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Possible family line implants?

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:31 AM
Firstly, I hope this is the right place for this to be posted, please move if not...

Secondly, could people avoid replying with totally unconnected reports, this is about me trying to find out if this has been seen before and not for others to side track the thread.


I'm as my sig says, a believer, I along with my wife have seen 2 UFO's, as to what they were I cannot say but they were far from normal.

Here goes, many years ago when I was a child I noticed a mark on my skin, it was like a dark brown small round spot but it was smooth to the touch, basically it looked like I'd had the tip of a brown indelible marker pressed upon my skin. As I have white skin it was very obvious and as a child I didn't take sun that well, went more red than brown.

After a while I forgot about it, I had no idea where it had come from, it just seemed to have appeared on the front of the right leg calf muscle.

Now fast forward to 2000 to the birth of my lovely daughter, my wife and I were over the moon and she's turned out to be a fantastic and very bright child. But about 6 months into her life I spotted a small brown mark on her stomach, it was almost identical to mine but raised. As I was a very hands on Dad I did most of the nappy changes as my wife was still suffering a bit from the C section scar.

This 'mark' came out from no where, there was no soreness around it to suggest it as new, if I touched it my daughter didn't like it too much.

One day when she was on her nap I pressed it like gently squeezing a spot as it felt hard, with almost no pressure a very small black object just raised out of the mark. It looked like a very small flint from a lighter or a tiny bit of pencil lead from a propelling pencil. I pressed it as hard as I could and this thing would not break or be damaged. At the time I wondered if it was a skin complaint or somesuch but as soon as the 'flint' was out the mark immediately went flat and took on just light brown little mark on her skin, she seemed none the wiser and I threw it in the bin.

About 5 months later when I was in the bath I was taking care of a scratch from one of out cats on my leg when I saw the old brown mark on my calf, thinking about my daughters mark I thought I'd give that a squeeze just in case, nothing happened, I then gave it a much harder squeeze and just like my daughter this 'flint' thing just rose to the surface. It was identical to hers, small, cylindrical black and flint like in appearance.

I tried to crush it and it just would not do anything, was like steel but looked like lead.

Whilst trying to crush it the thing pinged out from the pliers and I didn't see where it went. I tried to find it but something that small in a thick carpet room was too much to hope for.

Once out of my skin there was no mark left, the brownness that was around the area was gone.

So I'm left with something that is puzzling me, could this be natural, how did we both get it and it be identical in shape size and style?

Obviously I'm thinking about what they could have been, they both had no cause that I know of.

Anyone else have something almost identical to this, this wasn't a bad case of blackheads, this was a solid object that just appeared over one night.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Thats incredible.

I never knew that someone as young as her would be targetted.

My Grandfather has had his share of experiences, but unlike your brown spot, his was a red circle around a bluish dot on his butt. Then when they would come take him that 'spot' would run up and down his spine slowly, until it put him out cold.

Hes always worried that it may be carried along a genetic line. His son (my uncle) has had his share of experience along with this kid. My father has had a few sitings but nothing worth noting. Now when I was a 15 I woke up one morning with a perfectly shaved circle on the top of my head. Parents thought it was ring worm, doctor assured me it wasnt, and told me it was just ''''one of those weird things''''

I would assume they would re-bug you when they get the chance. I known a psychic for the past 10 years who keeps getting them removed but finds them back in the same spot..

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Thats very interesting!

I had an experience a little over a year ago where I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes, and I woke up 10 hours later on my couch sitting upright. I had no memory of where the 10 hrs went. I wasnt drunk, but I was alone. I was so confused, but I had no time to figure it out, I was already 2 hours late for work! Later that night when I was in the shower, I noticed a small wound on my chest about two inches below my left nipple. It was a perfect straight line that looked like a fresh wound that had about 3-4 sutures, but it wasnt sewn. It looked like it had been burned shut. It wasnt red or pink like the skin around it, it was a dull gray color. When I touched it, it hurt, but if I left it alone I couldnt even tell it was there. Im still confused, and I still have the scar, although its back to the normal skin color now. I want to make a thread about it, but I know no one will believe me if I dont have pictures, and I haven't figured out how to get pics on here.

In other words, I believe you.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Sorry for the late reply, thanks people, I'm sort of happy that we are not the only ones.

Once I saw the pair of us had exactly the same thing it really worried me, I researched everywhere for a possible medical cause and found nothing. My wife swears she has triangular marks on here which she does and in perfect triangles but as we have loads of cats it's very easy to get a fairly triangular mark from their claws.

As for the implants returning I really hope not but part of me wonders what the point of them is?

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