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Obama Threatens Veto Over New Anthrax Investigation

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:07 AM
This is more evidence of a systemic cover up by the government. Democrat or Republican the truth is being blocked.

Raw Story

Strangely, Orszag additionally called out an effort to re-investigate the 2001 anthrax attacks, which have since been blamed on the deceased government scientist Bruce Ivins. An unnamed Obama administration official told Bloomberg News that if the 2010 Intelligence Budget demands another look at the FBI's conclusions, the bill would be vetoed.

The FBI's probe has been heavily criticized by members of Obama's own party for "numerous" mistakes made by the FBI during the lengthy inquiry. Joseph Michael, a scientist at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, also noted a key difference in "chemical fingerprints" between a flask linked to Ivins and the anthrax that was sent to government offices around the country.

At the FBI’s request, the National Academy of Sciences convened a 15-member panel to review the scientific soundness of the eight-year investigation. According to Elie Dolgin at Nature magazine, the FBI believes the scientific review of its own investigation to be “unprecedented,” but at least one member of Congress, Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), thinks the case deserves another look, suggesting that the FBI's investigators themselves be investigated.

Ivins, 62, a biodefense researcher who spent years working on a better anthrax vaccine, overdosed on Tylenol and Codiene in 2008, after learning that the FBI was preparing to indict him on murder charges.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Leo Strauss]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:17 AM
The Represenative from NH is calling for the FBI to be investigated?.... Hmmmm
It's like he's implying their is secret agenda among certain people in the government to keep this covered up. Huh?...

Just like Senator Leahy did.

But I don't think it's somebody insane. And I think there are people within our government - certainly from the source of it - who know where it came from. And these people may not have had anything to do with it, but they certainly know where it came from."

The Pentagon is taking over. End of story, pass the patriot act or we'll send you anthrax. Peace out.

Pass the bankster bailout or we'll crash the economy. We love you.

Veto this investigation budget or we'll show the world your records from Columbia stating you received financial aid as a foreign student. You work for us now, boy.

Shut down the Fed reserve, we'll kill you. Back and to the left.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Here is the FBI's response from March 6, 2009.

FBI Website

The first item involves the elemental analysis of the anthrax spores that was conducted by Dr. Joseph Michael, a materials scientist at Sandia National Laboratories. At the conference, Dr. Michael presented analyses of three anthrax letters (Leahy, Daschle, and New York Post). He concluded that the anthrax powder in the three letters shared a chemical fingerprint but did not match the chemical fingerprint of spores in Ivins’ flask. Spores from the letters showed a distinct chemical signature that included silicon, oxygen, iron, tin, and other elements. Spores from Ivins’ RMR-1029 flask did not contain those elements in quantities that matched the letter spores. This is not unusual considering that Ivins’ RMR-1029 preparation had been submerged in water and other chemicals since 1997 and was a mixture of 34 different spore preparations. The letter spores were dried spores, produced from two separate growth preparations as indicated by differences in the New York and Washington, D.C. mailings. Although the chemical fingerprint of the spores is interesting, given the variability involved in the growth process, it was not relevant to the investigation.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Here are some critics of the FBI investigation.

Asia Times Online

More than eight years later, there are many critics who do not agree with the FBI's conclusions.

One is Norman Covert, public affairs officer and historian at Fort Detrick from 1977 to 1999, who wrote a column, "White Powder and 007" in 2008. Asked by Asia Times Online if this 2008 column needed updating in light of the FBI's release, Covert said: "With the FBI's latest decision, my words are still apropos."

