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InfoWars Says False Flag Possible In Next 48 Hours

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
Alex Jones thinks it's a false flag attack when he wakes up in the morning and can't find matching socks.

or when he can't find his bullhorn

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:07 AM
This is only my second post so please bear with me.

The part about Hitler rising to power on the same date(of the false flag) is pretty interesting. I read this post after waking up from a pretty vivid dream:

I am chasing a woman through a city. There are distant gunshots and bombs going off. I seem to be in a group of soldiers. Our group is right behind this blonde woman, who is trying to avoid capture. I dodge through fire and debris to catch up with her. She stops suddenly, out of breath. She looks right at me. Somehow I know this woman's name is Eva Braun. I see guns waving around and wake up.

I never have dreams like this. It was like someone stuck me in a world war movie. I usually dismiss any false flag predictions, but this was really unccanny.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:12 AM
That the Monterey Naval Post-Graduate School (NPS) isn't on the same alert level as other naval installations in SW California isn't strange at all. The NPS is a University campus with no "Big-Navy" Mission. So if the NPS isn't participating in the Navy exercise I don't find that surprising at all.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

Thanks for the reply
many of mine usually are chosen to be ignored lol..
as to your question, its possible i pay attention for the sake of loved ones that are still in America..but over all i am not sure country matters so much for this as a FF op could happen anywhere really.. a major area of population though i am sure, NYC, London, Tokyo, of course get the attention our worldy governments of terrorists so badly want..

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:07 AM
I seem to recall Alex saying last year or so that I would be in a FEMA camp by now. That guy is out for money, nothing else.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by ventian

You know, these petty money insults are getting old. Really old. It stopped being funny the 100th time I read it.

You can call Alex Jones a fear monger. You can call him a pompous redneck who yells a lot. You can even call him a involuntary government shill, since he may very well be spreading fear like the elite want. However, when Alex Jones is one of the few people who allows infinite free copies of his films to be viewed and uploaded on YouTube and other various video sites, spread around on torrents and Rapidshare/MU/etc., and passed out to people around the globe without suing the daylights out of everybody like most mega-corporations would do, "That guy is out for money, nothing else." is an insult to both Alex Jones lovers and haters alike -- it offends his fans and makes his enemies look uninformed.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:21 AM

O.K. I will probably get pummeled for this, but, I just felt like I wanted to post this here?

I have wanted to write some of this out for years, but, for some reason I have held it all back?

From 2001-2006 I worked with an unusual team that reported to Homeland Security; I stopped after I felt that nothing we were contributing was being used for good and there was never a response from them, and/or very rarely.

Basically, the scenarios that were obtained were the following:

There would be attacks again within the US and Briton.

Briton would be utilized first due to the fact that it is much more accessible and a lot of damage can be done effectively and easily.

There was some debate as to what method would be used: Biological or Nuclear , but it would be done very suddenly and with the most impact.

The fact that Nuclear weapons the size of a teddy bear are readily available should be something that is considered.

So, first Briton would be hit

Then there would be within the US a sizable simultaneous attack that would last for 48-72 hrs.

These attacks are small, meaning that they will be centered along the mid section of the US at locations that would be unsettling for everyone.

Gas stations, 7'11's, hospitals, elementary schools, malls and the like; these attacks will be done in such a manner as to unsettle the people psychologically.
They will happen at different times, in different states, utilizing different devices.

This is to invoke fear and panic, the government will immediately institute Marshal Law, and all rights will be removed from the citizens.

Now the thing is, this will create fear, yes, but I believe now that the people of the US will begin to come together, perhaps in some cases not for their benefit.

Certain anti-government groups will rise to the occasion and begin to take on those who represent the government and challenge them both through words and weapons.

Other groups will see this as an opportunity to take arms against their fellow neighbors, the ones they always felt odd about or the ones they simply do not like, racial profiling at its worst, if I may be so bold.

Then there will be those who seize the moment and frankly just go nuts on their own neighbors and local environments.

What this means is: complete and utter chaos within the US, no one is going to trust the government, as THEY did nothing to stop, prevent or deter these events, complete instability will occur.

With Marshal Law enacted and all rights stripped from the people the government will have absolute power, there will be a war or rather many wars that will ensue, between government, neighbors and people who have been locked, loaded and ready to go.

At this time the clean up will begin and the government will take to confining civilians within camps, this will be used as a means for control.

What will happen in the long run, well, this is the strange part?

There will then be much larger attacks, these will be within major cities and will be nothing we have ever seen before, there will be mass loss of life within these cities.

Something I think many people want to have happen, crowd control at its best.

After these events the the government will be at a breaking point or rather at a point of vulnerability.

Then we have to deal with what will be happening around the world.

