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Bringing the Timeline Threads Together

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner

Originally posted by Crito

uhm does anyone else notice the australia/new zealand area? something kinda looks out of place, especially since the southern hemisphere (south america) is supposed to be correct? bad maps again?

Australia & NZ are exactly where they are meant to be, and exactly where they have always been. In the Southern Hemisphere!


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551
To be honest, I don't feel like this is the same Earth as it was 5-10 years ago even. Something feels different about today's world, in my opinion.

You can thank the Bush Administration for that feeling. The world is in fact a completely different place than it was 10 years ago, this is not an illusion, it's reality.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:30 PM
one thing

a lot of people here thinks the some lands are moving around our maps

the reality is that map is not a correct representation of reality, so, it will depend on the map's creator perspective

so, map is not a good indicative to anything

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:32 PM
Thank You Penny, I have recently had real dreams of ending up in 1979, 1982, and 1989. In the dream people from my past(relatives, and friends)
knew who I was and could not understand why I carried around what they called a Star Trek toy(my Blackberry). Also as a child I had vivid detail dreams of nowadays. Thanks for posting these awesome posts all in one concise post.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by PennyQ

The biggest cause of timeslips, Alcohol,
seriosly it's not CERN or Aliens, it's A l c o h o l maybe some
whacky weed but mainly Alcohol

Where was I last night, and how did I get here, Oh yeah Timeslip.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:19 AM
The problem is when there is no alcohol or other substances involved... then the time-slip thing becomes pretty freaky. I had one today, not involving maps, or memories from long past -- I received a text message 15 minutes before it was sent... and then received it again when it actually was supposedly sent.

Not a technical error.. the sender sent it once, the second time I received it. She confirmed this. I clearly remember receiving it twice. My phone records, her phone records, and her memory indicate once. I am not on drugs, was not drinking, etc.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:25 AM
1) Hello, I'm new here, please be gentle

2) I've been "lurking" for a few weeks, I just bought a laptop and I'm looking into stuff that would have seemed preposterous to me even 6 months ago.

3)I haven't found anything that helps me decipher a strange thing that has happened recently. Here it's just one of the latest things that have caused me question my sanity lol

On February 27th, around 8:30 pm PST, I made an online purchase from the Flaming Lips merch site. I received an email confirmation (more on this in a sec.)
Tuesday, March 2nd, my purchase had arrived in my po box. Wow, that sure was quick, I thought to myself...
Later that day I looked at the invoice contained in the package. It says my order was SENT on February 24th, 3 days before I ordered it. I would have dismissed it, except a friend bought a can of chewing tobacco on March 1st, but it's label stated it was PACKAGED on March 1st.
My boyfriend read my confirmation email with me after all this freaky stuff caught my attention, so I know I didn't misread the info. But as I gathered my evidence to make this post, I see now that my gmail says I received the confirmation at 9:38 pm on February 23rd.

I am getting a major headache, partly due to the fact that I've been on here for hours now lol, but also because of this new bit of weirdness. I'm going to make myself comfortable and watch some X Files. I might check here later tonight, otherwise I shall be back tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by sphinx551
To be honest, I don't feel like this is the same Earth as it was 5-10 years ago even. Something feels different about today's world, in my opinion.

You can thank the Bush Administration for that feeling. The world is in fact a completely different place than it was 10 years ago, this is not an illusion, it's reality.

That is true. And we are heading to the next scale of that level. About the timeline shifts, i currently think that people are just feeling the difference in that people are saving up now, changing their priorities, and feeling the economic shift. about the maps, i don't think there is a conspiracy to that, people create maps, not all of them are perfect.

reality is kicking in but then reality will REALLY be kicking in.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:14 AM
I really don't want to sound crazy but you really have to open your mind. We live on this this universe...only knowing what we percieve and what we think we know. There is so much more to our existence and what surrounds us, that even the most qualified scientists can't explain. How can we believe that people that experience time lapses and deja vu are crazy? The truth is, we have no idea why we are here and if we are the only ones here. Maybe people are experiencing life in the past and the future to learn what mistakes were made and what mistakes will be made so they can learn how to be true to themselves and become whole. Forget heaven and hell, we all want infinite happiness, and maybe the universe is trying to show us the way.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding crazy, I'm going to bed now...goodnight

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 02:34 AM
So I suppose anyone noticing inexplicable alterations of the past will be instantly discredited, as looney. Great, I'll join the group of easily discredited. Because this sort of space/time fluctuation as far as I can tell has been going on at least from about 1987, increased in 1993. I called them temporal anomalies for want of a suitable name.