Here is an excerpt [6]:

# The government mobilized its team of Double-oh (uh-oh!) secret agents seven years ago to identify a villainous mad scientist, who, without genuine motive or opportunity, single handedly: Used a Bio-Containment Level Three lab suite at Fort Detrick's US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), to develop a highly bred, weapons-grade strain of Bacillus anthracis (a scientific achievement not accomplished before, except perhaps in the biological warfare laboratories of the former Soviet Union);
# Manipulated this super bacillus with a silica coating and a slight electrical charge so that, when opened in the containment cabinet, each particle repelled others in a brilliant display;
# Ensured each particle was no more than five microns in size so that it would penetrate the fabric of a normal No 10 paper envelope, a product sold by the US Postal Service in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Central Maryland;
Managed to remove the material from the laboratory with it already placed in at least one envelope, also likely encased in an impermeable container, which would be obscured from the security guard;
# Managed to avoid leaving any evidence on his clothing, his two automobiles and van, his house, garage, office and other personal items despite the extremely "dirty" potential of the dry agent;
# Managed, in a fashion unknown to the Department of Homeland Security and the "Double-Ohs", to have the envelopes placed in a mailbox in Princeton, NJ, with a note in a handwriting that cannot be identified with any known person;
# Managed to obscure this cutting-edge science from a host of colleagues for the entire development period - a major feat in itself!
# Simultaneously he managed to significantly improve an old anthrax vaccine to protect our troops during Operation Desert Storm; then was a key developer of the new recombinant DNA-based anthrax vaccine that was undergoing efficacy trials at USAMRIID.

Her recent critique of the FBI report includes these four following elements:
# The FBI's Summary states that "only a limited number of individuals ever had access to this specific spore preparation" and that the flask was under Ivins' sole and exclusive control. Yet the body of the report acknowledges hundreds of people who had access to the spores, and questions remain about the location of the spore prep during the period in question;
# The FBI says that only a small number of labs had Ames anthrax, including only three foreign labs. Yet a quick Pub Med search of papers published between 1999 and 2004 revealed Ames anthrax was studied in at least Italy, France, the UK, Israel and South Korea as well as in the US. By failing to identify all labs with access to Ames, the FBI managed to exclude potential domestic and foreign perpetrators;
# The FBI claims that "drying anthrax is expressly forbidden by various treaties", therefore it would have to be performed clandestinely. Actually, the US government sponsored several programs that dried anthrax spores. Drying spores is not explicitly prohibited by the Biological Weapons Convention, though many would like it to be;
# The FBI report claims the anthrax letters envelopes were sold in Frederick [Maryland]. Later it admits that millions of indistinguishable envelopes were made, with sales in Maryland and Virginia." [8]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

'...government scientist...'.Sure seems to be a lot of suicides in that field...Actually,sure seems to be a lot of suicides associated with the government,period.Some statistics on that would be interesting.Anyone got those?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Nature News

Quote from a post by Barry Kissin

I attended the "biodefense meeting" of Feb. 24 in Baltimore. One thing we are reminded of is this: The entire scientific investigation has been focused upon looking for a match between the attack anthrax and the samples of Ames strain anthrax that were collected about seven years ago, numbering 1070 samples. According to the FBI scientists, these samples were collected as the result of an FBI request for "voluntary submissions" of Ames strain samples made to laboratories all over the world (with the greatest majority of course being American laboratories). The scientists spoke to us on Feb. 24 about all of the expensive and time-consuming rigor that went into producing results that would be admissible in a court of law. What renders all of it inadmissible is the (tacit) underlying assumption that the laboratory that generated the attack anthrax would produce a sample of the same anthrax in response to an FBI request for "voluntary submissions." Some subpoenas were issued. This of course does not dispose of the problem. A subpoena is a piece of paper that commands the production of evidence within a certain period, like one month. There is hardly more reason to believe that the laboratory that generated the attack anthrax would produce a sample of it in response to a subpoena than it would in response to a request for voluntary submission. As for unannounced searches and seizures, I expect there were a few of those. For this to add to the validity of the science, one underlying assumption is that one of these unannounced searches would have occurred at the guilty laboratory. The other assumption is that the guilty laboratory would have left laying around a batch of anthrax matching the attack anthrax. The "underlying assumptions" I am identifying are not just insupportable. What is being assumed to be true is almost certainly false. There is every reason to expect that immediately after perpetrating the anthrax attacks, the guilty parties hid/disposed of the anthrax remaining in their custody that could connect them to the crime. This would be especially easy to do in a facility shrouded in layers of secrecy. The FBI might as well have asked for everyone's samples of dried Ames strain, concentrated to the degree of one trillion spores per gram, containing particles between 1 and 4 microns in size, with the presence of silicon in the spore coat,etc. Bottom line: The FBI's claim is erroneous that the science behind Amerithrax narrows the possible sources of the attack anthrax to eight labs (seven of which were at USAMRIID, and one of which was at an "institution" the FBI continues to refuse to identify). The science behind Amerithrax is being used by the DOJ-FBI to imbue groundless conclusions with the aura of scientific authority and precision. The science is also being used to occupy (distract, confuse) us with esoteric matters that cannot contribute to real insight into the origin of the anthrax letters.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by okbmd