Many countries who have been just waiting for a chance for this to occur or rather told that this will be the case and to get ready to take over: China, Russia, etc..,

With the end result being perhaps a China occupied US.

I initially thought that the government was trying to prevent this from happening, but after working within the area and reflecting on the events that go on in the world and how our government reacts; I do not believe this to be the case any longer. I do not think or feel they have our best in mind, now we are simply lambs up for the slaughter.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated as to if this scenario may occur!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Sonic I am sorry I spoke so hastily as my disgust leads me to do so. So in return I will take back my words and say that Alex Jones is a narcissistic a**. I personally don't care about his fear mongering as what he has said has awoken many people. I hate the way he struts around and demands a cult around him at all times. The minute I first saw his movies and how easily some debunkers destroyed the lies in it p'd me off. Tried to wake up his followers (friends of mine) but they wouldn't listen. Almost a Steve Jobs personality.

@amy Not meaning to offend you, but I have to stay in the middle here for my own sake. That sounds very scare to me and quite possible. Any chance of listing that company for us?

[edit on 23-3-2010 by ventian]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by amyaaallan

I am confident that the U.S. can handle its own, either foreign or domestic. I guess that about sums up my response to that scenario.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:49 AM
This explosion at the train station in N.Korea and the raised alert/exercises...coincidence? or a attempt at taking lill Kim out of the equasion.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by amyaaallan

If you worked for the Department of Homeland Security, you'll at least have the standard education to know Britain is not called "Briton". Also it is Martial law not Marshal Law. Basic English wasn't a requirement for the job, eh?

So, obvious you didn't work there. And hilariously, your fatal mistake is the Department of Homeland Security was established in 2002. You couldn't have started employment from 2001.

If you are going to hoax the board, at least make a decent effort and do some research before hand.

Stay in school, kid. You might-finally-learn something.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by infinite]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by ROBL240
This explosion at the train station in N.Korea and the raised alert/exercises...coincidence? or a attempt at taking lill Kim out of the equasion.

Lil'Kim doesn't ride the train with the riff-raff.


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Funny, because the British Royalty have their own Serviceable Train. I highly doubt Kim would be riding around the streets of N.Korea in a Motorcade to get from A to B, and other than Helicopter there's not many other ways of getting around.

I'm sure with his wealth he can afford a "pimped up" train, armed to the teeth.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by ROBL240

9 hours after the man slides through? I didn't say he doesn't have a train. I said he's not riding with the citizens. Big difference. It's an accident, that's all.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by infinite

no. he said he worked for a group that reported to homeland security,
That isn't to say that the group didn't also report to other agencies.

gathering information does not mean you need to spell well, a clipboard with box's to tick require nothing more than the ability to read and tick.

possibly a computer where you just had to fill in basics

I know many people who spell poorly, doesn't mean they are less credible.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:54 AM
Alex Jones is as big of a fear-mongerer as the people that he rallies against.

I'll wait for actual evidence.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
Alex Jones thinks it's a false flag attack when he wakes up in the morning and can't find matching socks.

Most amusing comment of the week award goes to....

Thank you!

And just for fun..


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by ventian

Just wanted to say that i very much agree with you on this..
The first time i had seen anything of Alex Jones' was his under cover footage of Bohemian Grove. Though i of course, like many, was interested to see what he discovered in doing so and it was a great insight and to some an awakening point, but i just didnt like the way he did it..smarmy, arrogant, pompous ..especially in his speech at the end of it.. it turned me off him for some time.. quite awhile down the road i ended up listening to him a bit more, (i think there is information somewhere admist his fear mongering and self hype bs) but after a short time couldnt stand to any longer.. i can sum it up best as 'jumped-up tit' i guess..
But yeah as for the money aspect, i dont agree..he does encourage people to download and spread and copy his videos as much as possible, for free.. those who want to give a donation to keep his show funded and his family fed, as he does the shows (video/radio) and protests etc full-time- are welcome to purchase them.. simply as that i think.. i could be wrong of course, just how i see it

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:19 AM
THIS is why I stopped coming to this site for a while.

Gee guys [Alex Jones and company], had we waited a little bit longer we would have had this news story showing the reasons WHY the Navy was at alert...

US Navy warns al-Qaida threatens ships off Yemen
1 hr 57 mins ago

CAIRO – The U.S. Navy is warning of possible al-Qaida attacks against ships off the coast of Yemen, where an offshoot of the terrorist network has established a significant base of operations over the past year.

link to News article:

Because yanno, every time the military is getting ready for an attack it is a 'false flag' operation.



posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:35 AM
a false flag is alway possible... the only thing that makes this day any
different is ... the government has to make some biligerant enemies appear -- so it can pass a law against them. just wait to hear the names -- if they have two names they are patriots... if they have three names they it is a government job... example Lee Harvey Oswald.... Timothy McVie

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