Just a short example: circa May, 1995. I went to a friend's house to pick up the rough draft of a story I wrote. After about a half-hour of chatting and drinking tea and smoking tobacco, from a sitting on the floor cross-legged position, I reached to the right, picked up the draft, got up, went out to my car, opened the drivers door, got in, set the rough draft on the seat next to me, started the car, and drove home.

The next morning I looked around my room for the rough draft to type it up, with necessary edit of course. I couldn't find it. I ran through my mind, didn't remember bringing it in from the car, but remembered quite clearly putting on the seat. I went out to the car, and as you can guess, it wasn't there. After searching fruitlessly any place I would have or could have placed it for over an hour, I called my friend and asked her if she remembered me picking it up. She said, "No, after you left, it was still on the floor. I'm looking at it right now."

I recount this story because it's the most vivid in my memory, especially the absolute memory of putting it on the seat of the car.

But I've noticed since '87 or '89 those instances of going into a room for 15 minutes and coming out 5 hours later. That can really get you behind at work!

Maybe to some extent every one experiences anomalies like this and just blow it off with, "Oh silly absent minded me!" or "Well, time sure flies!"

The most recent anomalies are reacting psychosomatically and emotionally to things before I hear about them. Example: In 2003 while discussing the plight of Kurds in North Iraq, I suddenly started screaming as if in extreme pain though there was no pain. My friend reacted by quickly deciding to go get pizza, quick exit. After about 15 minutes, I decided to see if anything had happened in the world to explain such a thing. Turns out that was right when flaming gasoline had been thrown onto several passengers on a subway in Korea.
120 die after firebomb thrown onto subway train
Date: 19 February 2003

One of my favorite all time SciFi is
The Lathe of Heaven is a 1971 science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. The plot revolves around a character whose dreams alter reality.

Effective dreaming, is what it's called in the book. The difference is, we're not waking up from sleep to discover our dreams have retroactively changed reality. It just happens right in front of us. That would mean someone else is doing the effective dreaming.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by pthena]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by stephanies-chase

maybe you guys are right, after all we dont know everything yet..but the same could be said for all of humanity before. shoot i used to feel 'something different' every couple years before, but maybe its because of the internet, that people have all spoken on it now. i dont know, i do know that things are changing though.. i bet cern did effect the timeline, lol everything you do effects the future..everyone.., effects everything now that will effect everyone, that will effect everything

if your interested in timeline shifts:

[edit on 18-3-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Trueman
reply to post by killyou

Honestly, I don't know what are you doing in ATS, besides trying to offend other members....You don't make any contribution. (I just saw your profile, you never made a thread, It's empty).

But I only can feel sorry for you, must be hard to see there are lots of things you can't understand, so you have no other option than attack.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Trueman]

You can't call this an attack since I haven't name-called, used profanity, or violently opposed anyone. At least not yet in any of my posts. HOpefully, I also haven't made any grammatical errors yet. Your post seems like its personally addressed at me rather than being on topic. So I guess we're even now since this is my first time personally addressing somebody. Why did you even bother or feel interested enough to look into my profile?

the reason why I haven't started any threads yet is because I'm not the type of person who likes attention seeking, preaching, & asking other people to give away their time & energy to feed me whenever I want to propagate ideas that I, myself, don't understand completely or am sure about until getting others to think about it. I don't like bothering people unless & until, of course, I am told or made to believe that such behavior is socially acceptable, civilized, & perfectly normal. I don't like attracting attention unless I am asked to create one by others who claim to be afraid to ask. I can only feel sorry for myself knowing I don't get paid monthly to be a skeptic.

Just so my post is still relevant, I want to make clear that I believe many people just have short term memory problems, have their brains negatively influenced by alcohol if they have a history of drinking, an excessively optimistic imagination, and more succeptibility to alzheimer's disease when they reach a certain age. Having deja-vu feelings are normal. We are taught since childhood that such feelings of going through the same experience twice may be resulted from chemical imbalances in the brain.