Yes that is suspicious. Here is a link about this subject to a thread by ATS's own Jim Marrs....


When you add some two dozen dead scientists and engineers who had worked on the Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars” program to the 80 some odd dead microbiologists, you end up with more than 100 dead specialists all involved in our most Top-Secret projects.

To me this goes beyond mere chance as I am certain any insurance actuary would confirm. What I fear is that some hidden non-governmental power desires to make use of our most exotic technologies and does not want to worry about some scientist or engineer with a conscience coming forward to alert the public as to what is happening.

The evidence for the human fabrication of the AIDS virus is quite compelling, if not overwhelming. Yet this news has been smothered by conflicting accounts and theories presented in the corporate-controlled mass media.

Picture what would happen if a sudden outbreak of contagion such as Bird Flu began to decimate whole populations and someone stepped forward to reveal that it had originated in some government lab. Or what if “alien” spaceships suddenly appeared in the skies and someone got on CNN and revealed that he or she had worked on holograph technology for the government? To effectively control a previously-secret technology, you would have to get rid of any loose ends that might reveal its true origins.

Jim Marrs

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:07 AM
They will block anything (Dem or Rep) that will make the truth of what the neocons did disclosed. They fear it will destroy the country if it is publicly known. So yes, Obama is covering up for Bush and Cheney to protect the country though not to protect Bush.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:16 PM
There are those that will not remember the Anthrax attacks and I hope to provide some background and some links that will assist those in understanding why an Anthrax attack occurred in the first place. Many have stated that the Anthrax attacks were separate from the 911 operation and that the only reason Anthrax was used was because at the time, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle was pressing Bush to explain the CIA intelligence report he and others received that indicated that 911 was going to occur.

Tom Daschle had publicly stated in the days after 911 that he wanted to initiate a 911 investigation based on these advance knowledge of 911 known to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and others.

Add in the fact that Tom Daschle was not cooperating in supporting early Patriot act legislation that would allow warrant-less searches and you have the makings of a political enemy that has the potential to unravel the 911 operation and implicate insiders of the Republican party at the highest levels.

This clear motivation by Tom Daschle to pursue a 911 investigation is what prompted the Bush, Cheney team to send Anthrax to Tom Daschle and others as a message that no one better pursue this push for an investigation into 911 and well, you should know the rest from just being alive, but if you don’t I have some links that will assist you and others to relive that time frame and to put certain issues into perspective.

The FBI told the media and the public that the Anthrax had been made in can in a garage. This fact alone is enough to suspect that there were those inside the FBI that did not believe the official story of 911 and that there were those in the FBI from the beginning that knew that the Anthrax in question was a military grade highly weaponized Anthrax that had a special molecular signature that showed it was USA Military Grade Anthrax and that fact alone should have been enough to suspect a conspiracy leading back to those that had access and those that had a motive.

The Anthrax investigation was impeded and so was anything about 911 that would show that there was advance knowledge and that those in high office knew about it in advance.

Tom Daschle would have opened up a can of worms and so it was decided that Tom Daschle and others should die since they wouldn’t play ball with George W. Bush and the Cheney criminal gang.

Here are the links that will put a lot of this into perspective. Enjoy and thanks again for the posting.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:12 PM
I remember watching the news coverage of the anthrax attacks at the time, and wondering why nobody spotted the obvious... every news report had the phrase,

"anthrax attacks... believed to be the work of foreign terrorists..."

And I seemed to be the only person who'd hear that phrase and think, hang on, this is not journalism. Believed by whom? And on what evidence?

