anymore. Are you ladies so narcissistic that you think you are the totality of beauty in this world? Are you men so narcissistic that you think you are the only source of raw power. I am not straight. I am not a circle. I am both emotional and logical. I am a spiral. This world of illusion and fearful imitation is dying. I am the future. Get over it. We are moving into a tri-age. Then, those of you who judged the other will have you r own judgments thrown back into your face (and ladies, do not think you are an exception, although, like I said before, there are a few ladies coming around). I am far from a pushover. In fact, that might be why you fear me. I am wise and compassionate and intuitive and logical and creative and whimsical, etc. Yet many of you do not let me exist because I immediately melt your faces, putting an end to your superficial bull. I will not let those of you who fear me to hold me back any longer. I will not let your selfish will to power stifle my brethren and sisters anymore (although it has been acceptable for women to be whole for quite some time). I will not judge you, but I will certainly not let you judge me out of existence. People like me are the key to transcending this circular repetition of hell that rewards the wicked and corrupt. Many of you just do not know on what side your bread is buttered. Peace. And I do not mean to accusatory at all, as I believe many of you privately admit what I am saying yet are too paralyzed to do anything about it. It is frightening sometimes.

Edit: I must reiterate that I am not talking about pushovers at all. Do you ladies not realize intuitively that it is most men who ex-cite you, who reflect you, rather than the other way around? Men unlike me are pawns. When you were playing (uncomfortably, I might add) the role of little submissive, then men reflected you by being dominant ape/reptile. Now that you are afforded a freer expression, many men are either the most pathetic type of artificial strong man, or they are merely the little submissives that you were in the fifties. The king to your queen is here. Let him be. I know some of you already do, but there is a mountain to climb in society to make sure the world doesn't selfishly try to destroy him, as they envy the fact that he has a soul. I am certainly not playing the victim, but it is hard for us, as wee see past all the lies. Queens, fight so that your kings can be. I know you have already started, as I know you see this. More and more women have been accepting of me as of late. Like on a chess board, queens, protect your kings. The lowly elements despise us, as they know that we are the end to their corruption.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:33 AM
Just to expand upon the chess metaphor of pawns, king, queen, and duality: The king has a cross on his hat. The point of intersection would be right at the center of a circle. This individual has not "missed the mark," which is what "sinning" translates into. In a world of duality, the paradigm of extremes can switch the polarity. We went from an authoritative society in the west to a permissive one. The pawns merely swapped roles. The whole beings cannot be flipped, as they are centered. When the pawn get across the board, transcending duality, they become queens. Only the king, who was born transcending duality, and the original queen, who was born transcending duality, remain the same in spirit (although they do evolve and unfold and flourish in terms of experience) We are something pure and true. That is why the queen tries to protect us, as the world is far more accepting of the queen than the king. Kings are quite rare (although societal patterns will produce more and more now and in the near future as part of the answer to our problems), and they ironically have little power in this fallen, corrupted world. This is why I am ecstatic that women have gained so much economic power. The queens will no longer have to worry about marrying pawns, and they can now seek out their kings. It is time for safe-t. You know it, and I know it. "Y am I here?" X asked Y. X marks the spot. This X knows he is here. I pray you can understand what I am saying. We are the only type of men that you ladies can be equal with.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:01 AM
I just thought of something that might add more clarity. Think of the Christ metaphor of dying and being born again. This type of man, of which I am far from the only one, as there are many, has consistently died to self and been born again to self in this hateful, blame the other, dualistic world. I am certainly not saying I am the savior or anything so arrogant as that. I am saying that the men who understood the door out of hell on earth, who recognized the need for a balanced feminine/masculine power structure (this structure then evolves into a spiritual powerhouse power structure) have been torn down by the more beastly men, as they instinctively knew that if this type of man were to come to the forefront, the gig was up. Women, not having economic power, were debased into being whores (certainly not a knock against women, as this was a compulsory and not a chosen role). These women chose the beastly pawns, because they needed to survive. As such, we had the dynamic of whore and beast riding the machinery of the hell societal robot. This is ending, thank God.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:34 PM
Though you said you were not playing the victim, there was a lot in those 3 posts that suggested otherwise. Making the others wrong and you right. That is dividing not connecting and coming from a place of fear. You have a part of you deep inside that is that figure of the "beastly man" and that shadow aspect is calling out to you. Accept it and don't judge others, people do the best they can with their level of awareness.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

