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Calling all Skeptics-What is ur basic problem with Christians?Don’t you realize there is a devil?

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

No hatred on this side friend...just a mirror, sorry


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 09:57 PM
A new era of humanity is dawning.

And Christianity as we know it, as it has existed in its various forms historically, will cease to exist. Except maybe some of the earliest Gnostic writings which were written in a transcendental and mystical vein.

Even then, it will be understood for what it is: a way of looking at the world.

We all have ways of looking at the world. But most of us are really only proficient at enforcing these views, and constantly validating them when we look around, whether the feeling of validation is warranted or not. A skill we will have to learn to use more in the future, as a species, is the ability to modify our worldviews at will, to be more practical to any given situation. What we today might call a "religion" or "spirituality" or "philosophy" and might believe through our entire lives, will be "put on" and "taken off" just like clothing in the future. And our naked state, is the original blank slate, that Zen Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies discuss especially.

And we will have no concrete, unchanging beliefs, because we will realize fully that we are inside of a living mystery and have the freedom to make up the rules ourselves. But we are also subject to what every other sentient being is doing, as we are not creators but co-creators. All of the rules of our governments and religions today were just made up by men, including the part about some of them being "divinely inspired," or others being "indisputable law." You could just as well say EVERYTHING, is "divinely inspired" and "indisputable," or that NOTHING is "divinely inspired" and "indisputable," and could justify any of the 3 views with even half the rhetoric ability that most ATS'ers possess. And they are all right, and all wrong, at the same time. Because objectivity is only another concept subject to debate. That's the point. We are making all of this up. People will be forced to realize it more and more.

We set up our own self-fulfilling prophecies. Mainstream Christians all recognize future catastrophes, birth pains of a new era, correctly as their "end time." And many will die in upcoming years, just as many of all faiths across the world will die, one way or another. It will be a very nasty time but there is green grass on the other side.

Thank you OT for presenting another opportunity to spread these messages.

Discussion is welcome.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by AquariusDescending

in other wors moral relativity
and situational moral ethics.

this has been practiced in centuries past

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