And the articles that made the most sense to me at the time all seemed to point to Steven Hatfill, who, after all, had been on loan to BOSS when (coincidence, surely) the ANC bases were being infected with... that's right, anthrax.

And then Hatfill somehow managed to screw an enormous sum of money out of the USG for being "falsely accused". And nobody (in the MSM, anyway) seemed to think that was weird.

There are some pretty obvious conclusions from this simple set of facts: one being that Hatfill must have some serious dirt hidden away somewhere in case he has an "accident".

[edit on 16-3-2010 by rich23]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack

There are those that will not remember the Anthrax attacks and I hope to provide some background and some links that will assist those in understanding why an Anthrax attack occurred in the first place. Many have stated that the Anthrax attacks were separate from the 911 operation . . . . . . . . . .

Of course not. On the very morning of 9-11, live with Dan Rather, to provide the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY to the gullible American people, was the Athraxman himself, Jerome Hauer.

Jerome Hauer

Strangely, perhaps, Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. The anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Jerome Hauer received relatively good information for tracking down the origin of the anthrax. He even got a list of people from various institutes, including USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. But his response was slow and hidden behind a public relations campaign spreading Orwellian claims like "Suspects are Osama bin Laden and his Al-Q'aeda network and sympathizers to US right wing extremists".

Why would he act so slowly, and in such an inappropriate fashion? Perhaps because Jerome Hauer knew someone whose name was on that list?

Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a prime suspect in this still-unsolved case, had worked for USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. Strangely, perhaps, he had also worked with Jerome Hauer, for Scientific Applications International Corporation, at the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis.



posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Ah yes, good ol' Jerome.Funny how his name is turning up quite frequently in sites I am browsing.He is actually someone I have been focussing on the further I get into this quagmire.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

damn this sucks. thanks for letting us know.

I get a sense that Obama is trying damn hard, but still it appears to me that he is not trying hard enough.

thanks for posting this.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Thanks SPreston...Bush's former HHS director Jerome Hauer moved to the board of the anthrax vaccine maker. According to Insight Magazine, the CEO of BioPort, Fuad El-Hibri, is friends with the Bin Laden family. The Carlyle Group has never disclosed whether or not they own a stake in BioPort.4 Both before and after 9/11, the Bin Laden family owned a stake in Carlyle.

I dug up a little more regarding Hatfill and Hauer.

Jerome Hauer with Stephen Hatfill, presented "Building a 'Biobomb': Terrorist Challenge and U.S. Response" at a meeting of the CFR
Speaker: Stephen Hatfill, Senior Research Associate, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, Jerome Hauer, Director, Emergency Preparedness, New York City

It is widely believe that on September 11, 2001 Jerome Hauer advised the White House staff to begin taking the anti-anthrax medication Cipro.

This quote is from an interview with Dan Briody, Author of "The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group" I recommend going to the link.


BRIODY: There are a number of transactions that the company profited from directly following the Sept. 11 attacks. The most important one was the fact that they were able to take United Defense, their crown jewel of defense holdings public shortly after the attacks. In fact, in the prospectus that they circulated, before that IPO, they cited the Sept. 11 attacks as one of the reasons why they were able to sell public stock in this company at this time. So that was all on the back of the defense build-up following Sept. 11.

There are also a number of other holdings of theirs -- like at that time, they owned a company called the IT Group, which is a company that cleans up hazardous materials and won a very lucrative contract to clean up the Hart Senate Building in Washington, D.C., which had been tainted by anthrax.

They also own a company called U.S. Investigative Services, USIS, which is a company that does background checks and provides varying levels of security clearance for different government employees, airline employees – things like that. Obviously their contracts went through the roof after Sept. 11.

In addition to that, they own companies that do all kinds of security, different aerospace companies. So whenever there’s a big defense buildup, those companies profit. So there are a number of ways that they’ve profited very handsomely from Sept. 11.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:40 AM
I was gonna post info on Jerome Hauer and SIAC and their connection to the Anthrax investigation.Obama is gonna let this be swept under the rug as well.It will be quietly vetoed and the media will be focused on whatever else they are told is news.

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