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The Psychopathology Of Psychopaths

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Taken from my personal blog Fascist Soup.
Better formatting along with associated images can be found there.

Kevin Barrett has put forth an interesting article highlighting the disproportionate power psychopaths play in the military and our government.

Wiki defines a psychopath as “a personality disorder whose hallmark is a lack of empathy.”

"intraspecies predators[3][4] who use charisma, manipulation, intimidation, sexual intercourse and violence[5][6][7] to control others and to satisfy their own needs. Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse".[8]

Given that definition, I am forced to concur with Barrett’s remarks.

Our government is a violent cocktail of fascism and socialism. As political ideologies, they revolve around state control over nearly everything. State control equals violence. It has become MORE than the norm to accept violence against the innocent as a just and proper means of running a government.

Don’t pay your taxes?

You can expect a visit from these nice men depicted to the left.

Force against the innocent is a hallmark of tyranny. This country was established without an income tax and operated just fine without it for more than half of this country’s existence.

Today, taxes are levied against the poorest among us and even so-called conservatives are demanding more of them.

Actually produce something of value?

Heaven forbid! I bet you didn’t even know the EPA had armed agents.

Thank god they are looking to push a carbon tax and regulate all carbon emissions as a dangerous substance! Methane too! Cow farts release more “global warming” gas than all the automobile emissions on the planet.

Eating a can of beans in the future will result in these nice men showing up at your door.

Lets not forget my personal favorite.

Actually want to exercise your 2nd amendment rights? Brew some homemade beer and sell it? Grow some weed or tobacco? LOL

Here’s another agency who’s mission it is to violently arrest people that have caused harm to no one.

Alcohol – sorry, you’re too dumb to be allowed to drink

Tobacco – sorry, you’re too dumb to enjoy that too.

Firearms – you are REALLY too dumb to have those.

The slogan “Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store” is right on the money.

Blaming inanimate objects for society’s problems is like blaming children for creating pedophiles. Just recently the AFT raided and stole 30 Airsoft toy guns from a retailer claiming they could be turned into dangerous “assault weapons.”

Even if they were REAL assault weapons, there is no justification to wage violence against a person who hasn’t harmed anyone. Go to any military base in Iraq and you’ll see thousands of teenagers walking around with fully automatic weapons and light anti-vehicle weapons wide out in the open. Guess what? They haven’t magically turned into homicidal maniacs.

A little down on your luck? NO PROBLEM!

Elect some psychopathic jerks to simply use the people above to rob and loot other people for you!

Today it’s not even questioned anymore whether it is just to use government violence against certain classes of individuals in order to loot them of their wealth.

It used to be poor people depended upon family and charity to help them through the hard times. Today, people depend on government sanctioned violence.

The truly laughable part though is that the vast majority of the looting gets handed to the richest among us.

You poor slobs actually think the government is going to give you more than some peanuts compared to the oligarchs?

Who do you think is profiting from the wars? Who do you think is profiting from the bailouts? Who do you think is profiting from the debt burden of the social welfare programs? Poor people?

It is immoral to demand violence against people that have not directly harmed anyone through their actions. It is immoral to loot others at the point of a gun to further your own agenda. It is immoral to force anyone to support you no matter how down on your luck you might be.

The end result of all this looting and corruption is an evil government and a destroyed economy. Today we are reaping what society has sown. Violence and evil cause nothing but destruction and poverty. Society’s problems can not be solved through the point of a gun.

Too often today you’ll see the looters blaming free market capitalism for the destruction of the economy and rampant corruption. Capitalism is an economic system that keeps government OUT of the markets and peoples lives. It is a system of voluntary cooperation between labor and capital. How can anyone claim we have capitalism today in this country?

Look at the regulations and taxation – just look at it!

IRS Code
State Tax Code
EPA Regulations

FDA Regulations
SEC Code
Patent Law

That is not a free market!

Right now the government is responsible for 40% of all spending in this country! You can’t have government running around spending 40% of our GDP and expect to have a functioning economy! Common sense tells you this!

The only reason we have such gigantic corrupt private corporations today is because of government. Could you imagine where GE would be today without government? Could you imagine where KBR would be today without government? How about those TV networks! Goldman Sachs? Those bankers would be out on the street right now if it wasn’t for government!

Corporations that loot and steal ultimately destroy themselves rather quickly in a free market. It is GOVERNMENT that keeps the evil from being eradicated. It is GOVERNMENT that props up these vile inefficient institutions and keeps them fat with your loot. Monopolies require GOVERNMENT to continue operating. Corporations can’t force anyone to do anything, instead, they take over the power of government through corruption and use government as the tool of force against the people.

