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Have You Seen the Lumberjack Man?

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by djmolecular
reply to post by djmolecular

I liked your story and it had a lesson to be learned. It also makes me ponder "where do ghosts get their clothes/sheets/outfits?"

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:19 AM
It is not what you were asking for but an interesting bit of info.

Lumberjack sightings

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:24 AM

My son has had them a few times, especially when he is extra tired.
reply to post by gluetrap

If I understand correctly, I think night terrors are some combination of sleep paralysis plus the worst nightmare possible. How horrible for your son (and any young child). Has it decreased with time?

I would imagine the hardest part of sp for a child is learning how to come out of it. I know it took me years before I realized I could come out on my own (although it takes a great amount of effort and will). Knowing I have some control, and knowing it will pass, helps keep me calm when it does occurr. But a young child doesn't have those experiences, which makes the scenario a thousand times worse.

Best wishes to your son, and to you!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Hi smyleegrl,

I'm probably one of the people you're looking for.

Here's my story from the Strange Happenings in Louisiana Thread.
"The most frightening experience I ever had is when I had my mother move in with me while her new home was being built. I went to sleep on the first night she was over and in the middle of the night(@ 3:00 AM approx) I woke up to see myself standing at the foot of my own bed in a lumber jacket and a tuque. I leaped out of bed screaming at the top of my lungs and swung for all my life crashing into my closet and injuring myself slightly. I have a small hall light so my room is never completely dark so that's why I make the claim that what ever it was it sure looked like me. When I turned on the rest of lights no one was there.

It scared the hell out of me, and my mother who was about 78 at the time. She's absolutely petrified of my home now.

Needless to say, I have been tested since for sleep disorders and none were found. I have never had any history of sleep walking prior to that or any since, if that's what it was. I was 38 years old when this happened.

Good general info about the doppelgänger effect and according to Norse Legends I'm going to die soon. "


All I can tell you is that I'm from Canada and the city I'm from used to be a major lumber town, steeped in rich lumber jack lore. That being said I'm not some official lumberjack lover or hater. Just couldn't care less about lumberjacks. I really don't have anything more to the story.

As I've stated above I would qualify my experience as a doppelgänger effect as the vision I had was of myself. I also think it's hilarious about people's sightings of nordic large men. I'm of nordic descent and stand about 6' 4" and weigh about 270lbs, yes I'm a fat ass these days. You guessed it blond hair and blue eyes too.

Who knows maybe my doppelgänger has been busy travelling the globe scaring the hell out of people.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by davec0021]

[edit on 4-3-2010 by davec0021]

Further details,
I'm not religous, but believe in god.
The lumber jacket I saw was green, not red like in your experience.
I'm still convinced I was awake when this happened.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by davec0021]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:27 AM
I've only had it happen once.
It was about 4-5 years ago, and i dont remember it being particularly scary.
It was morning and my room was filled with sunlight. I don't remember if i had my eyes open at any point, but i do have some "flashback" images of me lying there, so i believe i must have seen myself somehow.

Anyway, all i know is that i was fully aware that i am "sleeping", lying in my bed, in my room, but i couldnt move. I was more perplexed then scared, even though i do recall feeling some kind of fear, but it wasnt this absolute terror everyone here is talking about.
All i did was try to make sence of this situation, and bring myself out of it.
I was trying to nudge any part of my body to wake up, and honestly i couldnt tell you how long this was going on. After a while i was able to move a part of my body and wake up.

During all this i dont recall seeing or sensing any presence in the room with me.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:46 AM
Interesting thread and not so easy to dismiss as pure fantasy. Have you ever thought that maybe the 'lumber jack man' was an overlaid image that your mind produced in order to protect you from something?

can I ask if you have had any other strange experiences resulting in strange figures standing by your bed?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Interesting thread and not so easy to dismiss as pure fantasy. Have you ever thought that maybe the 'lumber jack man' was an overlaid image that your mind produced in order to protect you from something?

reply to post by franspeakfree

I believe sleep paralysis is a very real phenomenon. However, I do think that the associated stimuli (sound, visual, what-have-you) may be a result of the hypnogogic state the dreamer is in when sp occurrs. At least I HOPE that is the case, because the other possibilities mentioned on this thread are very.....disturbing. (Shivers)

can I ask if you have had any other strange experiences resulting in strange figures standing by your bed?

I've never seen any other figures with sleep paralysis. And i've never seen anything else in that house, although there were a few unexplained and equally strange events that did occurr. But those weren't episodes of sp.

I had a rough night last night. Don't know if its because of this thread, so its on my mind, or what....but last night was really unpleasant. I think I had about 12 or 13 episodes in all, and very little sleep. But the episodes were different than the typical sp.

Instead of drifting into the sp, it almost felt like falling. You know, the kind of thing were you slip into sleep just long enough to dream you're falling off a clip, then you snap awake? Mostly it was like that, only violent.