Anyway, I remember Australia always being very close to there in the world map since I was in grade 4. And I don't want to be forced, preached, or indoctrinated to believe otherwise unless we're living in some other planet all of a sudden.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:55 AM
Wow, I didn't realise this would take off like this.

All I wanted to do was provide a links page to make it easier to find previous threads on this topic.

Thank you all for contributing your stories, however I think you should post them to the relevent threads provided in the links.

There are a couple of posts I feel compelled to reply to

Originally posted by killyou
Just so my post is still relevant, I want to make clear that I believe many people just have short term memory problems, have their brains negatively influenced by alcohol if they have a history of drinking, an excessively optimistic imagination, and more succeptibility to alzheimer's disease when they reach a certain age. Having deja-vu feelings are normal. We are taught since childhood that such feelings of going through the same experience twice may be resulted from chemical imbalances in the brain.
Anyway, I remember Australia always being very close to there in the world map since I was in grade 4. And I don't want to be forced, preached, or indoctrinated to believe otherwise unless we're living in some other planet all of a sudden.

You are, of course, entitled to believe whatever you wish as is everyone else, I suggest that if you feel you are being forced to believe, preached to, or indoctrinated by this thread then you stop reading it.
(also see below)


Originally posted by skeptic_al

The biggest cause of timeslips, Alcohol,
seriosly it's not CERN or Aliens, it's A l c o h o l maybe some
whacky weed but mainly Alcohol

Your post is not helpful, or appropriate, I for one do not drink alcohol at all, nor do I take drugs in any form.
And unless you can provide documented evidence to prove whats NOT causing it I suggest you cease making such bald statements, as you have no better idea of the causes than the rest of us.

I think I would like to change the title of this thread, to
Bringing the Timeline Threads Together
to reflect it's real purpose, but I don't know how to.


[edit on 18/3/2010 by PennyQ]

[edit on 18/3/2010 by PennyQ]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:00 AM
Hello, thank you for taking the time to compile these, its been an interesting topic of late especially
there is one thread here
that may be helpful to some or any one,
Personally, myself and partner have been experiencing time loss that cant easily be explained away, and i echo other members here who have said that there are times lately that things around us or in the world as a whole, just arent...right..
Multidimensions is one topic i have always been facinated by.. and the main thought on recent awareness of time lapses and such is that these multiple dimension 'layers' are moving and interacting with each other dimension, wether its natural to do so or not, i am not sure on that..


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Faiol

lands moving on google earth, and globes..... they are all accurate, not like map projections

but, no, lands don't move literally, it's the perception, the memory of a few of us that those lands are NOT where they are supposed to be... it's our consciousness that crossed other dimension/universe, pulling up an old map is not gonna prove us wrong, it's not about maps..... you have to be open minded about it, the universe, or say multiverse is a weird place.... we know nothing about, it's all theories, nothing more,
timeshift is yet another theory, like the one that the earth was round, and it proved it is! so try to escape your left brain for just a second!!! for crying out loud

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by PennyQ

Gee whiz, PennyQ, you really got my blood pumping with that title, "Bringing the Timelines Together," I was a bit disappointed to find that the post was bringing the Threads together, which, in itself was a good thing.....I thought maybe you had a theory to actually
bring the two time lines together. I, and I am certain a few others in here are aware that there are TWO separate time lines, the Original, Christ time line, and the Montauk created, artificial time line where we all live and interact right now. Can you change the title a little? How about this?

"Bringing the Timelines Links Together."


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by raynemarina


actually, lands do move

we are moving right now, the thing is that, I dont think we moved as some people think for some reason

so, thats why I said that, the problem is the maps, and the 2D representation

thats all

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Wow, after reading most of the ATS post on this subject, they all seem to make me think about the movie "Dark City" with Kiefer Sutherland. The aliens would distort the world that people lived in and then go about changing the memories of the populous. But some would become unaffected by treatments.

May be not all of it refers to what some people experience but still, memory manipulation or time shifts who knows!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:50 PM
I have wondered about memory manipulation as a possibility, too .. though I don't actually subscribe to the notion that aliens are among us. Men, however, do have technology that surpasses our wildest imaginations... I don't begin to claim I know what is going on here, but I do think that something is, and I sure wish I knew what it was.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by autowrench

There you go, name changed, although if you scroll up I did mention changing it before your post

Thanx mods


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