This is why it is so vitally important to keep government limited. When government is limited, corruption is limited. It is impossible to have a large and powerful government that helps the people, remains uncorrupt, and doesn’t use violence against people that have harmed no one.

Likewise, it is impossible to have massive mega-corporations acting as monopolies without the force of government. In a pure free market, competition will reduce all profits to zero. The best way to limit the growth and power of these mega-corporations and banks is to eliminate government and force those fat inefficient mega-corporations to compete with each other in an open market, rather than allowing them to depend upon excessive regulation and government contracts to keep their bottom lines in the black.

All of this comes back full circle to my initial comments that government is run by a bunch of psychopaths. It is a power vacuum that sucks in psychopaths and spits out evil. Normal people don’t want to run peoples lives. Normal people don’t want power over others. Normal people don’t like to use force. Government will ALWAYS draw those with the least empathy and the largest hunger for power.

Society today has been brainwashed into a psychopathy. The “classes” have been taught that state sanctioned violence against “the other guy” is just fine as long as it has been legalized. That using force to achieve one’s aims is the best way to create a healthy vibrant society.

Real empathy means loving your neighbor as yourself, which means a total rejection of all force against them, no matter if they are rich, poor, or somewhere in the middle.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:27 PM
Real empathy for learning, increasing knowledge and understanding, regardless of the status quo's dependency on stupidity in order to obtain a buck. psychopathy is just a symptom of centuries of falsehoods, and the chasms between high's and lows, children born in between and lost to the seemingly chaotic currents which draw us to the brink of doing whatever it takes to get by, leading to a dead heart in a heartless land. This topic had been posted many times before.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by thaknobodi]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by thaknobodi

I think when the State legitimizes violence against those who have harmed no one, it ultimately corrupts the rational logic of the citizenry.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Originally posted by QuantumDeath

Originally posted by seethelight
reply to post by NorEaster

Sorry, which of his beliefs are you using to justify murder?

When is killing people that work for the government murder? These people know damn well that what they are working for is a symbol of "Corruption, Deception, and Evil". They don't care if they are working to inslave their own people, just as long as they get paid. Goverment agencies have enough blood on them to completely fill 50+, 12ft deep swimming pools, and they all got away with murder by making these things look like a freak accident or a suicide.

They're going to get whats coming to them and this is just the beginning of it.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by seethelight

Yeah, I think your quote highlights the fact that violence has become the accepted way to solve problems.

There is very little rational logic left in our society. Ultimately it will fall apart as all other socialist/fascist/violent societies have in the past.

History makes it absolutely clear what will happen to us.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:20 PM
So, let me get this right, our government is full of psychopaths bent on furthering their own careers and increasing their bank accounts, regardless of whom they destroy in the process, but the CEOs, Managers, board members, and investors for Mega-Corporations are not?

So we need to let them handle running their business and markets, without any rules, restrictions or regulations? Then it will all work out perfect, and everyone, rich and poor, will be better off. (Spewing milk out of my nose)

That is like saying, "The catholic church is full of pedophile priests. We should make alter boys join NAMBLA, and get rid of those pesky, intruding child rape laws. That way they will be safe, and the boys will grow up into healthy strong men."

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

no, not quite.

The government is certainly fully of psychopaths, and so too are many corporations.

However corporations have no power to force people to do anything.

It is only when they collude with government that they attain coercive power.

As government grows in power, those corporations that collude with government grow in power.

They are symbiotic.

Apparently you didn't actually read the article.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by mnemeth1]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Here's a simple thought exercise that will challenge your cognitive dissonance.

Which is more violent:

The IRS or Wal Mart?

Which causes greater financial harm to the most people:

The State Tax Code or Wal Mart?

Which deprives people of their liberties?

Government Regulations or Wal Mart?

Which has abused trillions tax payer dollars by bailing out private banks?

The Federal Reserve or Wal Mart?

While Wal Mart certainly isn't perfect, people like to pick on them as some kind of tyrannical monopoly, which is ridiculous. Wal Mart sells lots of foreign cheaply made products, but this of course means customers don't have to pay nearly as much for the same products.

Wal Mart saves the average family $3,100.00 a year in domestic living expenses. That's a lot of extra money that can be spent on other things that ARE made here.

Let us also not forget who is depressing the currency values and interest rates that make production in China so profitable. - here's a hint, its not Wal Mart.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by mnemeth1]

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