One particularly nasty episode scared me pretty badly and woke both my husband and son (my 3 year old is going through a monster phase and usually climbs into our bed sometime afer midnight). Anyway, I was laying in bed trying to meditate and calm myself b/c I'd already had 3 or 4 episodes and wasn't too relaxed. I had just about managed to fall asleep when my head felt like it was slammed into the bed. Literally. It was as if my head lifted up and was propelled backward.

I must have jerked or something, because my husband woke up and asked "What was that? What happened?" Then my son started to cry, so in the wake of calming him down I just tried to forget about it.

Other episodes were similar in nature. All involved physical movement, and what felt like slaps, punches, etc. Once it felt like my whole body lifted up and snapped. When that happened, I heard the SNAP in my head and that's what woke me up.

Will see what happens tonight. If it happens again, I may have to abandon this thread awhile...

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I believe sleep paralysis is a very real phenomenon. However, I do think that the associated stimuli (sound, visual, what-have-you) may be a result of the hypnogogic state the dreamer is in when sp occurrs. At least I HOPE that is the case, because the other possibilities mentioned on this thread are very.....disturbing. (Shivers)

I understand what you say when you speak of sleep paralysis, however, it is my opinion that not everything can be explained so easily.

How would you describe your level of understanding of life 'outside' the box, for example have you had any specific experiences other than the one mentioned which science cannot explain (yet)

[edit on 4-3-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

My wife and I both saw it, we looked at each other and could not believe what we had seen. I wanted to stop but she was too afraid
reply to post by DJM8507

Forgive me if I misunderstood, but this sounds like someone was simply walking down the road. Is there any aspect of your encounter that seemed paranormal or metaphysical in nature?

And have you experienced anything similar while asleep?

I don't believe there were any paranormal aspects of the encounter. It was just odd, as this person was walking, backwards, dressed in all black, a black trench coat, and was probably close to 7 feet tall. It was also in the middle of nowhere, probably a good 15 miles from any houses.

It could have just been some super tall Emo Kid though, trying to get a good workout by walking backwards. And the boots could have added another 3+ inches to him, as the heels were somewhat thick.

As for experiencing similar things while asleep or in sleep paralysis, no, I have not. I have awoken many times in the middle of the night, have extremely vivid, vibrant dreams, and on occasions have felt a presence in the room, but I feel those are nothing more than conjurings of the mind.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by DJM8507]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:13 AM

How would you describe your level of understanding of life 'outside' the box, for example have you had any specific experiences other than the one mentioned which science cannot explain (yet)
reply to post by franspeakfree

I guess I would classify myself as someone who is spiritual, or trying to be. I have an open mind with regards to ghosts, aliens, paranormal, metaphysical, etc. But I'm also rather skeptical and tend to look for "rationale" answers before looking at the paranormal.

Having said that, there have been a few things that definitely fall outside of the normal realm of things. Briefly (if I can be, lol):

One day my mom and I were home (same house) by ourselves. My father was at a conference and not coming home until later. It was winter and when night fell we retired to the living room; mom to watch television and myself reading a book.

The living room connects to the kitchen, and right outside the kitchen is the pantry. There is a door leading outside from the pantry; there is also a door from the pantry to the kitchen. The outside door is always locked and deadbolted (its never used) and the pantry door was also closed.

While we sat in the living room, we both heard a sound coming from the pantry. It sounded exactly like someone had dropped a large plastic bowl on the floor that had in turn spun and wobbled a few times before coming to a rest.

We both looked at each other in surprise, then kinda dismissed it. A couple of seconds later, we heard another sound. This time it sounded like someone had just picked up a glass vase and shattered it on the floor. You could hear the pieces scattering.

By now we'd figured out it was a burglar or someone breaking in. I ran and grabbed the shotgun (loaded it this time, hee hee) while mom dialed 911. We were being very loud, turned on all the lights, etc in an effort to scare away the intruder.

It took the police about ten minutes to get to our house (we lived way out of town). The whole time we waited, various noises continued from behind the closed pantry door. It really sounded like someone was in there, just knocking stuff off the shelves, kicking holes in the walls, etc.

The police arrived and searched thoroughly....but found nobody. Even stranger, when we opened the pantry, nothing was broken, out of place, or missing. It had rained recently and the ground outside the door held no trace of footprints.

So we both heard all the noises, but nothing was there. To this day my Mom will not talk about it.

I've other stories, but they're all kinda the same.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:42 PM
It's pretty clear to me that the so-called scientific explanations of sleep paralysis actually explain nothing, they throw in a lot of jargon about rem cycles and then say something like "something goes awry" in the sleep process, yeah but what?

I've experienced sleep paralysis myself and out of body experiences and believe that the two are closely related. Why do I think that there is more to these experiences than just hallucination?