You are right. I did not mean to blame. I should have said we are all guilty, and that it probably could have been no other way. This is a rough world as of now, and there are rough consequences for not fitting in. I just think maybe, possibly, some knew sooner than others, as it would seem to be harder to adjust if one knows that in, say, x number of years one could be free, while all others seem to be going about things hunky dory. I guess a better way of putting it is that the actions of many hurt me, but I am sure that I have hurt others as well. Maybe I just NATURALLY was in a different space, and some were NATURALLY in another. Like I said, this post was a little emotional, and it was not perfect. It just seems like a mad, mad, world when one knows themself, and this knowing oneself in a man is represented, say, by the king on a chessboard, and all those stuck in duality are unwittingly trying to kill the king. It is tormenting sometimes. But with this torment comes growth. I don't think anyone had any deliberate malice to me. I just think it is the way it is. And I know I am not the only one. I do not think I am special in that regard. It is just hard for me to contain myself, and this world has consistently reinforced the containing of myself for fear of being devoured. Or rather I accepted the reinforcement. In fact, I think it is everybody deep down. I have been planting seeds for years. It just gets emotional, as I am actually seeing it come to fruition. I am also well aware that others have planted many seeds as well, in an interconnected continuum.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

None of us are perfect. But what we can be is "soft." Its kind of a martial art term, as in wen someone pushes, you move back to absorb the blow.

~ Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong ~

Becoming soft is not to react to people trying to hurt you. For when it is words and not blows, the words are spoken to have power over you and gain energy. Some people go around gaining energy by bullying and having power over people. These people will eventually learn that it is not a very sustaining way to do so.

Feel compassion for these people in the hopes that one day they will expand their awareness to realize that there is an easier way to live.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

As for wanting to know when will be free of that kind of dominant beastly type, theres no sense in trying to figure it out. The reason this life can be so amazing is because of uncertainty. If everything happened the way we thought it was going to or just the way we wished, things would become pretty boring and dull. Think groundhog day with Bill Murray.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

Thank you for your kindness and gently calling me out. The words, "Lord they know not what they do," and "the meek shall inherit the earth" have a whole new meaning for me now.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

When I stop reliving the past, I will be free? Sounds about right.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:46 PM
I applaud your attempt at showing people what is truly happening all around the world.

It can be very frustrating to bear everyone's else's sickness. You can bear the entire world on your shoulders, while everyone gives you their problems. However, I have found that if you stand straight and rid yourself of embarrassment and fear, he will take care of the rest.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

certainty is the whole point of existence, its right and wrong life

it is not a matter of pawns but the issue is the matter of loving certainty in so different ways

the major right ways are two opposites sides, men represent the love for certainty as out of it being all source, women represent the love for certainty as in it being itselves one source end reality

that is why i shout, TRUTH, it is obvious that truth is the source of both ways and it become then the only way right

but the issue there become different, who is willing to love truth must love being true as the only reward, lol who is there to noone

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:44 PM
maya is the veil that prevents us from seeing our true self.

The Self is pure, everlasting, infinite, beyond, illuminated, peaceful, perfect, sublime, whole, joyous, fruitful, beautiful, glorious, tubular.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by orwellianunenlightenment
reply to post by bringthelight

When I stop reliving the past, I will be free? Sounds about right.

You got it. The present moment is all we ever have or experience. The rest is just made up by the mind. Maya.

You seem to have a very open mind and it is commendable. It will serve you well on your journey. Embrace the uncertainty and look within for all the answers. You will be one of the great ones.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:23 PM
I see a lot of sexuality, gender issues in your writting. May I suggest this is an area that you must clear. I feel that it is holding you back.


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

lol, sexuality is the inferiority to truth existence grasping its rights to receive from superior existence something to stay on

because the real aspiration to superiority from inferiority is that love to it realized by prooving being happy because superiority itself is

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by imans
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

lol, sexuality is the inferiority to truth existence grasping its rights to receive from superior existence something to stay on

because the real aspiration to superiority from inferiority is that love to it realized by prooving being happy because superiority itself is

Thank you for your post. I'm sorry, your comment makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. I'm sure it make perfect sense to you, but not to me. Cheers!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

sorry i thought you know that, give me one example of sexual sense that would be related to giving credit to something objective

you cant, any aspiration for the most impressive realisation it becomes sexual exclusively when you mean yourself rewards from, but when you mean the value of the thing or the fact you would become full of energy maybe creator but never sexual sense

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by imans
I guess I just don't think sexualilty is that big of a deal. It's a need of the body not of the spirit. It can distract us from our real mission of importance if we allow it to occupy too much of our thoughts.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

there is no greater mission then to be for your true needs so you could mean being in truth freedom life absolutely since cant be but absolutely always

you must then at least at a point clarify your position out totally of need concept realistically absolutely
and this is possible which proove the truth from you being really true, when the answer coming to you from your clear intentions to be free, that the need is from slavery will forces and powers and not of your body at all that your body awareness is always with you real and for as being his source true life when you think always for him the best stable positive reality he can enjoy for sure

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