I have a friend who regularly had sleep paralysis episodes where he would feel a presence come into the room start suffocating him. A classic "Old hag" type thing though he never saw what was doing it. He often told me about this. Then one time I was with him when one of these episodes happened , I was wide awake but I experienced something too I strongly felt the presence of something enter the room and the room itself actually got darker as if a shadow had floated in. I called out his name and he snapped out of it and the room suddenly got brighter, and he told me that he had just experienced one of his classic SP episodes. So if it was all in his mind how come I felt the presence of this thing too?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Yes it has gotten better with age, he still has some nightmares but not the waking up screaming seeing monsters (or pigs) in his bedroom.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:37 PM

So if it was all in his mind how come I felt the presence of this thing too?
reply to post by randisbeard

Now this is a really interesting story. I have no idea, and no explanation whatsoever.

I guess I'm predisposed to accept the scientific explanation....but you are right in that it doesn't always make sense. Like last night, when it felt like someone was physically knocking my head backward and my head moved. Was it a twitch? Or something else?

Woudl you be willing to describe your oobe experiences and why you think they might be related to sp?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I have read a great book by dolores cannon in regards to regression and life experiences through the eye of the subconscious. It is entirely plausible to suggest that if the incident with the lumber jack did occurr that your subconscious mind overlaid an image of a lumber jack man (for whatever reason) to your conscious mind to stop it from seeing something that could possible scar you for life (as if a giant lumber jack man doesn't)

I urge anyone to read dolores cannon books and take a deeper look in to how our subconscious works on a daily basis. Very interesting indeed.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:36 AM

I have read a great book by dolores cannon in regards to regression and life experiences through the eye of the subconscious. It is entirely plausible to suggest that if the incident with the lumber jack did occurr that your subconscious mind overlaid an image of a lumber jack man (for whatever reason) to your conscious mind to stop it from seeing something that could possible scar you for life (as if a giant lumber jack man doesn't)
reply to post by franspeakfree

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look for some of her works.

I don't think the lumber jack man scarred me for life.....rather, gave me a really cool story to tell

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Ever hear of a drug called Dimethyltryptamine also known as '___'. Its produced by plants and by humans as well. It's linked with a lot of systems in our minds, it can produce very powerful hallucinations bordering on our perception of reality, from what I read of it, its what kicks in when we sleep. Its a drug and the street version of it is a weaker version produced from certain plants.

This is what I got from Wikipedia: //Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous '___', produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. '___' is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals.[32] It plays a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states.[33] A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that '___' might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain '___' levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[34] A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous '___' may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that '___' and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNS where '___' and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.

I never experianced this kind of thing, once in a while I get deja fu events were I experiance weird emotions or sometimes flashes of my future, usually when its happening I remember that I dreamed it before. Your lumberjack could be a fiction of your childhood subconcious, look for images that have to do with lumberjacks, from your childhood such as as what you seen on tv, what you read when young, or even were you lived if its in the city or on a farm or in a forested area, were you used to live when this event happened. The mind is a powerfull entity, sometimes what we strongly bellive to be true will manifest itself, through the subconscious.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Thanks for the wonderful informatin about dht. I will definitely have to look more into that. Star from me!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:09 PM
ok here go's....
One evening my friend came over. He cracked open a few beers and inbetween conversations was watching the tele. I had a load of work realated stuff to do and had some paperwork neatly laid out on the floor.
Then one of my cats appeared and jumped onto the coffee table, trying to reach some water left in a coke glass. I didn't take any notice at first and carried on with what i was doing. Then all of a sudden the cat flicked the coke glass up in the air and the glass smashed on the floor and rolled under the coffeee table. I said to my friend i would fetch the dustpan and brush next time i went to the kitchen.
An hour or so later i go to the kitchen and come back with the dustpan and brush. I crouched down to sweep it up and thought it rather strange there was no water anywhere. Anyway i carried on and all of a sudden noticed the bottom half of the 'green' coke glass was now a tumbler, with a completely smooth edge around the top. I hadn't muttered a word to my friend, who i assumed was still looking at the tele. hat's odd i thought, but continued to pick up the other bits of glass that were shrewn around under the table. Then i found a long piece of the coke glass and went to put it in the tumbler. At this point the glass was flat in the palm of my hand as i was still puzzled by it. As i put the shard into the glass i felt a tickle in the palm of my hand, under the glass. The tickle seemed to get faster, so i held the glass up to more or less eye level. Then all of a sudden there was this almighty bang and the coke glass exploded in front of me. The glass exploded like glitter and rained down in front of me! I just could not believe my eyes. My friend stood up and i watched the colour drain out of his face. I thought he was going to pass out.
Any ideas anyone? We are still mystified to this day. So far no one has taken it seriously

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Where I'm from, we got Lumberjack women! Ride, shoot and spit tabbacca good as any man.

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